Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
So, what's the worst possible thing that could happen during an FOB raid?

The batteries in my controller died just as the enemy went into combat alert.

I still succeeded in the raid, though.
You know you can have specific equipment dropped in for you during a mission, and I think I only remember seeing 1 mission so far where a bonus objective was to not have any ammo or supplies dropped.

Yep. But all my slots were filled up. So, how would I use it?

Finally using Quiet on missions. Right now, I have Episode 16 to do, but I know what lies ahead. I just ran from them in the past but not anymore. It's fight or fail. Still don't have the toy I want to use, so what should I use? Powerful, high capacity machine gun?

Took a while to get use to Quiet. At first, she did a lousy job of scouting for enemies, but she's gotten a lot better. Not perfect, but a lot better. Working my way up to 80 level with her so I can let her to use the suppressed Guilty Butterfly.

Man, I just hate D-Walker. So hard for me to control and the F-B only has 8 shots! Though, I do like his stealth, for such a loud machine, and i know he'll get a lot better as I upgrade him.

Seriously, how do I extract the prisoners on Episode 14 Lingua Franca before they're shot and killed? Where are they? I know one is near the intel you need to read. Zoologist, I believe. I had her, then got killed whey that damn cargo truck arrived and spotted me. I always hate that thing.

All normal resources are maxed up, except Precious Metals. That's around 90k. Some plants are maxed out, too. Plus all those tanks, and other vehicles. I'm good to go for the rest of the game. No need to worry about GMP.
Yep. But all my slots were filled up. So, how would I use it?
If your loadout is full, anything you call in will replace an existing item in your inventory. If you want to get that item back, you will have to call it in again.

Finally using Quiet on missions. Right now, I have Episode 16 to do, but I know what lies ahead. I just ran from them in the past but not anymore. It's fight or fail. Still don't have the toy I want to use, so what should I use? Powerful, high capacity machine gun?
Draw their attention and lead them away from the truck. Circle around to Fulton it out. Alternatively, hijack it and leave the hot zone. You don't need to defeat them to succeed.

If you want to engage the Skulls directly, bring something explosive. My usual loadout for dealing with them is the Hail MGR-4 on the hip, CGM-25 on the back, the Macht 37 as my secondary and the Battle Dress.

Took a while to get use to Quiet. At first, she did a lousy job of scouting for enemies, but she's gotten a lot better. Not perfect, but a lot better. Working my way up to 80 level with her so I can let her to use the suppressed Guilty Butterfly.
There's not much of a tutorial for her, but once you figure it out and your bond wuth her increases, she's very effective. She works best when you position her at the opposite end of the outpost you're going in to because she draws attention away.

Man, I just hate D-Walker. So hard for me to control and the F-B only has 8 shots! Though, I do like his stealth, for such a loud machine, and i know he'll get a lot better as I upgrade him.
D-Walker is pretty useless. Even when you upgrade to get intercept mode, his range is pretty limited.

Seriously, how do I extract the prisoners on Episode 14 Lingua Franca before they're shot and killed? Where are they? I know one is near the intel you need to read. Zoologist, I believe. I had her, then got killed whey that damn cargo truck arrived and spotted me. I always hate that thing.
Follow the translator. One of the extra objectives is to listen in on every interrogation, so you will need flawless stealth and you will have to act quickly to save them. I haven't done it myself, but I have resuced all four in one mission - if you get caught, unleash hell. It means going lethal, but if you do enough damage, the enemy will focus on you; provided you stay alive, the prisoners should be okay.
Yay, I figured out how to do "Pitch Dark"! I didn't get an S-rank - I called in a sleeping gas bombardment on Masa Village to make sure I got the child soldiers - but it was perfect stealth. I found a few areas of Mfinda Oilfield that I hadn't realised that I could get to, and there is a gap in the fencing surrounding the control room that you can shoot the guard through. Still need to figure out how to exfiltrate before the oilfield is closed off, but I think using the Fulton to ride a container out is pretty promising.

