Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
It looks like COD but in third person view. The problem is this game is called Metal Gear Solid V.
Did you actually watch the entire video? I watched the entire gameplay video posted on the 360 yesterday and its looking pretty good. This looks nothing like COD. The only thing I see in common is they both have guns. You have the option to sneak through the entire game OR you can run and gun. They also added OPTIONAL features which slow down time if you are spotted or allow you to mark enemies. The less of the optional features you use, the more you are rewarded. This truly looks like a MGS game.
Yeah, MGS4 started you out in the middle of a big combat zone but that didn't mean you had to run and gun or kill everyone. Sneaking through everything doesn't make for a very exciting trailer or do much to show off the AI. The stuff I've seen so far looks like pretty classic MGS gameplay to me.

Anyway, I'm definitely excited for Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain and I'm glad they decided to release on the PS3 instead of just the new generation. Pretty much the only reason I buy a console anymore is for Gran Turismo and Metal Gear so this saves me from needing a PS4 any time soon (maybe at all).

Bought the HD collection a few years back and replayed 2 and some of 3 but still haven't gotten around to ever playing Peacewalker. Think it's time to do that before this comes out.
Did you actually watch the entire video? I watched the entire gameplay video posted on the 360 yesterday and its looking pretty good. This looks nothing like COD. The only thing I see in common is they both have guns. You have the option to sneak through the entire game OR you can run and gun. They also added OPTIONAL features which slow down time if you are spotted or allow you to mark enemies. The less of the optional features you use, the more you are rewarded. This truly looks like a MGS game.
Yeah I watched the entire video and when Boss got spotted the game become something like "Just Couse 2" which is a better example than "COD". Maybe if he got spotted in an enemybase they could have done it's game over because realistically, he couldn't stand a chance.
Another difference I noticed is MGSV featuring large open areas without a huge amount of walls/ spots to hide/camouflage. MGS1 & 2 were almost claustrophobic, 3 was in a jungle with the camo factor, and MGS4 full of hiding spots and with the octocamo you can hide pretty much everywhere.
Yeah I watched the entire video and when Boss got spotted the game become something like "Just Couse 2" which is a better example than "COD". Maybe if he got spotted in an enemybase they could have done it's game over because realistically, he couldn't stand a chance.
Another difference I noticed is MGSV featuring large open areas without a huge amount of walls/ spots to hide/camouflage. MGS1 & 2 were almost claustrophobic, 3 was in a jungle with the camo factor, and MGS4 full of hiding spots and with the octocamo you can hide pretty much everywhere.
Like I said, that feature can be disabled. Which also earns you more rewards. The more you have turned off, the more rewards you earn. So you can make this game as brutal hard as you want or more of a run and gun.
Also this is only 1 area of the map. I am sure there will be a wide variety of foliage, jungle levels in the game. I have played all the MG games. The other MGS games still had you enter levels or areas just like this. This is only one part of the game to showcase the features.
Also this is only 1 area of the map. I am sure there will be a wide variety of foliage, jungle levels in the game. I have played all the MG games. The other MGS games still had you enter levels or areas just like this. This is only one part of the game to showcase the features.

I think Ground Zeroes is only this area, I thought it was just the one main mission and then a few side missions in the same location?

I'm really impressed by the attention to detail that has gone into both modes of play, the stealth looks as fun as the combat which is rare in a game like this. Usually you either have stealth games where the combat is dull and unrewarding or action games where the stealth is either pointless and broken or is forced by penalty of an instant game over for a mission or two, the most obvious example being the Prypiat mission in Call of Duty 4. The whole thing looks impossibly slick compared to previous Metal Gear games which are always so pensive and generally slower, though the bit with the helicopter crash, the IFV falling off the cliff and the guy with the RPG blowing up the tower did look completely scripted so it's be interesting to see if that kind of stuff does actually happen when you play.
I think Ground Zeroes is only this area, I thought it was just the one main mission and then a few side missions in the same location?

I'm really impressed by the attention to detail that has gone into both modes of play, the stealth looks as fun as the combat which is rare in a game like this. Usually you either have stealth games where the combat is dull and unrewarding or action games where the stealth is either pointless and broken or is forced by penalty of an instant game over for a mission or two, the most obvious example being the Prypiat mission in Call of Duty 4. The whole thing looks impossibly slick compared to previous Metal Gear games which are always so pensive and generally slower, though the bit with the helicopter crash, the IFV falling off the cliff and the guy with the RPG blowing up the tower did look completely scripted so it's be interesting to see if that kind of stuff does actually happen when you play.
I agree, I am normally not a fan of MGS because of the forced sneaking, but this does look good. MGS4 forced you to sneak in I think level 3 and I almost quit playing. I cant stand being forced to sneak. Luckily I continued because level 4 was the best of the game. Just all out shooter and tons of action. Level 4 was actually quite incredible.

Since this game gives you the option to sneak OR run and gun, I will probably check it out for sure. Otherwise I am usually not interested in the MGS series.
See, the thing for me is I almost always sneak in Metal Gear games. Peace Walker made me sad because there were so many guns - more than were in MGS4 - and I couldn't use any of them because I only ever used the Mk.22 out of habit; I guess since MGS was so sneak-oriented and I've played all of them obsessively I've been conditioned to do it stealthily. That said, I only finished MGS4 with no kills or alerts once out of the 20 or so times I completed it, the bike chase was too difficult in non-lethal mode.

