Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
That's why you nick one from the back of the truck during the mission.

Will I "unlock" it so I can make my own, or is it just for this mission?

My friend told me to do a "no traces" which makes this mission super easy to do. 300k in points for an easy S-rank. He told me what I need to do, and I'll try his suggestion first. All you need to do is fulton one tank, then leave the mission area on D-horse after the time has run out.
Will I "unlock" it so I can make my own, or is it just for this mission?
No, just for this mission. It's quite over-powered, and only really good for taking down helicopters and tanks. You won't encounter any missions where you need anything like it for some time.

My friend told me to do a "no traces" which makes this mission super easy to do. 300k in points for an easy S-rank. He told me what I need to do, and I'll try his suggestion first. All you need to do is fulton one tank, then leave the mission area on D-horse after the time has run out.
It would work, but to be blunt, it's pretty lazy. If you extract just one, it would be worth trying to complete some of the other objectives or pick up some of the rare skills:
There's an escaped prisoner on the rough track between outposts 12 and 15. Getting him takes a lot of time.
Oh how I wish they would have just stopped the game after Chapter 1. Chapter 2 is so incoherent, the rehashes are annoying (basically I just try to find a way to do them as quickly as possible just to be done with them and get to the next 'fresh' episode) and then I just read now that the chapter 2 final episode is just the extreme rehash of Sahelanthropus. Very off-putting to say the least. Really makes me not want to play any further. And seriously, 10/10 reviews from certain sites after playing the full thing? Chapter 2 makes no sense whatsoever. /rant

I think you're looking at this from wrong perspective. Which is understandable, especially with weird decision to put Chapters which just makes player hoping for as much content in 2nd one as he had in the 1st.

I take the game "finishes" after mission 31. Especially in the context of what happened in Ground Zeroes. We even have full credits, outro song and all the hoopla. Everything after that (which is again for some inexplicable reason called chapter 2) I treat like typical MGS style after credits "extra".

Would I like to have mission 51? Of course. Would I like to use Battle Gear in missions? You bet I would. Am I interested what happened to Mammal Pod AI after the events of TPP? Certainly.

But it still doesn't change the fact that this is one of the best games I ever played (and I'm gaming since Atari 65xe days). Gameplay wise it's really absolutely incredible. I can't believe the ways how you can tackle some missions or use gadgets/equipment/items in the field. I'm at 90% completion rate and didn't feel boredom at any moment which is extraordinary.

I can't comment how you should or shouldn't like the story because it is so subjective. Personally I'm happy with it. I can see what Kojima and whole Kojima Prod. were aiming for.

p.s. All the rehash missions are "challenge runs" which are completely optional. You don't even have to finish them to get the "True" ending. To tell you truth I think those missions were the most exciting thing during my playthrough and I wouldn't mind if more of them were given to players, heck I would probably even buy some "subsistance" DLC (but please Hideo or whatever Konami CEO responsible include mission 51 in it. I really want to play it!!).
p.s. All the rehash missions are "challenge runs" which are completely optional. You don't even have to finish them to get the "True" ending.
How, because I'm at Episode 42 and it won't unlock new missions? Do I need to play just the Side Ops? That would at least lessen the pain a bit. :)

As for perspective, I think we can agree to disagree there. I wouldn't call your perspective wrong by the way, if you like it the way it is then that's perfectly fine. 👍 I am all for having the option to play missions again at a higher difficulty. Hell, I would have loved if you would be able to do that for every mission and combine things like 'Total stealth + subsistence + extreme' in a single mission (but make it an option that becomes available after finishing a certain mission).

There's no denying that chapter 2 is completely detached/redundant/out of place. It makes no sense to have new story missions (like the Eli ones) in between of old ones because they make no sense anymore story wise at that time.

Like I said, they could have just limited it to the content they had at that time and called it 'Epilogue'. (Would make the most sense IMO, like a bit of extra scenes/cliffhanger after the ending credits) Or just end it at chapter 1, finish chapter 2 after release and then release as DLC. I agree it's one of the best games I've played in 2015, up to the end of Chapter 1. But I cannot unsee Chapter 2 in its current state. It brings down the whole experience for me.

