Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
So two hours ago I decided I had played the game enough for today. Now I'm booting it up again.

Confound this game, it drives me to madness! Did I use that word (confound) right?
I think I'm going to wait and see what the outcome of this Ingsoc countdown is before I speculate more on Kojima and Konami, I think it's just too coincidental that as far back as Ground Zeroes there were all sorts of hints and themes that mirrored Konami's actions following Kojima's departure (i.e. actually going as far as to remove his name from everything they could), and that theme continues on to The Phantom Pain. I'm not saying I think it's all a Moby Dick Studios-style hoax, but... I don't think it's not that, either! I guess we'll find out. Maybe he left amicably and they decided it would be a fun prank. I mean, why haven't we heard about a court case or Kojima's next career move?

Anyway. Clocking off in 35 minutes, tonight is the last night I can play for a while - better make it count!
I'd definitely take ZoE game over, say, Silent Hills, but realisticly, I'd say it's something MGS related.

It's almost spooky what the MGS community has been digging up :lol:
First, I'll have to say that there are a lot of employers that don't treat their employees very well (including some of my former employers) - nobody cares, though, because it's not about ZOMG Kojima. Meh.

Second, yes, Konami might not be nice to people, that's not the point. The point is, none of your anecdotal "evidence" suggests that Konami willingly shot itself in the foot to spite someone. I don't believe some higher-ups at Konami were like "Hey, yeah, who cares about losing sales, let's make the game objectively worse just to **** Kojima over."
It isn't just Kojima that they are spiting here though. It was everyone involved at the former Kojima Productions studio, both in LA and in Tokyo, the franchise itself and its fans. They did the same to Silent Hill, Castlevania, and each IP they own in turn. It just so happens that this was the highly publicized case out of all of them.

Konami changes company goals as frequently as we change underpants. Today it just so happens to be that their focus is on Pachinko and mobile titles, and they are adapting current employees (who make video games) and fitting them into cookie cutter molds by pretending that they are qualified to work elsewhere when they have no business doing the job that they want them to do. The fact that The Phantom Pain was released unfinished (i.e. No real ending was inserted into the game), and Kojima Productions disbanded made it perfectly clear that they are going into mobile gaming for quite awhile, provided that they stay alive during that time...

I just heard that this was Kojima's last Metal Gear game. I hope it isn't the final one, the story isn't complete.

The Phantom Pain is supposed to loop the Big Boss Saga with Metal Gear 1(MSX). The ending for the game was storyboarded and some work was done on it, but the content was cut from final release and preserved for the Collector's edition buyers. It ultimately, like all things, leaked online.

Basically, if you want to see the real ending, you have to get the collector's edition.
I think my HDD failed. My PS3 just wont finish completing a corrupt file repair. I've tried several times. It reaches level 44, and comes to a very slow crawl. Level 46% takes forever to reach and then just shuts down, only to start all over again. That makes believe it's a HDD failure. I will try to find the original HDD and reinstall it and fire it back up again. Lucky for me I copied my game save just 12 hours before the crash.
So yeah, connecting to the online portion makes everything absolutely slow.

60 hours in, and I'm on mission 31, getting resources is becoming a chore, but the game is still awesome.

Does that link work for anybody? I get a 404 error message. THat's where I need to download the latest firmware so I can restart my PS3.

THis is my LAST Sony product, ever. It should not be this time consuming just to get a download, and restart a PS3. This is just insane. Sony sucks, big time right now. Ridiculous.

I found a copy at that website, but my PS3 wont read it.
So, the Ingsoc timer has run out. Any news on what it means?
Apparently, that site is ran by a third party, according to Reddit. It's fake and nothing will come of it.

Does that link work for anybody? I get a 404 error message. THat's where I need to download the latest firmware so I can restart my PS3.

THis is my LAST Sony product, ever. It should not be this time consuming just to get a download, and restart a PS3. This is just insane. Sony sucks, big time right now. Ridiculous.

I found a copy at that website, but my PS3 wont read it.

It works for me.
Apparently, that site is ran by a third party, according to Reddit. It's fake and nothing will come of it.

