Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
This game is absolutely amazing. I've just beat the second mission as well as a few side ops and I find it incredible how much freedom you have to complete your mission. I've just rescued Diamond Dog, that is one cute little bugger, I can't wait for him to grow up so I can take him in the field with me.

I've been a huge fan of Metal Gear since the beginning and I think this is the best one yet. I didn't think Snake Eater would be overtaken but for me, The Phantom Pain does it.
I would have t agree, there were times in Awakening, it did make me take a breath and wince. Some real, controversial scenes in that mission.

Could I have some advice on how to deal with skulls. I really struggled my first encounter with them and just want some advice for further down the line.
I just take my horse and run away, so far it worked :). I'm up to mission 7 for now.

I bet later on it will not be that easy
I would have t agree, there were times in Awakening, it did make me take a breath and wince. Some real, controversial scenes in that mission.
Yeah, some of that made me cuss out aloud. Controversial, disturbing and kinda heartbreaking to see Big Boss in such a sorry state.

Gotta say, though, it could've been done without the supernatural stuff. Not like I generally dislike that (this is a Metal Gear game, after all), but it was awfully early for it to be introduced, imho. Plus, the whole scene could've been done with just enemy armed forces.

Could I have some advice on how to deal with skulls. I really struggled my first encounter with them and just want some advice for further down the line.
Well, I got on my horse and ran like a bitch :lol: Does that help?

Talking about which, I always think of this when I call for D Horse:

I've been a huge fan of Metal Gear since the beginning and I think this is the best one yet. I didn't think Snake Eater would be overtaken but for me, The Phantom Pain does it.
Gotta agree.

Now, I'd kinda like to see a (somewhat loose) remake of Snake Eater using the Fox Engine. That's gotta be utterly terrific. Not gonna happen, though :indiff:
Considering that this will be the last Kojima project, where will that leave MGSR?
Well, MGR is developed by PlatinumGames and I suppose the production can be handled by Konami, even without KojiPro. I'll be honest, however: Never cared for it.
Konami holds the IP of MGS?

Wasn't the first MGS (PSX) without supernatural? It started in 2 with Vamp?

I am at mission 6 I think.

Replayed quickly GZ to get 2-3 prisoners out that I never cared for. But those join you, with quite good stats, so it's worth it.

So you can do that even after you started TPP and after you already imported the save.

Did nobody thaught what would happen if Snake hits its head?? :lol: Insta death. Paradoxon :lol:

Also typical Kojima
the first thing you see are boobs

I also just ran from the Skulls, though there is an objective to go undetected.

How it could work, need to try

Either go up the mountain on foot. D horse didn't want to go, too steep "".
Or you can get unnoticed under the bridge. Then maybe throw something up the bridge so they move.

Also I noticed you can shoot powerlines
Wasn't the first MGS (PSX) without supernatural? It started in 2 with Vamp
The first game also dabbled in the Supernatural. All of it was centered around the Psycho Mantis boss fight. How Vamp got his powers was explained in the 4th game...

Vamp was an experiment on Nanomachine technology. His nanomachines had the unnatural ability to heal him by way of forcing cell division around the wounds that he was inflicted. The only way you could actually suppress the nanomachines was through a serum that Naomi Hunter made and shoot him.

As a little Behind the Scenes, most of Vamp's powers (i.e walking on water/walls) was intended to be given to another character that was ultimately scrapped for the game, Chinaman. Even the area where you fought Vamp in the game was the area where you are supposed to fight this deleted character.
Picked up the PS4 version since I'm still locked out of my Steam account, and also because I decided it would be best to have a physical copy of The Phantom Pain. Not that I think Konami would be crazy enough to pull a P.T. with a digital game that people paid money for, but I do think that there might be some juicy little bits scattered throughout that they might try to patch out of the game.
Is that the one with whole hospital thing and the strange doctor that they showed in earlier production trailers?
It's pretty intense. Think of a survival-horror cross between The Rock and Pan's Labyrinth directed by Tarantino.

Snake wakes up from his coma, prompting Cipher to send XOF in to kill him. Since his identity is being kept hidden, XOF kill everyone. There are several instances where innocent people are slaughtered right in front of you, and you're powerless to prevent any of it because you can barely move.
Great, it's not compatible with my SplitFish controller and I have no idea how long I have to wait for an update so that it is, like GZ. It took months for that to happen. Just, great.