I will probably still be as stealthy as possible in Ground Zeroes, only this time I might not restart as soon as I'm spotted.
Its nice when games like this give you both options. And even better when they reward the player that sneaks. Since you are working your butt off and its much more difficult, it only makes sense to give you the reward over the run and gun player. 👍
I agree, I am normally not a fan of MGS because of the forced sneaking.
MGS1 was a different animal than 5. You couldn't do that in MGS1 not a chance. The option YOU CAN ALWAYS jump out and shoot everyone IMO remove some of the immersion, the tension while is different. Sometimes a good old gameover (with MGS music ) can be more entertaining than unrealistically kill everyone while being shoot'd.
But I guess this is how business works nowdays.
MGS1 was a different animal than 5. You couldn't do that in MGS1 not a chance. The option YOU CAN ALWAYS jump out and shoot everyone IMO remove some of the immersion, the tension while is different. Sometimes a good old gameover (with MGS music ) can be more entertaining than unrealistically kill everyone while being shoot'd.
But I guess this is how business works nowdays.

I'm pretty sure that demo had an invincible mode turned on or something, gameplay demos often do. He did seem to take a lot of damage without any penalty at all, though the difference between easy and extreme in all Metal Gears has always been huge.
I see David Hayter announced on twitter that he has an exciting announcement very soon.

One can only hope!
That tweet did drop a big hint. Hayter is also known to be a screen writer, writing the first two X-Men films, The Scorpion King and The Watchmen. Though he isn't going to do any VA work, the next X-Men film after DOFP is slated for release in 2016. Maybe he will write that film?
Do we know if the PSN version is a cross-buy deal or do we have to buy the PS3 and PS4 versions separately? My brother has left his PS4 here, but if he takes it with him to Uni I'll still have my PS3.
Not that I'm aware of, but then again, most cross buy games that I come across have only worked one way, PS3 to Vita. The only notable exception was AC4.
Do we know if the PSN version is a cross-buy deal or do we have to buy the PS3 and PS4 versions separately? My brother has left his PS4 here, but if he takes it with him to Uni I'll still have my PS3.

It's really doubtful. It's possible that you'll be able to upgrade to the ps4 version like a lot of the launch titles, but we'll have to wait and see.
Game Informer released their March cover:

Apparently they played the game for 4 hours, and it's leaving a storm of controversy amongst MGS faithful. A lot of people are saying a game lasting 4 hours long is not worth the price of admission, but then again these same people are forgetting something called replaying a game over and over. They are also forgetting that Game Informer said they played it for four hours, not necessarily saying it took them four hours to complete it entirely.
Game Informer released their March cover:

Apparently they played the game for 4 hours, and it's leaving a storm of controversy amongst MGS faithful. A lot of people are saying a game lasting 4 hours long is not worth the price of admission, but then again these same people are forgetting something called replaying a game over and over. They are also forgetting that Game Informer said they played it for four hours, not necessarily saying it took them four hours to complete it entirely.
So if i bought a blu ray for £20 and it only lasted 20 minutes its ok because i can watch it over and over?
Does the blu ray have Big Boss, Fox Engine, CQC, ability to infiltrate the base anyway you want, having a private army in which you can select which soldiers you want to take, develop, and deploy, alongside various weapons and vehicles to use such as a helicopter, jeeps, a tank, day/night, and weather transition? And side missions too?

"Four" hours for $20 PS3/$40 PS4 bucks ain't bad. Besides Kojima himself said that it was just prologue of sorts. This prologue seems to have more meat than any FPS game. Longer than any Call of Duty game I've played.

Edit: I understand where you are coming from though. But to me games are meant to be played over and over again, especially if you enjoy them. As I do for Gran Turismo, Uncharted, Grand Theft Auto, and of course, Metal Gear Solid.

Edit 2: Some reading for you guys :

The main mission itself only took two hours to complete for the GI folk, and only five minutes for the Konami tester team. I wonder how many side missions are there to drive up the total hours, and with leaderboards how much replayability it will have.
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Apparently they played the game for 4 hours, and it's leaving a storm of controversy amongst MGS faithful. A lot of people are saying a game lasting 4 hours long is not worth the price of admission, but then again these same people are forgetting something called replaying a game over and over. They are also forgetting that Game Informer said they played it for four hours, not necessarily saying it took them four hours to complete it entirely.

The price is a bit of a kick in the nads. Then again, I played the MGS2 demo over and over again all those years ago, and that was linear. If GZ has a ton of replay value, I'll bite. Multiple infiltration methods and intense sneaking and I'm in. If not, I'll wait for the full package.
The price is a bit of a kick in the nads. Then again, I played the MGS2 demo over and over again all those years ago, and that was linear. If GZ has a ton of replay value, I'll bite. Multiple infiltration methods and intense sneaking and I'm in. If not, I'll wait for the full package.

True, the price seems a bit steep now considering the revelation of the short main mission. But I'm gonna get the PS3 disk version just to see the additional content KojiPro was hinting at, and tell my older brother to get the PS4 digital. He's a doc so he can afford to waste money.
Well, with leaderboards alone, it will drive up the replay value considerably as there would be ways discovered in how to infiltrate Camp Omega in the main mission to obtain the best time. This would be my very first purchase on the PS4 when I get it, so it would be a winner for me.
Well, with leaderboards alone, it will drive up the replay value considerably as there would be ways discovered in how to infiltrate Camp Omega in the main mission to obtain the best time. This would be my very first purchase on the PS4 when I get it, so it would be a winner for me.
I can just imagine it now, in and out in 30 seconds. Plus I imagine there will be an abundance of challenges and trophies for doing it in different ways!
IGN said it will be 20$/12.3£ for PS3 digital and 30$/18.4£ for PS4. So if any of you want to save 10 dollars on either version I would get digital.

But for me, I prefer physical copy.
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Hmm, I thought I might be buying a PS4 solely for this but I think I can wait until The Phantom Pain is out. My PS3 will do, even if it does mean I have to use that old goat of a DS3 again... Urgh.