Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
The Soviet OKB 0 base has a lot of red fuel containers.
I've noticed, but isn't it closed off in free roam? I went up there after Episode 29 to explore a bit more, but the gate was blocked. I have been able to go in when Side Ops are available in the region, but I don't have any at the moment, so I haven't checked.

I have what I feel are obscene amounts of unprocessed materials, and they barely seem to be processing them.
It depends on the Base Development Unit's level - but don't forget that they also automatically mine for resources (as do any FOBs that you might have), and I'm pretty sure that the amount that they process is a percentage of what you have in reserve.
So, there's nothing as dangerous as the Skulls, eh?

Well, kinda. Except for the 125mm anti tank gun the TT77 Nosorog carries. :mischievous:

Mission 16 Spoilers:
Got really, really fed up with the Skulls messing with my attempts to extract that stupid truck. And since I didn't seem to get the upper hand in combat even with heavy armament, I decided to bring in the big guns.

Yep, I deployed with a TT77 main battle tank :lol: Blew up the escort long before they merged with the truck, shot the driver with the tanks machine gun and had my way with the Skulls. So satisfying to blow those suckers to smithereens! Got an S Rank on top of it :lol:
Got really, really fed up with the Skulls messing with my attempts to extract that stupid truck. And since I didn't seem to get the upper hand in combat even with heavy armament, I decided to bring in the big guns.

Yep, I deployed with a TT77 main battle tank :lol: Blew up the escort long before they merged with the truck, shot the driver with the tanks machine gun and had my way with the Skulls. So satisfying to blow those suckers to smithereens! Got an S Rank on top of it :lol:
I nuked them from orbit, it was the only way to be sure. Ok, it was an artillery bombardment, but it sure looked cool. :D

Anyway, anyone got their Demon Points up to the level where
turn into Demon Snake? Shouldn't be too hard if you develop a nuke, or wipe out every outpost you find. :D
I've noticed, but isn't it closed off in free roam? I went up there after Episode 29 to explore a bit more, but the gate was blocked. I have been able to go in when Side Ops are available in the region, but I don't have any at the moment, so I haven't checked.

Perhaps there need to be a Side Op available in Afghanistan for it to be open. Haven't completed all the Side Ops, so I have no way of telling. I just decided to clear it out completely for the emblem(s), after completing an important Side Op at the Soviet Central Base.
Still waiting for my controller to attack Bee episode. Just replaying Over The Fence for the diamonds, soldiers, resources, heroism and GMP.

My MB is all in the high 20's, heroism is 97k, Command is 4/4, Base D is 4/4, R$D 3/4, Support is cooking right now for 4/4/ and have 2.8m GMP. Sucks I can't get Intel until I unlock it after Bee episode, or I could get some serious firepower to handle the Skulls very easily. But, I'm sure a machine gun is good, too.

Just curious, is there any thing to find, other than rough diamonds, at your Base D, and Support 4/4 like at your Command Center 4/4? I found a few emblems at CC, but that was about it.
Well, my new controller showed up and it's not working! Tried everything to try to pair it up with the PS3 and the other part of my controller and it's just not working. Great.

Oh well. More OTF until I can reach tech support via email.

EDIT: OK, went to the Splitfish website and followed the process to unpair/pair my new controller Fragchuck and it's working. So, no more excuses for not doing the Bee episode. But, I'm going to anyway. :D

That's how much I HATE that episode. LOL

(I'll do it, I'll do it.)
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So, I've got two Side Ops to go, and then ... that's it. The game is over. There's a few little things left to do; I need to finish off Mother Base and raise all my unit levels past fifty, and there's plenty of things left to develop, and replays of previous missions to get S-ranks, but there's nothing new to experience. It has left me with a surprisingly empty feeling.

Still, we need to know what Big Boss got up to during The Phantom Pain, what his reaction to Outer Heaven was, and why he chose to do the same thing with Zanzibar Land.

We also need to know what happened to the other five clones of Les Enfants Terrible, why Ocelot chose to back Liquid and Miller Solid, and how Big Boss met Sniper Wolf and what prompted Liquid to rebel against Cipher. I'd be very curious to see a Metal Gear Liquid in the future.
"Les Enfants Terrible" saw octuplets - eight children. We know of three: Solid, Liquid, and Solidus. The fate of the other five is unknown.