So, I can't play. Unless, I don't mind the following:

  • My Character Randomly Stands Up from Crouch or Prone Position
  • Can Never Reload Firearm
  • Character Runs Straight Ahead, To The Left or In A Circle After A Cut-scene
  • Can't Use Right Stick In Some Menus
  • Can't Throw an Enemy I'm Caring

Already it's messing with my game. I mean, how many people you know who got a B rating on Awakening because they got killed twice and spotted once?

Really frustrated right now. I wish I could use a standard controller, but just can't. I hope the update happens soon and can't understand why they did for GZ but not for TPP from the start.
Great, it's not compatible with my SplitFish controller and I have no idea how long I have to wait for an update so that it is, like GZ. It took months for that to happen. Just, great.

So, I can't play. Unless, I don't mind the following:

  • My Character Randomly Stands Up from Crouch or Prone Position
  • Can Never Reload Firearm
  • Character Runs Straight Ahead, To The Left or In A Circle After A Cut-scene
  • Can't Use Right Stick In Some Menus
  • Can't Throw an Enemy I'm Caring

Already it's messing with my game. I mean, how many people you know who got a B rating on Awakening because they got killed twice and spotted once?

Really frustrated right now. I wish I could use a standard controller, but just can't. I hope the update happens soon and can't understand why they did for GZ but not for TPP from the start.

You're Big Boss aka Snake, you should not mind one single bit cause your a god among men!

Seriously though, that does suck, feel bad for you.
I had some great moments last night, none of them scripted, and I have to say I quite like that Big Boss doesn't talk much. They said they did it to make the player feel like they are Big Boss rather than someone playing as Big Boss, and although I'm pretty sure it's because Kiefer's rates are insane, I do think it works - I felt like some sort of combat genius, as if Einstein and Rambo combined to form the perfect soldier (except for a few Charlie Chaplin moments - sliding down a slope and ending up pretty much in front of three Russians crowded around a barrel fire was one such moment).

My favourite one was when I was on my way to the C2W mission site, I spotted the now familiar red beacon of two recon soldiers and decided I'd Pokemon them. This presented a problem - how do you knock out two guys without alerting either of them? My solution was to get within 10 metres of the rear guy, shot the first with a tranq dart and then when the rear guy reacted I closed the gap and three him on the floor. It was really simple but it happened so quickly.

I'm also a big fan of using lethal weapons to stun people, just shoot them once anywhere and it'll delay their reaction long enough to get up close and knock them out without causing an alarm. You really don't need reflex mode...

Oh and another one, I found an outpost shortly after I decided I didn't need to Fulton everything with a pulse, but I spotted two B-rank R&D guys and two E-rank everything guys. I KO'd the first R&D guy, shot the first E-rank with my assault rifle (one shot kill), but then the second E-rank guy was a little further away and heading towards the corpse... I decided to try for a headshot, missed, and just had to keep shooting - then the suppressor broke. One more shot killed him but alerted the second R&D guy who was in a tower, so I thought damn, I guess I have to kill him too... I shot him three times and he fell out of his tower, so I ran over, woke him up to interrogate him but he was near death. 30% chance of a successful Fulton so I stashed him in the toilet, went off to do a side op, picked him up on my way back, put him on D Horse and extracted him by chopper. I'm such a hero!

Oh and I got an 80m tranq headshot on a sniper on my first try. Unfortunately he had two friends with him but it was enough of a distraction to get up close without being shot or seen.

I love this game! Tonight I'll hopefully level up my R&D team just once so I can develop the non-lethal Arc assault rifle, I guess I'll also carry on with missions even though I'm tempted to replay old ones to complete additional objectives and find stuff.
What exactly is the Splitfish's purpose? I've never heard of such a controller before.
Google and YouTube are your friends. :)

Played the same "Limbs" mission twice to Fulton soldiers, find diamonds and plants. Got offered to wear a chicken hat since I was getting Miller killed, and decided to wear it. Little did I know, I ruined my chance of an S ratting. D'oh!

Who else tranqed Ocelot back at the base. What did you find? :D

I also discovered morale goes up when you punch your base soldiers. Odd, but true. However, I have no idea what level of morale they have since I never found where you can see it.

I learned some good tips:

  • Check Towns and Buildings with Construction Material for Tons of Resources
  • Run Side Op Missions at Once (Great Soldiers to Fulton Plus Bonuses)
  • Run Missions at Night (Helps Find Plants and Diamonds Easily)
  • Don't Tranq Soldiers, Knock Them Out (They Stayed Passed-out Longer)
  • Take Showers at Base (Try it to see why)
  • Research C-4 and Sniper Rifle ASAP
Yeah, C-4 is very handy. Sniper Rifles are great in concept, but the first one you unlock isn't fantastic. I'm dying to get my hands on a better one...