Also, am I the only one who feels guilty at some of the shortcuts you can take on replays of missions and still get an S-rank?
I redid "Voices", but rather than go through Munoko ya Nikoia, I took the narrow canyon just north of it. Some high-end gear made short work of any resistance before they even knew that I was there, and as the finale, I took care of the Man on Fire with three shots - I lured him to the pool, and used the Bullhorn shotgun to knock him into it.
That's the only time that the game doesn't feel like a Metal Gear game - it's too easy to tranquiliser from afar and Fulton enemies out. If and when I get the chance to have a second play-through (and I want to get 100% completion first; I'm currently at 85%), I might go for pure subsistence: minimal development (stage one at most), everything procured on-site, and no Fulton.
Yay, I figured out how to do "Pitch Dark"! I didn't get an S-rank - I called in a sleeping gas bombardment on Masa Village to make sure I got the child soldiers - but it was perfect stealth. I found a few areas of Mfinda Oilfield that I hadn't realised that I could get to, and there is a gap in the fencing surrounding the control room that you can shoot the guard through. Still need to figure out how to exfiltrate before the oilfield is closed off, but I think using the Fulton to ride a container out is pretty promising.

Also, am I the only one who feels guilty at some of the shortcuts you can take on replays of missions and still get an S-rank?
I redid "Voices", but rather than go through Munoko ya Nikoia, I took the narrow canyon just north of it. Some high-end gear made short work of any resistance before they even knew that I was there, and as the finale, I took care of the Man on Fire with three shots - I lured him to the pool, and used the Bullhorn shotgun to knock him into it.
That's the only time that the game doesn't feel like a Metal Gear game - it's too easy to tranquiliser from afar and Fulton enemies out. If and when I get the chance to have a second play-through (and I want to get 100% completion first; I'm currently at 85%), I might go for pure subsistence: minimal development (stage one at most), everything procured on-site, and no Fulton.

Best rating for Pitch Dark is still just an A. I went back several times, but that place pisses me off so much, I avoid it. I did find you have spend a lot of time crawling on your belly. If not, you're toast. Plus, I have a hard time finding that damn door in the dark. I have to study the map a bit and figure out what I must do and not run around looking the entrance to the door. That's what screwed up last time. I was lost searching for that damn thing and got spotted. I was so pissed, I just ended the mission and when back to the ACC. I haven't been back since then.

If your loadout is full, anything you call in will replace an existing item in your inventory. If you want to get that item back, you will have to call it in again.
I was hoping that was the case, but never tried it. I just figured to start over and bring the correct gear.

Draw their attention and lead them away from the truck. Circle around to Fulton it out. Alternatively, hijack it and leave the hot zone. You don't need to defeat them to succeed.

If you want to engage the Skulls directly, bring something explosive. My usual loadout for dealing with them is the Hail MGR-4 on the hip, CGM-25 on the back, the Macht 37 as my secondary and the Battle Dress.

I've tried running away before, but this time I want to fight. But, I know it will be difficult, but that's OK. I want to know if I have what it takes to take them down and Fulton them out of there. I have none of those items. I do have grenade launchers, but not sure what model or how powerful they are. I'm thinking, my six shot grenade launcher and a 150 round machine gun.

D-Walker is pretty useless. Even when you upgrade to get intercept mode, his range is pretty limited.

But that's just it, he's a stealth machine for very close-in support. But, it's a hassle to bring him along every time, though. I've been playing more with him since getting 100% with Quiet and I can see his usefulness. Hell, him and with the Wormhole Fulton and I could do some real damage. I do hate you can't go first-person with his pistol aiming, though. And, I wish the tranq pistols had better distance aiming. My level 4 tranq pistol is so much better than the ones for D-Walker. They are not the same pistol, but similar. I don't know what or why that is, but it is what it is. But, next to the biggest draw back, the pistol aiming, is the F-B. I hate that thing. It's so hard to use since you can't see well enough down range what you're actually going to hit. Sure, the target is painted, but there's alway a tiny pole, post, tree, etc. that gets in your way you can't see from so far back. Then, the soldier gets alerted, then all hell breaks loose. Lame. Stupid. And just 8 Fultons compared to 48 when the regular 48 are so much better and easier to use? OK. But, I did have fun sitting on the side of the road, waiting for the cargo truck to drive by and Fulton all them out of there. So much fun. :)

