Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I generally try to just scan everyone I come across. Unless I have to take them out, that is. From what I know, the skills your enemies will have are largely depending on your heroism. It's mostly luck, I suppose.
D-Dog, on the other hand, is just all kinds of OP. He doesn't set off alerts, you can set him up to
kill, stun, mortally wound or, later on,
Fulton (which I haven't tried yet)
instead of the default distract (and later on he'll do it as well as distract, except it's not an incapacitive distraction) and will spot enemies, prisoners, vehicles, weapon emplacements, materials, plants, animals and possibly also blueprints(?) from an astonishingly long range. He's a much more useful buddy if you've got a balanced loadout.
I missed the electrospinning specialist the first time around, so I don't have the higher functions.

Then again, Quiet can distract an entire base for a long time which is undeniably useful function.
My problem was that I told her to provide cover fire and then advance on the outposts without telling her to stop firing.

I also haven't tried the grenade thing yet but I can't see that being all that useful.
It helps you put grenades around corners to give them a bit of extra range.
I generally try to just scan everyone I come across. Unless I have to take them out, that is. From what I know, the skills your enemies will have are largely depending on your heroism. It's mostly luck, I suppose.

Most soldiers I find have a C-rank in one class, rest are lower. I guess I could just Fulton everyone that has those kinds of stats. Or interrogate some guards if they know a skilled soldier somewhere.
Ok, I am kind of getting frustrated here and not sure if its only me. After mission 2 or 3 I unlocked customize option in mother base and so I changed my base color and my logo and all those things but now I am up to level 8 and the option is no where to be found. Am I missing something? Is it a glitch?
Ok, I am kind of getting frustrated here and not sure if its only me. After mission 2 or 3 I unlocked customize option in mother base and so I changed my base color and my logo and all those things but now I am up to level 8 and the option is no where to be found. Am I missing something? Is it a glitch?

Are in your ACC when you look for the option? As far as I know, that's the only place where it'll show up.
Where do you find highly-skilled soldiers apart from Side Ops?
Interrorgating guards is a good thing. They will pinpoint the specialists on the iDroid if you haven't discovered them. I'm watching Yong's playthough (sort of as a "cheater" review, since I think that Let's Plays are the pure review), and the guards gives up one or two specialists on an average mission than your own intel unit.

Ok, I am kind of getting frustrated here and not sure if its only me. After mission 2 or 3 I unlocked customize option in mother base and so I changed my base color and my logo and all those things but now I am up to level 8 and the option is no where to be found. Am I missing something? Is it a glitch?

Question: Have you completed Main OPS missions numbers 29 OR 42? There is a major glitch that stops game progress if you use Quiet as a support buddy in those missions. If you did, reload game progress prior to those missions and resume.

There is a patch that is supposed to fix this coming.
no i have not gotten that high yet. only on mission 8 currently. I restarted my game and tried the Idroid from the chopper and from mother base and from Afganistan but the customize bar is not there.
Where do you find highly-skilled soldiers apart from Side Ops?
Develop the scope to have the analyser function and you can see soldiers' stats. You will naturally start to find skilled and high-ranking soldiers as the story progresses; I just finished Episode 20, and I am regularly finding A+ soldiers in the field (and have been for some time) and thtough volunteers. It's getting to the point where I have to dismiss C- and even the occasional B-rank soldier to accommodate the ones that I find.
Do you guys know if it's possible to find blueprints that you've found then lost by dying and continuing from a checkpoint? I found the Zorn KP blueprint yesterday then lost it again so it's not there but I don't have it either. I'm hoping it'll just respawn when the other resources in the area do, but it seems like everyone else is having the same problem.

Also the Brennan. Get it. Use it. Love it.
Statement released via the Metal Gear Twitter page:
"As previously communicated, a critical bug has been identified that may halt progress and corrupt game save data under certain circumstances. Further investigation has revealed the exact trigger of the bug, so we would like to share these details to enable players to effectively avoid the issue.

