Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Playing this game while using D-Horse is making me hate the game... Never in all of gaming has there been a more useless companion. Trying to sneak out of a base that has been repopulated by untagged enemies after rescuing someone (super fair game design btw...), and I just can't do it. Every single time I get spotted and killed, be it by enemy infantry, a gunship or an enemy AFV that comes out of bloody nowhere. Riding D-Horse out results in me getting knocked off, and killed. One time I managed to get fairly far without being spotted, but then I reached a 10cm incline in the terrain, and D-Horse wasn't having any of that. No sir! I'm not going to lift my hoves just that much more off the ground in order to traverse that. So spotted again, and killed.

I'm playing with D-Horse as a buddy to raise his bonding level and get the trophy. Once that is done, he will be slaughtered for his meat. All he's good for.
Playing this game while using D-Horse is making me hate the game... Never in all of gaming has there been a more useless companion. Trying to sneak out of a base that has been repopulated by untagged enemies after rescuing someone (super fair game design btw...), and I just can't do it. Every single time I get spotted and killed, be it by enemy infantry, a gunship or an enemy AFV that comes out of bloody nowhere. Riding D-Horse out results in me getting knocked off, and killed. One time I managed to get fairly far without being spotted, but then I reached a 10cm incline in the terrain, and D-Horse wasn't having any of that. No sir! I'm not going to lift my hoves just that much more off the ground in order to traverse that. So spotted again, and killed.

I'm playing with D-Horse as a buddy to raise his bonding level and get the trophy. Once that is done, he will be slaughtered for his meat. All he's good for.
Would it not be better to wait until you get out and away from the base to use D-horse?
I'm playing with D-Horse as a buddy to raise his bonding level and get the trophy. Once that is done, he will be slaughtered for his meat. All he's good for.
D-Horse isn't very good for infiltration or exfiltration (unless you're evading a checkpoint). He's only really good for travelling long distance; that's what raises the bond. He's considerably cheaper than calling the helicopter in (it's currently costing me about 30,000 GMP per deployment), and easier to get than a vehicle. He's probably at his most useful when you're trying to tick off Side Ops that are on the opposite sides of the map.

If you're needing to travel during missions, it's probably best to ride D-Horse as far as you can, and then call D-Dog or Quiet in, which will automatically dismiss D-Horse. You can recom the area while waiting for your new buddy to arrive.
Being so short of GMP, I've been doing Over The Fence over, over and over again. 7 minutes is worth 70k GMP. Not too bad, plus three decent extractions.

Have yet to do Bee mission, still. I know I should, but trying to study a YT video of it. There's a lot of parts to learn.
If distance is all that raises the bond level for D-Horse, then that sure was a lot of frustration for nothing.

I did try exfiltrating on foot, but I could never make it unseen, hence my need for a quick transportation. In the end, calling in the gunship for support and diversion is what got me out of it. The helicopter remains my favorite feature in the entire game I think. Just need some more armor on it.
I've never bought an upgrade for the helicopter, I guess I should now that I have basically nothing else to spend my GMP on. I enjoy the 1,000 GMP, but as I said, nothing to spend my GMP on. Might as well splash out on expensive helicopter support!
I've never bought an upgrade for the helicopter, I guess I should now that I have basically nothing else to spend my GMP on. I enjoy the 1,000 GMP, but as I said, nothing to spend my GMP on. Might as well splash out on expensive helicopter support!
Send some GMP to me. Me needy. :P
Have yet to do Bee mission, still. I know I should, but trying to study a YT video of it. There's a lot of parts to learn.
My strategy:
- The Mountain Relay Base is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is clear it. It's possible to completely avoid the enemy by going right when you first arrive; you'll go down into a ravine, and you can use the environment for cover to work your way across to the concrete bridge on the far side. Go up the hill, under the bridge, and use the buildings and containers on the far side for cover. Just be careful of the snipers on the scaffolding of the main bridge.

