Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Updated my trophy list and got a nice surprise when I started up TPP. My GZ benefits were waiting for me! Cool it's trophy based and not game save based.

But, starting over still sucks. At least I'm level 11 and currently increasing my R&D while I'm here. :D
Okay am I the only one who thinks D-Horse looks ridiculous in the Battle Dress with the helmet and kevlar? :lol: I love how the guards still don't suspect anything when they see D-Horse walking around in armor...same for D-Dog. :lol:
In any case if you're trying to do it non-lethally, just hold people up instead because it's the only way they'll stay down (without being dead, I mean). But you already know that so I don't know why you're expecting them to stay asleep long enough...
They only stay down until you trip an alert - and only standard soldiers. I've got heavy infantry to deal with, too. And there's a helicopter on standby. The only things that I don't have to deal with are Walker Gears and land vehicles.
Spent a lot of time on Mother Base, hoping to be able to spot symtoms then. When that didn't work, I went through the hundreds of staff members in the I-Droid menu, and started picking out people who might be the source. First the ones that had am ability description saying that they were unsanitary, and were infecting others. Then everyone I could find that had been picked up in Africa. Nothing worked, and people kept dying, and levels kept dropping. Absolutely infuriating. Stopped playing for now because of it.[spoiler/]
Something interesting just happened to me:

Just free roaming about Afghanistan with D-Horse, until I find an outpost.

Gets of D-Horse only to emit a noise loud enough to alert a soldier.

D-Horse immediately ditches me and makes a run for it.

Spent a lot of time on Mother Base, hoping to be able to spot symtoms then. When that didn't work, I went through the hundreds of staff members in the I-Droid menu, and started picking out people who might be the source. First the ones that had am ability description saying that they were unsanitary, and were infecting others. Then everyone I could find that had been picked up in Africa. Nothing worked, and people kept dying, and levels kept dropping. Absolutely infuriating. Stopped playing for now because of it.[spoiler/]

As I said, there's nothing you can do except carry on with the main ops. It's a classic Hideo red herring, and when you find out what the cause is (cause spoiler follows:
Look at the languages the symptomatic people speak...
) you'll kick yourself for ever trying to do anything about it. There's a cure but it's tied to the story, so the more time you spend doing anything but carrying on with main ops, the more people you'll lose. Then, a couple of ops after that, you'll start getting S-rank volunteers and finding S-rank soldiers everywhere that'll get your levels back up very quickly and it'll be as if nothing ever happened.

Seriously, there's no reason to care about your levels that much because the game is designed so that it's very difficult to actually max everything out before you're finished with the story, and then you'll have more S-rank and better soldiers than you know what to do with.
As I said, there's nothing you can do except carry on with the main ops. It's a classic Hideo red herring, and when you find out what the cause is (cause spoiler follows:
Look at the languages the symptomatic people speak...
) you'll kick yourself for ever trying to do anything about it. There's a cure but it's tied to the story, so the more time you spend doing anything but carrying on with main ops, the more people you'll lose. Then, a couple of ops after that, you'll start getting S-rank volunteers and finding S-rank soldiers everywhere that'll get your levels back up very quickly and it'll be as if nothing ever happened.

Seriously, there's no reason to care about your levels that much because the game is designed so that it's very difficult to actually max everything out before you're finished with the story, and then you'll have more S-rank and better soldiers than you know what to do with.
May I ask, what exactly causes the disease...and...what in God's name is it? :scared:

BILLY! Fire up the helo! We've got to get them missions completed! :P
May I ask, what exactly causes the disease...and...what in God's name is it? :scared:

BILLY! Fire up the helo! We've got to get them missions completed! :P

It would spoil the story
trying to not spoil to much if you really want to know

Its caused by the same stuff that you saw in the devils house or at the oil refinement factory. It's quite story heavy so I will leave it at that. But adding 1+1 and it's quite obvious

Yeah to cure, just play 2-3 missions of the main story and you back on track
Been on a body snatching rampage in Afghanistan myself...

I'm willing to bet that Afghan mothers have taken to tell tales about a Venom Snake taken their children if they don't behave. I'm also willing to bet that it works!
May I ask, what exactly causes the disease...and...what in God's name is it? :scared:
Major spoiler:
It's a parasite. It infects the host's vocal cords, and is stimulated by the vibrations that pass through as a result of speech. It then lays its larvae which migrate to the lungs and feed on the tissue. There is no natural cure, except silence or adopting a new language; the only man-made cure comes with a price. It only infects speakers of particular languages, but Cipher has been developing multiple strains - one for every major language on the face of the earth except for English. By releasing it into the population, Cipher plans the ultimate interpretation of The Boss' will: a world that is united as one by a common language.
Found a new Easter Egg. So damn funny when you just find them, or when they... land on your head. ;)

On MB and was CQC'ing a soldier, when we were standing in front a sign warning you of falling objects. Try it. :D

Oh, you find better soldiers when you improve your MB. I have just 4,600 heroism points and I'm now finding B soldiers on a regular basis. My MB levels are 16-20. My heroism points haven't increase by much at all since level 6-8, and then I was only finding mostly D rated soldiers. I do believe your soldiers improve faster with a higher heroism level, though. That, and using them for combat and training with them, like in Peace Walker.

Haven't done the Bee episode, yet. It's stopped me to a crawl. I just hate that map and mission.

Oh, how do you get Snake to roll over, again? I forgot and couldn't find with a search at Konami.
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I'm at 20% now, already finding A+ and A++ soldiers all the time, I have upgraded my MB Command to level 4 ( max ) and other deck to level 2, R&D at level 3. Have done mission 12, and I think my heroism point is very high already. Most of my staff now are on A to A+ with only a few B.

