Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
So S-rank soldiers have finally started to appear in my game. I've fultoned two now, and on both occasions, the game decided that none of them were S-ranks when they arrived at Mother Base. 🤬 this 🤬. I can't tell if this is poor game design, or if it's the game intentionally trying to piss me off. Wouldn't be the first time I suppose...
Happened to me too. It's normal, I guess. I see it as yet another annoying glitch. I scanned a Medical guy with S rank and skills was a surgeon. He came back to MB as an A++. Pissed me off, too. But, after I reached 34% and Episode 24, I scanned for S ranks and got them that way back at MB. Give it some time. Boasters also show as S rank, but are just A+ or A++ and take what is scanned with a grain of salt.

OK, soldiers are dieing on me in droves. I need help, guys.
I got the code talker, first mission and about to do the second one, and he mentioned something about voice and keep quiet. I noticed the infected and dead all spoke kikongo. So, I sent all that spoke it to quarantine. Is that the key? I've lost dozens of soldiers! I'm down to low 30's to high 20's right now, thanks to death, sickness and quarantine.

Really getting fed-up with all these damn glitches. I did the Code Talker, first mission, and about to get to the chopper and take out the last sniper and my game freezes up. Had to shut down the PS3 and restart it, then restart the game. Happened not once, twice but three 🤬 times! Each time, I had to start over from where I picked up Code Talker. :mad: Don't like this episode, mostly due to glitches, one bit.
@Solid Lifters - it's largely unavoidable at this point, but there are some things that you can do:
Yes, quarantining anyone who speaks Kikongo is the answer. It won't stop the outbreak, but it will limit its ability to spread.

Alternatively, get to the end of Episode 29, "Metallic Archaea"; afterwards, you will find a cure for the infection. Just be aware of the game-breaking glitch involving Quiet; I think it has been fixed, but I didn't use her for that mission and had cleared it by the time a patch came through.
@Solid Lifters - it's largely unavoidable at this point, but there are some things that you can do:
Yes, quarantining anyone who speaks Kikongo is the answer. It won't stop the outbreak, but it will limit its ability to spread.

Alternatively, get to the end of Episode 29, "Metallic Archaea"; afterwards, you will find a cure for the infection. Just be aware of the game-breaking glitch involving Quiet; I think it has been fixed, but I didn't use her for that mission and had cleared it by the time a patch came through.
I still have her. Too bad she was useless to me. I figured it out on my own, but I was losing so many soldiers, I wasn't sure. I lost a total of 76 soldiers. Went from high 40's to high 20's. Ridiculous.

That battle was horrible. Every time I would lock on with the GCM-25, I'd get hit waiting for the lock-on to activate. Even after the activation, firing was not a guarantee I'd hit them. They often just transported elsewhere, avoiding my blast. It took 90 minutes of trying over and over again. The game gave me the chicken hat again, and I didn't even want it. It did nothing anyway. Completely useless, and I had to look like an idiot with that stupid chicken hat on during the cut-scenes after I completed the mission.

With the difficulties, glitches, hard work going for not, resources limit, etc. I can honestly say, I'm not having any fun, at all. I just want to complete the game and never play again. I don't care what I unlock, or what. I just want it to be over with. I'm spent.

Now, on to Episode 30, which I understand is also very hard to accomplish. Great.
I lost a total of 76 soldiers.
I lost over two hundred. Probably because I kept doing Side Ops.

That battle was horrible.
It's very un-Metal Gear. But it's considerably easier with an upgraded CGM-25.

Now, on to Episode 30, which I understand is also very hard to accomplish. Great.
Tough, yes, but it's an extended infiltration. Lots of guards, and lots of routes through the facility. There's also several checkpoints so you won't be forced to completely re-start.
I lost over two hundred. Probably because I kept doing Side Ops.

I was blocked from doing Side Ops and CD's. Well, I think I was blocked from doing Side Ops. Never bothered to check. I knew from Ocelot and Miller telling me it was urgent to finish the next episode (29) or a lot more will die.

It's very un-Metal Gear. But it's considerably easier with an upgraded CGM-25.

I had a level 4, 5 being the highest. Not much power difference and lock-on speed between the two. Only ammo count. From 5 to 7.

