Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Redoing some of the main story missions may or may not help.

Not by much, but I just got three A++ Combat soldiers in the past few hours of playing, which I needed very badly. CD's were killing them off. Normally, I wouldn't get any.

I did OF a few more times to get them. Volunteers are still coming, but just one and some none at all. When I do get one, it's either a C or a B. Almost never an A, but never something higher than that. It sucks.

I'm all level 42 with 390k heroism points, but only 17% complete. It's proof your game completion percentage has something about what grade of soldiers you get. I got get more of this game in the bag if I expect to get higher ranked soldiers.

Got a call from RO, saying I should visit Quiet every so often and found her missing. So, I farted around, looking for soldiers to increase morale and a door opened up. I went in...

Holy crap!

I can't believe Paz is still alive! Or, is she? We'll see. Loved that shocking moment. So far, it's the best moment in the game. Since Quiet was gone, I think they were trying to tell us Quiet is really Paz? Don't like that one bit. But, whatever. Can't wait to find out.

Didn't meet with Huey because I have a feeling this is going to be the last time I'm in Afghanistan. So, I wanted to build up a good supply of TT77's just in case. I have over 200, a lot of GMP, making a lot of money on metals and plants, CD's, etc. I don't need to be worried especially since I researched about every item I could. Even the weapons I know I wont ever use. I'm sure I can farm something good in Africa.

I think tomorrow, I'll meet with Huey and then off to Africa.
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Not by much, but I just got three A++ Combat soldiers in the past few hours of playing, which I needed very badly. CD's were killing them off. Normally, I wouldn't get any.

I did OF a few more times to get them. Volunteers are still coming, but just one and some none at all. When I do get one, it's either a C or a B. Almost never an A, but never something higher than that. It sucks.

I'm all level 42 with 390k heroism points, but only 17% complete. It's proof your game completion percentage has something about what grade of soldiers you get. I got get more of this game in the bag if I expect to get higher ranked soldiers.

Got a call from RO, saying I should visit Quiet every so often and found her missing. So, I farted around, looking for soldiers to increase morale and a door opened up. I went in...

Holy crap!

I can't believe Paz is still alive! Or, is she? We'll see. Loved that shocking moment. So far, it's the best moment in the game. Since Quiet was gone, I think they were trying to tell us Quiet is really Paz? Don't like that one bit. But, whatever. Can't wait to find out.

Didn't meet with Huey because I have a feeling this is going to be the last time I'm in Afghanistan. So, I wanted to build up a good supply of TT77's just in case. I have over 200, a lot of GMP, making a lot of money on metals and plants, CD's, etc. I don't need to be worried especially since I researched about every item I could. Even the weapons I know I wont ever use. I'm sure I can farm something good in Africa.

I think tomorrow, I'll meet with Huey and then off to Africa.

The first time I got S ranked soldier, my game completion was at 40%, heroism was near 100k.

How did you get over 200hours of play :eek: Are you playing 12 hours a day ? :crazy:
So, I farted around, looking for soldiers to increase morale and a door opened up. I went in...

Holy crap!

I can't believe Paz is still alive! Or, is she? We'll see. Loved that shocking moment. So far, it's the best moment in the game. Since Quiet was gone, I think they were trying to tell us Quiet is really Paz? Don't like that one bit. But, whatever. Can't wait to find out.
If you want to keep finding out, the game isn't exactly clear on how to go about it:
You will open up a series of Side Ops called "Extract the Wandering Mother Base Soldiers", where you have to bring in soldiers who were away from Mother Base when it was attacked and have been driven mad. They're relatively simple, but deceptively tricky: the only way to get them is with a headshot from a non-lethal weapon, but they will run away (as well as drop stun or sleep grenades abd use stealth camo) if you get too close, so you need to shoot from beyond the weapon's operating range.

Once you have them, you will get a key item - a photograph from Costa Rica. Take them up to Paz's suite and you will uncover more of the story. You can't do them all at once, so you might need to go off and do a Side Op or mission. Once you have all ten, you will need to search Mother Base for the eleventh and final photo.
Great tips there guys. Thanks.

@prisonermonkeys I did two of those missions in side ops. I have a second photo. I'll go back to give it to you know whom.

So, farting around the Medical base, I found this soldier. She's cute, ain't she? Yes, SHE. Female voice and name. Yikes!


The first time I got S ranked soldier, my game completion was at 40%, heroism was near 100k.

