Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I'm pretty sure the soldier grades are semi-random and dependent entirely on your heroism, I never found any S-ranked people in the field or through volunteers until comparatively recently (maybe the last 20-30 hours or so?) but even now I see maybe one in every five outposts I visit. I've also noticed that dying can cause either rerolled stats or maybe just randomised guard positions when you choose to resume from a checkpoint.

So the subsistence missions are surprisingly hard, perfect stealth missions are surprisingly easy (so far all the ones I've done are ones I did in perfect stealth the first time anyway) and extreme missions are pretty much what I expected. I've only tried one subsistence mission so far,
C2W, thinking it'd be easy but the placement of those heavy troops makes plan B very difficult and the reduced STN/ZZZ timer means you pretty much have to hold people up to immobilise them for long enough, meaning an alert will put them all back into action. That would be alright if most of them weren't carrying launchers... Then there's the patrolling helicopter, too. Also it seems as if the explosives the game gives you to take out the antennae are just grenades, so you can't even plant C4, leave and detonate them from a distance but maybe you could hide inside the base and grenade them then try to sneak out. Maybe the village has some C4 stashed somewhere. I don't know but I can't play for at least another ten days so don't tell me!
Have you tried a long throw? You should be able to take two of them out from one position; the third one will be a challenge, though.
@Ibonibo (or if anyone else can confirm) - would that be useful against the 'Man on Fire'

Not really. Miller claimed it isn't enough water. But I imagine if you shoot at him long enough you can stun him. I would just lure him to the water tower and let him destroy it.
So, episode 19:

Half way through the subordinate decides to switch cars, then doesn't move anymore at all. Is that normal? Anyway, at my first attempt I just killed everyone in the outpost, then learned the chopper was extracting the PF commander. So on my second run, I blew the chopper from the sky using an RPG, then wiped the outpost, then went to the outpost the commander was hiding. :D
I'm pretty sure the soldier grades are semi-random and dependent entirely on your heroism, I never found any S-ranked people in the field or through volunteers until comparatively recently (maybe the last 20-30 hours or so?) but even now I see maybe one in every five outposts I visit. I've also noticed that dying can cause either rerolled stats or maybe just randomised guard positions when you choose to resume from a checkpoint.

So the subsistence missions are surprisingly hard, perfect stealth missions are surprisingly easy (so far all the ones I've done are ones I did in perfect stealth the first time anyway) and extreme missions are pretty much what I expected. I've only tried one subsistence mission so far,
C2W, thinking it'd be easy but the placement of those heavy troops makes plan B very difficult and the reduced STN/ZZZ timer means you pretty much have to hold people up to immobilise them for long enough, meaning an alert will put them all back into action. That would be alright if most of them weren't carrying launchers... Then there's the patrolling helicopter, too. Also it seems as if the explosives the game gives you to take out the antennae are just grenades, so you can't even plant C4, leave and detonate them from a distance but maybe you could hide inside the base and grenade them then try to sneak out. Maybe the village has some C4 stashed somewhere. I don't know but I can't play for at least another ten days so don't tell me!


My way:

Sneaked and fulton the one guy at the outpost that is alone (SW?). Take the nades in the shack behind him. Rerun back, cross the road and go up the crest side of the village. Throw a nade in the window where the comms are. My alert was as I did run off after throwing the nade. Could be done even more stealthy without alarms. Also took around 3 tries till I had a working plan. All guns blazzing didn't work :P. So doing it on the first try like that, without alarms should yield even more points... S++? :lol:
Not really. Miller claimed it isn't enough water. But I imagine if you shoot at him long enough you can stun him. I would just lure him to the water tower and let him destroy it.
I found it easier to call the helicopter in, then use the Karbaga-83 automatic shotgun to stun him, get out of the way so he loses sight of me, and detonate C4 on the water tower struts as the helicopter lands to keep him occupied.

That's the only thing disappointing about the game - the boss fights aren't really fights.
I found it easier to call the helicopter in, then use the Karbaga-83 automatic shotgun to stun him, get out of the way so he loses sight of me, and detonate C4 on the water tower struts as the helicopter lands to keep him occupied.

That's the only thing disappointing about the game - the boss fights aren't really fights.

