Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I just got the game delivered to my house :D Wow, it can display 1080i and 1080p - using 1080p now :), DTS 5.1 is used right now. Sound is great. I just did Rambo style firefight and died after they sent reinforcements :lol: I also play without reticle display,

So it upscales? Hmm, apparently I can't tell the difference. In my defence I only played half an hour at 12:30am after having spent the day staring at a 1600x900 laptop, so maybe my eyes were just ruined... In any case it looks good, that's all I really need to know!
So it upscales? Hmm, apparently I can't tell the difference. In my defence I only played half an hour at 12:30am after having spent the day staring at a 1600x900 laptop, so maybe my eyes were just ruined... In any case it looks good, that's all I really need to know!

You have to force it though, untick 720p, and tick either 1080i or 1080p :D I got the 1st objective done, had good fun with weapon emplacement :lol: I highly recommend DST 5.1 instead DD5.1, but if you can use LPCM multi channel, even better.
It doesn't upscale and the frame rate is not so good in cutscenes, but neither bothered me when I was playing. I have no idea about the audio.

I tried it for half an hour last night, the first thing I did was disable reflex mode. The second thing I did was get in a huge firefight but I survived it quite easily. I'm pretty sure a similar fight in a previous Metal Gear without any rations would've killed me, but that was just normal mode.

The surveillance thing works well, I think, though I do kind of wish the markers would disappear after a while. Right now it seems like they remain regardless of how long it's been since you last saw the guy you marked or how far he's traveled.

As for this 'ten minutes' thing, I don't think it's a big deal. The first two enemies I saw were having a conversation, naturally being a Metal Gear game I assumed they'd be dropping some sort of hint so I listened in. I didn't find any others - people don't tend to idly chat while engaged in a bloody firefight with some old guy who's killing your friends - but as with many games, if you want to ignore most of it then of course you'll finish it in a fraction of the time.

Also I'm a big fan of how you can interact with guards now.
The markers remain due to the online friends trial, "Fastest to mark all enemies" which is unlocked after completing each mission.👍

The fastest no kill run[one alert...SIN! haha] I've completed in the GZ mission was 17 min but I was sprinting for some of it--(not claiming the fastest). That method is enjoyable and challenging if your only goal is speed/stealth. My first run was 51 min because I was focused on learning the map, guard positions/movements, finding information etc. There are several conversations happening around the base if stealth is maintained. Some only occur if the player has maintained stealth up to that point. If this is completed in 10 min you're sprinting most of the way and I haven't seen a single run under 20 min done without reflex ON--(It's optional as someone stated before). Although, I'm curious to see if the route would change with the need to stay out of sight with reflex OFF. I've put in over 3 hours of gameplay and I'm only at 24% completion. This game is challenging but rewarding and adjusts to several completely different playstyles.

@Ridox2JZGTE That must be that new Stealth AA!
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I tried something different, I hopped on a gun emplacement near entrance, and just firing away like mad, killing the the guard, and then silence :lol:No reinforcement at all :lol:
Kojima did a live interview with a Xbox hack for about an hour, taking fan questions along the way. Here are some of the highlights: (Possible Spoilage here)

- Ground Zeroes and the Phantom Pain is considered the last of the canonical Metal Gear games as the two games bridge the gap between Big Boss and Solid Snake.

- Concerning the remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, Kojima is open to the idea of remaking the games using the Fox Engine, but he can't do anything about it right now because he is devoting his resources to The Phantom Pain.

- The Phantom Pain doesn't have multiple endings, ala Metal Gear Solid, however, the story of The Phantom Pain can branch out depending on the order you select your missions.

- Oh, if you haven't played Portable Ops yet, go play it now! Despite the fact that Kojima didn't write the game, core story elements of Portable Ops is considered by Kojima to be canon.

Anyone who has the game on PS3, how's the frame rate on 1080p and 702p, similar to MGS 4 ? Any visible differences ? Does it output DTS 5.1 or just Dolby Digital 5.1 like MGS 4 ? Any mandatory install ?

I have both versions. Graphically there's not much difference other than PS4 having better details obviously and better draw distances. It's in the fps where PS4 rules, and at 60 fps it plays much smoother than the PS3 which is at 30 fps. No idea about the DTS, and no mandatory install for disk version I think.
I have both versions. Graphically there's not much difference other than PS4 having better details obviously and better draw distances. It's in the fps where PS4 rules, and at 60 fps it plays much smoother than the PS3 which is at 30 fps. No idea about the DTS, and no mandatory install for disk version I think.
I received a prompt for a mandatory install on the XBOX 360 version.(Box says 1.4GB space required)
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I have both versions. Graphically there's not much difference other than PS4 having better details obviously and better draw distances. It's in the fps where PS4 rules, and at 60 fps it plays much smoother than the PS3 which is at 30 fps. No idea about the DTS, and no mandatory install for disk version I think.

I got the game now, thanks:) A Limited 1st Release with reversible cover, and 2 codes included :) Playing with 1080p, DTS 5.1, there's mandatory install for PS3 as well ( the box says at least 1.4 GB free space required ). It's amazing how the game looks on PS3.

Frame rate at 1080p is very stable, similar to 720p. Finished the main mission without any marker or weapon display, no reflex, and no weapon reticle display, very clean view, no HUD -- good stuff !!!
I downloaded the [free on iTunes and Google Play]GZ app. There is a mother base mini-game which does not require the main game...👍
Switching marking system and reflex mode off makes the experience awesome, and boy is it gorgeous on the PS4 or what?! Love it!

Has anyone tried the "hard" difficulty on any of the missions? How big is the difference?