But if I can play all the extra missions and the true ending without having to replay the old ones, then I'm all for it. :)
@NLxAROSA - you should be able to get access to the ending if you have unlocked Mission 42. Keep doing missions and Side Ops, and eventually you will have to go back to Mother Base for Episode 43.
Which, to be blunt, is pretty harrowing.
From there, it won't be long before you unlock the final missions. And at this point, all Side Ops should be available, though you will need to do some new ones to unlock the next set.
What happens after you've completed all the main missions? Does the game end? Or can you still do side ops, and so on?
I ask because there are a lot of very time consuming trophies, and it'd suck to have to start all over again.
How, because I'm at Episode 42 and it won't unlock new missions? Do I need to play just the Side Ops? That would at least lessen the pain a bit. :)

As for perspective, I think we can agree to disagree there. I wouldn't call your perspective wrong by the way, if you like it the way it is then that's perfectly fine. 👍 I am all for having the option to play missions again at a higher difficulty. Hell, I would have loved if you would be able to do that for every mission and combine things like 'Total stealth + subsistence + extreme' in a single mission (but make it an option that becomes available after finishing a certain mission).

There's no denying that chapter 2 is completely detached/redundant/out of place. It makes no sense to have new story missions (like the Eli ones) in between of old ones because they make no sense anymore story wise at that time.

Like I said, they could have just limited it to the content they had at that time and called it 'Epilogue'. (Would make the most sense IMO, like a bit of extra scenes/cliffhanger after the ending credits) Or just end it at chapter 1, finish chapter 2 after release and then release as DLC. I agree it's one of the best games I've played in 2015, up to the end of Chapter 1. But I cannot unsee Chapter 2 in its current state. It brings down the whole experience for me.

But if I can play all the extra missions and the true ending without having to replay the old ones, then I'm all for it. :)

Listen to all the "yellow tapes" that you didn't listen before and do 1 or 2 side-ops then return to Mother Base,Master Miller should call you about "things" ;)

When I wrote that you are looking at it from wrong perspective I meant the part about how you can not believe how this game got such a great scores. So I gave you my view on the subject. If I were to give a professional review I would probably give it a "must play" because I don't like numerical scores for some of the reasons I mentioned in previous post. For me Chapter 2 is Epilogue or after credits special. Just a one that is 30 hours long. :)

EDIT: Happy Birthday! :)
When was the Big Boos birthday again ? I forgot :)

Just beaten the Skulls
The women snipers squad on Code Talker mission, easily beaten without even getting hit, used tranq sniper rifle on almost all of them- non lethal neutralization. The Skulls Snipers were dumb in my opinion, they are very predictable, hopping from one spot to another ( predetermined places ) so easily marked and took them a while to aim, always beaten them with headshot. One neutralization with my trusty UN ARC NL stun rifle :lol:

Expecting The End level of challenge and fun boss battle, and ... got MGS 4 level boss :(
So far none of the Skulls squad are challenging and fun enough to beat like back in PSX and PS2 era MGS.

Now. my staff are dropping like flies, and losing some A++ soldiers, already got some S and S+ ranked soldiers, hope they won't drop too.
What happens after you've completed all the main missions? Does the game end? Or can you still do side ops, and so on?
I ask because there are a lot of very time consuming trophies, and it'd suck to have to start all over again.
Yes, you can go back.
Just had another run through Metallic Archaea to get the S-rank, and I remember why I hate it. It's just so un-Metal Gear, and in terms of a boss fight, there's no pattern or rhythm to follow. You have to keep moving, which makes it impossible to see what the Skulls are doing. I got there in the end, but it felt pretty cheap:
There's a cyclone fence along the northern edge of Nova Braga. If you're quick, you can get to the gate and have it open before the Skulls spot you. The vehicle gate tends to get destroyed pretty quickly, but the fence itself is immune to damage, so you can use it for cover, rendering the Skulls' ranged attacks useless (a grenade launcher or missile will also stop it). You just have to be careful not to step outside the mission area.
Just had another run through Metallic Archaea to get the S-rank, and I remember why I hate it. It's just so un-Metal Gear, and in terms of a boss fight, there's no pattern or rhythm to follow. You have to keep moving, which makes it impossible to see what the Skulls are doing.