Tough, yes, but it's an extended infiltration. Lots of guards, and lots of routes through the facility. There's also several checkpoints so you won't be forced to completely re-start.
Way too tired, hot and fed-up to attack it now. I guess I'll farm soldiers in episode 16. But, so sick of the Skulls, I don't want to see another single one of them right now.
Way too tired, hot and fed-up to attack it now. I guess I'll farm soldiers in episode 16. But, so sick of the Skulls, I don't want to see another single one of them right now.
There are no Skulls in Episode 30. There are lots of high-level XOF soldiers and a helicopter, and mistakes can be costly - CP can deploy a lot of additional soldiers - but no Skulls.
So apparently if you rescue child soldiers you can offset the horn size. If you keep farming them the horn gets smaller relatively quick.
There are no Skulls in Episode 30. There are lots of high-level XOF soldiers and a helicopter, and mistakes can be costly - CP can deploy a lot of additional soldiers - but no Skulls.
That's a relief. But, just too tired to attack it. My eyes keep shutting on me. I'm about to crash. After some sleep, I'll take care of it.

Can't visit you-know-who to give another photo. The door won't open up for me. Probably locked out due to the virus outbreak, or what. I have two of them.
That's a relief. But, just too tired to attack it. My eyes keep shutting on me. I'm about to crash. After some sleep, I'll take care of it.
Wise idea. It took me a good forty-five minutes to clear it. It's a brand-new location, so you've really got to concentrate. It's very easy to get funnelled into one path and get caught in a pincer movement if you're spotted.
I still have her. Too bad she was useless to me. I figured it out on my own, but I was losing so many soldiers, I wasn't sure. I lost a total of 76 soldiers. Went from high 40's to high 20's. Ridiculous.

That battle was horrible. Every time I would lock on with the GCM-25, I'd get hit waiting for the lock-on to activate. Even after the activation, firing was not a guarantee I'd hit them. They often just transported elsewhere, avoiding my blast. It took 90 minutes of trying over and over again. The game gave me the chicken hat again, and I didn't even want it. It did nothing anyway. Completely useless, and I had to look like an idiot with that stupid chicken hat on during the cut-scenes after I completed the mission.

As it turns out, rocket and grenade launchers were a bad choice. The best choice is a heavy, upgraded machine gun. It's what I used in the other mission and worked great. I should have stuck with it. I want that Grade 7 ALM 48! Huge damage, fast firing speed and large ammo supply. Too bad it's level 70 R&D, though and I'm only level 36, thanks to the disease.

Oh, Episode 30 is super-easy. Just use D-Walker and a upgraded shield. Just, "Storm The Castle" with it. Done in less than three minutes. Though, it's not very MGS sneak mission, but screw it. I want this to be over with ASAP. Very easy and fast S-rank. Problem was, D-walker is hard to control. But, just be smooth about it, aim for legs, and you'll be OK with no kills bonus.

Now, Episode 31. That's time for Rocket and Grenade Launcher time.
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I want this to be over with ASAP.
The main story ends with Episode 31. Most of Episodes 32-50 are reruns of previous missions, with additional conditions - Subsistence (everything OSP), Extreme (high difficulty) and Perfect Stealth (game over on being spotted). From memory, you'll redo "C2W", "Over the Fence", "Occupation Forces", "Pitch Dark", "Traitors' Caravan", "Code Talker", "Metallic Archaea", "Sahelanthropus", "Cloaked in Silence" and "The War Economy".

There's a few original missions (for want of a better word). Episode 46 is really the last one.
The main story ends with Episode 31. Most of Episodes 32-50 are reruns of previous missions, with additional conditions - Subsistence (everything OSP), Extreme (high difficulty) and Perfect Stealth (game over on being spotted). From memory, you'll redo "C2W", "Over the Fence", "Occupation Forces", "Pitch Dark", "Traitors' Caravan", "Code Talker", "Metallic Archaea", "Sahelanthropus", "Cloaked in Silence" and "The War Economy".

There's a few original missions (for want of a better word). Episode 46 is really the last one.
Yeah, I can see that. Shame I have to go through all of that over again just to get there. But, now that I've gone through all the story missions and episodes, I don't care what gets spoiled in watching YT videos of how to defeat episodes and missions the fastest way. I always asked a buddy of mine, and he told me what to use and do. He learned everything from watching "speed run" episodes on YT.

