Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
To be completely honest, with the way that the TGS gameplay footage played out, most of us would expect to encounter DD in Africa.

Same with Quiet. Like the story plays out it would have been nice not to see any footage and thus spoilers. It would have been mindblowing. It's still awesome, but a bit spoiled by the knowledge we have. But we are all for the previews, teasers and trailers...
Quick question for you guys. When ever I Fulton guards they always scream whether I knock them out or dart them. How can I keep them from screaming on the way up?
It's a gag that's carried over from Peace Walker - Snake used to use Fulton without telling people what he was doing, so they got a bit of a surprise. The sound is really just an audio cue to tell you that the person is clear; it's more likely that enemy guards will see the balloon than hear the shout.
Thinking about buying this looks amazing. :drool:
It is, but you need to be up-to-date on the series mythology to understand the finer points of the story. Ideally, you should have played Snake Eater, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes (the other games take place after The Phantom Pain), but they will be hard to find unless you have a PS3 or X360.

Spectacular gameplay, storyline is interesting but weird, dialogue written by angsty teenagers. In fact, dialogue is too generous, it's all dudes monologuing. Occasionally, they happen to monologue together. :rolleyes:
The only hammy dialogue that I have noticed so far comes from Kaz. I don't think Robin Atkin Downs is the best voice actor; he always sounds like he's trying too hard. He sounds like a high school student who thinks that Vince Vaughn's lines in "True Detective" are akin to Dostoyevsky. Ocelot occasionally gets some cheesy stuff, but Troy Baker is an outstanding actor (he was, after all, Booker DeWitt and Pagan Min), so it's good even when the lines are silly.

or there's lens flare on some random object.
That's not a lend flare. That's a rough diamond. Go and get it; it's worth a lot of GMP.
This game is the best stealth game ever made. If not the best game ever made... Also, you don't need to even play previous MGS to enjoy it. The gameplay is where it's at, story finally takes a backseat this time and I'm glad. MGS 4 was a movie, not a game.

Anyway, if you like video games, get this game. It's as close to flawless as can be
That's not a lend flare. That's a rough diamond. Go and get it; it's worth a lot of GMP.
That's right. Sending your mercs out on missions isn't the only way to earn GMP in the game. You also earn GMP by completing your own main and side OPS and finding raw materials for Mother Base.
The only hammy dialogue that I have noticed so far comes from Kaz. I don't think Robin Atkin Downs is the best voice actor; he always sounds like he's trying too hard. He sounds like a high school student who thinks that Vince Vaughn's lines in "True Detective" are akin to Dostoyevsky. Ocelot occasionally gets some cheesy stuff, but Troy Baker is an outstanding actor (he was, after all, Booker DeWitt and Pagan Min), so it's good even when the lines are silly.

Which is exactly what I was talking about. The voice actors are good, because they got good actors. The material that they have to work with is substandard at best.

Snake meets Ocelot. Ocelot goes on a five minute monologue, because exposition is needed and that's the easiest way.

Snake meets Kaz. Kaz goes on a five minute monologue, because exposition is needed and that's the easiest way.

The scenarios and broad storylines appear so far to be interesting and engaging, but the manner of presenting the information is ridiculous. There is no believable way that these are real conversations or interactions, it's just characters as mouthpieces for the writer's voice.

That's not a lend flare. That's a rough diamond. Go and get it; it's worth a lot of GMP.

Not what I was talking about at all.

In cut scenes you'll see a lot of lens flare. Especially through Awakening, because the Man on Fire is a prime offender. Any time there's bright lights in a cut scene, you get vertical flares striping the screen. It's not even standard lens flare which tends to be circular, it's "the cameraman forgot to clean the dirt off his lens" flare.

I assume the purpose is to make it look more "awesome", but it just breaks immersion by reminding the viewer that they're looking through a camera. Maybe that's on purpose, but I doubt it.

Then there's the totally unnecessary stuff, like flaring Kaz's glasses before he puts them on. Just roll the CSI: Miami music and have Kaz scream YEEEEEEEAH while we're there. :rolleyes:

It's all the Michael Bay school of film making, but not done as well. Maybe some people like that. I'd prefer it to get out of my face and stop being "awesome" with special effects and stuff and start actually being awesome.

Which is funny, because the Man on Fire and friend are legitimately awesome all by themselves. They don't need help from cheesy effects.

The stuff that's happening in Awakening is truly scary and engaging, and it doesn't need silly camera tricks. IMO, the best cinematography for that section is the one that is like a good butler, provides you everything you need so well that you don't even notice that it's there. The player should be 100% engaged with the escape and what's going on.