It works for me.
Can you download it for me and send it to me?

Sony isn't much of a help at all. They wont download it and send it to me in an email, for whatever reason. Just stupid.

The PS3 just wont run my flash drive file, so basically, my PS3 is bricked. Just gonna have to go out and buy a new one.
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It isn't just Kojima that they are spiting here though. It was everyone involved at the former Kojima Productions studio, both in LA and in Tokyo, the franchise itself and its fans. They did the same to Silent Hill, Castlevania, and each IP they own in turn. It just so happens that this was the highly publicized case out of all of them.
Okay, so, uh, is Konami the first or only publisher to run a franchise with a big name into the ground? I mean, with Ubisoft and EA around, and Activision to an extend? C'mon, don't tell me you never noticed what a huge mess the last SimCity was, or Assassin's Creed Unity, or the Thief reboot.

Konami changes company goals as frequently as we change underpants. Today it just so happens to be that their focus is on Pachinko and mobile titles, and they are adapting current employees (who make video games) and fitting them into cookie cutter molds by pretending that they are qualified to work elsewhere when they have no business doing the job that they want them to do.
So you'd rather Konami laid off the entire workforce? Yeah, that sounds a lot better, really.

The fact that The Phantom Pain was released unfinished (i.e. No real ending was inserted into the game), and Kojima Productions disbanded made it perfectly clear that they are going into mobile gaming for quite awhile, provided that they stay alive during that time...
I don't know how accurate that info is, but after going over reddit yesterday (due to the ingsorc hoax), the guys on there cited Kojima not meeting his deadlines and budget restrictions as a big reason for the dispute between KojiPro and Konami. Again, I don't know how accurate that is, but if you're attempting to leave a market and one of your project leads isn't playing by the rules you outlined for him, you've got to draw the line somewhere. TPP isn't half as bad as it could have been, mind you. However, it would've been complete, probably, if either Konami threw more time and money at it or Kojima avoided bloating the whole thing up.

People are quick to now point fingers solely at Konami and even quicker to assume that Kojima is absolutely innocent when it comes to TPP being unfinished. Hell, that's the exact same line of thinking I've seen in the GT section about Kazunori: It's never his fault GT is unfinished or whatever, because someone at Sony must've forced his hand. Gotta get over that cult of personality, if you're asking me.

So, the Ingsoc timer has run out. Any news on what it means?
Apparently, a completely unrelated developer trying to use the MGS community to create some hype for their own game :indiff:

Okay, so, uh, is Konami the first or only publisher to run a franchise with a big name into the ground? I mean, with Ubisoft and EA around, and Activision to an extend? C'mon, don't tell me you never noticed what a huge mess the last SimCity was, or Assassin's Creed Unity, or the Thief reboot.
EA I specifically mentioned in a prior post. I agree, franchises come and go all the time, but most are never made as public as Konami made it with Silent Hills and the Kojima produced Metal Gear series. Bad breakups are bad, but what makes it even worse is the fact that the games themselves may share some game mechanic that players actually like. Take Castlevania for example. Many people, including myself, like the Igarashi produced games because it adds the element of exploration that wasn't there in any of the games prior, nor do any games after. That is why, at the time, Igarashi's return to form in the upcoming Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night broke Kickstarter records when it was first announced.

So you'd rather Konami laid off the entire workforce? Yeah, that sounds a lot better, really.
You are twisting my words. Konami is (was) a video game company. Let the developers who work under you do their **** jobs and produce games. As Jim Sterling said, a sediment that I echo, sometimes it is better to release a game and expect little money than it is to release another COD shooter and expect COD money. You might find that releasing those games with low expectations might earn you all of the money in the end.

I don't know how accurate that info is, but after going over reddit yesterday (due to the ingsorc hoax), the guys on there cited Kojima not meeting his deadlines and budget restrictions as a big reason for the dispute between KojiPro and Konami. Again, I don't know how accurate that is, but if you're attempting to leave a market and one of your project leads isn't playing by the rules you outlined for him, you've got to draw the line somewhere. TPP isn't half as bad as it could have been, mind you. However, it would've been complete, probably, if either Konami threw more time and money at it or Kojima avoided bloating the whole thing up.