How did you get over 200hours of play :eek: Are you playing 12 hours a day ? :crazy:
I leave my PS3 on while I do other stuff. Like eat, sleep and other stuff. It's off now. I don't need it to be. My base is all 4/4 and I have so much metal and resources, I'm selling them for GMP because I've maxed them out at 200k or 3k for plants.

Make that 272 hours of game play. :D
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You're all wrong with how to approach the wandering motherbase soldiers.

Have a cardboard box in your inventory (doesn't matter the colour), when you can spot the soldier or are in the area, equip the box.

Walk in it crouched, get close to them, but don't rush at them.

Let them 'spot' you. Stay still, crouched, in the box.

They will come up to the box, look at it, then say something like "Boss, is it really you?" then you will be able to fulton/strangle then fulton.

Much simpler than the game of duck duck goose they play.
It's not the songs - it's just the recording that you are given. None of the others work.

Afghan lullaby works, but it's gone after being used :(

You're all wrong with how to approach the wandering motherbase soldiers.

Have a cardboard box in your inventory (doesn't matter the colour), when you can spot the soldier or are in the area, equip the box.

Walk in it crouched, get close to them, but don't rush at them.

Let them 'spot' you. Stay still, crouched, in the box.

They will come up to the box, look at it, then say something like "Boss, is it really you?" then you will be able to fulton/strangle then fulton.

Much simpler than the game of duck duck goose they play.

With DD, all you need to do is mark the guy with the scope and have DD neutralize it :)
The method I said is a lot easier. And cheaper in terms of GMP used for the loadout.

For me, it's easier to just triple tap the guy from a far :D ( GMP do not matter for me when I got the 1st wandering soldier side ops as I always roam around and GMP came from everywhere )
Afghan lullaby works, but it's gone after being used :(
You can use the lullaby to put guards to sleep, the recording of the guard with the stomach ache to encourage others to leave if you're in a toilet, and the "target terminated" tape to call off a search. You should be able to find them again in the field, although I cannot say that I have.
You can use the lullaby to put guards to sleep, the recording of the guard with the stomach ache to encourage others to leave if you're in a toilet, and the "target terminated" tape to call off a search. You should be able to find them again in the field, although I cannot say that I have.
That's why I'm afraid to use the lullaby. I'm not sure if you can find it again, after it breaks after use. I found it in the Over The Fence episode right where you find the prisoner.
I run my duck duck geese over with a certain horse.......



I like this cardboard box method though.

Just did "Backup, Back Down", aiming for the last objective that I needed, rescuing six prisoners, and I have to admit that I needed a game guide to get it done.

The first prisoner was in the desert just north of the landing zone near Lamar Khaate. There was nothing to indicate that she was there, and you could easily miss her if you went to another LZ.

The second was in the river, working his way south. Again, there was nothing to indicate that he was there. This was the one that I needed the guide for. If you don't get him straight away, you lose him.

The third was on the obscure pathway between Wakh Sind and Lamar Khaate; I only knew about him because I had previously found him by accident. But again, you have ti be quick, because four guards are hunting him and will kill him if they find him.

The fourth is in the jeep; Ocelot draws your attention to him, so he's easy enough to find.

The fifth is in Wakh Sind, in the same place as the Bionics Engineer from "Over the Fence". She's probably the hardest to get because you have to go so far into the barracks - even if you climb the rock face - and get back out, and you have to do it quickly.

The last one is in one of the cells at Lamar Khaate it's actually really easy to get him; one strategically-placed smoke grenade (or smoke box) and pair of night vision goggles is all you need to get in and out.

It's frustrating when developers do this. uou could play the mission a thousand times and still miss them all, especially the first two.
Finally completed the story and my verdict is that it's probably one of the most incoherent, poorly paced and poorly told stories I've ever come across. Don't think I'll ever play through the story again. At least the gameplay is good.
Finally completed the story and my verdict is that it's probably one of the most incoherent, poorly paced and poorly told stories I've ever come across.
It does stagger around a little bit, but I think that the core concept is fascinating. I'd much rather re-play it than sit through something entirely forgettable like Call of Duty.

The main problem is that the story is trying to show both Diamond Dogs and Cipher as being devolutions of their original concept. Which is sound, and for the most part, reasonably well-executed; Miller is feeling guilty that the ideological focus of MSF has largely been reduced to a pure business venture by the other private forces. But at the same time, Cipher has undergone a similar change: Zero has lost control of the organisation and it has become a bastardisation of its original idea. The problem is that Skull Face is the one who carries out the insurrection, but at the same time, he despises Cipher and everything it represents.
@Ridox2JZGTE Dude, spoiler tags!