I don't want to be admiring Kojima's mad directing skills, I want to be enthralled by what's happening in front of me. I try, but I keep getting poked in the eye by these visual effects. It's still fine, but I think it would have been better without trying so hard to be "awesome".
Finally get to join the party!

Thinking about buying this looks amazing. :drool:
It's better than that.

I'm a little bit biased, obviously (you wouldn't have guessed by looking at my avatar, would you? :D), but I'd say it's better than amazing. Until now, I would've told you that The Witcher 3 was going to be my GOTY, but it can kiss that title goodbye, definitely. A Metal Gear game that's actually a game again, not an interactive movie, as @FuriousDemon rightfully pointed out - and it plays soooo well.

I'll be the first in line to agree with @Imari, though: The writing seems heavy handed - at times, at least. My opinion? Kojima just can't tell a story without relying on dozens of hours of cut scenes. He opted out of using those as much for V and as a result, we're getting a whole lot of monologue. And cassette tapes instead of codec calls. Not that I mind, actually. I'd rather take the monologues and the stop-gap storytelling employed to convey necessary information over another game of 'chase the cut scene'.

/edit: Oh, and I don't even mind that BB is so silent. The Ground Zeroes incident must've been traumatizing to say the least. On top of what has gone down before, too. Being in a coma for nine years and having a huge shrapnel lodged firmly in your brain doesn't help, either, I suppose. Maybe I'm forcing a bit of suspension of disbelieve on myself, but I can see him being not very talkative after all of that.
Finally get to join the party!
You know, I don't care about special editions and stuff, but... Damn, dat map :drool:
Completed Awakening. So that was pretty weird :lol:

I thought the Bionic arm was a pretty cool collectible. The moveable joints allow for some fun, and it is very detailed. But primarily I am just looking very much forward to watching the Blu-Ray with the extra features.
Who else here knocked out a bear with their "bear" hands? :D (OK, more like bionic arm)

This game is starting to get boring. Not much on story, just a prettier version of Peace Walker. Also, the controller issue I'm having is getting really, really frustrating during game play.

Better collect that puppy, DD, right when you first see him. He wont be available to capture in a long, long time. He should appear at that one spot where you find him on your third or fourth mission. Don't pass him up!
This game is fantastic, ground zeros was my first MGS game and I played the snot out of it. Even better was getting TPP for free because I got a new graphics card.

Highlights include: Having my Attack chopper blast music such as Ride of the Valkyries, Take on me, your love or any other epic or entirely situationally inappropriate song whilst they rain death upon thine enemies. The cut scene after you rescue the puppy (my heart!). Using the Fulton recovery system. The sound that the sheep make when you recover them and the gameplay itself and how many ways you can play
This game is fantastic, ground zeros was my first MGS game and I played the snot out of it. Even better was getting TPP for free because I got a new graphics card.

Highlights include: Having my Attack chopper blast music such as Ride of the Valkyries, Take on me, your love or any other epic or entirely situationally inappropriate song whilst they rain death upon thine enemies. The cut scene after you rescue the puppy (my heart!). Using the Fulton recovery system. The sound that the sheep make when you recover them and the gameplay itself and how many ways you can play

...Wait, so you basically do what the villian from Skyfall did, but you don't play the song he played. I guess you didn't see Skyfall
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So, after a couple of missions, I'm ready to share my thoughts.

To start with, I found the game to be very frustrating. It's been a long time since I've played a Metal Gear Solid game, so I was quite rusty at first, and it kind of felt like I was being punished for it because the game was unrelenting. It's very unforgiving with Reflex turned off; one mistake will see all of the sentries descend upon you, and escape or evasion is very difficult. Some of the additional objectives felt like a cheap way to get you to replay a mission, at least until I scored an S rank even though I only fulfilled two of the five objectives.

It finally got better with "Over the Fence", which I found to be pretty rewarding because it was my first real opportunity to not only plan things out, but to take some calculated risks as well. Ground Zeroes' biggest drawcard was the way it forced you to balance risk against reward, putting you in a position where you had to stop and think ahead whilst in a situation where time was an absolute luxury. The Phantom Pain is a little more forgiving in allowing you all the time that you need, but asking you to do more complex things along the way. After crawling through the drainage tunnel and working my way up the hill in "Over the Fence", figuring out how to get through the demountables, across the open quad and into the bombed-out building was pretty tough. Especially when I realised that I needed smoke grenades and had to get them dropped in without attracting attention.
Love the game. So much flexibility in how you approach each mission. I'm not very creative usually but something fun happened yesterday. I was trying to extract a prisoner from one of the small buildings, which only had 1 window and an entrance. It had the guard inside with the prisoner, and another guard outside. Plus a bunch of other guards stationed around the area.