People are quick to now point fingers solely at Konami and even quicker to assume that Kojima is absolutely innocent when it comes to TPP being unfinished. Hell, that's the exact same line of thinking I've seen in the GT section about Kazunori: It's never his fault GT is unfinished or whatever, because someone at Sony must've forced his hand. Gotta get over that cult of personality, if you're asking me.

Up until now, I have let the assumption that I was defending Kojima rattle around in these boards. I just want to make one thing clear, I am not defending Kojima in the same manner that I have not defended Kaz for a long overdue GT7 (in fact, it was the deciding factor in selling my PS4). I get that development takes time, but it is like you said, if a GT appears unfinished, it is because someone at Sony forced his hand, something that Kojima didn't enjoy if the screws were starting to tighten over at Konamiland. The fact that he left the game unfinished must have drew some ire from the top brass, and it was no wonder why the breakup was as messy as it once was.
The fact that he left the game unfinished must have drew some ire from the top brass, and it was no wonder why the breakup was as messy as it once was.
Why do you always assume that somebody is always out to get their own back? First, you suggested that Konami cut content to stick it to Kojima. Now you're suggesting that Kojima deliberately left the game unfinished to teach Konami a lesson. From the sounds of things, Mission 51 is the only thing that's really missing. My guess is that the game constantly ran over time and/or over budget and Konami had finally had enough and made an executive decision to release the game at the earliest possible opportunity. If Mission 51 was cut, then it was probably to set up future DLC content or pave the way for a Metal Gear Solid 6. I was reading an article earlier today - admittedly about the Ingsoc hoax before it became apparent that it was a hoax - about the content that may have been cut; the "Nuclear" trailer suggested that the game would return to Camp Omega at some point.
I just finished Episode 31, and truth be told, the game does not feel unfinished. Granted, I haven't gone through everything else, and it would probably be nice if every mission could be original. But it reminds me of Peace Walker and the Zadornov Escape missions - you had to do a few things over there, too. To be blunt, I think that the cries of "THE GAME'S NOT FINISHED!!" are yet another knee-jerk reaction aimed at Konami.

It would be nice if the game could have fifty original missions. If would be nice if "Chapter 2" could introduce new areas of operations. It would be nice if Kojima could continue to release DLC that could make the game ten times bigger. But you know what? I have been playing for 65 hours, and I have just 46% complete, with Metal Gear Online and the Forward Operating Bases to come. And I got all of it for just $90.
You have enough HD space and you've tried booting with your net cable unplugged?

I'm quite anxious to see this issue resolved, as I'm playing on PS3

Do you have a physical copy or a psn store version solid?

Sorry, didn't see this until now...

I have the disk. I am renting it from Game Fly. Though, my copy is brand new, got it on Wednesday, the day after it came out, I could buy it for $36, if I want to.

As far as I know, there is a hardware problem with my PS3. I never went anywhere with it after loading up the safe mode. All options did nothing for me except give me the software error screen. Three calls to Sony and two over the internet via chat also yielding nothing.

Do I want to buy another PS3, my fifth one, third for myself, or just say screw it? I'm still debating it. But, if I do get another one, I'm sure I'll have to start all over again, since my game saves are all gone. I have no idea what happened to them. I thought I moved them over to my PC, but I can't find them anywhere. I just should have copied my MGS5 game. Not sure if there are back ups available from PSN or whatever, but I doubt it.
Bad breakups are bad, but what makes it even worse is the fact that the games themselves may share some game mechanic that players actually like.
Well, duh. Who cares if a franchise nobody cared about goes belly up?

I really think this is just a knee-jerk reaction because people can't come to grips with the fact that video game development is a business first and foremost.

You are twisting my words. Konami is (was) a video game company.
Precisely, they were a video game company. They're pulling out of the industry that made having that many video game programmers on board a necessity. Happens all the time when a company changes. And if Konami doesn't need (as many) programmers, what are they supposed to do? Either give them other jobs or set them free.

tl;dr: Producing games isn't their job any more because Konami isn't going to be in that market any longer, what's so hard about that to understand?