Follow the translator. One of the extra objectives is to listen in on every interrogation, so you will need flawless stealth and you will have to act quickly to save them. I haven't done it myself, but I have resuced all four in one mission - if you get caught, unleash hell. It means going lethal, but if you do enough damage, the enemy will focus on you; provided you stay alive, the prisoners should be okay.

I got it done. I didn't do any of that. I went to the first local and RIOT SMG'd everybody there and took the prisoner. I knew from experience where the second one was, which was very close by. Then, off to the the caged prisoner which is the biggest PITA. I got caught, sent in a sleeping gas attack and got her (Zoologist Specialist) out of there. The last prisoner, you must read the intel to tell you where he is. Done. Getting the zoologist was the biggest PITA of all time. No matter what, there's just too many soldiers hanging around to snag her up. Wait too long, and she's dead. Best thing to do is sleep gas bomb the center area, read the intel, throw some smoke grenades and decoys and sneak in to grab her out of there. It was a battle, but I pulled it off. Got what I wanted, the two specialists found in that episode.

So, playing with Quiet is now boring. She's just too powerful, now. Even when I tell her to "cease fire" she still shoots guys who I'm trying to interrogate. If I accidentally leave "cover me" on while I send her to a new location, she will shoot everybody before I even get there. Finding the bodies are hard, sometimes. It's like an Easter Egg Hunt for her targets since they don't show up on the map except when your intel staff finds them and displays them on the map. Never have I used the NVG so much, except for mine clearing missions.

Almost hard a heart attack this morning. The power went out while playing and turned the PS3 back on and saw the same message I had when my previous PS3 went out. All is fine, though, thankfully.

Oh, the best way to bond with Quiet is to stare at her in the ACC. Look into her eyes, not her tits. I had level 97 and was thinking of what mission to do next when she was making some new moves in the ACC so I watched her. She came right up to me, stared me right into my eyes and I stared back. She smiled and turned around and stuck her ass in my face and then did a quick turn around to look back at me and smiled a quick smile and then sat down. *Ding* Gold suit was now available to develop since I just leveled up to 100. Now, how, when, where do I get the Butterfly Emblem so I can keep her?
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Now, how, when, where do I get the Butterfly Emblem so I can keep her?

I believe you get it by using Quiet a lot during a mission. She has to neutralize more enemies than you which then will give you the Butterfly code name and subsequently the emblem parts. As you know you keep her with the Butterfly emblem used, I assume you know that you
won't recieve the truth ending without her leaving
I believe you get it by using Quiet a lot during a mission. She has to neutralize more enemies than you which then will give you the Butterfly code name and subsequently the emblem parts. As you know you keep her with the Butterfly emblem used, I assume you know that you
won't recieve the truth ending without her leaving
I'll watch it on YT, so no worries there. :) The times she's cleared out an area, I was free-roaming and not on an actual mission or episode. It was actually, after a mission when she cleared out the next post over.

I have so much resources right now, it's ridiculous. I still can't help myself grab some containers while on a mission. I actually want to create a FOB so I can let others have some. LOL Well, maybe not. :)
Too bad we can't gift people on our friends list who play this game. BTW, mine is full of them. How about yours?

