Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I guess I have to go all the way to the other base to get the Mechatronics Specialist. Damn, that is a long ways away and hard to get into to, but I'll do it.
Yeah, he's at Yakho Oboo and he's tough to get. But it's very satisfying when you get it right.

Oh, where can I find some good containers in the Afghanistan map? There are three at OTF. But, I forgot to farm them, so I hope they return soon. A couple at the Communication base, with the satellites. But, I hate that place. I can't seem to get through there without a serious fire fight.
The only really good place is the Soviet Central Base Camp. The final location in the game also has some, but you're still a long way from it. Africa is better for resource raiding like that - especially Nova Braga Airport, Mfinda Oilfield and Kungenga Mine.
Unlock combat and been sending them out to earn some serious GMP. Current levels:

GMP = 4m
Heroism = 160k
MB = Low 30's with Combat and Medical at high 20's
TT77 Tanks = 48
Cargo Trucks = 24

I think I'm good for a while on GMP. :D

I have no idea what happened to my Anesthesia Specialist. I believe that was Malak. I knew I had one, now I don't. Can't make suppressed tranq sniper rifle without him. But, I'm a bit far away from that. I figured, if you had him, you should always have his special abilities. It's not my fault he was too low in level for me to keep.
Does this game have plenty of good boss battles? What I liked about MGS4 was how varied and challenging the bosses were.
It has a few, but they're more connected to the storyline than anything else.
You get four encounters with the Skulls, but only one is truly inescapable. There is a fight with the Man on Fire, but your objective is to escape rather than defeat him. There are two with Eli, but they're mostly quick-time events. And, of course, Quiet and Sahelanthropus.
The real challenges are the Side Ops that see you take on tank and armoured vehicle units. Especially the ones with helicopters. They start out as just a handful of soldiers and an APC, and end with two armoured vehicles, a helicopter, fixed weapons and combinations of soldiers - snipers, heavy infantry, and riot gear - and all of it parked on top of an existing outpost that is teeming with soldiers.
Unlock combat and been sending them out to earn some serious GMP. Current levels:

GMP = 4m
Heroism = 160k
MB = Low 30's with Combat and Medical at high 20's
TT77 Tanks = 48
Cargo Trucks = 24

I think I'm good for a while on GMP. :D

I have no idea what happened to my Anesthesia Specialist. I believe that was Malak. I knew I had one, now I don't. Can't make suppressed tranq sniper rifle without him. But, I'm a bit far away from that. I figured, if you had him, you should always have his special abilities. It's not my fault he was too low in level for me to keep.

You're gmp caps out at 5 million, and I spent 4.75M in about 2 minutes the other day out of necessity, so spending wisely and as you go along is key.

My Malak was
Check that section?
But my Malak was not the anaesthesia specialist.
I had to do angel 3 times to get him.
In the end I was running into the hotel, capping everyone who didn't have a high enough rating, rescuing three prisoners, driving to yakho, spotting the guys worth keeping, capping everybody else and then calling in a choppa once I'd lined my rescuees up in the courtyard.
Never been so brutal in the rest of the game, which is why my MB is totally stuffed full of soldiers I don't care for.
I do need to get round to some house cleaning.......

I do need to get round to some house cleaning.......

Just use the auto-sort function and dismiss everyone left over. The only problem is that you can't get rid of Zhang Tian; I think he's a fan who won a competition to have his likeness in the game - but he's useless at higher levels.
About chapter 2:

What's with the rehashing of missions you already did, including story? It makes no sense whatsoever. I suppose it's just filler content that never got replaced with an actual mission?
About chapter 2:

What's with the rehashing of missions you already did, including story? It makes no sense whatsoever. I suppose it's just filler content that never got replaced with an actual mission?

That's the million dollar question right there.
About chapter 2:

What's with the rehashing of missions you already did, including story? It makes no sense whatsoever. I suppose it's just filler content that never got replaced with an actual mission?

That's exactly my take on it and it upsets me greatly.
If it's true that an entire third chapter was cut, it stands to reason that chapter 2 was supposed to be just as long as chapter 1 and all three would be comprised of unique content, so it's really more like chapter 3 and two thirds to three quarters of chapter 2 were cut... And what's worse is I can imagine they'd planned to include extreme, subsistence and perfect stealth settings too, but because the filler content forced these settings they must've removed that option.

So if you look at it like that, the original game was probably supposed to be 50 or so proper, unique main ops with four different variants to play (normal, extreme, perfect stealth and subsistence), so there would in effect be 200 main ops to complete.

Admittedly that would've been very challenging if all that was required for 100% completion but Metal Gear games have traditionally been pretty damn hard, the only one I ever completed on the highest difficulty was Snake Eater because it didn't have any insanely difficult QTEs (MGS2's strangulation bit) or any frustrating fist fights (MGS1's fight on top of REX and MGS4's fight on top of Arsenal Gear). But still, when you look at it like that it does make you wonder exactly how much more we lost than "just" the third chapter.

Also has anyone else watched any of the MGO gameplay and hoped that some of that gear trickles down to MGS V? I'm pretty sure I saw a non-lethal Bullhorn shotgun and the D-Dog toy would be fun to play with, especially if it works through binoculars as it appears to in the videos, you'd be able to use it to distract snipers... Anyway, that's probably not going to happen but I hope it does.
@dice1998 @neema_t
If I were Konami, I wouldn't have included those missions at all. Just kept the remaining extra story missions in there and just rename chapter 2 to 'epilogue'. Would have been far less awkward. Incomplete perhaps, but less incoherent. Other than that I think it's a pretty brilliant game. :)
Also has anyone else watched any of the MGO gameplay and hoped that some of that gear trickles down to MGS V? I'm pretty sure I saw a non-lethal Bullhorn shotgun and the D-Dog toy would be fun to play with, especially if it works through binoculars as it appears to in the videos, you'd be able to use it to distract snipers... Anyway, that's probably not going to happen but I hope it does.