The bug is triggered only under certain circumstances in Episode 29 or Episode 42 when Quiet is used as your buddy. However, you may still safely use Quiet in these missions if you use the Butterfly Emblem throughout the mission or avoid raising your Bond Level with Quiet to MAX during the course of the mission."
Also the Brennan. Get it. Use it. Love it.
Really looking forward to getting that. I love my sniper rifles!

Been messing around with the weapon customization a little. There's some great stuff you can do, actually. I've modded my ARC to fire .308 sniper rifle rounds, for example. Sure, it now lacks ammo (20 round magazine, with 40 bullets in total), but I usually have to call in supply drops for suppressors long before running out of ammo. Between the ARC and my MRS-71, I actually seem to run out of enemies first :lol: Those .308 rounds offer great armour penetration as well, making it easier to take on heavy infantry.

Something else I noticed: Slapping high-end parts onto lower-end base weapons does boost their performance considerably. Take the ARC HB varaint, for example. Over 2,000 GMP to deploy. Use its barrel with another ARC variant and you basically get the same stats without the increase in deployment cost. After noticing that, I modified the base SVG-76. Give it a high-end barrel and you'll get a huge increase in performance - almost as good as the higher-end assault rifles, it just lacks optics. Pretty neat, considering it only costs 80 GMP to deploy.

TL;DR: If you're short on GMP or just generally cheap, modify cheap weapons.

/edit: In case you weren't convinced the MGS community is kinda nuts, here's some more proof. The guys over at the MGS Subreddit dug up some hints about something big TPP related being revealed on 9/11 (of all dates). Possibly.

I'd be happy with more MGSV, even with some pricey DLC.
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I'd be happy with more MGSV, even with some pricey DLC.
Same. I'm 40% of the way in after close to 60 hours of gameplay, and I want this to be just 4% of the game. I have never found a game to be as engrossing as The Phantom Pain.
Really looking forward to getting that. I love my sniper rifles!

Oh yeah, I forgot to respond to your question about suppressors; sadly you can't put an existing suppressor on it - fortunately it's the best-sounding gun in the game, though, it feels like it'd be a shame to hide it! You'd be surprised what it can do, too. I think it also comes with as much ammo as a .308 which is kind of insane. I too tried my ARC with .308 but... Oh, no, I was going to but never did. I also converted the MRS semi-auto rifle to 7.62 for the increased capacity and it's exactly what I wanted; a marksman rifle that's pretty handy at any range, it was kind of like having two assault rifles... Which is why I went back to .308, because I already had an assault rifle!

Still, an MRS assault rifle with a long railed barrel, underbarrel shotgun and red dot sight with a 2x booster combined with the MRS sniper rifle in .308, an underbarrel grenade launcher and 3-step zoom scope is an insanely useful loadout for when things go awry, as they so often do when you're using that loadout... It's funny how that works, isn't it? Like, when I do a 590 GMP sortie I can, say, 'eliminate' (extract) heavy troops entirely in stealth, but when I spend over 30k I seem to just get in fights all the time.

And yeah, I have to admit I'd happily pay for more of this game. A little more variety in side ops would be good (they are a bit too basic, Peace Walker had much more variety, but the multiple approaches do make up for this) though.
Oh wow, I'm totally boned.... My game wont load up at all! i have tried for over four to five hours. I've tried every thing you can think of to get my game going again. I save my game on a regular basis to a flash drive, so things like this wont happen. But, it has happened, to me. My saved game file, that I have file, also wont load up and run.

I get the Konami screen, I get the Kojima screen, I get the Fox Engine screen, but after that, nothing. It just sits there, and just wont load up. I never get the game menu at all.

I've spent 80-90 hours on this game, getting to level 32 on all the struts and accomplished so many task, just to get boned in the ass like this, it's just disgusting. NEVER will I buy, own, or play a Konami game again, in my life, or even a MGS game, in my life again. I loved this game series but, never again. Over and done with.

Anybody else having the same problems, or am I just "the lucky one'?"
@Solid Lifters which platform are you on? Have you tried deleting the game and any associated files before installing it again? If your backup isn't loading either I'd be surprised if the saves are damaged, you'd expect an earlier, working save to be ok if that was the problem.