Oh! I thought the other five weren't successful test subjects; the three remaining ones being the successful fertilized egg from a Japanese woman implanted into EVA's womb and Solidus. I'll have to rewatch EVA's MGS4 speech again for clarification.

In other news, for those that beat the game, the MSX/PC-6001 File mystery progresses. Does this tape loading sound made seem familiar in TPP?

Spoiler: It's the sound heard when Venom loads INTRUDE N313 to the MSX2
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Honestly, I don't think there's anything to it except for people reading too much into an obscure file hidden in the code. If there's any more MGS V to be had, it will likely be in the form of DLC or another title.

Take a wild guess who finally completed Episode Bee with an S-rank, even though he fell to his death. :D

Funny stuff, I landed right in the middle of the base. Blew up the AA gun and blew up some red barrels, aimed for soldiers shooting at me, landed safely and once out of the choppa, nobody eve noticed me. And, in the end, I got 0 kills. LOL

So, I ducked down and walked right into the mountain, got the Bee, made it out of there without any problems and made it to the mist. After that, I ran like a bad gas station burrito in a trucker's belly, made it out without problems, then thought I could run out of the 'red zone' but was wrong.

Climbed a mountain thinking I could, but fell to my death. Respawned right near a helicopter pickup spot and called for a choppa. Then, got spotted by those two radio guys walking. Stupid of me not to lay down in cover until the choppa arrived, but oh well. Got them and extracted and they were decent level guys, too. So, I'm happy.

With all that, I scored 134k+ which is enough for S-rank.

So, I unlocked Intel, and doing some development and Intel Sector to 2/4 is cooking. Next cup, Angel Episode to finally get that transportation specialist. Well, I got him before, but before I was able to use it, my PS3 bricked. Can't wait to use it for what I'm planning.

Oh, new controller is working just perfect. Awesome. I can now play without crap happening.
New Emblem.

Also got myself one of those 20th anniversary controllers to increase all the nostalgic feels.
Apparently there is an important cut-scene to br viewed on the Medical Platform. I know where to find it, but it looks like I passed that point in the story before I found out about it. Does anyone know if it is possible to access it again, or if not, tell me what happens?
Apparently there is an important cut-scene to br viewed on the Medical Platform. I know where to find it, but it looks like I passed that point in the story before I found out about it. Does anyone know if it is possible to access it again, or if not, tell me what happens?

First of all, are you sure you've looked here?

If you definitely can't see it for yourself (which I really recommend for maximum surprise/facepalm value), here's the link. It's grim, almost certainly not AUP-compliant and NSFW, but it's on YouTube and it was posted by GameSpot so it's obviously not that bad, but it's pretty bad. Telling you why would spoil it.
First of all, are you sure you've looked here?

If you definitely can't see it for yourself (which I really recommend for maximum surprise/facepalm value), here's the link. It's grim, almost certainly not AUP-compliant and NSFW, but it's on YouTube and it was posted by GameSpot so it's obviously not that bad, but it's pretty bad. Telling you why would spoil it.

I was left really blank after that scene. To me, it just didn't make sense.
I was left really blank after that scene. To me, it just didn't make sense.

Me too, I honestly sat and stared blankly at the screen for a while after that, unable to grasp the sheer enormity of... That.

I imagine that was the intended effect, though, Kojima is self-aware enough to know that similar things he's done in the past have raised many stunned, confused eyebrows, and to that end it was definitely effective, not least because (big spoilers again)
bringing her back achieves pretty much nothing except recalling memories of the grim, similarly unnecessary ending of Ground Zeroes. It does lead me to question who the teeth and bone found embedded in Big Boss's flesh belonged to, though... But I still haven't finished the game so maybe that's revealed later.

Still, I'm not sure why I was surprised.
First of all, are you sure you've looked here?i
No, I found it. I knew something was there because I had seen the door open previously, but then promptly forgot about it. When I went looking for it again, I was going to the wrong door.
I was going to the red door on Level 2 when I should have been going to the blue door on Level 3.