- There are two checkpoints that you need to clear between the Relay Base and Smasei Fort. They're both pretty easy; just be mindful of the helicopter circling above when you go through the second.

- When you get to Smasei Fort, go left to clear the amphitheatre. I know it seems counter-inuitive since there's practically no cover, but there are only a small number of guards. If you go right, you'll find a dozen of them.

- Inside the fort is a pain because although the guards go in through the main entrance, the route they take is concealed from view from the front of the fort. It's easy to go around in circles, but there's half a dozen diamonds to be found, so it's not too bad. Go up to the second floor, then follow the steep incline up to the light and turn left. You'll drop down into a passageway, and this is probably the hardest part because it's filled with guards and completely blind. I like to drop a smoke grenade and jump in after it; it gives me time to find cover.

- Once you get down to the bottom of the cavern, there are only three guards you need to worry about in one of the houses, and they're all in tight confines. A smoke grenade/sleep grenade double works wonders here, but given the confines, pretty much anything works.

- When you have the Honey Bee, follow the underground stream. You'll bypass a large section of the fort.

- Fighting the Skulls is useless unless you have something with high penetration. If you're going to fight them, don't waste bullets on the Kojimazombies (officially "puppet soldiers", but I like my name better) because they take way too long to kill. Let the Skulls get close, then counter-CQC with the button prompt; this will leave them vulnerable for a few moments and you can deal a lot of damage. Don't target them if they appear to have metal skin; they'll shrug it off.

- Alternatively, run. You might take some damage, but you only need to make it to the road.
I've never bought an upgrade for the helicopter, I guess I should now that I have basically nothing else to spend my GMP on. I enjoy the 1,000 GMP, but as I said, nothing to spend my GMP on. Might as well splash out on expensive helicopter support!

It's worth every penny just to look at it when it's performing CAS.
FINALLY cracked Episode 37:

Ambushing them in transit wasn't working because the APCs were spotting me immediately. So I sent Quiet into Nova Braga to pick off the guards whilst I got close enough to trip the cut scene. But that wasn't working because the Skulls can apparently see through walls.

In the end, I waited for the escort to arrive, then had Quiet cause a distraction whilst I used the stealth camo to Fulton the APCs out. Then I deliberately let myself get spotted, prompting the truck driver to flee. I had to chase him across the map on foot (which looked ridiculous), but finally managed to catch him on an isolated section of road. After engaging the Skulls, I doubled back and circled around, leading them away from the truck before I charged, used Fulton to get it out, and then ran out of the hot zone.
My strategy:
- The Mountain Relay Base is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is clear it. It's possible to completely avoid the enemy by going right when you first arrive; you'll go down into a ravine, and you can use the environment for cover to work your way across to the concrete bridge on the far side. Go up the hill, under the bridge, and use the buildings and containers on the far side for cover. Just be careful of the snipers on the scaffolding of the main bridge.

- There are two checkpoints that you need to clear between the Relay Base and Smasei Fort. They're both pretty easy; just be mindful of the helicopter circling above when you go through the second.

- When you get to Smasei Fort, go left to clear the amphitheatre. I know it seems counter-inuitive since there's practically no cover, but there are only a small number of guards. If you go right, you'll find a dozen of them.

- Inside the fort is a pain because although the guards go in through the main entrance, the route they take is concealed from view from the front of the fort. It's easy to go around in circles, but there's half a dozen diamonds to be found, so it's not too bad. Go up to the second floor, then follow the steep incline up to the light and turn left. You'll drop down into a passageway, and this is probably the hardest part because it's filled with guards and completely blind. I like to drop a smoke grenade and jump in after it; it gives me time to find cover.

- Once you get down to the bottom of the cavern, there are only three guards you need to worry about in one of the houses, and they're all in tight confines. A smoke grenade/sleep grenade double works wonders here, but given the confines, pretty much anything works.

- When you have the Honey Bee, follow the underground stream. You'll bypass a large section of the fort.