DD likes to bark at the end of of a humming song sung by a certain someone. Funny stuff. Anybody else find any fun ways to use the tapes?
Best rating for Pitch Dark is still just an A.
This is how I did it:
1) Go in through the half-submerged pipe at the front of the facility.
2) Work your way towards the oily water separator tank. Make sure you snipe the guard outside the valve room door through the gap in the fences.
3) Go down the stairs in front of the tank and clear out the sentries.
4) Go back upstairs and you will find a low pipe across from the stairs; go under it and you can ambush the guards who come to check.
5) Put the C4 on the tank, but don't detonate it yet.
6) Snipe the guard outside the valve room door again (he will eventually wake up).
7) Drop down onto the low concourse - it's the one place Quiet can't cover you - and circle around to the stairs on the far side.
8) Behind the stairs is a structure; within that structure there is an open pipe. You wouldn't know that it is there unless you stumble into it. Follow the pipe to a sunken pit behind the main structure.
9) Pick off the guards on the catwalk, Fulton the guard at the door, then pick lock and push the button.
10) Exit through the open window, then drop down and use cover (or high-level smoke grenades and NVGs) to get to the materials containers.
11) Climb aboard a container, detonate the C4, and Fulton your way out.
Got the Butterfly Emblem. So, Quiet is safe with me from now on. And that's the way I like it. :)

One nice bonus of having her as your buddy on a mission, endless supplies. She will send in for supplies and doesn't use them all. But, you can! :)

Busy doing CD's, Side Ops and roaming around Africa and getting the cargo tags. Also, going to posts to extract A++ soldiers, which is the only soldier for me worth extracting. I have no need for anything lower. I hope I can unlock the S rank soldiers. For now, I'm stuck with mid-high 40 level staff. That's not good.

When I visited the airport, I found the Gloria sound tape, but wasn't allowed to take it. Well, found the radio playing the song but the icon to take the tape never showed up. I was in free-roam mode, so I guess I can only take the tape during a mission or Episode. I also found what I believed to be a blue print but don't have a new blue print in my list. I wonder what it is I found in the office building of the airport.

My Rewards section is 200/200. I'm no longer collecting metals, GMP, plants and soldiers. So, the stupid cap has me blocked. Lame. Again, too bad I have no way to get rid of my GMP except do costly missions and then sell off resources in my Rewards section. It's such an annoying PITA that it's ruining my fun.

Didn't attack Episode 16 yet. Maybe later today.
When I visited the airport, I found the Gloria sound tape, but wasn't allowed to take it. Well, found the radio playing the song but the icon to take the tape never showed up. I was in free-roam mode, so I guess I can only take the tape during a mission or Episode.
No, it's just a tricky one to get - you have to be in exactly the right position to trigger the icon.
Is there a way to deploy on a mission that isn't subsistence, without carrying a primary and secondary weapon?
So that you have to go OSP?

I can't find a way to deselect in the deploy screen, and the cheapest rifle I have to carry is still 70 GMP, with a handgun and the idroid, Fulton and int scope.......
I want to go in with nothing and be a proper snakeyboots......

No, it's just a tricky one to get - you have to be in exactly the right position to trigger the icon.
Wow. I tried a lot to move around and get it. This one is going to be a 🤬 and a half to get. I don't mind going back. There are containers there. Though, I don't really need the resources, now do I?

Funny stuff just now. Went on a bunch of episodes and missions with Quiet, and was very stinky. Went back to the Medical strut to give a certain somebody a new photograph and got the "You Stink" cut scene. But, with Quiet, something else happened that was glorious. But, then got stuck in her jail cell and had to got back to the checkpoint.

I got that wandering soldier by playing a certain someone's humming while in a box. Fultoned him out of there when he saluted. The tape didn't break so I can use this for the next wandering soldier Side Op. Nice.

Got Episode 16 done, and got an S rank even though I didn't try for it. Nice surprise. Got the Skulls with a grenade launcher and my machine gun. Didn't bother searching for downed soldiers since they fall asleep for five minutes. I just got out of there by getting out of the hot zone.

Now Episode 17, which takes me back to the place I don't like at all. Great.
As I play this game, I shall say that it is pretty amazing.