It's fun to find your own way. That's why I did it that way my first time around, but the glitches and the extreme hard episodes make me not care anymore. I love to try different things, but when your staff is dying, I wanted it to be over and fast. I hated that part of this game. That, plus the limit caps and the HORRIBLE idea that you can only get the highest ranking soldiers from FOB missions, has left a bad, tainted taste in my mouth. Shame, really. It was so excellent in the beginning and just went downhill from there.

The only fun left in this game for me is trying new weapons, attack certain episodes with a unique, different set of weapons and items. Not necessary fast methods, but fun methods you wouldn't think of normally.

So, I do have a little more respect for D-Walker, since he his very powerful. Getting around his control and movement issues are the keys to success. First person or "aiming" mode is the ONLY way you should control and move him around. Third person view, and you're going to have a hard time controlling him around.

I still can't make a FOB. I have all the blueprints to make the defense weapons, but logging in the HORRIBLE Konami sever is proving to be an impossible and pointless task. It seems I can only log in when I first start the game, after turning on my PS3. After that, it's pointless to try. I still have NO CLUE how to make a FOB since I can't get there to make one. Lame.

I wanted this game to be much better than this. *sigh*
I rather like D-Walker too. Can't say I have any issues controlling him with the analogue sticks on the DS4. Only thing I'd change about D-Walker is allowing him to act as an autonomous gun platform, for when you need some cover fire. Or perhaps that is a later upgrade for him?

For me, the problems with the game lies in the abysmal story and shallow and boring characters that I couldn't care less about. Skullface sucked as an antagonist, because they didn't use him at all. Eli is a little 🤬 that they should've shot early on. And the list goes on. The fact that the later important missions are interrupted by a "to be continued" screen, further disconnects the player from what is actually going on. How are you supposed to care?

Killing off your staff during the campaign, and the game outright lying about soldier ranks, really infuriates me, considering the amount of grinding that is already necessary to get to higher levels. I've put well over 100 hours into the game, at this point, time shouldn't be a factor. And am I the only one who doesn't feel like the world feels all that alive? Why are supply trucks driving around unescorted? Why are the two rebel factions in Africa never fighting each other? Why are the Muhajadeen never seen in Afghanistan? Why can I overhear Soviet soldiers talking about how outposts will receive armored vehicles for added protection, when no such thing ever happens? There's this large disconnect between the world as seen in campaign missions, and the world seen when free roaming. In campaign missions, large bases, such as the Soviet Base of Operations, actually feel appropriately equipped, where as in free roaming, they just have a slightly higher concentration of soldiers.

S rank dispatch missions are also massively frustrating to do, as they rely purely on luck. Add to that the fact that they take hours to complete, and you're not going to have fun with it. It's just sending soldiers off to die, basically. The dispatch missions that affect the game world are nice, but the "key" ones are stupid.

It's a not a bad game. It's just lacking a lot in certain areas.
I still have her. Too bad she was useless to me.
Make sure she has the Sinful Butterfly, she'll clear the Skulls in 2 minutes without you ever firing a shot. Very quick S-rank.
I lost a total of 76 soldiers. Went from high 40's to high 20's. Ridiculous.
Relax, this is supposed to happen, you'll be back up in no time. What I found more frustrating is being confronted with mission rehashes (though at the time I didn't realize they were not required to see the mission 46 ending), that really got up my nerve to the point I wanted to quit. :D

@prisonermonkeys : Yes, those Quiet glitches have been fixed, safe to take her anywhere. đź‘Ť
So S-rank soldiers have finally started to appear in my game. I've fultoned two now, and on both occasions, the game decided that none of them were S-ranks when they arrived at Mother Base. 🤬 this 🤬. I can't tell if this is poor game design, or if it's the game intentionally trying to piss me off. Wouldn't be the first time I suppose...
Did the soldiers have the Boaster skill? That skill makes their stats look higher than they actually are.
Only thing I'd change about D-Walker is allowing him to act as an autonomous gun platform, for when you need some cover fire. Or perhaps that is a later upgrade for him?
Yeah, you can get "intercept mode" later. You'll unlock it after you develop the scouting head. I have had mixed results with it, since D-Walker is unresponsive once you're a certain distance away - probably to stop you from sending it in in advance of your infiltration - and it has to be close to an enemy to detect it. So it's a bit touch and go for me; by the time D-Walker has neutralised the guard, I would be well into the facility.