- Fighting the Skulls is useless unless you have something with high penetration. If you're going to fight them, don't waste bullets on the Kojimazombies (officially "puppet soldiers", but I like my name better) because they take way too long to kill. Let the Skulls get close, then counter-CQC with the button prompt; this will leave them vulnerable for a few moments and you can deal a lot of damage. Don't target them if they appear to have metal skin; they'll shrug it off.

- Alternatively, run. You might take some damage, but you only need to make it to the road.

Yeah, thanks. I love this one YT video I watched. He does it in record time, but played this mission for hours, starting over and over again to find the fastest way possible. Don't have most of those items you listed, though.

But, there's a lot of study. It's not like Over The Fence, which is super-easy, and good for GMP. I get 75-80k in GMP every time and a few good soldiers. I've loaded MB with good soldiers and tons in th waiting room, for when I finally unlock Intel, Combat and Medical parts of MB.

Command Center is finally 4/4 but I'm missing my "Falling Objects" (Easter Egg) sign, though. I found a Blueprint just roaming around, too. Is there anything else I should look out for when a section of MB goes 4/4?

Though, I'm doing some resource, GMP and soldier farming, I'm still having fun. :D Oh, and save each game save after I'm done. Lesson learned.

Just love the cargo delivery system at MB. So much easier to travel across the whole MB.
Is there anything else I should look out for when a section of MB goes 4/4?
You'll find rough diamonds all over the place, and the odd emblem part. Even if you only have one platform for each unit. Interrogate your men; it will boost their morale and they'll give up the locations. Some will also tip you off to changes in enemy tactics, too. Save as many animals as you can; eventually you will build a conservation platform, which will also house a few goodies.

And story spoiler:
Check out the Quarantine Platform once you build it; you can also find emblem parts there.
But if you're still on Episode 6, you're a long way from that point.
You'll find rough diamonds all over the place, and the odd emblem part. Even if you only have one platform for each unit. Interrogate your men; it will boost their morale and they'll give up the locations. Some will also tip you off to changes in enemy tactics, too. Save as many animals as you can; eventually you will build a conservation platform, which will also house a few goodies.

And story spoiler:
Check out the Quarantine Platform once you build it; you can also find emblem parts there.
But if you're still on Episode 6, you're a long way from that point.
I knew about the diamonds. It's how I get my GMP along with Over the Fence mission.

I knew about the animals, too. My first run, I had that thing. Good to visit my bear I got with my "bear" hands.

I got the emblem, too. That was the Blueprint I found.

I'll check that other area for that other emblem when I construct it. :)
This is a vid of me trying to blow up a few tanks on a mission - for some reason a grenade launcher or even C4 didnt work! Looks like i will have to develop the can spend a couple of hours on this game like this and not get anywhere - but somehow it doesnt matter as its so enjoyable!

Oh, it can get very frustrating very quickly sometimes:
Like Episode 40, a replay of the battle with Quiet on Extreme. When you play it as part of the story, it's a two-hit kill. In Episode 40, it's one-hit kill, even with the Battle Dress, and she's very, very quick. The game sets up a path for you to follow, but if you're so much as an inch off the intended course, she'll spot you and you'll be dead.
This is a vid of me trying to blow up a few tanks on a mission - for some reason a grenade launcher or even C4 didnt work! Looks like i will have to develop the can spend a couple of hours on this game like this and not get anywhere - but somehow it doesnt matter as its so enjoyable!

To be fair, even WW2 era tanks would offer perfectly good protection versus grenades. Tank shells rely on kinectic energy, or in the case of HEAT shells, they burn through the target. Grenades are just small explosions, with very little actual energy. No where near enough to even put dents in modern armor, althrough I suppose it'd activate the ERA plates, if the tank had any. The best you could realistically hope for with a grenade launcher versus a tank, is to knock out any sensible electronic equipment and periscopes positioned on the outside.

