No, he was fast asleep on the other side of the world when you posted. And he has to wait another week for the game to be released.I'm guessing @prisonermonkeys is too busy playing GZ to post in this thread.![]()
I get that it's a speed run and nobody will really play the game like that but for it to be that short without any glitches as seen in many speedruns is quite alarming. Not sure you could even do the tanker mission in 2 that quickly.
No, he was fast asleep on the other side of the world when you posted. And he has to wait another week for the game to be released.
It's out in Europe now guys! I'm downloading it right now! I'm sure I'll think it's just as short as the other guy, but as a huge MGS fan I just have to see what the FOX engine looks like in full glory on the PS4!
I think it got to a point where a series must move on, I agree with Naked Snake, he should not have been David Hayter in peace walker. (Maybe not Snake Eater, I think it worked quite well there)Don't get me wrong; I appreciate what he did for the role. His voice is well suited to the character. But I think it was a mistake to cast him as Naked Snake. Sure, he was Solid's father, but he was also Liquid and Solidus' father, and the three clones had different voices.
Ok, so when will this be available in Europe exactly? It's been the 20th for ten minutes in Sweden now, and I still can't download it for the PS4.
Oh, what? Since when is the UK not included in 'European' release dates?! Oh well.
Disk or download? If it's download, then it should be available when your country's PSN store updates for some inexplicable reason.
It will be out for the UK tomorrow.
It's out in Europe now guys! I'm downloading it right now! I'm sure I'll think it's just as short as the other guy, but as a huge MGS fan I just have to see what the FOX engine looks like in full glory on the PS4!
You can preload it now, but it releases tomorrow. (i.e. the 21st)
I just got a text message from my retailer that it is available today ... hope for you the PSN store opens up for it ... are already playing probably![]()
It's really good,the only gripe I have about it is that it's pretty short, took me 72 minutes first try,yes there's side missions but the story it's self is short.Other than that the gameplay is great,item select is a little different but easy,you can actually make him run now and he's pretty fast for an old guy hahaha,you can mark people now like the spliter cell game which makes it easier to track people but with something like that they decided to remove the on screen radar.CQC is much faster and in general the gameplay is very fluid you can strategically take people out with the map and mark feature with ease.Judging by the silence, GZ is either really good or not worth talking about. I'm still 23 minutes away from Friday but I'd put money on Sony not unlocking GZ at actual midnight... I'll still try, though.
Anyone who has the game on PS3, how's the frame rate on 1080p and 702p, similar to MGS 4 ? Any visible differences ? Does it output DTS 5.1 or just Dolby Digital 5.1 like MGS 4 ? Any mandatory install ?
It's 720p on PS3.
Do you have the game ? I thought it can upscale to 1080P like MGS4 did. How about audio ?
It doesn't upscale and the frame rate is not so good in cutscenes, but neither bothered me when I was playing. I have no idea about the audio.
I tried it for half an hour last night, the first thing I did was disable reflex mode. The second thing I did was get in a huge firefight but I survived it quite easily. I'm pretty sure a similar fight in a previous Metal Gear without any rations would've killed me, but that was just normal mode.
The surveillance thing works well, I think, though I do kind of wish the markers would disappear after a while. Right now it seems like they remain regardless of how long it's been since you last saw the guy you marked or how far he's traveled.
As for this 'ten minutes' thing, I don't think it's a big deal. The first two enemies I saw were having a conversation, naturally being a Metal Gear game I assumed they'd be dropping some sort of hint so I listened in. I didn't find any others - people don't tend to idly chat while engaged in a bloody firefight with some old guy who's killing your friends - but as with many games, if you want to ignore most of it then of course you'll finish it in a fraction of the time.
Also I'm a big fan of how you can interact with guards now.