Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
The resolution alone will make it a huge difference, just look at BF4 and BF3 back at the 360 vs PC stage.

Also, while I expend a lot of time on my PS3 I also expend a lot of time in my computer, to be honest 720p resolution doesn't ... cut it anymore, GT6 is up scaled to look 1080p but it really doesn't look as good F1 2013 running at 1080p in medium settings, F1 2012 on the 360 vs it's counterpart on PC was a huge leap in regards on immersion, games like Grid 2, the Last of Us and Beyond: two souls struggle to run the effects at 720p while trying to match 1080p quality, then you have stuff crawling to a halt in this gen consoles like GTA V because it doesn't provide enough for the mount of data that is being thrown, therefore frames drop below 30 and even 20 at times, problem that also occurred in GTA IV.

If PS2 taught me something is that a smooth experience is everything, and having the resolution to match it makes it a huge deal, lately all games have to cope with some resolution and objects standards that made them run like crap in past gen consoles, and look away from what they should look is a decent 1080p monitor. Technology IMO is up-scaling at a tremendous pace (now with the brink of 4k, 720 is starting to look obsolete while 1080p seems to become the new standard) and that says it all, it was an old 480p CRT TV vs a HD Plasma TV, and now is the HD 720p Plasma TV vs a LED FHD 1080p TV.

It all depends on many factors, the real problem for me is that they are charging more for taking a look at these improvements, to be honest is something that we can already see in gaming PCs. Konami is charging 40 ... because they can, I'll end up buying it because I'm a sucker for MGS and I want to enjoy at it's best, however it doesn't feel right to be expending more in what is supposed to be the same story for all 4 or whatever consoles.
Reading some of the articles in the above links, there are no more (or at least considerably shorter) extended cut-scene conversations, with the exposition delivered via collectible audio tapes that you can listen to as you play.

Expect Kojima to play with us, as secondary plot points will be hidden in missable tapes, changing our understanding of how GZ fits into the series' wider mythology.
Bla bla bla graphics-specs bla bla.

Let's all just enjoy the game on what system you have. I have a ps3, so I'll buy it on ps3. If someone has an xone geuss for what system he'll be buying it?

I can't wait for this game! I've been playing solid snake on psx lately and still love it to bits. The graphics don't even bother me.

In addition, you can hardly say that any of the versions of Ground Zeroes look bad from the comparison shots.
In addition, you can hardly say that any of the versions of Ground Zeroes look bad from the comparison shots.
That much isn't in dispute, but as I said in another thread, there is no excuse for MS to not support 1080p nativity, and this is simply proof positive of the short comings of the XBO. One bonus of the XBO though is that it does support 720p nativity, so it naturally does have that slight edge in resolution over the PS3 and the 360.
Reading some of the articles in the above links, there are no more (or at least considerably shorter) extended cut-scene conversations, with the exposition delivered via collectible audio tapes that you can listen to as you play.

Expect Kojima to play with us, as secondary plot points will be hidden in missable tapes, changing our understanding of how GZ fits into the series' wider mythology.

Yep, kinda like how Killzone did it with Shadow Fall, though I hope I turn down the volume on the speaker before I play because when it happened in Killzone I freaked out.
BIOSHOCK INFINITE did the same thing as well. The problem was that it could get distracting, particularly if you wandered into a firefight, or if you triggered it shortly before someone started talking in the game and the two audio files played over the top of one another.

Kojima's dialogue has never been fantastic, and you really do need to understand some of the heavier philosophical themes to comprehend key plot points. I, for one, hope he will be able to slim it down a bit; I enjoy the thought-provoking stuff, but I think Kojima repeats himself to make sure the player understands; The Boss' first radio transmission in SNAKE EATER stands out as a perfect example of this. But I think there is a ray of hope: PEACE WALKER was pretty straight-forward. And judging by some of Kiefer Sutherland's comments, there is a "huge secret" that gets revealed at the end of GROUND ZEROES, so I am hoping that the focus will be on narrative rather than philosophy.
Yeah I don't expect much philosophy in this game at least and in the The Phantom Pain I'm expecting more vengeance than any real philosophical stuff we came across in the past numbered titles.
Oh, I think there is plenty of scope for philosophy. This is Naked's first real encounter with Cipher, the organisation that will one day become the Patriots; they did not appear in PORTABLE OPS and only acted through Paz in PEACE WALKER. If SNAKE EATER marked the events that set Naked and Zero down their respective paths and PEACE WALKER was the first time Naked became aware of an organisation that existed out there, then GROUND ZEROES and THE PHANTOM PAIN will be the first (and probably *only*) time he comes into direct conflict with Zero. We know MSF's Mother Base will be attacked and possibly destroyed, and we know that the Diamond Dogs will be formed to get revenge. Given that Naked spent most of the 1990s in a forcibly-induced coma, but displays knowledge of Zero's role in everything come his revival in GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS, he has to figure it all out at some point, unless Kojima is planning a sixth installment. We also know that Naked winds up in a coma ahead of THE PHANTOM PAIN, one that lasts for nine years, so at some point, his genetic material has to be harvested for Les Enfants Terrible. He is unlikely to give that willingly, seeing as how it was a project run by Zero and Para-Medic, with EVA as surrogate mother. Odds are it was taken during his first coma. So there is a lot of scope for philosophy here.

