Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Volgin is perhaps the most stereotypical 60s Bond villain, and Kojima pulled him off brilliantly.

"I'm torturing you, but let me tell you about this vast sum of money I got, that you don't know about, but I probably shouldn't because I know there is a spy among my men that wants to know of it's location".

By the way a new video on the youtubes for you people to get your hype levels up:

The video you posted is private.
Is this the same video?
Yongyeah! I enjoy his videos:) Thanks @sumbrownkid
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I'd love to see snipers, trackers (i.e. people who aggressively hunt you even after an alert has ended, for instance, requiring you to set traps - I never did get to use those girly magazines!), marksmen (a cross between normal guards and snipers), commanders, maybe even bomb squads if you keep blowing stuff up and all that sort of thing in MGSV.
Yeah, I'm just surprised the strategy has never really changed beyond "figure out this guy's patrol route, then use it to get past him". If you trip an alarm, you will occasionally get a team dispatched carrying shields, but that is about it.

I think the series needs guards with goggles, who get a boosted line of sight. There could be scouts, who are lightly armed and armoured, can quickly call the attention of other guards, and have longer, irregular patrol routes, so they can surprise you. And officers, who can be interrogated to reveal the location of guards and pressured into calling off searches.

Oh, me too, so very much. I loved the camo thing but OctoCamo was a bit too oversimplified and easy. However this does bring up the question of how Snake can carry an inventory plus 10+ sets of complete camo fatigues! Another, similar thing I want to see return: disguises. Not just militia/rebel clothes as in MGS4 or scientist/engineer uniforms in MGS3, but also enemy soldier uniforms as in MGS2, complete with a requirement to carry their gear in order to not look suspicious. Maybe this requires a Hitman-style 'take clothes' option. Also ghillie suits.
Some creative licence should be taken, as it is a video game.

However, if we go in for realism, face camo could require you to first learn a pattern by finding it in the world. Then, you can colour it as you like, provided that you have enough in stock. Changing your camo depletes your reserve, but you can find more.

As for fatigues, your permanent inventory could hold one slot for fatigues, and a second slot in the disposable inventory for an alternative set. You need to pick which ones you want in advance. To craft new ones, you would need to find the recipie, and then scraps of material in the world. You can trade them in when you choose your inventory again, which saves the completed fatigues.
Here's the exact same video without that annoying commentary:

Here is what is confirmed to be missing/replaced courtesy of Destructoid:

- Rations (replaced by healing spray in GZ, but suspected to make a return in Phantom Pain)
- Cardboard Box (removed from GZ, but suspected to make a return in Phantom Pain)
- The Somersault Maneuver (replaced by dive in both GZ and Phantom Pain)
- The Codec Screen (removed in both GZ and Phantom Pain. Radio calls are done in real time)
- Knocking on surfaces to attract enemies (replaced by using other guards in GZ, but suspected to make a return in Phantom Pain)
- Tobacco products as items (Snake will still smoke in certain cut scenes in GZ, however, it will be used in Phantom Pain as a method of passing time[as seen in the Red Band Trailer])

Sad about the cardboard box being missing, but not surprised or particularly bothered about the CODEC screen. Oh and knocking on surfaces is gone, that's not so great, but they didn't mention using empty magazines as noisemakers so hopefully they're still in. I didn't use them much - I preferred knocking on walls - but as long as we can get guards to look away somehow then that's fine. What does 'replaced by using other guards' mean?
So apparently some stores in the UAE have broken the release date and sold GZ early.

Surprisingly, no spoilers have been posted....

@neema_t: They meant using a guard to call someone over while you are choke holding them.
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Apparently Kojima reckons the world of THE PHANTOM PAIN is so big that gamers will get frustrated with trying to finish it.
He has never let that sort of thing phase him before. GROUND ZEROES is to THE PHANTOM PAIN what the tanker chapter was to SONS OF LIBERTY or the Virtuous Mission was to SNAKE EATER. He has never shied away from GZ being a prologue, and the only issue he has really taken with it is that Sony wanted a METAL GEAR game to launch with or close to the launch of the Playstation 4, but TPP was nowhere near ready, and so it was split in two. Besides, as a prologue, GZ is about twice as long as the tanker chapter and four times as long as the Virtuous Mission.

I also get the feeling that he wants players to mull over the ending to GZ for a while. It's said to be violent and very disturbing, and will fundamentally alter the way we see characters and the wider game world. If GZ and TPP were released as one, most gamers would probably just go straight into TPP, but I get the impression that Kojima wants us to stop and think about what happened.
1) Is there any limit to how many enemies the player can tag?
2) Do they expire?
(sorry if asked and answered before)
@sumbrownkid Is that video using audio from the tapes? It was slightly humorous
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@Boone: We don't know if they expire or not but I can imagine we'd be limited to a certain amount of times we can use it so we can't abuse it.

Something I found on the youtubes to quench my hype for GZ and for some reason it was incredibly funny to me.

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So that PS3 digital preorder bonus of Peace Walker HD is official, but Ground Zeroes isn't on the store for us to preorder yet so I guess it'll be in the store next Wednesday. I hope there'll be a preload period so I can play it as soon as it releases, that would be nice.
The events of PEACE WALKER are said to be central to GROUND ZEROES - obviously because of the presence of Paz and Chico, but I doubt if I am the first to wonder if Skull Face is, in fact, Hot Coldman - with one of IGN's editors saying he knew PEACE WALKER in and out, but still struggled with some of the finer points (the script was vague as to how MSF could fight the times). So I have fired it up again, and I am getting endlessly frustrated with some of the vehicle fights - I get blown away in the space of two minutes, especially with Peace Walker Type II.
Peace Walker Type II is a real pain without the ambulance box, the supply and strike markers, and the combat suit with helmet.

Once you get the M47 rocket launcher though it becomes a much easier fight.

The custom version though is still a boss battle from Hell.
Right. Looks like I need the M47 and helmet.

Looks like I will have to do some of the other custom vehicle fights. I really hate helicopters.
The PSN preorder bundle is on the store now at £19.99 (no new info there), it says it's releasing on the 21st, the day before my birthday). I haven't checked to see if I got Peace Walker HD to download now or if that's also on the 21st, but since I have the HD Collection on disc I don't exactly care. It'll be nice to have it on my hard drive when I can download it, though.
If you have the Fulton Launcher it makes these battles a breeze.

I seem to recall using a lot of smoke grenades, being quick to hold everyone up and then using the Fulton balloon thing on them all within a handful of seconds... Good thing the smoke was impervious to helicopter downwash! The Fulton Launcher was a godsend. And the mines, too.
Only three more days once midnight strikes past! I changed my mind, and decided to get the PS3 version digital and the PS4 version disk since the disk copies would get the reversible Shinkawa cover art.


Gonna have my PS3 prepped and ready at March 17th 11:59 pm:D
If you have the Fulton Launcher it makes these battles a breeze.
I found a strategy online that involves an armour-piercing weapon and a cardboard box. There is apparently some kind of glitch where the soldiers won't notice you if you position yourself correctly and fire from a different spot. I can take out about half of the soldiers, but then I get spotted by the helicopter. Maybe I could develop the sleep gas mine and use it to take them out quickly when they come investigate.
Only three more days once midnight strikes past! I changed my mind, and decided to get the PS3 version digital and the PS4 version disk since the disk copies would get the reversible Shinkawa cover art.

Gonna have my PS3 prepped and ready at March 17th 11:59 pm:D

Damn that's nice. I might get the PS4 version on disc too now, despite not owning a PS4 (yet).