Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Man, that Hand of Jehuty from the gamescom demo made me lose it. I need this game right now :drool:

It even plays out the Zone of the Enders music when it is equipped and brought out, just like how the Patriot plays the Snake Eater music when equipped and brought out in MGS4. It's crazy :D
Waiting for TPP is getting more and more difficult. After I finished GZ I just wanted to play some more games because I hadn't played anything for a while. Between GTA V, Payday 2 and even Nuclear Throne I couldn't find anything I actually wanted to play for more than a few minutes because my imagination was full of the stuff we've seen in all the TPP videos. I tried Peace Walker but having killed it pretty much to death already it just didn't feel right and wasn't scratching that itch... Maybe I should just take a break from games until September.
Waiting for TPP is getting more and more difficult. After I finished GZ I just wanted to play some more games because I hadn't played anything for a while. Between GTA V, Payday 2 and even Nuclear Throne I couldn't find anything I actually wanted to play for more than a few minutes because my imagination was full of the stuff we've seen in all the TPP videos. I tried Peace Walker but having killed it pretty much to death already it just didn't feel right and wasn't scratching that itch... Maybe I should just take a break from games until September.

Thankfully I have Dark Souls 2 SotFS for that :D It should keep me occupied while I wait for TPP. :cheers:
I'm on vacation, got basically nothing to do as all of my friends are sitting at work. Not that many great games left to play with, either. Eh, there's always beer.
I have to work, plus I'm staying at my girlfriend's until the 16th so I can't play anything (except Solitaire and Sudoku on my phone) anyway. After that it's just two more Sundays and a Monday until the 1st, though!

Wait, that's like 20 days away. D'aww.
Well, I don't have Year 12 marking anymore ...
LOL, Got them done too quick, huh? ;)
I don't like this waiting.....have nothing worth playing at this time, aside from re-runs of GZ, and that's just not doing it. :ouch:
Want Phantom Pain.................NOW! (please hurry up September 1st.....)
In order to pass the time, I've ordered myself a new PS2 controller and a few old PS2 games. Ace Combat Zero: Belkan War, SOCOM II: US Navy Seals and Eye Toy ought to keep me entertained until our salvation :D
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No news today, but I personally am thinking about upgrading my video card to get the game. When is the optimal time to perform the upgrade so that I can get the game? I am planning on upgrading from a GeForce GTX 650 to a GeForce GTX 960 from PNY if I do so.
No news today, but I personally am thinking about upgrading my video card to get the game. When is the optimal time to perform the upgrade so that I can get the game? I am planning on upgrading from a GeForce GTX 650 to a GeForce GTX 960 from PNY if I do so.

What do you mean by 'optimal' time? You'll get the game if you buy a GTX 960 or higher between now and probably just after the 1st of September, it doesn't really get any more optimal than that. The 960 is a great card for the price and it runs Ground Zeroes very well at 1080p (at night and in the rain with everything turned up it does take a bit of a hit, though) so let's hope TPP runs similarly well.
What do you mean by 'optimal' time? You'll get the game if you buy a GTX 960 or higher between now and probably just after the 1st of September, it doesn't really get any more optimal than that.
Agreed. Might as well get it now. Gives you a bit of time to set things up, install drivers and maybe optimise a thing or two - like finding a stable over clock, messing with driver settings, that kind of stuff.
Guys, how are you doing? I'm sorry if this is not strictly related to the game, but I wanted to share a couple of pictures with you.
I had the enormous privilege to be in Argentina, most specifically in Palermo, city of Buenos Aires, a couple of days ago and to my surprise, I had the chance to assist to the official presentation of the game there.

It was a private event and consisted in 2 parts, one in the morning for the press, and a second one to the public, but the attendees to the "public" event were selected via a little contest, you had to answer a question correctly and send an email as fast as you can. If you were within the first 15 mails, then you could go. I was in that group :)

The event was really really fun and interesting, sadly, MGSV wasn't playable, but luckily enough, we could chat to Jeronimo Quintero. He's the head of the Latin American team and he was as excited as we were about the game. He presented the "limited" edition for South America, which is kind of.... poor actually, pre-ordering the game gives you a printed map of Afghanistan with a bunch of extras for MGO and such, but nothing fancy really. I pre-ordered anyway hahahaha...