I am also wondering what role Paz and Chico play here. Paz is an agent of Cipher, so Naked will probably want to interrogate her to know more (and since Zero locked her up, she might become an ally). As for Chico, he was probably caught to lure Naked out, giving XOF the opportunity to attack Mother Base - but with Kojima, it's rarely that simple
Wait, I thought Big Boss had the coma following GZ and was alive and well during the 90s but was back in a coma following MG2 in Zanzibar Land in 1999?
He has two comas. Not having played all of the games, I cannot keep track of the timeline. Especially since I think there has been a retcon somewhere in there.
There was no retcon. Big Boss fell into a coma in 1975 after GZ and lasted nine years to 1984. Then it could be argued that he fell into another coma after the Outer Heaven uprising in 1995(Metal Gear) while he underwent a cybernetic process similar to what Raiden underwent. Then after Zanzibar land, he sunk into a forced coma for fifteen years as his DNA was the key code to the Sons of the Patriots system when he woke and died due to Foxdie in 2014.
I had a argument with a friend. Who would win in a fight in their prime? Solid Snake or Big Boss?

Solid Snake took down Big Boss twice, although Big Boss was twice his age and Solid had youth on his side. But Big Boss had much more charisma than Solid Snake and managed to create mercenary armies that challenged even America's and fought in more conflicts than Solid has. The earliest rumored war that Solid first saw action was in the Gulf War. Big Boss's first taste was supposedly the Korean War and matured in Vietnam.

Then we get to the infamous grave yard scene where Big Boss manages to CQC Solid into a hug. Both men you can argue were in the same physical shape, old and deteriorated. However Big Boss was pretty much a collection of body parts thanks to Solidus and Liquid, while Solid was being at the mercy of his accelerated aging.

Personally I'd like to say Solid Snake going off of history, but seeing the recent titles showcasing Big Boss's exploits, I'm not so sure.
There was no retcon.
I meant retcons to the continuity. Like in MGS, when we are told Liquid is demanding Big Boss' body, but in GOTP, we find out that Big Boss was never actually dead, but rather that he was in a forcibly-induced coma. Sure, it came from a source that was not completely reliable, and it is conceivable that Kojima had always had that in mind, but at the time it felt like he was rewriting the series' history after the fact. It was these retcons which made it hard to keep track of what happened, and when.
Fair enough, but considering that The Patriots have always governed from the shadows, they could always filter information. For example, Rat Patrol 01 was a play on The Patriots, and Drebin, who was an agent of the Patriots, knew that. The whole S3 simulation (Big Shell Incident) was a field test for GW's ability to filter the internet. So considering both of those events, it isn't too inconceivable that Ocelot, who did have the ear of Liquid and Solidus (and Patriot to boot) to tell Liquid that Big Boss was dead when in reality he is in an induced coma.

Besides, according to the mission briefing of MGS, they were after his DNA, so his physical body wasn't entirely necessary at that point.
Oh, that's exactly what I mean - it's plausible, and it fits into the continuity without causing contradictions, but I very much doubt that Kojima planned it all that way from the start.
It was a solid buy at $40. Game Informer greatly overblown the fact that it is supposed to be a prologue with MGS content. Hunting for those cassettes alone would take hours.
It was a solid buy at $40. Game Informer greatly overblown the fact that it is supposed to be a prologue with MGS content. Hunting for those cassettes alone would take hours.

The price drop kind of makes the disk version of the PS3 and 360 pointless, unless that is you don't have a PS4 or XB1.
Didn't Naked Snake kill him after escaping the Grozny prison?

The canonocity (is that even a word?) of Johnny's fate is not really emphasized in MGS 3. I personally let him live because of the conversation we had. However in PO you do get to recruit a Johnny, however is he the same Johnny from MGS 3? Because that Grozny Grad base was nuked right before we fight The Boss.
All Johnny's I know of in this series have Jonathon as their official name.

No they don't, MGS1 MGS2 & MGS4 is the same Johnny, Johnny "Akiba" Sasaki. His name is never confirmed as being short for Jonathan. The only official Jonathans are Sasaki's partner in RPT01 (MGS4) and a minor soldier in PO.

As for MGS3's Johnny it's likely that he lives, in my opinion.
No they don't, MGS1 MGS2 & MGS4 is the same Johnny, Johnny "Akiba" Sasaki. His name is never confirmed as being short for Jonathan. The only official Jonathans are Sasaki's partner in RPT01 (MGS4) and a minor soldier in PO.

As for MGS3's Johnny it's likely that he lives, in my opinion.

I stand corrected. I should probably re-download my MGS Database.