Gotta say that Quiet is pretty hot and that Ocelot is lookin' pretty damn handsome.
Now Episode 17, which takes me back to the place I don't like at all. Great.
You have to get the agent in the forest first because the search team will kill him if they find him. D-Dog will help a lot, but if you know where he is, you can get in and out with relative ease. It's only if you go to the radio that you will be drawn into confrontation because the search team hear it too.

Once you have the agent, pull back to the east and then circle around to the south. You can give Kiziba Camp a wide berth and approach it from the west; the second agent is in a pit behind the wooden bungalow. All you have to do is take out one guard (if you time it tight) and then use the cover of darkness to withdraw to the landing zone. It's a cheap tactic, but if you really hate Kiziba, you might not feel guilty about it.
You have to get the agent in the forest first because the search team will kill him if they find him. D-Dog will help a lot, but if you know where he is, you can get in and out with relative ease. It's only if you go to the radio that you will be drawn into confrontation because the search team hear it too.

Once you have the agent, pull back to the east and then circle around to the south. You can give Kiziba Camp a wide berth and approach it from the west; the second agent is in a pit behind the wooden bungalow. All you have to do is take out one guard (if you time it tight) and then use the cover of darkness to withdraw to the landing zone. It's a cheap tactic, but if you really hate Kiziba, you might not feel guilty about it.

OK, that Episode sucked balls. I did the mission at night, with Cloppity, the damn irritating, flee-bag, glue-pot of an annoying D-Horse! I did this mission several times, needing to restart at the checkpoint, sometimes after finding the first intel prisoner and sometimes before. One time, I had no idea I didn't have him, when I thought I had him, after restarting over at the checkpoint and didn't realize I didn't have him, since there was no way knowing if I did or didn't. Found out by trying to get out of the hot zone, that I didn't have him. Pissed me off.

Next, after having to restart at the checkpoint several more times, I made it all the way to the second intel prisoner, about to get him when I was spotted. No big deal, I'll just tranq him in the head, since he's alone, I'll be out of here with no problems. But, Cloppity walks right in front of me, ruining my reflex head shot. So, I was beyond pissed and quit. Done.

I started it back up, at morning time this time, with DD the Super-wonder pooch and what a difference! I got it down, without any problems whatsoever and on the first try! So much easier than playing at night, believe me. Good-night, Irene! I'm done playing.

Talk about getting stressed out! That was just terrible. I, again, hate that map area so damn much. Almost as much as Pitch Dark.

I understand Africa has to be harder since you're progressing in the game, but come on. Shoot one guy, five guys come. Miss a shot, you're screwed, blued and tattooed. That's not fun at all.

I bet playing with Quiet would have been even easier. But, I am getting tired of her taking all the shots. I have to learn to control her better and turn off cover fire before going in to a new area.

Right now, I'm running CD's while I'm here on the internets, even though I don't really need to be.

OK, when can I make the Security Team, again? I see the ST icon in my MB, again. Says 0/100. But, then it disappears without a trace. I dunno what's going on.
when can I make the Security Team, again?
After Episode 22. It introduces the whole concept of FOBs. Just be aware that the Combat Unit and the Security Team both take soldiers with the same skill - fighting - but as the Combat Unit gets priority, the Security Team get the dregs. At least for a while.

I made it all the way to the second intel prisoner, about to get him when I was spotted. No big deal, I'll just tranq him in the head, since he's alone, I'll be out of here with no problems. But, Cloppity walks right in front of me, ruining my reflex head shot
You can control D-Horse the same way that you issue commands to D-Dog. One of them is "stay back", which will remove Cloppity from the area you're in. D-Horse is only really good for travelling from one outpost to the next, which is a bit frustrating if you're looking to have him help extract prisoners.

I understand Africa has to be harder since you're progressing in the game, but come on. Shoot one guy, five guys come. Miss a shot, you're screwed, blued and tattooed. That's not fun at all.
That's more the nature of the mission than anything else. The guards are already on alert because of the escaped prisoner; there's another mission later on that has a similar premise. For the most part, they're docile unless provoked.

