Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Watched the GC trailer and FOB footage yesterday, was too tired to comment on them, though.

Simply put:


No, seriously. I'm getting hyped. The kind of hype I wanted to avoid like the plaque 'cause it always ends up making the game feel less awesome than it is. That sort of unhealthy hype, you know? Can't help it. Too bad it launches just after my vacation's over, so I'll still have to have a social life. Yuk.

Either way, the FOB's seem great. Did it remind anyone else of Dark Souls' invasions?
So, how long will it be before someone recreates Big Shell as their FOB?

And am I the only one who thinks that the wormhole Fulton is completely ridiculous, even by the series' standards? Likewise the Hand of Jehuty (though less so thsn the wormhole) - they feel like multiplayer elements dropped into the single-player campaign.
I completely agree. Especially since the game's set way before MGS 2 and 4. You'd think that that sort of technology would've seen a good deal of use in those games.
That stuff is going to be super late-game, though, anything like that in Peace Walker came so late that if you were only playing to complete the story you'd never see it. Hell, I played a lot of PW and I didn't manage to unlock everything. I bet if you play at a normal pace you'll finish the game long before anything properly silly is available so I assume it's there as part of a drip feed of cool toys for long-term players. Therefore, I'm ok with it.
Well, I guess MGS is just wacky like that. With all the cyborg stuff, mutants, clones, psychic or even dead dudes... What are a few out-of-line gadgets, right?

Well, exactly! I feel the series has been missing a certain kind of wackiness since MGS VR and MGS2, all that Genolla stuff was hilarious. MGS4 was distinctly lacking in properly crazy stuff, Peace Walker was maybe trying a bit too hard, so... Yeah.

That GamesCom demo walkthrough was pretty nice, nothing new - the riot SMGs look fun, though - but enough to make this month feel like the longest month ever. Sigh.
Just saw the Gamescom footage last night. The trailer was disgusting; it clearly wasn't directed by Hideo Kojima. But the gameplay footage, damn. It's like, this is how Peacewalker should have been, had it been developed for a home console. The Mother Base expansion and R&D system have been... expanded. Massively. It's sooooo sweet that you are able to walk around Mother Base and interact with the NPCs, even with the soldiers that you Fulton'd. AND they even have random conversations (that part about two soldiers talking about DD gave me a good laugh :lol:), and I love how Hideo Kojima managed to reference P.T. and Zone of the Enders on the game, and the inclusion of Anime Idol posters!! :lol::lol:

The FOBs will be very, very, very interesting. It reminds me of the PvP mechanic in Dark Souls, wherein other players can "invade" your base and you can also call other players for some "co-op" in helping you repel/defeat the invaders. Online is going to be one hell of a mess once people start expanding their bases and setting up FOBs, and I'm already loving it.

Lastly, dear lord. They included music soundtracks that were made on the same era, songs that were a hit during the 80's. When "Take On Me" was played, I was sold. Completely. Sold. This is going to be Game of the Year, no doubt. And hopefully, much more than that. 👍
Well, I guess MGS is just wacky like that. With all the cyborg stuff, mutants, clones, psychic or even dead dudes... What are a few out-of-line gadgets, right?
I suppose it's like a comic book - it can reach out to the wacky and the borderline ridiculous, but only if it's presented convincingly in context. And bending the laws of space and time is a fairly common science fiction trope in a series that has gone to some pretty radical lengths in the past, like a man who can carry out photosynthesis in his body. But the wormholes still seem out of place without any context; given the series' mythology, I thought nothing of Quiet's supernatural abilities because it seems like a natural extension of the other characters.
Did it jarr with you when you fultoned someone out of the lowest level underground hangar in peace walker?
Through several concrete ceilings....

All that Fulton-ing, it could never really take place in such a fashion, but it's acceptable as they wear a balloon and yelp before they disappear skywards, which is somewhat credible and also kinda funny everytime.
But disappearing into vortices does jarr with me too. I see your point.
Some things fit into the folklore, others are too radical.
But in the grand scheme of things, 100 fultons from random places just couldn't be any more achievable than one Fulton through a vortex........

Forget game of the year. I'm expecting game of the decade.
Hey, I'm pretty much dropping $600 on it alone, since I'm going to get a XONE to play it. Though to be fair, my 360 is pretty old, and I will be looking forward to Dirt Rally, Assassin's Creed Syndicate and any future Far Cry releases.
Oooh, I feel ya :D MGS V and The Witcher 3 were basically why I decided to upgrade my GPU a year (or two) early.
Well, I figure that I can trade in some of the X360 games that I don't play anymore to offset the cost of The Phantom Pain.