You may question the business decision they made to change their strategy, but we don't know the business case that led them to make that decision - it's a moot point, really.

Up until now, I have let the assumption that I was defending Kojima rattle around in these boards.
My only assumption is that you just can't fathom that Konami wasn't out to get Kojima, that they just looked at some numbers, made a decision based on that and followed through with it. Kojima not getting to overspend and to push deadlines doesn't have to be down to Konami being out for revenge. As I said earlier, corporations like Konami base their decisions on cold, hard cash and you can bet that nobody was okay with forgoing sales and revenue in order to spite Kojima.

I admitted that much earlier, I got on the Konami hate train myself. It's just getting out of hand. Too many people are blaming everything they perceive as wrong with the game on Konami, whether that's fair or not. @prisonermonkeys has it right, I'd say: Nobody was necessarily out to get anyone, the game's just a victim of the circumstances is what developed under.

Getting S rank is still overly difficult and relies too much on time. Don't like it... It's not fun.
That wasn't my impression so far. I've been going slow and lethal, but the amount of points I've been raking in from headshots and liquidations was enough to award S ranks in multiple missions without even trying.
Getting S rank is still overly difficult and relies too much on time. Don't like it... It's not fun.

It's true that if you can do it quickly S-ranks are easy to get, but I've done a couple of ops where I thought I'd really screwed up and got an S in the end. If you get enough headshots, tactical takedowns and complete some additional objectives you can take your time, it's combat alerts and getting hit that really screw up your score. Also the additional conditions like perfect stealth, no kills and stuff help. It would be good if there was some sort of feedback as to what the grade boundaries are and what your current conditions are - combat alerts, headshots, hits taken, etc. - so you could decide whether you want to complete it in two minutes and set off an alert or complete it in ten and do it in perfect stealth.

Also, early missions with late-game gear or even just D-Dog are trivially easy to S, mainly because there are no surprises and some objectives that you used to have to get close to can now be destroyed from 100m away using a suppressed sniper rifle or something.
Just play the game. I had no idea after i arrived on Afghanistan. Go to the town and im really lost.

The Difficulty Spike is rather too atrocious.
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So, my most awesome moments so far:
Perfect stealth in "Hellbound" (except for the encounter with Sahelanthropus), "Voices" and "Skull Face" (it's a shame that you cannot go back to OKB Zero in free roam; it's so well designed).

But by far the best run that I have had was in "Code Talker": a perfect run from the station in Zaire, up past the industrial zone and through the Lufwa Valley, doing two prisoner extractions and taking down a heavy infantry unit along the way, and all without firing a single shot.
Accidently ran over the prisoner I was supposed to save, after having purposely moved him to a "safe" spot while I went back in to get us a four wheel drive. Forgot where I had put him, and didn't find out until Kaz was screaming "What the hell are you doing!?!?", in the Codec. Quite frustrating, as I was doing quite well up until that point.

On the plus side, the next playthrough of that same area was pretty epic, with the helicopter deciding to leave the LZ to provide support. Very cool sight to see it firing rockets at the enemy positions in the middle of the night.
Episode 16:

The Skulls popping out of that truck made me nearly crap my pants. :crazy: Not sure if anyone tried to defeat them yet, but I can say that an airstrike solves it one blow. :D Just mind the truck. ;)
Episode 16:

The Skulls popping out of that truck made me nearly crap my pants. :crazy: Not sure if anyone tried to defeat them yet, but I can say that an airstrike solves it one blow. :D Just mind the truck. ;)

I took all of them out with the APC tank that was in front of the convoy. Apparently if you drive around fast enough they won't do anything to the tank. Just fire away with the cannon and they should go down. They sometimes leap onto the tank but I just shoot them and they immediately leap off.
Episode 16:

The Skulls popping out of that truck made me nearly crap my pants. :crazy: Not sure if anyone tried to defeat them yet, but I can say that an airstrike solves it one blow. :D Just mind the truck. ;)

I went into one of the tanks and tanked them away :lol:

lol techny was a bit faster

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