You can always camp the hangar roof. It's what I did.
Just had another run through Metallic Archaea to get the S-rank, and I remember why I hate it.
I S-ranked it first try by having Quiet take care of them using Sinful Butterfly. Obviously won't work if you already played 45. ;)

Holy ****, this mission was so epic. Probably not going to S-rank it ever. :lol: Managed to end at a 300k loss too, mostly due to helicopter support and bombardments. :D Too bad you lose Quiet here, but not too worried since all I have left are a couple of rehashes. Probably not going to play those. Or maybe I will, using the stealth camo. ;)

Nice conclusion of the Snake story. Could see it coming from a mile of course, but still nice.
Did anyone have an opportunity to invade FOB with nuclear weapon? That target list is always empty for me.ihjv

Overall, successful lvl 44 FOB invasion (without human defender thankfully) is my biggest accomplishment to date. Small tip. Don't spawn into the FOB right away. Scan and spot as many enemy soldiers from the chopper as possible before going into action. S rank soldiers (EDIT: oops, I checked and they were A++ after) all with headgear are absolute killing machines. It's like facing mission 45 tanks but more mobile. Your assault rifle underbarrel sleep grenade is the best way to deal with them, but still incredibly hard.

Would be nice if there was a processed resource shop. I have reached GMP limit and have about 2 million in unclaimed rewards plus around 150 000 unprocessed fuel and common materials but processing takes so much time. I left the game running few times while I went to work or with friends somewhere but it is not a great solution.
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I'm curious, who here skips every single cutscene in the game?

I have a friend who just got the game, and asks if it has a good story. I said yeah, and so he started playing it, only for me to find out that he skips every single cutscene he can in the game, and then tells me cutscenes are a waste of time. What?
I'm curious, who here skips every single cutscene in the game?

I have a friend who just got the game, and asks if it has a good story. I said yeah, and so he started playing it, only for me to find out that he skips every single cutscene he can in the game, and then tells me cutscenes are a waste of time. What?

If I've seen the cutscene before and remember it, I'll skip it. I won't skip it the first time, though since the cutscene (and the tapes, for this game, GZ and peace walker) tell the story in a MG game.

I'm hanging for MGO to start.

I have to wait until January :(
Finally made my suppressed tranq sniper rifle. Had to do the Angel episode a couple of times to get it done, but I got an A+ Malak so he should last a while. Locked him just to make sure he doesn't go away, again.

The only thing holding me back now are the "specialists" and blue prints. DD is finally, once again, my buddy. I did the "no traces" run on Backup, Back Down episode, so now I'm gonna do it again just for the prisoners, but need to see where I can find them, first. I only came across one the first time I played it, so I have to watch some YT videos where to find them.

I have 4.5m in GMP, 277k in heroism, 135 tanks on reserve, a lot of items I wanted made and upgraded, with only 16% complete. Combat and Medical are the last to upgrade and both are 3/4.

Red Brass and then go get Quiet are up next.
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Quite by accident I ended up in the adjacent building in red brass and caught the whole chat before walking in, tranqing all three and filling a jeep up with sleepy Russians......

Quite by accident I ended up in the adjacent building in red brass and caught the whole chat before walking in, tranqing all three and filling a jeep up with sleepy Russians......

And here it took me two dozen attempts. I would up hiding in a box in the adjacent room after subduing the roaming guard, but stashing him took so long that the captains returned to their posts.
Thought it was time for a new insignia. I actually really like the way this one turned out, but I need a new name - "Zanzibar Escape" isn't great.


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Not bad Monkey. Not bad. :)
Thanks. I was just mucking around with it and stumbled into it by accident. When I got the backdrop - which was a pain; I had to complete all objectives for "Phantom Limbs" and struggles to avoid the Skulls - I knew I had it.

I just need a better name ...
I shall create an army of Gerbils and take over the world! Muhahaha!

Although that did get me thinking - how does Kojima come up with some of the names for NPCs? I've seen some pretty silly ones, like "Death Goat". Still waiting on the likes of "Useless Hamster" and "Delicious Eel".

Personally, I'd be "Dragon Shark" because it sounds completely terrifying.
I have not used D-Walker for the most part of my playthrough namely because I have no idea what his capabilities are.

It does generate noise when moving about, do enemy soldiers hear it or only you?

Although that did get me thinking - how does Kojima come up with some of the names for NPCs? I've seen some pretty silly ones, like "Death Goat". Still waiting on the likes of "Useless Hamster" and "Delicious Eel".

Personally, I'd be "Dragon Shark" because it sounds completely terrifying.

Gerbils are the rat looking things that seem to make up about 90% of what I capture from deploying animal capture cages. ;)