Just got 2nd cut scene with
:) and Quiet hot rain :) Big Boss is young at heart :D

I'm pretty sure that I found it at a checkpoint myself.

Here's a list of the locations I found on the internets...

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Music Cassette Tape Locations
Afghan Lullaby

This short but sweet little ditty can be recovered from the Wakh Sind Barracks. Look for a partially complete building and head down into the basement to recover the track. You'll find it right near to where a Prisoner of War is kept captive in the Over the Fence mission.

All the Sun Touches

Give the Munoko ya Nioka Station a good search to pick up this cassette. Remember that the music will often guide you to its location, so keep your ears (and eyes, we suppose) open.

Behind the Drapery

This one's pretty hard to miss, seeing as you should encounter it during the game's very first mission. When you infiltrate Da Wialo Kallai, you'll find this on the table in the room beneath the one containing the documents that are the focus of your infiltration objective.

Dancing with Tears in My Eyes

We've all had a boogie while in the midst of a bit of a moment! There's no time for tears when you're behind the eyepatch of Big Boss, though, so keep your eye out for this track in Ditadi Abandoned Village. You'll find it hiding beneath a canopy at the bottom of a rocky peak.

Dormant Stream

Head to the Smasei Fort and give the western guard post a good old thorough search. You should find this cassette tape there if you look properly.

The Final Countdown

An absolute classic and an essential addition to your espionage playlist. You'll find this one to the west of Sakhra Ee Village. It's in a small house, and literally right in front of the door.

Friday, I'm in Love

Robert Smith's hair may resemble that of a scarecrow's now it's lost its natural youthful loftiness, but The Cure are still very much in love with the final day of the working week. Traipse to the Lufwa Valley, and look inside the mansion in the area.


Oh, Gloria! This one's at the Nova Braga Airport – cool name, huh? – in the eastern-most building that you encounter in this area.

Heavens Divide

Spoilers! You'll find this one before facing a certain boss in Mission 30. We're not going to tell you who, though, because that would ruin the surprise. Just keep a mental note of the mission number, and have a good look around the elevator before you enter it.

How 'Bout Them Zombies, Ey?

Terrible name for a song, but fortunately this one is an easy one to find. You'll track it down at Bwala ya Masa, in the building to the east of the area.

Kids in America

Hideo Kojima's got good taste. You'll need to take a tour of Da Shago Kallai during the A Hero's Way mission, and this one just so happens to be located inside the main camp, where the Spetsnaz commander hangs out. Do yourself a favour and don't let your Walkman chew this one up – it's a good song.

Koi No Yoku Shiryoku (Love Deterrence)

This one's hidden in Da Ghwandai Khar, in the building where you helped a certain hero during the very first mission in the game. If you've played for more than a couple of hours then you know who we mean.

Love Will Tear Us Apart

It sure will. Fortunately, this cassette won't tear your brain apart, as you'll locate it in the Afghanistan Central Base Camp.


Also the name of a much better song by Nelly Furtado, but we won't judge. Head to Lamar Khaate Palace and look inside the tent near the front of the palace. No idea why Timbaland decided to stash this track there.

The Man Who Sold the World

Admit it: you've already got this one, haven't you? Of course you have, because you earn it for free by completing the prologue. We love it when a plan comes together!

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Theme

One for the franchise fans we suspect. You'll need to have played a fair amount of The Phantom Pain to recover this one – no real hardship, huh? – but you'll find it in the cellar of the Quarantine Platform that you search in Mission 43.

Midnight Mirage

Head to the north of Bampeve Plantation, and this one can be yours. If we're honest, we'd love a Midnight Mirage of our own.


Is it safe for there to be Nitrogen in the Serak Power Plant? Who knows? Who cares? All we know is that you'll find this tape towards the north of the location.

Only Time Will Tell

You'll get this one during the C2W mission if you have a keen ear and eye. It's in the Eastern Communications Post, inside the communications building funnily enough.

A Phantom Pain

Wait, is The Phantom Pain going all meta on us? No idea, but you'll find this one in the Wakh Sind Barracks. Towards the eastern end of the location, you'll spot six small houses. The one that's fourth-furthest from the base is where the cassette hides, so seek it out and add it your blossoming collection.

Planet Scape

It's back to the Sakhra Ee Village for you. This time you'll need to look in the southern guard station.

Quiet Life

We'd definitely have a quieter life if games weren't filled with pointless collectathon quests. Wait, you're enjoying your hunt for cassettes? Well, alright, then – this one is in the Mfinda Oilfield, in the southern end of the field.