As for the C4, the actual explosion and damage C4 has in the game suggests that they don't pack a lot of RDX in them, which is entirely possible.
Apparently you can reset the difficulty (tangos equipement)
by equipping the chicken head, and dismissing it after entering and exiting a mission.

Oh, it can get very frustrating very quickly sometimes:
Like Episode 40, a replay of the battle with Quiet on Extreme. When you play it as part of the story, it's a two-hit kill. In Episode 40, it's one-hit kill, even with the Battle Dress, and she's very, very quick. The game sets up a path for you to follow, but if you're so much as an inch off the intended course, she'll spot you and you'll be dead.

Haven't played 40 yet, but it's unlocked. Can't you use the trick I posted way earlier to get an S rank?

supply drops on quiet?
Haven't played 40 yet, but it's unlocked. Can't you use the trick I posted way earlier to get an S rank?

supply drops on quiet?
I don't know - she spots me before I spot here. I have had some success with manipulating the weather, calling in a sandstorm to get close, then using rain to distract her, but it costs 66,000 GMP a pop. And shooting the loose bricks of the ruins helps, but I'm lucky if I can get a second shot off.
Try to mark her with the bins, then call a supply drop on that position. Rinse - repeat. After 2 hits she should be knocked out ;)
I actually did Extreme Quiet twice, the first time I accidentally caused a glitch where I shot her when she was already on the ground before the bit where Big Boss points a D114 at her, so when that happened he was just pointing a gun at the ground where she was, but I couldn't do anything except quit.

Then I went back with my Brennan and killed her again. I didn't use any tricks, I did die a few times but in the end I just popped my head up, waited for the indicator, ducked immediately and repeated until I found her, then took quick shots the same way - I expect aiming with a mouse is a necessity to make that work, though. I also used the INT scope's directional mic to help guess where she was, you can hear her even if the scope is pointed directly at a pillar that's right in front of you so that's a big help. As is D-Dog, of course.

I tried using decoys to catch her while she was cycling the bolt but I was never quick enough to pop the decoy then switch to the rifle...
Yeah mine doesn't work on extreme. Maybe upgraded?

Either way I did the same as neema, even trying out the decoys. Took my sandman rifle though.
For Quiet 1st encounter,
I went to the left down the ruins and went behind her ( when she was still on her original position ), this place is a good spot for hiding as well vantage point. There's crack that you can climb on. I punch her from behind and she fell :) She took a bath afterwards in the pool, a good chance to finish her ( lethal or non lethal )

Might work :
Use active decoy and smoke grenade to mask your movement, then throw sleep grenade and or put sleeping gas mine on her usual sniping spot :D There are about 4 or 5 location.

Might also work :

Call weapon/item drop on her instead of supply drop
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No, I figured it out:

Just figured out how to attach posters to cardboard boxes, so I started screwing around with it and wound up getting a soldier in Africa to salute me, which I found hilarious. But then another soldier spotted me and called it in. CP told him to stop jumping at shadows. He ignored them and came over to investigate, so I bailed. When he checked in to confirm that the box was empty, CP booked him for a psych evaluation.
Just figured out how to attach posters to cardboard boxes, so I started screwing around with it and wound up getting a soldier in Africa to salute me, which I found hilarious. But then another soldier spotted me and called it in. CP told him to stop jumping at shadows. He ignored them and came over to investigate, so I bailed. When he checked in to confirm that the box was empty, CP booked him for a psych evaluation.
That's fantastic. :lol:
No, I figured it out:

Just figured out how to attach posters to cardboard boxes, so I started screwing around with it and wound up getting a soldier in Africa to salute me, which I found hilarious. But then another soldier spotted me and called it in. CP told him to stop jumping at shadows. He ignored them and came over to investigate, so I bailed. When he checked in to confirm that the box was empty, CP booked him for a psych evaluation.

With air support, will it only limit rank to A ? I used sleeping gas once :D