The fact that the later important missions are interrupted by a "to be continued" screen, further disconnects the player from what is actually going on.
It's probably to give you a chance to resupply and to take a breather. Otherwise some of the longest most complex missions - like "Code Talker" and "Skull Face" - would just run into one another and it would be exhausting.
Did the soldiers have the Boaster skill? That skill makes their stats look higher than they actually are.

I don't remember. But in any case, it doesn't matter. It's still the game lying to the player, with the player not having a reasonable chance of knowing this in advance. It's a pointless and stupid mechanic that server zero purpose other than to frustrate the player.

It's probably to give you a chance to resupply and to take a breather. Otherwise some of the longest most complex missions - like "Code Talker" and "Skull Face" - would just run into one another and it would be exhausting.

But how are you supposed to be invested in a story, if the game constantly takes you out of it? From a story perspective, it simply doesn't work. You can't have characters say that something is urgent, and then allow the player to go spend the next 10 or more hours doing random side quests. It ruins any and all immersion. Even if you go straight back in, the fact that you were transported from a near death situation, to sitting in your comfy helicopter, and then back again, completely takes you out of it. No emotional attachment what so ever.
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I don't remember. But in any case, it doesn't matter. It's still the game lying to the player, with the player not having a reasonable chance of knowing this in advance. It's a pointless and stupid mechanic that server zero purpose other than to frustrate the player.
The game tells you what the boaster skill does. It's one of the hints that show up during the loading screens.
From a story perspective, it simply doesn't work. You can't have characters say that something is urgent, and then allow the player to go spend the next 10 or more hours doing random side quests.
Games do it all the time. I remember Final Fantasy XII needed you to get from one side of the map to the other to continue the story. You could teleport directly to the next story location, or walk - which was a good two hours, even without fighting. Likewise Grand Theft Auto V, which let you drop in and out of its main story and subplots at will. The Phantom Pain just consciously acknowledges it.
Why are the two rebel factions in Africa never fighting each other?
It's foreshadowing the events of Guns of the Patriots. The private forces are locked in a kind of corporate cold war, where their effectiveness is judged by their ability to hold territory rather than actually fight. Dialogue in "Traitor's Caravan" implies that all of this is being goverened by strategic alliances between the private forces. Kojima is trying to show them as a bastardisation of MSF; rather than fighting for a cause, everything is being governed by money. One of the major themes of the game is dealing with your own mortality, and part of that is coming to terms with you legacy. Where Miller was naĂŻve and hopeful, he has been reduced to bitter cynicism, forced to watch on as his idea, MSF, is reduced to a hollow shell of its former self.

Why are the Muhajadeen never seen in Afghanistan?
Because they're dead. That's what the Soviet "scorched earth" policy is - occupying areas and removing resistance by killing indiscriminately. Those that survived, like Malak's village, were abducted by XOF and used to cultivate the language parasites.

Again, it's Kojima getting philosophical on us (and in a more nuanced way than before) - the entire war is literally being fought over nothing.
I rather like D-Walker too. Can't say I have any issues controlling him with the analogue sticks on the DS4. Only thing I'd change about D-Walker is allowing him to act as an autonomous gun platform, for when you need some cover fire. Or perhaps that is a later upgrade for him?
I have all setting to max, so D-Walker is very hard to control for me, but as I said, first person view point makes him so much easier to move around.

For me, the problems with the game lies in the abysmal story and shallow and boring characters that I couldn't care less about. Skullface sucked as an antagonist, because they didn't use him at all. Eli is a little 🤬 that they should've shot early on. And the list goes on. The fact that the later important missions are interrupted by a "to be continued" screen, further disconnects the player from what is actually going on. How are you supposed to care?

Skull Face was a horrible antagonist. Boring as church. Why in the hell would snake walk and talk with him made no damn sense. Then, he would monologue forever while in the jeep. We finally get more of him for a change, and all I wanted was for him to shut the hell up. Worst character in the game. I like Eli, knowing he was Liquid Snake. Seems his behavior was perfect in this game knowing how and who he grows up to be.