Quiet's Theme

Oh Stefanie Joosten, what incredible eyes you have. Not so sure about the caterwauling, but you'll get this one for free at the end of Mission 45. Can't complain with complimentary, even if the song is melodramatic crap.

Rebel Yell

You'll happen upon this one at the Mountain Relay Base. You'll uncover it in a building to the west of the bridge.

Ride a White Horse

D-Horse is the best white horse since that tragic accident which involved a tin of Dulux and Black Beauty. Travel to the Lamar Khaate Palace again for this one, and give the northern guard post a good old search.

She Blinded Me with Science

Well, that's not very nice – we sincerely hope that she was grounded for a week. Oh, you're just talking about the name of a cassette tape in The Phantom Pain. Alright then, we've heard this one is in a north-eastern guard post in Wialo Village.

Sins of the Father

Freebie! You'll get this one after beating a certain someone in Mission 30.

Snake Eater

A tape that's sure to prove popular, but we still reckon that The Cure's the best cassette that you'll happen upon. This one's in a guard station to the west of Munoko ya Nioka Station.

Take on Me

We'd have preferred the Reel Big Fish cover, but the A-Ha original is tolerable we suppose. Take this one from the Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost. It's on the south side of the base on the first floor, but beware: there be guards here.

Take the D.W.

This one's at the Smasei Fort, inside a tent that's being used as a communications building.

The Tangerine

Another simple one to locate, as it's in the eastern guard post at the comically named Spugmay Keep.

Too Shy

This song title speaks to your humble host. You'll find it next to an anti-air radar installation in Kiziba Camp in a tent.


Spandau Ballet deserved to be locked in Kungenga Mine about 30 years ago, so that's exactly where you'll find this classic cassette. Hopefully in a state of disrepair after being stamped on a thousand times.

You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)

One of the best songs in the game, and the perfect morale boost for your troops. You'll find this classic Dead or Alive (get it?) in the northern guard station at Lufwa Valley.

I run my duck duck geese over with a certain horse.......



I like this cardboard box method though.


I knew about the cardboard box trick when I played my first game. But, I just like sneaking up to them and tranqing them in the head, works fine for me. :)

Just did "Backup, Back Down", aiming for the last objective that I needed, rescuing six prisoners, and I have to admit that I needed a game guide to get it done.

The first prisoner was in the desert just north of the landing zone near Lamar Khaate. There was nothing to indicate that she was there, and you could easily miss her if you went to another LZ.

The second was in the river, working his way south. Again, there was nothing to indicate that he was there. This was the one that I needed the guide for. If you don't get him straight away, you lose him.

The third was on the obscure pathway between Wakh Sind and Lamar Khaate; I only knew about him because I had previously found him by accident. But again, you have ti be quick, because four guards are hunting him and will kill him if they find him.

The fourth is in the jeep; Ocelot draws your attention to him, so he's easy enough to find.

The fifth is in Wakh Sind, in the same place as the Bionics Engineer from "Over the Fence". She's probably the hardest to get because you have to go so far into the barracks - even if you climb the rock face - and get back out, and you have to do it quickly.

The last one is in one of the cells at Lamar Khaate it's actually really easy to get him; one strategically-placed smoke grenade (or smoke box) and pair of night vision goggles is all you need to get in and out.

It's frustrating when developers do this. uou could play the mission a thousand times and still miss them all, especially the first two.

I think it's genius. Giving us another reason to play the mission (episode) over again. But, this one was so hard, I too had to use a guide to find them all. I got it done. :)

OK, after my morning coffee, pills and bit of food, I'm gonna go for it. Huey, here I come to get ya.

I'm nervous about this one because a friend who finished this game a few days ago said this was the most frustrating episode in the game. Being chased by someone who can see you from afar and destroy you very easily and ruing your game. And, if you do something to restart your game, you have to start from the beginning because there are no checkpoints! I have an idea who or what that is, so you can understand why I'm so nervous.

Silly, huh? :lol:
After several attempts, I have come to the conclusion that FOBs are stupid. They're massively unbalanced in favour of the defender. Even going in to one with low scores, I was spotted almost immediately and never even made it up the stairs.

@Solid Lifters - adding extra objectives to make the mission play differently is indeed genius. The problem with the six prisoners in "Backup, Back Down" is that there's nothing to indicate where they are. If you don't deploy to the LZ at Lamar Khaate, you will miss two of them (and possibly a third) through no fault of your own.