My combat unit level is about 800-1000+ when deployed.

I always snatch soldiers when free roam, clean up the guard post, outposts and the usual truck roaming around. After the staff reach the limit, more than 600 I think, then I start dismissing the bad ones. I'm also a hoarder, collecting resources like weapon emplacements, vehicles, plants, animals, and materials. I got lots of unprocessed materials waiting at MB :lol: and rough diamonds are always spawning every few days.

If I keep playing this way, I may spend over 200 hours to finish the story :D Just like my 1st playthrough in Fallout 3 GOTY.
Haven't done the Bee episode, yet. It's stopped me to a crawl. I just hate that map and mission.
The only thing that annoyed me was the design of Smasei Fort. It's easy to get lost and go around in circles unless you know what you're looking for. Go upstairs and head right, and you'll find a corridor that you can drop down into. Follow that deeper into the mountain and you'll get where you need to go. There's also a discreet entry via the underground stream that isn't immediately obvious from the outside, but if you can find it, you bypass a lot of pain. There's also a good sniping point overlooking the amphitheatre if you can find it.

You don't have to fight the Skulls (although defeating them is an optional objective). They're tough unless you have a decent LMG; you can just run out the south-east. By the time you get to the road, the mist will have lifted, and you just need to exfiltrate.

Oh, how do you get Snake to roll over, again? I forgot and couldn't find with a search at Konami.
I can't remember off the top of my head, but I know that you have to be lying prone. I think you have to tilt the left directional stick while holding RT/R2. Not sure what it would be on PC. Try scrolling through the hints screen; it's definitely there.
You can roll over by using the sprint key (default shift) and the directional key for the direction you want to roll towards.

Also, if you aim behind yourself, you'll roll over onto your back.
When you are low on stun ammo or tranq, and have some soldiers in close proximity ( group ), you can use the left bionic arm, simply run ( hold it ), and press R1 ( attack button/fire ), do it in succession quickly ( combo ) to hit every soldiers - I usually can punch 3 or 4 in a row. One punch will stun each soldier and leave them out cold for awhile. To get these done successfully, make sure to do a little diversion ( mags, DD or decoy ) + run from close by ( hide behind cover first ) Best to take out the shotgun wielding soldiers, they are most dangerous in close quarter able to stun you movement with one shot. The soldiers with sniper rifles, assault rifles and machine guns are not much of a threat real close when you are sprinting :D

Helmets won't help these soldiers when punched with bionic arm :D
Oh, how do you get Snake to roll over, again? I forgot and couldn't find with a search at Konami.

You have to be prone, hold the aim button/trigger, aim at something 90 degrees to the direction you want to move, move to the side you want to roll towards then press and hold the sprint button. It's kind of convoluted.
Having a blast playing as staff member, particularly the Finger, the target I supposed to kill in MGS GZ, the guy looks cool with sunglasses :) More like a merc now :lol: Did some side ops with him.
Having a blast playing as staff member, particularly the Finger, the target I supposed to kill in MGS GZ, the guy looks cool with sunglasses :)

You could have extract him instead ;)

(I've been honing my MGS skills on GZ in preparation for getting the game :D)
The only thing that annoyed me was the design of Smasei Fort. It's easy to get lost and go around in circles unless you know what you're looking for. Go upstairs and head right, and you'll find a corridor that you can drop down into. Follow that deeper into the mountain and you'll get where you need to go. There's also a discreet entry via the underground stream that isn't immediately obvious from the outside, but if you can find it, you bypass a lot of pain. There's also a good sniping point overlooking the amphitheatre if you can find it.

You don't have to fight the Skulls (although defeating them is an optional objective). They're tough unless you have a decent LMG; you can just run out the south-east. By the time you get to the road, the mist will have lifted, and you just need to exfiltrate.

I can't remember off the top of my head, but I know that you have to be lying prone. I think you have to tilt the left directional stick while holding RT/R2. Not sure what it would be on PC. Try scrolling through the hints screen; it's definitely there.

Thanks for the tips about the "Bee" episode. I'm sure it will come in handy. I watched some YT videos and some of those guys are amazing. I've played this before, so I wasn't spoiled of anything.

I figured out how to roll on my own. Just lay in prone, aim with L1 (PS3), pressing L3 and moving the stick left or right. Too much work to remember in a fight, but good when you have the time to react like this.

Oh, who knows about the "Delivery System" in this game? Something new I just found out while on a mission.

In some areas of your map, there may be a yellow metal platform for cargo delivery. Just get in your box, get on it, wait for the triangle prompt, hold it down and just select your destination. However, in order to use this, you must collect the tag on each yellow cargo platform. But, MB is all set to go. It's the fastest, easiest way to travel around MB.
Not sure, she's really helpful when your getting shot at lol. Could really use her assistance with episode 29. :indiff: Anybody got tips on how to deal with 29?

Also, anybody change DD's fur? :P I haven't because I feel attached to the puppy I saved in the color just looks cool lol.
How exactly do you manage Quiet as a buddy? I understand the scout and attack functions, but to me she seems pretty complex compared to DD and D-Horse.

Ahah my thought exactly, did the first side-op with her just now and well it was weird, as soon as we land, she went to the opposite of where we were supposed to be and since she was to far from me when I noticed I couldnt call her back. Also she killed a A rank soldier I wanted to extract to protect me lol

Anyway I think you need to get used to her and after she could be a big assest. Especially when she'll have a sleeping sniper rifle.

Catamount, I'm guessing you're playing on xbox ? Otherwise on other platform (ps4/pc) it was fixed apparently.