Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Uhhh, I wonder if the Phantom Pain will feature anything like the MGS podcast for MGS4. That was great fun to listen to while playing the game. Anyone else ever listened to it?
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Love....Hurts so bad...

Anyway this Sunday I expect this email to pop up from Amazon: Your PS4 Collector's Edition of MGS V: The Phantom Pain has been shipped and will arrive Tuesday. :D
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Trading in my X360 and nine games today. Hopefully I should get plenty of store credit for an XONE and the game.

Probably won't get the game until the first, so my consolation prize is sushi and The Monster of Florence.
Traded my X360 and collection of games in. Got nearly $200 store credit for them. Clerk admitted TPP was in the back room (try and cancel it now, Konami!), but he wasn't at liberty to sell it just yet.
Since some of you have started playing I'm going to avoid this thread for a while to dodge accidental spoilers and such. Have fun!
Since some of you have started playing I'm going to avoid this thread for a while to dodge accidental spoilers and such. Have fun!
I, for one, hope that everyone who posts understands the need for spoiler tags, and how to include them.

If not, they can expect a visit from the Special Forces Kidnap Balloon.
After whole Friday evening with The Phantom Pain I have to say it is a proper MGS game alright!

Won't spoil anything but I would recommend everybody to carve a 2 hour window in their schedule to experience the whole "introduction sequence" in one sitting. It is really well done, if you are MGS franchise fan you'll really appreciate it.

What I like about the missions is almost no hand holding at all. Game rewards players who use creativity and intel acquisition (listen to soldiers chit chat , I gathered some important story info just by free roaming and listening to one conversation by some soldiers at some random outpost). Gameplay wise it is the best MGS ever.

Silky smooth 60 FPS with dynamic weather and time of day transition is beautiful in motion on PS4.

Great soundtrack and sound effects.

Mother Base management is a bit tricky/overwhelming at the beginning (at least it was for me since Peace Walker is the game I didn't play).

Controls , while very good in Ground Zeroes, are even more refined in TPP. No more awkward stuck/unstuck situations near objects.

Listen to tapes!

Only nuisance so far is not being able to transfer my 100% GZ save file to TPP. For whatever reason you need to connect to Konami servers and they were offline yesterday. I hope I didn't miss much because of that.

Not usually one to spring for steelbooks, but I have a soft spot for Shinkawa's brushwork! Played about 3/4 hours today and I'm really liking it so far. Part of me misses the focused feel of the previous games' linearity, but at the same time I really like being able to plan your way of attack and there's a lot more scope for improvisation. One thing I don't like are the intrusive credits before and after each mission - I don't need to be constantly told that it's a game written and directed by Hideo Kojima every hour...
Anyone want another reason to hate Konami? Because they're going out of their way to give us one - despite jerking Kojima around for months, they're quite happy to jump on the publicocrap bullhorn and declare The Phantom Pain to be "Game of the Year, guaranteed". And it is, but if you read the press release from the marketing department, they lay it on thick and it gets pretty arrogant pretty quickly:
Because that Metal Gear is terrifying
I saw an image of it in the middle of a review - thanks, Polygon - so I watched the trailer. And I really hope that I'm not the only one who thought ...
"Huh. Metal Gear has a penis."

Still, it's well-named. Sahelanthropus tchadensis is an extinct hominid found in northern Africa - south of the Sahara, but north of the sub-Saharan region - that may or may not be the missing ancestor between humans and chimpanzees.
Anyone want another reason to hate Konami? Because they're going out of their way to give us one - despite jerking Kojima around for months, they're quite happy to jump on the publicocrap bullhorn and declare The Phantom Pain to be "Game of the Year, guaranteed". And it is, but if you read the press release from the marketing department, they lay it on thick and it gets pretty arrogant pretty quickly:
MGS isnt made by Konami. It was made by Kojima.

Take my word.
MGS isnt made by Konami. It was made by Kojima.
You think I don't know that? Read the article - it's a Konami marketing executive who is quite happy to claim credit for the game despite the company reportedly making it as difficult as possible for Kojima.

Mother Base management is a bit tricky/overwhelming at the beginning (at least it was for me since Peace Walker is the game I didn't play).
It's probably deeper and more engrossing than it was in Peace Walker, but you should be able to pretty much put it on autopilot. That's what Kaz does - he manages the day-to-day running of Mother Base, and so trusting him to run things usually just runs it at a decent level of efficiency. But once you get deeper into it, you should have complete control over the development of your support networks, and you can really customise it to suit your preferred style of play.
I saw an image of it in the middle of a review - thanks, Polygon - so I watched the trailer. And I really hope that I'm not the only one who thought ...

No, you're not the only one! Still, it's not quite as extreme as
Zone of the Enders' Orbital Frames:

Cockpit, indeed.
It's probably deeper and more engrossing than it was in Peace Walker, but you should be able to pretty much put it on autopilot. That's what Kaz does - he manages the day-to-day running of Mother Base, and so trusting him to run things usually just runs it at a decent level of efficiency. But once you get deeper into it, you should have complete control over the development of your support networks, and you can really customise it to suit your preferred style of play.

Yeah, with every newly introduced Mother Base feature it is getting better and better. My main problem at the beginning was that "staff auto assign" option didn't provide optimal results (probably due to some menu options being "locked up" at that point in the game and the AI logic had problems dealing with that conundrum), so I had to micromanage my staff quite a bit. After few missions that problem thankfully disappeared and "auto-assign button" works as it was intended.
Yeah, with every newly introduced Mother Base feature it is getting better and better. My main problem at the beginning was that "staff auto assign" option didn't provide optimal results (probably due to some menu options being "locked up" at that point in the game and the AI logic had problems dealing with that conundrum), so I had to micromanage my staff quite a bit. After few missions that problem thankfully disappeared and "auto-assign button" works as it was intended.
I imagine that was for the purposes of a tutorial.
@mr_geez: After a few missions, do you feel that the game is weighed in favor of time as far as mission results are concerned? (In other words, do you feel like that you have to rush through your mission objectives to earn an S-Rank like in Ground Zeroes.)
@mr_geez: After a few missions, do you feel that the game is weighed in favor of time as far as mission results are concerned? (In other words, do you feel like that you have to rush through your mission objectives to earn an S-Rank like in Ground Zeroes.)

Not really. At the moment I have 5 S-Ranks out of 13 completed missions and only one of them I would consider as "fast".

Points calculation is completely revamped in TPP. Focus on time or side objectives (as it was in GZ) is not the only way to achieve S rank. In TPP you get massive bonuses/penalties for almost anything. Accuracy, headshots, fauna & flora retrieval, Fulton extractions, found goods and few more that I don't want to spoil. It is also possible to get S rank by lethal means.
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It's a save data upload option in the core menu.
Allowing you to save your GZ data to the servers so you can transfer to TPP on Wednesday when you get it


It's a save data upload option in the core menu.
Allowing you to save your GZ data to the servers so you can transfer to TPP on Wednesday when you get it



Wednesday? Surely, the UK will get it tomorrow (tuesday) same as Denmark? ;)
Can that tiny menu feature really take up 356MB though?
Who knows?

My update weighed in at only 197mb

I'm on PS3.

I can't see any other differences, apart from a large piece of rock sticking out of snakes forehead.......

Nah I'm just kiddin

Mine shipped earlier today. I hope it arrives tomorrow.

Does anybody who already has it, uses a SplitFish controller with it? I remember GZ was not very SplitFish controller friendly.

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