Killing off your staff during the campaign, and the game outright lying about soldier ranks, really infuriates me, considering the amount of grinding that is already necessary to get to higher levels. I've put well over 100 hours into the game, at this point, time shouldn't be a factor. And am I the only one who doesn't feel like the world feels all that alive? Why are supply trucks driving around unescorted? Why are the two rebel factions in Africa never fighting each other? Why are the Muhajadeen never seen in Afghanistan? Why can I overhear Soviet soldiers talking about how outposts will receive armored vehicles for added protection, when no such thing ever happens? There's this large disconnect between the world as seen in campaign missions, and the world seen when free roaming. In campaign missions, large bases, such as the Soviet Base of Operations, actually feel appropriately equipped, where as in free roaming, they just have a slightly higher concentration of soldiers.

Seriously, dumbest way to make a game. That really pissed me off, to no end. Do all that work to create a staff and then have them die on you. A few would have been just fine, to make a point. But, that many?

S rank dispatch missions are also massively frustrating to do, as they rely purely on luck. Add to that the fact that they take hours to complete, and you're not going to have fun with it. It's just sending soldiers off to die, basically. The dispatch missions that affect the game world are nice, but the "key" ones are stupid.
I don't bother with them. I learned that a long time ago. 95% success rate, my ass. Then why do they fail more often than not? I only bother if a blueprint is involved.

It's a not a bad game. It's just lacking a lot in certain areas.

But, lacking in so many areas as it does, does make it a bad game. The first 2/3 were great. The last third was horrible. It seemed rushed.

What about Paz? What the hell happened to her? I cannot visit or see her, though I have several more photos for her. Why put a character in a game, only to have them vanish and never bee seen or heard from again? I have no idea how her story ends, now. Or, do I? It was blind stinkin' luck I ran into her. Now, she's just gone.

Worst of all, the game ends, before it ends. "Chapter II?" Seriously? Stupid.

Whatever happened to that battle gear Huey was building? I need one for a CD and it's nowhere to be seen.
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Whatever happened to that battle gear Huey was building? I need one for a CD and it's nowhere to be seen
It will get built automatically. You can find it in Huey's development lab on the R&D platform. When you arrive on the platform, go to the left of the main structure. Go down the stairs at the edge of the platform to the lower level, and you should see a large blast door with your emblem on it. The door to the lab is just beyond it.

Kojima originally planned to let you take Battle Gear into the field, but it proved to be over-powered, and that function was cut.
After a few days not playing, spent some more hours on the game :) Loving it more and more, 170+hours now, up to mission 48, just beaten the Sniper Skulss and extracted them all on Extreme, now this is more like it, deadly snipers :) but can still be beaten with some creativity or completely avoided :lol:

S ranked the metallic archaea on extereme with ease as well.

S ranked extreme cloaked in silence ( quiet ) - with just one little item, total stealth over the fence, subsistence occupation forces ( this is hilarious :P )
and extreme sahelanthropus with different character ( one of girl staff, armed with only serval amr7 and CGM25.

Almost S ranked total stealth pitch dark :grumpy:, just need to exfiltrated from the hot zone before the oil field being sealed off ( I wanted the walker gears :lol: ) - shut down the oil transfer pump first, then blow up the oily water separator tank from a distance, then leave the hot zone quickly ( fire from outside the base )

Tip : Make use of the armored vehicles, they allowed Snake to drive around without raising suspicion ( don't get too close or do anything stupid like hitting the soldiers or firing the guns :lol: ) When needed, they can provide ample firepower ( cannon, rockets ) and cheap on GMP ( no GMP for deployment, and 10000 for extracting them back to base )
Wait, what? You should be able to see her still until you get to the end of that road.
I cannot see her anymore. The door wont open. The first door. It just gives me that "no-entry-permitted" buzzer noise. The color of the light on the door is red.

Anybody get intel on a wild donkey? :D

My game is so glitched. I cannot get any more episodes. It stopped at 34. I cannot get S rank on C2W. I got it for subsistence C2W, with the same tactic of shoot from the choppa. I cannot get online at all, anymore.

Am I missing something?
I cannot see her anymore. The door wont open. The first door. It just gives me that "no-entry-permitted" buzzer noise. The color of the light on the door is red.

Are you sure that's not the door on the first floor? Hers is on the second floor? Just in case :)