Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle


Well we don't know how long it is yet. If it's got 8-10 hours of gameplay I think the price is fair.

Absolutely, though technically speaking that's about as much gameplay as MGS4 had, in one playthrough anyway. I must've squeezed a couple of hundred hours out of MGS4 alone, with my fastest playthrough being 5.5h. I never did get that Big Boss Emblem... But yeah, even if it's only three hours long I'm sure there will be a truckload of replayability.
Saw this on local game site when looking for the HD collection (Have to replay Snake Eater)
$50 for a prologue!? It mentions central story mode and side-missions. I'm guessing very similar to the missions and base management from Peace Walker.

    Ground Zeroes showcases Kojima Productions’ stunning FOX Engine, a true next-generation game engine which revolutionises the Metal Gear Solid experience.
    The first Metal Gear Solid title to offer open world gameplay. Ground Zeroes offers total freedom of play: how missions are undertaken is entirely down to the user.
    Imagine classic Metal Gear gameplay but with no restrictions or boundaries. Players use intelligence and cerebral strategy to sneak their way through entire missions, or go in all guns blazing. Each will have different effects on game consequences and advancement.
    Ground Zeroes boasts a central story mode and additional side-missions ranging from tactical action, aerial assaults and “covert” stages that will be sure to surprise.
    Ground Zeroes users will benefit from a clean in-game HUD that shows the minimal amount of on-screen data to give a more intense gaming experience.
    Ground Zeroes will test the player in a variety of time and weather environments that will be central to METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain. Use night conditions to your advantage, or poor weather as strategic cover.
    Available simultaneously with the current generation of gaming consoles, Ground Zeroes will give PS4 and Xbox One consumers the chance to showcase the power of their new machines.
Saw this on local game site when looking for the HD collection (Have to replay Snake Eater)
$50 for a prologue!? It mentions central story mode and side-missions. I'm guessing very similar to the missions and base management from Peace Walker.
I remember seeing something about the digital version being $10 cheaper, I'll see if I can find it.
Edit: found it. Disk is $50, download is $40.
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I remember seeing something about the digital version being $10 cheaper, I'll see if I can find it.
Edit: found it. Disk is $50, download is $40.
wait what? I thought I heard in a YongYea video that the disc was 29.99 and the download was 19.99 for the US, and down in Australia it would be roughly $50... unless you do live in Australia and not Kansas as your confusing profile would state... ah nevermind, disregard this
A new game usually cost $60 in US so why would the prologue cost the amount of basically a new game ?
A new game usually cost $60 in US so why would the prologue cost the amount of basically a new game ?
You mean our Australian price? Because all games cost around 1.5 to 2x more here, a new game costs between $89 and $120 here because we're a small market and therefore easily exploited.
Even digital downloads cost twice as much here, not because of import tax like with discs, just because they can.
Just watched the Spike TV PS4 special for the 'special announcement' regarding MGS Ground Zero game and it was nothing but a joke. Typical Sony hype. We get to play as Snake from MGS the PSOne game. Big deal. What a waste of 60 minutes.

So glad I'm not getting this console for a very long time. First time I'm not getting a PS console during launch.
Sucks that the PS4 and Xbone versions aren't getting a physical release. I'd love to have that Premium Package. According to IGN the PS3 and 360 versions will be $19.99 and the PS4 and Xbone versions will be $29.99.
Sucks that the PS4 and Xbone versions aren't getting a physical release. I'd love to have that Premium Package. According to IGN the PS3 and 360 versions will be $19.99 and the PS4 and Xbone versions will be $29.99.
I think the most likely answer to this is that Ground Zeroes will come bundled with The Phantom Pain on the PS4 and XBO versions, if not with every copy than at least with some special.
Also, there will be a third 'epilogue' game, I called it. :sly:

English version of the PS4 daytime gameplay shown at TGS.

Sutherland actually sounded badass in that one line he said in the vid.
Loving those CQC moves. They've clearly given him more than enough agility to get out of exceptionally tight situations if they ever arise.
MGS5: GZ release in NA - Mar. 18, 2014 and in EU Mar. 20, 2014

MGS5:GZ Raiden/Jamais Vu Trailer - X1/360 Exclusive


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His mere robotic presence in the series makes me shudder. I have never liked him since Sons of Liberty

I thought he was a whiny boy band back then but he was trying, damn it. He redeemed himself in MGS4, and I try to pretend MGR never happened because I suck at it, but that scene with the sombrero was pretty funny.
I thought he was a whiny boy band back then but he was trying, damn it. He redeemed himself in MGS4, and I try to pretend MGR never happened because I suck at it, but that scene with the sombrero was pretty funny.
He at least made a bit of effort to be an interesting character. His ego was too big for me in MGS4. I mean, don't get me wrong, if I could do those things I would. But I wouldn't go out of my way to out stage Snake. Its just disrespectful. Plus all he seemed to do was appear. Nearly die. Coma. Appear. Nearly Die. etc.

Can you tell I hold a little resentment for the manrobot thing. I miss his long blonde locks waving on a Codec call.
Going to have to disagree with that one. I think it just looks a lot more fluid. The showed a lot of action to trailers sake. Stealth is the true essence of the game.