I love that there are so many ways to deal with situations. Saw on YT that you can also Fulton him out, dump him in the pool by exploding the fuel tank, or push him off the cliff using the Jeep. :lol:
I love that there are so many ways to deal with situations.
That's the beauty of the game - there's no right way or wrong way to deal with a situation; there's just your way, which tends to be the most natural way of playing for you - but the real challenge is in adapting to the immediate situation:
Mfinda Oil Refinery is made up of obscure lines of sight, but Kibiza Camp is far more open. They play very, very differently; likewise Yakho Oboo, which is completely blind on the inside, whereas Wakh Sind has lots of vantage points in middle of the action.
I just did the legendary bear side op :) So easy, simply use the sneaking method and
stun it with stun arm
In the mission area, there's a rock formation that you can sit in between where the bear can't hit you. I just sat there and fired tranquilizer in it till it fell over. :lol:
In the mission area, there's a rock formation that you can sit in between where the bear can't hit you. I just sat there and fired tranquilizer in it till it fell over. :lol:
I just used the stun rifle and it got it in one shot
Gah, hating the Afghanistan Central Base Camp right now. I'm trying to capture it by non-lethal means (so that the guards get replaced later in case I want to raid it for more recruits), but it's so big and there are so many enemies that by the time I neutralise them all, the first ones are revived. Quiet isn't much help because she has to constantly move around, and the AI fights back with suppressing fire while they ready the mortar to flush her out. Meanwhile, they're using the mounted gun to keep me busy, and I'm trying to draw them out into the collapsed hangar because it's close quarters, hoping I can take them down quickly enough to help Quiet. They're also getting into groups, working together, which is a tactic that I haven't seen anywhere else in the game.
Wow, so many ways to defeat the bear :lol: I simply walk slowly and
relied on my intel team to sniff the bear and get behind it :lol: while charging my trusty bionic stun arm :)

I'm at 17% now, close to 70 hours :eek:, the enemies are slowly upgrading their gears, shotguns patrols with body armor and helmets + snipers on the back and machine gunner covering the flank :drool: Some even have heavy ballistic gears for close quarter combat, able to withstand tranq shots and stun shots from rifles ( bounced away ), these guys can meet my bionic sucker punch. I skipped episode again as I picked certain side ops again :grumpy:, went to episode 12, skipping 11 :(

Managed to get A+ and A++ soldiers doing mission 10.

Also got to see the scene that
shows flashback of Paz and Big Boss at the end of MGS V GZ, showing what actually happened to Paz and how the chopper went down. Paz is an empty shell now, having selective amnesia, poor girl. She can be visited at medical deck patient room.
I only upgraded a few weapons, mainly just the tranq gun, a shotgun ( stun ) and rifle ( stun ). Recently got the sniper rifle with tranq bullets, pretty handy. The rest are support weapons like RPG, grenade launcher and C4/Mine/decoy. Also got 3 handguns, Adamska, the G18C lookalike, and Desert Eagle or was it Colt 1911 lookalike.

Try to practice punching with the decoy :D or throw many of them and activate them all on a group of soldiers :D

I did encounter some silly moments with the AI soldiers :lol: Like throwing empty mags at them ( many times ) in the face, and the guy just stand there looking confused :lol: Keep tapping R1 to throw at various direction and laugh :lol: Had fun too doing bionic punch combos on a tight crowd of soldiers, I feel like super human boxer with iron fist.
Watergun :P Squish squish
Can't wait to get it. You can have all sorts of fun with, according to a friend of mine.

Put out fires at night to remain unseen, stun enemy in the face to do a quick CQC, fight Man On Fire (though it takes a lot shots), take out electrical items and the Skulls.

Well, looks like I have to start all over again and my MGS5GZ save is gone too, so no bonus soldiers this time around.

Also, my SplitFish controller is getting worse, so I've had to get a new one of those, too. So, I've spent $300 just to play this game. Who says I'm not a dedicated Metal Gear Solid fan? :D

Who here likes to have fun with the box? Did you know you can...

...slide down hills in it while on your belly? Weeeeeeeeeeee! :P Or, put the posters you find during your game on it and... Well, why don't you try it and stand up to face an enemy soldier! :D
And where might I find that?
It's a series of side ops missions.

I forgot who, but either Kaz or Ocelot will tell you via codec that there's a gunsmith you can rescue, and afterwards the side ops will be available.
Has anyone heard of the weapon customization glitch?
If only there was a glitch that allowed you to swap any part onto any weapon :indiff: Silenced automatic rocket launchers are quite something, though :lol:

Who says I'm not a dedicated Metal Gear Solid fan? :D
I can relate to that :lol: Bought my 980 specifically for MGS and The Witcher 3, so that's a good chunk of money blown on each.
I just did the legendary bear side op :) So easy, simply use the sneaking method and
stun it with stun arm

I emptied both of D-Walker's WU pistols into it, that didn't work quickly enough so I kind of ran it over when it charged which finally knocked it out...

I'm trying to capture it by non-lethal means (so that the guards get replaced later in case I want to raid it for more recruits)

Huh? You know you can kill everyone, leave the AO then come back and they'll still respawn, right? In any case if you're trying to do it non-lethally, just hold people up instead because it's the only way they'll stay down (without being dead, I mean). But you already know that so I don't know why you're expecting them to stay asleep long enough...