I was left really blank after that scene. To me, it just didn't make sense.
It's called a retcon; retroactive continuity. It's when a composer goes back and revises previous work after the fact. For example, Big Boss died at the end of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, and Liquid Snake demanded that the government hand over his body in Metal Gear Solid. However, Guns of the Patriots revealed that Big Boss did not die; he was recovered from Zanzibar Land and put into a forcibly-induced coma.
Likewise in The Phantom Pain, which reveals that Venom Snake, not Big Boss, led the Outer Heaven uprising.
With regards to the scene in question, Kojima took a lot of criticism for his treatment of Paz in Ground Zeroes, particularly at a time when the treatment of women in video games was a big talking point. The implication that Paz had a bomb in her vagina was seen as distasteful; an overt act of sexualised violence. It also reduced the character from being a naïve and conflicted girl whose introduction to the world was traumatic, but whose innate innocence and her interaction with people saw her start to overcome her mental programming (Snake believes that she is worth saving in Ground Zeroes and that she is one of them), and instead turns her into a plot point, with her sacrifice serving as Snake's primary motivation in The Phantom Pain. The retconned scene in The Phantom Pain appears to be Kojima's way of removing Paz from that: although she did have a bomb in her vagina, this time it was removed, but in her confused state, she throws herself out of the helicopter. The trauma of landing in the water gave her a combination of dissociative identity disorder and retrograde amnesia; Paz reverts to her innocent persona and is unable to recall the events of Mother Base. It's Kojima's version of a happy ending, albeit one that is pretty clumsy.
Also, keep going back. There's more - it will all make sense in the end.
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I hate FOB missions.
I actually second this. I find them incredibly difficult. The soldiers ALWAYS have big ol body armour and there is so many of them it is far too hard to pick them off one by one. Let alone the drones and cameras that are going about. I haven't actually completed one in about 10 attempts
I did one FOB mission for the trophy. Don't intend on ever doing it again. It's not well made at all...

Neema, your 2nd and 4th video are both brilliant! :lol:
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I actually second this. I find them incredibly difficult. The soldiers ALWAYS have big ol body armour and there is so many of them it is far too hard to pick them off one by one. Let alone the drones and cameras that are going about. I haven't actually completed one in about 10 attempts
It's because the player gets control over their security settings. It's pretty cheap to put the settings at their tightest, and all you need to do is develop the yellow-marked equipment and they will have high-end gear.
It's because the player gets control over their security settings. It's pretty cheap to put the settings at their tightest, and all you need to do is develop the yellow-marked equipment and they will have high-end gear.
The cost should be much higher to do that. It should be the deployment cost of snake taking the heavy armour our times by how many soldiers you have deployed to protect your FOB.
The cost should be much higher to do that. It should be the deployment cost of snake taking the heavy armour our times by how many soldiers you have deployed to protect your FOB.
I haven't played around with it too much, but I think the cost relates to the security settings - cameras, drones - rather than security team equipment. I don't know why that might be.
Neema, your 2nd and 4th video are both brilliant!

They're not mine, just some I found, but when I've moved my PC into my new place I'll hopefully upload some of my own stuff! Not that any of it is as amusing, but oh well.
Angel with Broken Wings, 5 minutes, 23 seconds. I didn't use horse poop this time. I used a stun mine. Love that thing! C4 for the escort vehicle. But, no more. I finally got the transportation specialist so I'm gonna farm that sucker for GMP. It's fun to steal that jeep with the prisoner in the back seat, going for a ride through the desert with Cloppity (D-Horse) chasing after us. Took some bitchin jumps with that thang, too. Surprised me we made it to the choppa alive. LOL

I guess I have to go all the way to the other base to get the Mechatronics Specialist. Damn, that is a long ways away and hard to get into to, but I'll do it.

Oh, where can I find some good containers in the Afghanistan map? There are three at OTF. But, I forgot to farm them, so I hope they return soon. A couple at the Communication base, with the satellites. But, I hate that place. I can't seem to get through there without a serious fire fight.
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"Les Enfants Terrible" saw octuplets - eight children. We know of three: Solid, Liquid, and Solidus. The fate of the other five is unknown.

Don't have TPP yet, but...
Didn't Liquid state in MGS1 that the other five were aborted to encourage strong fetal growth?