Although the individual PFs do seem to repond differently. The CFA are the most disciplined and tend to work together, but their weapons and tactics are much more defensive. Rogue Coyote are better armed, but aren't as cohesive. And Zero Risk Security are much more aggressive in their tactics and deploy counter-measures sooner than the other two, but fight in smaller units.
It was my fault, I guess, for calling Cloppity over to extract that last injured intel prisoner out of there. Yeah, I don't care for him all that much and don't use him much, since getting the faster sprinting speed and DD, Quiet and D-Walker.

I saw a video of guy using D-Walker like a champ. He was amazing. Walked right up to a guy, snagged a prisoner laying right next to him and left. Never got spotted. See, D-Walker was built for stealth. I was amazed how well that guy could control him. I have a very hard time. I wouldn't be surprised if I accidentally drove off a cliff with him. But, for me, he's pretty much useless.
I'm not a fan of D-Walker, either. The controls are awkward, and there's nothing that he does which none of the others don't already do. I don't find him particularly stealthy, particularly since I am already pretty stealthy myself. The only thing that I have really done with him is get all the upgrades so that I can get the extra 5,000 heroism points (I'm currently up to 567,000+).

As for D-Horse, my favourite strategy is to call him in mid-mission, but drop him at the place I plan to be so that I can beat a hasty retreat.
Couldn't get online either. My Konami glitches and server problems, no doubt.

Speaking of glitches, just did Episode 18 Blood Runs Deep. OK, I know the game is getting more difficult and challenging, but come on! An ESCORT MISSION!?!? I hate those damn things!!! Plus, this was with children! Children don't listen, and neither did these!

This mission was filled with glitches, it really pissed me off. First, the kids wouldn't go to the new choppa landing zone, which was right next to the cave exit area. Seriously. It was RIGHT THERE and these little bastards run half way up that damn river to the original landing zone.

So, I cancel, and go for the original landing zone. Then, Quiet just stopped working. She wouldn't provide me with cover at all despite I still had that option. Third, the kids wouldn't follow my instructions at all, until I learned how to deal with that glitch. You had to tell them to wait, then go again for them to move it. I guess I should have done that with Quiet to see if that would have worked, but I cancelled her out and got DD.

But, I got caught by the hovering enemy chopper which made the children cover up and stop moving, though the choppa was just a few meters away.
So, restart from checkpoint, again, and finally made it to the choppa. Damn kids didn't want to get it, in comes another attack from front and behind as I tried to get these damn kids in the choppa. So, I deal with it, tranq all the kids and toss them in. I guess I was supposed to do that from the start.

I should have done that at the cave exit. Just tranq them there, and run them up to the choppa. No doubt, I would have gotten and S rank since I missed it by just 3k. Bah!!!

Furthermore to piss me off, I did an easy mission to calm me down. I scan and see it for the first time! YES!!! An S rank Soldier!!! YES, YES, YESSSSSSSSS!!! Several of them! YES!!! I'm happy again! I extract them all! This will get me to levels so I can start doing some serious development. My game now means some serious business!

Game ends, and... NO S RANK SOLDIERS MADE IT OUT! What!?!? You've got to be kidding me!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

The game just wouldn't let me have them. My MB staff are all mid-high 40's, heroism is 500k and game completion is 33%. I guess my game completion is still not high enough. But, at least now I'll get a lot more A++ since it's not the highest rank soldier the game can throw at me, which means I'll see a lot more of them, now.

I really, really hate this game right now. :mad:

I'm just hoping that Episode 19 On The Trail is a whole lot easier. I could use a break right now.
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This mission was filled with glitches, it really pissed me off. First, the kids wouldn't go to the new choppa landing zone, which was right next to the cave exit area. Seriously. It was RIGHT THERE and these little bastards run half way up that damn river to the original landing zone.
It's not a glitch. The game is deliberately programmed to stop you from doing exactly what you're trying to do, which would make for an easy S-rank.