So, as I was saying, they presented the game in a luxurious hotel, had a lot of food and different kind of drinks, from water to beers. It was nice, but the most important thing for me was to ask anything related to Hideo and the different reasons why we don't receive the real collector editions, like in Europe or Japan. Those answers were normal, most of the time related to the "governments" we have here, but what surprised me was the answer about Hideo. There are a lot of news coming he said, everything isn't as bad as it was presented in the media, but everything went out of control and there is a point in which you can not stop so they let it be....

I don't really know what happened in Japan, but they're sure the game is going to blow everything out of the water.

So, yeah, it was an absolute pleasure for me, I even got an exclusive t-shirt... my girlfriend, a friend and me were the only ones to get those :)

Here are the pictures of the event, I hope you like it.




This is Jeronimo Quintero, he's on twitter for example, and he retweeted my image :)


And this is me, 04am in the morning, with one of my official t-shirts.


I don't know if anyone here is following Konami on Fb, but they uploaded a few pictures of the event, and I'm there hahaha....
Maybe it's because I'm sleep deprived, but... in that first picture, it looks like your shirt reads "FIRED FREAKING KOJIMA". :lol:
I'm surprised that Konami let you into that event wearing that shirt, given the recent situation between Kojima and the company.

I had my doubts for a second hahaha, but this series is so important to me. Hideo made it possible, I was going there for Hideo, not for Konami... even if Hideo wasn't going to be at the event. But it was awesome anyway.
I'm surprised that Konami let you into that event wearing that shirt, given the recent situation between Kojima and the company.
Two weeks out from the launch, I doubt they will want to cause any controversy. They have already taken a hit from the way they manage their business in Japan, but so far, it's only been limited to Japan. Pushing the issue now will only bring bad press.
Two weeks out from the launch, I doubt they will want to cause any controversy. They have already taken a hit from the way they manage their business in Japan, but so far, it's only been limited to Japan. Pushing the issue now will only bring bad press.
Konami whitewashed Angry Joe's interview at E3 a few weeks ago. It wasn't that far of a stretch to have them censor anything Kojima up until the game's release.

It reminded me of how Capcom treated the Mega Man fans after they canceled Legends 3, throwing out anyone who wore a Mega Man shirt out of their Comic-Con panels that year.

Again, it wasn't that far of a stretch for Konami to adopt the same attitude here.
Konami whitewashed Angry Joe's interview at E3 a few weeks ago. It wasn't that far of a stretch to have them censor anything Kojima up until the game's release.
That was a major event. This was a relatively minor local promotion. It wouldn't have been worth spending the time, effort and resources trying to censor a fan's shirt on the other side of the world.
I might go back to Snake Eater to get some outstanding achievements - I still need "MARKHOR" and "It's not easy being green".
Changed my mind about this - I dived back into Far Cry 3 instead. I've only finished it once, and could only get 99% after I missed the one relic in the game (relic #1, hidden in the cave under Earnhardt's mansion) that is missable. Completionist that I am, I had to go back and get it. And it gives me a chance to see the other ending.

On that note, I really hope Kojima doesn't include missable items in The Phantom Pain. I know that there were some in Ground Zeroes but the concept annoys me, especially when there is nothing to indicate that once you pass them, you cannot go back. It reminds me of the Zodiac Spear, the best weapon in Final Fantasy XII; in order to get it, you had to consciously miss four specific treasure chests and then equip a particular item when you went to a certain place in the game's hardest dungeon. But there was no evidence in the game that the Zodiac Spear was missable, much less the conditions that you had to meet in order to get it.
I found a list of all the 'special' extraction targets in Ground Zeroes today so I went and collected them all, I'm pretty sure I'd already done at least half of them but I figured I'd make sure. Come to think of it the list didn't include the
guard from the LAV in Deja Vu
so I wonder if there are any in Jamais Vu or any more in Deja Vu.
Maybe I should try extracting some Snatchers... I've never even tried to knock one out before, I always just shoot them.
I found a list of all the 'special' extraction targets in Ground Zeroes today so I went and collected them all, I'm pretty sure I'd already done at least half of them but I figured I'd make sure. Come to think of it the list didn't include the
guard from the LAV in Deja Vu
so I wonder if there are any in Jamais Vu or any more in Deja Vu.
Can you post a link please?
I'd like to see if I have extracted all the guys I'm supposed to.......


Can you post a link please?
I'd like to see if I have extracted all the guys I'm supposed to.......



Certainly. It's an odd format for a guide, an imgur album with two screenshots in it (one of which being an entire Steam guide...), but it works so whatever.