Edit: and no, you're not alone - many AMD CPU (I think) owners have been unable to launch the game at all, let alone get 90 hours in. I'm sure you can fix the problem though.
Oh yeah, I forgot to respond to your question about suppressors; sadly you can't put an existing suppressor on it - fortunately it's the best-sounding gun in the game, though, it feels like it'd be a shame to hide it!
Damn! I just looooove my silenced sniper! Can't imagine going about without it. Guess you can't expect to silence a .50 cal :indiff:

I also converted the MRS semi-auto rifle to 7.62 for the increased capacity and it's exactly what I wanted; a marksman rifle that's pretty handy at any range, it was kind of like having two assault rifles... Which is why I went back to .308, because I already had an assault rifle!
Funny, I had basically the opposite happen to me. Went with all the upgrades to increase the maximum effective range of my ARC after converting to .308, effectively making it a secondary sniper rifle. I eventually dropped that idea because, as you said, I already have a dedicated weapon to engage targets at long range with. Still, I'm probably sticking with the .308 ammo for the ARC. The difference in stopping power is sweet!

but when I spend over 30k I seem to just get in fights all the time.
Why not use the toys you paid for? :D Since I stick to snipe targets with the silenced MRS, I usually get away without too much of a hassle, though.

Same. I'm 40% of the way in after close to 60 hours of gameplay, and I want this to be just 4% of the game. I have never found a game to be as engrossing as The Phantom Pain.
Absolutely, and I'm of the opinion that this largely because it isn't as story driven as previous titles!

I'm close to 40 hours now, and still 5% :lol: I just roam around, taking names.
Now that is something :lol: Understandable, though, messing around with the game is some damn good fun :lol:
I think it's completely unfair that the enemies can see and shoot through just about any cover doing a firefight. Completely ruins the fun in going loud. Anti air radars, sandbags, you name it. All of it can be penetrated by enemy small arms, making it very frustrating to fight them in conventional ways.

Really awful game design in an otherwise exceptional and well crafted game.
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Guess you can't expect to silence a .50 cal

Not at first, no... The last one on the tree costs over a million and has some pretty high requirements, but it comes with a low durability suppressor. I don't know if this is really a spoiler but I feel like I would've wanted to find that out for myself.

Speaking of spoilers,
gear spoilers anyway, I haven't seen a single gun with a high durability suppressor; only low, medium and infinite integrals. Are there any later guns with limited use but high durability suppressors that you can put on other guns? I'm only able to develop grade 4 gear so far, except for the last short barrel revolver which is grade 5.

@Jawehawk yeah, the other day I got a serious injury from an enemy shooting through a concrete wall... With buckshot. Fortunately it works both ways, I killed a guy by shooting through a tent I was in while he was 150 metres away with the Brennan.

Brennan. When you need to reach out and touch someone violently in the brain, accept nothing less.

I painted mine pink.
They're not fictional they just don't have the real names.
I think all the weapons are now fictional compared to the previous titles...
That's the point, I'd assume.

@neema_t, I don't see anything unreasonable about penetrating a tent with a .50 - or a bunch of heads with helmets, or a car, for that matter :lol:

Speaking of which, I recently got two headshots with a single .308 round. Quite rewarding!
Now at 6% :lol: Mission 5, already have over 400 staff at Mother Base, spamming side ops ( extract prisoner and highly skilled target ) over and over, emptying the base each time :lol: Already have lots of B ranked staff and some A :P A few have 3 to 4 B skills set ( support, R & D, combat )

Grinding materials, upgrading the base, about 50 to 60 staff each ( support, R&D and base dev )
They're not fictional they just don't have the real names.

Actually, they're all fictional, in the sense that they mix a variety of gun models into one design. I've yet to come across a gun in the game that was entirely accurate to a real world model. Some come close, but none gets it perfect. It's a damn shame considering how authentic the gun designs were in MGS4.
I could've sworn I've seen an FN FAL, 1911, Remington 700, M60 and I'm sure there's a few more.