Then, Quiet just stopped working. She wouldn't provide me with cover at all despite I still had that option.
Again, it's not a glitch. Quiet can only cover you from certain positions. If you go into the buddy support menu and choose the attack option, it will show the sniping points. But there are none down the ravine, which means that you're on your own. Again, the game is trying to stop you from relying on Quiet to do the hard work.

Third, the kids wouldn't follow my instructions at all, until I learned how to deal with that glitch. You had to tell them to wait, then go again for them to move it.
Also not a glitch. The game is trying to keep you close to the kids to stop you from clearing out the ravine and coming back from them - if you leave them alone, they will move of their own accord.
It's not a glitch. The game is deliberately programmed to stop you from doing exactly what you're trying to do, which would make for an easy S-rank.
I think, if you have to extract somebody, and they follow you, they should actually follow you, or I'll think it's a glitch. I think it's a glitch. If it is the tactic of the game, I say it's an unfair tactic. Easy solution, though. Like I said before, tranq the kids, put them in the choppa one at a time which is what you have to do, anyway.

Again, it's not a glitch. Quiet can only cover you from certain positions. If you go into the buddy support menu and choose the attack option, it will show the sniping points. But there are none down the ravine, which means that you're on your own. Again, the game is trying to stop you from relying on Quiet to do the hard work.
It's a glitch. She provides cover all the time, except the second half of this mission, which to me, seems very glitchy. I don't see why they'd make it this stupid. Yes, I think it's stupid to change the dynamic of the video game, just to make things more challenging (more difficult) for you, especially since it goes against the norm. Especially, when they don't warn you. She whould point her laser at the head of enemies who were shooting at me or right in front of me, about to spot me, and she never fired. She could clearly provide cover, but chose not to for what reason? That's not providing cover when she could have. So, again, it's a glitch or a stupid, unfair tactic that goes completely against the norm.

Also not a glitch. The game is trying to keep you close to the kids to stop you from clearing out the ravine and coming back from them - if you leave them alone, they will move of their own accord.
No, this was clearly a glitch. I told them to wait, and go after they refused to move when it was all clear. I never went far ahead, but sometimes I did. I think they stayed put, and didn't want to move. But, you couldn't tell them to go, once they got scared, so you had to tell them to wait, then go to get them moving again. That to me is a glitch. It should have cleared out my go command so I can issue it again.

With all that, it is still a Escort Mission, which I hate so damn much. Worst Episode in the game, so far.

Still have a problem with S rank soldiers on the battlefield, but not being able to extract them as such. I can, but they downgrade to A++ in my staff force.
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I am not a very stealthy person (try to be though haha) and even I EASILY S-Ranked it first shot. When I heard what I had to do (escort the kids) I let out a rather loud *sigh*/"🤬 this" but, actually found it rather easy.

EDIT: It does mention how they're stubborn kids. I mean they are from a completely different culture, so why should they listen to Snake/Big Boss/whatever? Kids full stop are woeful at obeying instructions.
I am not a very stealthy person (try to be though haha) and even I EASILY S-Ranked it first shot. When I heard what I had to do (escort the kids) I let out a rather loud *sigh*/"🤬 this" but, actually found it rather easy.

EDIT: It does mention how they're stubborn kids. I mean they are from a completely different culture, so why should they listen to Snake/Big Boss/whatever? Kids full stop are woeful at obeying instructions.
I'm not to worried about the S rank. Especially now I know what I need to do. Tranq their asses at the cave exit, walk each one of them into the choppa just a few meters away. Easy S rank. What would be even be easier is to get the Child Proof Fulton and just walk myself in the choppa. Must wait for that one. :)
I just did "Lingua Franca", trying to get all of the objectives, including the interrogations, armed with only an unsilenced WU Pistol and a pair of night vision goggles - and it was AWESOME.

Couldn't get online either.
I can't get in any matches.... Probably to busy I gues
Haven't been able to get into an online match yet either.
My understanding is that that it's going to be a staged roll-out. They want to get full functionality up within a week.