Also, D-Horse is about a zillion times better at responding to your call than Roach.

And gotta love this...

Hopefully there's more PT-related stuff hidden throughout the game. :D
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Heh , I would recommend not to take showers. There is something much better waiting for you.

One more piece of intel: Mother Base is a very interesting place. Do you have your favorite platform? I think probably medical is mine, from the top to the bottom.
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Heads up once you've completed Side Op 51 and have the Medical Platform. Head to the top floor and through the doorway that has a blue light above it. There's a door at the end of the corridor, press the button to go in.
Has anyone reached the mission where you can find and "recruit" D-Dog? If you missed him, will you ever be able to go back and "recruit" him again?
Who else tranqed Ocelot back at the base. What did you find? :D

Spoilered to avoid ruining the surprise for others:
I only tried twice and I got "La li lu le lo, la le lu le lo!" and a drowsy "That won't work on me, I've had anti-...*trails off*" which was hilarious (it's all in the delivery though!).

As for tips, I'd say interrogate as many soldiers as you can - they often tell you where you can find blueprints, raw materials, vehicles and 'specialists' (i.e. soldiers with skills and/or above-average stats). They're then marked on your map, too. Specialists are little yellow dots, that took me a while to notice.

Don't knock the out or tranquilise soldiers if you're good at stealth - hold them up instead, tell them to get down and they'll stay there until you trigger an alert.

As I alluded to in my last post, using a weak lethal weapon to stagger an enemy can be really, really useful; if you get spotted at a medium distance you can use it to close a gap and take the guard out with CQC, or you can shoot them with a tranq first, then shoot them with bullets a couple of times with a slight pause in between, with any luck they'll fall asleep before they die...

If you're a bit short on GMP, you can sell stuff. Mortars and guns cost a few thousand to extract but you can sell them for more, it's not great income but it can help.

The men back at Mother Base also enjoy being attacked with rubber bullets, so the riot SMG can be a great morale booster. Bunch of masochists, those guys. Oh and don't throw any of them into the water.

Finally, only take what you think you'll need for a mission because things you take affect your GMP cost per mission. I think buddies are free but clothes aren't, so... Yeah.

Still two and a half hours until I can leave work, probably an hour and a half later than that until I can play again... Maybe I can Fulton myself from here?

Edit: another tip, if you press the CQC button then press and hold aim immediately afterwards, you'll disarm your enemy and point their gun at them, holding them up. I haven't tried it yet but I think you can hold them up this way even if they're alerted, otherwise you have to knock them out then wake them up if you want to interrogate them which takes time. You can also do it from any angle, but I think Big Boss will drop the weapon (assuming you don't have space to carry it) as soon as you stop aiming. In Ground Zeroes you could use this to get infinite handguns, which was interesting.
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Heads up once you've completed Side Op 51 and have the Medical Platform. Head to the top floor and through the doorway that has a blue light above it. There's a door at the end of the corridor, press the button to go in.

So you are a straight shooter kind of guy. ;)
Some nice advices 👍

Found out by pure luck
Spot Quiet with the bins, then drop supply crates on her. 2 and she is out :lol:

Has anyone reached the mission where you can find and "recruit" D-Dog? If you missed him, will you ever be able to go back and "recruit" him again?

It's one of the first missions, it's related to where you land on the map. A quick google will give you the LZ to take. When there is a barking sound, he isn't far
It's one of the first missions, it's related to where you land on the map. A quick google will give you the LZ to take. When there is a barking sound, he isn't far
To be completely honest, with the way that the TGS gameplay footage played out, most of us would expect to encounter DD in Africa.

But basically, yes, you will have to use audio cues from your surroundings to recruit DD at all. The little ***** is usually chasing after you.

In a playthrough that I am currently watching, going back to some Skulls discussion for a moment, I saw him waste a couple of magazines on the bridge, get on D-Horse and charge the gap in between the bridge on the right side, as seen in the picture below...
Phantom Pain Screengrab 1.png

Completely bypassed them. The gas didn't disappear until he reached the new extraction zone, but it didn't attract their attention.
Quick question for you guys. When ever I Fulton guards they always scream whether I knock them out or dart them. How can I keep them from screaming on the way up?
Quick question for you guys. When ever I Fulton guards they always scream whether I knock them out or dart them. How can I keep them from screaming on the way up?
You don't. On the other hand, however, the noise that they generate don't necessarily attract attention, but rather they will shoot the fulton down if they see it. Be very aware of any snipers and nearby military hardware when fultoning any enemy troops.