Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
@Mustangmiha: Yeah but I remember Meryl referring to him as Johnny.

That thing is littered with inconsistencies and errors. The MGS wikia is the best resource.

Classic Kojima I suppose.

And a nice image of Big Boss looking like a high school P.E. teacher.:

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The price drop kind of makes the disk version of the PS3 and 360 pointless, unless that is you don't have a PS4 or XB1.
I agree. Since they are essentially the same game in content and extras.

Didn't Naked Snake kill him after escaping the Grozny prison?
No. I think that you had the option to kill him in your escape without creating a time loop, but officially speaking, no.
Ok guys... Loved MGS1 on PS then disliked everyone since then especially MGS4 which gameplay wise seemed so stuck in the past much like the rest of Japan at the time...What is the odds on liking this? From what i've seen it's looking pretty good...
Ok guys... Loved MGS1 on PS then disliked everyone since then especially MGS4 which gameplay wise seemed so stuck in the past much like the rest of Japan at the time...What is the odds on liking this? From what i've seen it's looking pretty good...

It's good, but if you said you didn't like any MGS since MGS1, then I'm not too sure you'd like this. Then again, do you like stealth games with third person shooter mechanics?

You can just rent it and see for yourself.
I think that you had the option to kill him in your escape without creating a time loop, but officially speaking, no.
Even if the Johnny in SNAKE EATER was ten years younger than Naked Snake, then it cannot be the same Johnny in SONS OF LIBERTY or GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS, because he would be about seventy in SONS and close to eighty in GUNS. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the Johnny in SNAKE EATER is the father or uncle of the Johnny in SONS and GUNS.
The Johnny in snake eater is the father of Johnny from mgs1,2,4. There is an optional cut scene where he shows naked snake a picture of his son Johnny back in America.
Even if the Johnny in SNAKE EATER was ten years younger than Naked Snake, then it cannot be the same Johnny in SONS OF LIBERTY or GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS, because he would be about seventy in SONS and close to eighty in GUNS. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the Johnny in SNAKE EATER is the father or uncle of the Johnny in SONS and GUNS.

That is what I recall too. I think, however, the only reason why you don't create a time loop when you kill him in Snake Eater is that he was only there as comic relief in the other games (aside from GUNS where he obviously has a plot purpose).

Can't wait to go to war at Camp Omega!:D


Only 16 more days left guys!!

By the way check out these cool fan made covers:



I don't get why they don't go with Yoji Shinkawa art for their official box art.
Really? I personally think it looks bland.

Then again, we're gonna be spending most of our time playing the game and not stare at the box.
That's the official cover for Japan and Asian version, seems to be following the MGS 4 cover style. I don't know why, but I like close up shot. Just like to look at the cover, I put all of my games one a shelf, but I put some of them with front cover facing outside :lol:
This is my favourite MGS cover:


The CGI covers are pretty 'meh' as far as I'm concerned. At least it saves me from having to buy the physical copy I guess.

Think you can redo that? It's shown as a broken link on my browser at least. The only good CGI one I like was for Snake Eater.


But the Yoji version has it beat imo.

New details.
  • According to the article, health regeneration is only for minor damage. When sustaining severe damage, the player will have to use a healing spray.
  • The writer doesn’t feel Ground Zeroes is short, they think an average player can easily put 8-10 hours into the game. The best player at Kojima Productions spent more than 100 hours discovering all secrets.
  • Among the features of the iDroid app is the ability to see where other players have been detected on the map.
  • They point out the Fox Engine looks ‘simply spectacular’, with the best facial animation in the industry, and body animations reacting to where bullets hit.
  • Snake leaves footprints in the mud, which can be spotted by guards. This is just one of the things that adds to the difficulty, other things include better fields of visions for guards, randomized patrol routes and search lights; there are many things that can give your position away.
A hundred hours?

I'm screwed. I'm the kind of player who has to go through and get *all* of the collectibles. I just spent over a week going through ASSASSIN'S CREED, trying to get every single flag and Templar - about five hundred all up. And I still haven't found all the Voxophones and Sightseer points in BIOSHOCK INFINITE.
I'm currently replaying SNAKE EATER (and will go back to PEACE WALKER) in anticipation of GROUND ZEROES. Getting very annoyed at the Volgin fight - I missed the handkerchiefs earlier, so getting a stamina kill is damn near impossible. I think I might have tripped a glitch where he is constantly electrified.

Also, the kerotans are annoying the hell out of me. I've still got about a dozen to go, and in every single case, I get one shot at them from EVA's sidecar.
Volgin is perhaps the most stereotypical 60s Bond villain, and Kojima pulled him off brilliantly.

"I'm torturing you, but let me tell you about this vast sum of money I got, that you don't know about, but I probably shouldn't because I know there is a spy among my men that wants to know of it's location".

By the way a new video on the youtubes for you people to get your hype levels up:

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Getting very annoyed at the Volgin fight - I missed the handkerchiefs earlier, so getting a stamina kill is damn near impossible. I think I might have tripped a glitch where he is constantly electrified.

He's probably one of the easiest bosses, just CQC him to the floor when he's not electrified, kick him while he's lying down and that's it.
So who's getting this game for current gen consoles? I am going to get the PS3 version.