A new meme coming :P
Got it yesterday on PS4 and wow it looks and plays stunning, the imagine quality is amazing, no flickering no stuttering steady 60fps at 1080p. And all those details in the environment ! Good job.
I only did the first mission yet. The other time I just messed around the base trying things :D
So far I put more than 17 hours into it, and I can't stop playing it. I stole my brother's PS4 (he has a baby now he should be taking care of him instead of playing video games :D). This game has me hyped for TPP even more, and I can't fathom how much more I can do in that game.

By the way the iDroid app is very useful.
I read somewhere that Phantom Pain will be at least 200 times longer and bigger than Ground Zeroes :eek:

Might beat Fallout 3 and New Vegas ...
Played it yesterday at my friend's and honestly: wtf. I love MGS since the first one I played back in 2002 or something, I could deal with Old Snake's extremely long cutscenes and short gameplay or Raiden's departure to slash'n'hack called Revengeance but after playing this 1-hour Metal Gear Solid 5: Prologue, I finally have the proof that Kojima has totally lost it. I don't know, bash me or disagree with me however you want but it just simply didn't feel like MGS, it was like playing Splinter Cell or something. Luckily I won't have to pay 30 pounds for a few hours of experience.
Also I believe this one hour game was released just for PS4 so its users won't be so bored with no games to play (for now).
I think Kojima has just brought MGS to another level with all the changes he introduced, no way he has lost it.. I personally play with reflex mode off and with the marking off as well, makes it feel more traditional.
Tried the main mission on hard difficulty today, and eventually got the S rank. It felt quite a bit tougher as I got spotted as soon as I tried to rush through it, hence the completion time of over 18 minutes. Oh and all the aids were switched off of course.

I still find it amazing how good this game plays. The graphics, the animations, the AI... everything is top notch!
I love GZ. I'm only 23% finished after what must be around 6 hours played, the missions have great variety from what I've seen so far, I went ahead and spoiled the surprise that you unlock later for myself... I really want to keep playing now to unlock it but I shouldn't. Two things, though:

- Kiefer Sutherland. He will always be Jack Bauer to me, especially when he shouts. Maybe Phantom Pain will persuade me, but right now it's mildly jarring. Not quite as bad as what they did to Sam Fisher's voice in Splinter Cell: Blacklist, though, because at least KS can actually act.

- This is really minor, but the guns. They have ridiculous names. The Mk.22 is called the Windurger now, abbreviated to WU. Sounds stupid.
Yes I'm aware of that, I'm saying it was rushed to be released as soon as possible for 8th gen consoles to keep players entertained for a while.
Kojima has said that he wanted to release GZ and TPP as one, but Sony wanted a Metal Gear game as a PS4 launch title. Since the entire game was nowhere near finished, Kojima decided to rethink the prologue and release it as a stand-alone episode.
Now I know what IGN meant when they said you have to be really familiar with PW to understand the finer points of GZ - I just went through and collected all of Paz's diary entries in PW, which required multiple play-throughs of the custom AI weapons.
Also I believe this one hour game was released just for PS4 so its users won't be so bored with no games to play (for now).

The whole "PS4 has no games" schtick needs to go away. The PS4 is only a few months old and has quite a few great games.
Also I believe this one hour game was released just for PS4 so its users won't be so bored with no games to play (for now).
I'm looking at my shelf now and I see five PS4 games. What's this about us not having anything to play?
I think its well worth watching the Red Band trailer again if you get chance. Gives you an opportunity to piece things together a little bit more now we know stuff from Ground Zeroes. The thought of doing all you can do in Ground Zeroes in such a large scale map like TPP promises is a chillingly exciting prospect!
The thought of doing all you can do in Ground Zeroes in such a large scale map like TPP promises is a chillingly exciting prospect!

I know, right? I've noticed you can extract enemies as well as prisoners so I wonder if there'll be a Peace Walker-style metagame. I know some people didn't like the whole Outer Heaven 'management' part of PW but I enjoyed it.

What's the minimum score required for an S rank on Ground Zeroes? I just did a sloppy stealth run of 57 minutes, no alerts, three kills (right at the end I accidentally called the chopper while the guys at the end were still there and I had no tranqs left), 6 prisoners rescued, one retry, and got 55,330, and I heard the S-rank score was around 55,000. I definitely should've just retried the last checkpoint, I probably would've gotten an S if I had since you get 3,500 for no kills, -300 for each retry and -200 for each kill, so I would've gotten close to 59,000.

Oh, never mind. I forgot to post this and did a 21m32.659 run, no kills, no alerts, 6 prisoners rescued, 3 retries, no reflex for 69640 points.
I completed a couple S-ranks so far on GZ
Time| 29.22.876 | 33190
Alerts| 0 | 5250
Kills | 0 | 3500
Prisoners| 7 | 24500
Retries| 1 |-300
No Reflex| |5250
???| 3500
Total| |74890

Run no.2

Time| 33.12.912 | 32040
Alerts| 0 | 5250
Kills | 0 | 3500
Prisoners| 4 | 14000
Retries| 0 |5250
No Reflex| 0 |0
???| 0|0
Total| |60040

I left the question mark as a "???" so as not to spoil anything for those who have not played the game. I extracted two soldiers from one of the side ops. I wonder if they'll be used in the MGSV:GZ app. I noticed there wasn't any option to upgrade mother base or add units in that app...

I used the iDroid (android version) app while doing some side ops. Its still in beta so there are a couple connection issues. Also, I have the XBOX360 version so the Smartglass app is used instead and linked to the game. When smartglass is functioning, mission objectives are popping up on the map.
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