And I'm wondering if I can call it a tax write-off. One of the units that I teach is called "Virtual Worlds", which looks at emerging media - including video games and social media - as text types like films and novels and plays. Part of what I look at is the geography of virtual worlds; I've already got physical maps of Red Dead Redemption's Western Border States, Kyrat from Far Cry 4 and Los Santos, which I can't really use because it's from Grand Theft Auto V and it's not in great condition. I've also got digital maps of Final Fantasy XII's Ivalice (and the full set of in-game maps, but I don't use them), the Rook Islands from Far Cry 3, the Caribbean from Assassin's Creed IV and the North Atlantic from Assassin's Creed Rogue and Skyrim. But the North Kabul map would make for a good addition to my collection. I need more physical maps.
I'm quite surprised by how good PS3 and Xbox 360 make the game look, despite their age and inferior hardware. Well, without being in motion, that is. The console versions do generally look pretty good, but PC has, unsurprisingly, all the graphics :D
Possibly. It's competing against The Witcher 3, which was pretty damn amazing.
I certainly agree that it's too early to call the shots, but, as much as I liked The Witcher 3, I'm going out on a limp and say that MGS V has a much better chance at becoming GOTY. Not because it's going to be a better game (too early tell and too different to compare, imho), but because MGS is just that much bigger. Unless the whole Konami controversy is throwing things off. That's unlikely, though, especially if people are going to consider this to be Kojima's swan song.
I certainly agree that it's too early to call the shots, but, as much as I liked The Witcher 3, I'm going out on a limp and say that MGS V has a much better chance at becoming GOTY. Not because it's going to be a better game (too early tell and too different to compare, imho), but because MGS is just that much bigger. Unless the whole Konami controversy is throwing things off. That's unlikely, though, especially if people are going to consider this to be Kojima's swan song.

If MGS plays how it looks, then it probably wins hands down. If it's a buggy mess, not so much. If it's in between...?

The Konami drama probably doesn't help things (it's dubious how much support will be going into the game), and there's a small but significant chance that any AAA game these days comes out buggy as hell. See Arkham Knight, pCARS, GT5, etc. I hate to be that guy, but it's true.

I don't call them until I see them any more. I've played the nuts off W3, and while it had it's problems it is the benchmark for what an RPG should be, or any game that is based on telling a story for that matter. MGS V should be awesome, but with all that complexity in the game I can't help but think that there's a chance that it just doesn't quite come together. There's a chance that Kojima gets too up his own backside with his storytelling again. There's a chance that it turns out to just be not that fun, although I don't really see how that's possible. Parking your boobs on a hillside and sniping people is endless fun right there.

Like I care, I'm still going to buy it and play it till my fingers turn into crooked little claws. But I figure it's a bit like Lewis Hamilton and winning the F1 drivers championship. He's got everything on his side and he's the odds on favourite by a decent margin, but if a few things go wrong then he loses.
If MGS plays how it looks, then it probably wins hands down. If it's a buggy mess, not so much. If it's in between...?
Eh... Call me a cynic, but these days, I don't think that actual quality has enough of an impact on whether a game becomes GOTY or not. MGS has the name, the fanbase, the budget (especially the marketing budget and the resulting hype train) going for it. That's not to say it's definitely going to be GOTY, just that it's going to be one hell of an uphill battle for TW3.
Like I care, I'm still going to buy it and play it till my fingers turn into crooked little claws.
I can agree wholeheartedly with this, though :D
Despite its many negatives, Konami see 160% profit growth.
Was to be expected, I guess :lol:
Eh... Call me a cynic, but these days, I don't think that actual quality has enough of an impact on whether a game becomes GOTY or not. MGS has the name, the fanbase, the budget (especially the marketing budget and the resulting hype train) going for it.

It's a fair point. Based purely on how good the game is I'd have said TW3 was in with a shot, but CDPR probably won't buy reviews and votes like Konami will.

You've swayed me, on consideration I have no real faith in the objectivity of the gaming media. Mainstream gaming media anyway. I can't remember the last time I saw a review that said "You know what, it's a horrible game and you shouldn't buy it".
I can't remember the last time I saw a review that said "You know what, it's a horrible game and you shouldn't buy it".
Arkham Origins. But even then, it was a pretty solid game; it was just dismal compared to Arkham City, which was outstanding. Assassin's Creed Unity also got some dud reviews for its buggy nature, and F1 2015 also got a critical mauling.

For the most part, if a game is pretty cohesive, it's probably looking at a semi-decent score. Making games is an expensive business, and harder than film-making to turn a profit.
I finally got around to completing Ground Zeroes tonight, all the achievements and 100% completion at least - still got a lot of hard mode trials to post a time for, but I don't think I will.

Spoilered, just in case:
I spent a while trying to do the AA emplacements on hard with no weapons used but it's too inconsistent, even when I did manage to hit the first gun and got the second truck to the second gun without it being destroyed, the third truck just knocked the explosive barrel over without blowing up the gun... That happened three times. So I tried a different route, almost pulled it off in stealth, got an A, then just tried again with the free rocket launcher and got an S in ~2 minutes. Finally I had to S the renegade threat on hard, I never thought of doing it lethally so using the sniper rifle from the guard tower nearest the start point was pretty easy.
After that I found I had 17/19 tapes, turns out one is Japan-only so I only actually needed to find one, and it was in the last place I checked... But of course it was, because it's not as if I kept checking after I found it.

Anyway, so that's that done. I wanted to get it finished long before TPP launches so I wouldn't be 'fatigued', you know? 37 hours it took, not bad for a "10-minute" "demo"!