For the PC, it may be possible through mods.
Really hating "Pitch Dark" right now. I'm trying to S-rank it and prepare for the Perfect Stealth run later. But the design of Mfinda Oilfield feels really forced at times, so it gets frustrating quickly.
The Oilfield is easily one of the worst locations in the game, if not the worst. It's devoid of cover, and just isn't interesting what so ever. Diidn't have fun doing that mission the first time around, and I can't imagine getting the S rank for it will be any better.
The Oilfield is easily one of the worst locations in the game, if not the worst. It's devoid of cover, and just isn't interesting what so ever. Diidn't have fun doing that mission the first time around, and I can't imagine getting the S rank for it will be any better.
Oh, there's some cover - the issue is that you have wide-open spaces to cross and lots of elevation for enemies to be positioned, and few spots where Quiet can cover you. But other parts of the design seem forced; like the mesh netting around the valve room. You can't snipe the guard stationed there, and nor can you fire a rocket at the filtration tank from on high.

My strategy is to go in through the half-exposes pipe at the foundation, then up to the mezzanine level. I take out the guards in front of the filtration tank - this is the tricky part because the guard at the valve room sees them go down; fortunately it take time for him to get to your position - plant the C4 and go down the back stairs. And this is the part I hate, because I have to cross the ponds when there's no cover and I am completely out of Quiet's field of view. I always get spotted here.

From there, I plan to go into the giant pipe hidden behind the stairs (which I found quite by accident) to the hole behind the main plant. That gives easy access to the back stairs and up the catwalk to the valve room. Once I shut it down, I plan to go to one of the containers in the north-east corner, blow the C4, and exfiltrate via a Fulton extraction. I'm pretty sure it can be done - there's just a few points where you're completely vulnerable for extended periods of time. I might try using D-Walker's intercept mode and see what that gets me.

Aa for the worst location in the game, I would have to say it's Ghwandai Village. It looks pretty imposing from the front, but it's ridiculously easy.
Found a very quick way to do this without any trouble whatsoever. Since you already know where the caravan is headed since it's a rehashed mission, go straight to the intersection north of the airport. Eliminate the guards in the jeep. Place a few EMP mines on the road. Lay in the grass until convoy appears. Have Quiet on standby using the Sinful Butterfly. As soon as the convoy appears it will halt because the first vehicle will hit the EMP mine. If you're close enough the Skulls will appear immediately. Tell Quiet to cover you, but don't get discovered yourself. She should dispose of the Skulls fairly quickly, after which you can fulton the truck and escort vehicles. Fastest S-class I've done I think. :D

Too bad you can't bring Quiet to bring down Quiet. :lol: Anyway, another quickie, though no S-class. Spot Quiet using the binoculars. Airstrike on top of her. Wait for her to move. Spot again. Airstrike on top of her. Done.
Is there any way to report glitches to Konami ? Try use water pistol, put a solder to sleep or stunned. Hit the sleeping/unconscious man in the head with water pistol and watch him stand up then drop on the ground in an instant. Now kick him then aim the water pistol at him, he will put his hand behind his head and lay on the ground. You can't pick him up with circle or do anything except fulton him.
Now kick him then aim the water pistol at him, he will put his hand behind his head and lay on the ground. You can't pick him up with circle or do anything except fulton him.

You can't pick up soldiers who are awake, so that's not a bug. The leaping to their feet while asleep or knocked out thing is, though, an upsetting one too because I had hoped to be able to use it to wake people up from a distance for C4-based tomfoolery, but you can't have everything.

I may be wrong but I thought the non-lethal Uragan in GZ toggled enemy stun states (i.e. would wake a stunned soldier or stun an awake soldier) but maybe I'm mixing that up with kicking people on the ground, either way stun weapons don't do that either so I don't think there's a way to make people wake up from a distance.
Shoot them once in the leg with a lethal weapon


I've tried that before but on both occasions it mortally wounded them. Maybe I was aiming too high... Does it not wake them up in an alert state, though?
Finally got around to sharing this, my insignia:


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You're gmp caps out at 5 million, and I spent 4.75M in about 2 minutes the other day out of necessity, so spending wisely and as you go along is key.

My Malak was
Check that section?
But my Malak was not the anaesthesia specialist.
I had to do angel 3 times to get him.
In the end I was running into the hotel, capping everyone who didn't have a high enough rating, rescuing three prisoners, driving to yakho, spotting the guys worth keeping, capping everybody else and then calling in a choppa once I'd lined my rescuees up in the courtyard.
Never been so brutal in the rest of the game, which is why my MB is totally stuffed full of soldiers I don't care for.
I do need to get round to some house cleaning.......

I've spent a lot of GMP, but still have 3m with 100 tanks to sell for an additional 10m GMP. I'll be OK for a while.

Heroism is now 212k and attracting mostly A raided soldiers right now.
MB is at all low-high 30's right now. I still have Red Brass and Backup, Back Down to do.

I learned to lock "specialist" so I don't lose them. You can sort your soldiers by their ability. If you have just one of type of specialist, lock him.

Too bad we can't import our own songs of choice for the helicopter like PC players. One guy has Team America theme song for his, and it's hilarious. America, 🤬 yeah! :lol:

What's your song for your helicopter?

If I could, I'd make it Highway To Hell.

1,000 Points of Hate by Anthrax is good, too.

Need to find that anaesthesia specialist. No luck finding him.
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Still can't find any S rank soldiers, and it's really annoying. Even more so considering the Dispatch missions are now S ranks, and my 3 attempts of sending A++ ranked soldiers at them have all resulted in failure (52% chance of succes).