I'll be getting the current gen version, already have my PS4 physical copy paid off. The last gen (PS3 and 360) versions still look great but since I own the current gen consoles I have no reason to pick up a last gen copy.
So who's getting this game for current gen consoles? I am going to get the PS3 version.

Getting both PS3 and PS4 versions. My PS4 is in the living room so I won't have access to it all the time, whereas my PS3 is in my room so I can have access to it whenever I want.
I'm getting on X360, since that's the only console I have.

Replaying SNAKE EATER, I'm really hoping for more variety in enemies in GROUND ZEROES. I had all of these wonderful toys, like night vision and thermal goggles and a motion sensor and mine detector, and they got used maybe once and then never again. Once you take out The End, for instance, there is no need to use the thermal goggles anymore. Once you get through Bolshaya Past South, you never need the mine detector again. I'd like to see enemies using these toys, so that you have to adapt. And when it comes time for THE PHANTOM PAIN, I am hoping enemies will completely shut down an area if you are spotted, forcing you to leave the area entirely for a certain amount of in-game time, like a night.

I'd also like to see the backpack system implemented properly. It doesn't matter if you are carrying nothing or the sixteen heaviest items you can get; you will always move at the same speed, and it has no effect on your stamina. And there should also be some kind of checkpoint system where you can only change your gear at certain places, forcing you to think ahead about what you might need. This might have to wait until THE PHANTOM PAIN, though, because the world of GROUND ZEROES might not be big enough.

I'm hoping camouflage will return in some way, with more options, and more uses. You can pretty much finish SNAKE EATER with just the Woodland/Leaf and Splitter/Splitter designs, and if you want to get creative, there is a single section where you can use the Water fatigues and Croc Cap to get by.

I would also like a way to complete the game without shooting anybody. At all. I have completed SNAKE EATER using only the Mk.22 and the RPG (for the Shagohod), but it always annoyed me when Zero told you to complete the mission without leaving a trace of your presence, but there were some points where the only way through was to tranquilise someone. It was usually only in the optional areas, but I love going in and out of an area without alerting anyone.
For those who Pre-Order Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes now for PlayStation®3 through the PlayStation®Store, can get Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD Edition for FREE! This offer is available until the release of Ground Zeroes.
I'm getting the PSN download version on PS3, I might get the PS4 version as well if my brother ever brings his PS4 back home.

Replaying SNAKE EATER, I'm really hoping for more variety in enemies in GROUND ZEROES. I had all of these wonderful toys, like night vision and thermal goggles and a motion sensor and mine detector, and they got used maybe once and then never again. ... I am hoping enemies will completely shut down an area if you are spotted, forcing you to leave the area entirely for a certain amount of in-game time, like a night.

I agree on the gadgets thing but disagree about areas being shut down. I wish they'd try to integrate the various special ops or generally tougher units they've had in the games (MGS4's Frogs, MGS3's Ocelot Unit, the tougher units you fight during alerts in MGS2, etc.) into general gameplay, the bits before and after you fight Laughing Octopus in MGS4 were great because the Frogs were so tough. I'd love to see snipers, trackers (i.e. people who aggressively hunt you even after an alert has ended, for instance, requiring you to set traps - I never did get to use those girly magazines!), marksmen (a cross between normal guards and snipers), commanders, maybe even bomb squads if you keep blowing stuff up and all that sort of thing in MGSV. Even MGS: VR Missions did this with the NG Selection missions. Related, I think the open world approach with a day/night will make things like mine detectors and NVGs much more relevant.

As for locking areas down, I don't know if you're being literal when you say 'forcing you to leave the area', but I don't think the game should force you to do anything. Make it much, much harder, sure, but don't make me leave. Even if the base remains on high alert for an hour, two hours or more I'd still appreciate the option to remain there and either cause more havoc or vanish completely, never to be seen again.

I'd also like to see the backpack system implemented properly.

Yeah, I think the only sensible solution is to have a partially disposable inventory. Have a permanent equipment set - binoculars, knife, non-lethal pistol, etc., so that no one can say that the game let them drop all their gear and it made progress way too difficult or whatever - and make everything else optional, then either make it common and easy to find or place it in known locations. For instance, if you want a sniper rifle, look for scope glare, listen out for sniper fire or search for sniper nests which are usually high up and consist of a low camo net and some sandbags, maybe. If you want an AA launcher, find a SAM site. When you've gotten close enough to your target or destroyed the chopper that was pestering you, drop the sniper rifle/launcher so you have your hands free to disarm someone or find a close-range weapon lying around. That would be awesome. Gadgets like mine detectors could be found in R&D labs, armouries or bomb squad vehicles... That bit in the gameplay video where Snake disarmed the guard does suggest that there will be disposable weapons, though, and actually Peace Walker allowed you to drop stuff including guns, didn't it? Or am I getting it mixed up with Portable Ops?

I'm hoping camouflage will return in some way, with more options, and more uses.

Oh, me too, so very much. I loved the camo thing but OctoCamo was a bit too oversimplified and easy. However this does bring up the question of how Snake can carry an inventory plus 10+ sets of complete camo fatigues! Another, similar thing I want to see return: disguises. Not just militia/rebel clothes as in MGS4 or scientist/engineer uniforms in MGS3, but also enemy soldier uniforms as in MGS2, complete with a requirement to carry their gear in order to not look suspicious. Maybe this requires a Hitman-style 'take clothes' option. Also ghillie suits.