I could take both of those guards out but not without alerting someone else at the base. So what I did is set off an explosion just outside the base, so most of the soldiers went to check it out. I only had to deal with those two remaining guards, while everyone else thought I was on the other side of the map. Made things way easier and I was able to put the guards to sleep, extract them, and then carry the prisoner out on my back and away from the hostiles.

It's just one of the cool things you can do in the game.
So after having spent most of the friday with the game, I can safely say that I love the gameplay. That said, I am really missing some more story and cutscenes. I'm fine with spending some time listening to casettes. but I want to see some actual interaction with the main characters as well. Also, I hope Big Boss doesn't remain this quiet throughout the entire game.

Also D-Dog is so adorable!
Fantastic game. Oozes style and quality. When playing it, I have that same great feeling I did when Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 3 came out. Miss the codec and Hayter though. Sutherland's voice would be better for Sam Fisher.
So after having spent most of the friday with the game, I can safely say that I love the gameplay. That said, I am really missing some more story and cutscenes. I'm fine with spending some time listening to casettes. but I want to see some actual interaction with the main characters as well. Also, I hope Big Boss doesn't remain this quiet throughout the entire game.

Also D-Dog is so adorable!

You'll get your cutscenes and story in later missions (some, may I say, of the best in the series) plus Big Boss gets little bit more "talkative" as time goes on.

I'm around mission 33 and absolutely loving TPP. I like that the game winks about itself and its legacy few times.

Got offered to wear a chicken hat since I was getting Miller killed, and decided to wear it. Little did I know, I ruined my chance of an S ratting. D'oh!

Someone has.

I'm enjoying the game immensely.
19 hours in and only 5%.

I got a little stuck rescueing an old motherbase operative, took me a while to figure him out, but really so far the only thing I can't do is the target practice at the R+D platform.
I can't find all 35 targets.

I found my little one eyed wolf whilst free roaming.
He's available at any time, you just have to be wandering around the right area. I nearly ran him over in my jeep.
I had no idea he was there till ocelot said something and I had to screech to a halt, jump out and use the int scope to hear him.
Couldn't see the guy, he's too tiny at first!

If anyone has any advice on how to complete the target practice I'd like to hear it, and also can someone please explain to me why I redistribute the 3 soldiers I just fultoned when I get back to base, and an hour later, I check the staff maintenance section, and they still have dots next to their names and need redistributing?

My tip, seeing as we are sharing tips, is, if you are waiting to develop a weapon, but haven't quite got the level of competence back at mother base yet, reassign all your soldiers to the correct section, either R+D or Intel or whatever, level up, develop the weapon, then afterwards, reassign all staff using the "reassign all staff" feature, and you will rebalance your force.

I think I'm 28 hours in now, I played far too much today but that's probably because I've only been able to do 4 hours a night up until today. I'm still enjoying it, the rough edges are much more apparent to me now but I don't think any of them are so rough that it detracts from the game.

Probably my biggest issue is that you can cycle through your weapons by tapping the number keys (on PC), but when it comes to items, for some reason tapping the number just toggles one item on and off, instead of cycling through. That wouldn't matter if the menu was better than it is, but as it stands the radial menu is pretty poor when navigated with a mouse. As a result I tend to end up only using NVGs, I've never even tried a cardboard box...

Actually the list of things I've never tried is huge, but I guess that's because there's so much to do. My loadout is still the (upgraded) WU pistol and MRS-4, but I've just unlocked the ability to modify weapons so now that I (think I) can put a suppressor on the UN-ARC, I might start using that instead. I'll definitely take my newly suppressed non-lethal sniper rifle with me more often, that's for sure.

Speaking of which, I have no idea how to use Quiet. She didn't exactly impress me the first time I sortied with her, let's put it that way. D-Dog is awesome, though. I didn't think I'd like him at all but I think he's probably my favourite.
...but really so far the only thing I can't do is the target practice at the R+D platform.
I can't find all 35 targets.

I just started looking up the locations on the internet. Playing search for the target isn't fun, although trying to get a perfect run to hit them all as fast as possible once you know the pattern kind of is.

My tip, seeing as we are sharing tips, is, if you are waiting to develop a weapon, but haven't quite got the level of competence back at mother base yet, reassign all your soldiers to the correct section, either R+D or Intel or whatever, level up, develop the weapon, then afterwards, reassign all staff using the "reassign all staff" feature, and you will rebalance your force.

Heh, I did that last night. Dumped almost everyone in R&D, developed a bunch of stuff, pushed them all back to mission-useful areas like Intel.

Then I decided that it's way too much work and I can't be bothered, so I just need to extract more dudes. :)