Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I cannot see her anymore. The door wont open. The first door. It just gives me that "no-entry-permitted" buzzer noise. The color of the light on the door is red.

Anybody get intel on a wild donkey? :D

My game is so glitched. I cannot get any more episodes. It stopped at 34. I cannot get S rank on C2W. I got it for subsistence C2W, with the same tactic of shoot from the choppa. I cannot get online at all, anymore.

Am I missing something?

Glitches might be caused by HDD or disc read error ?

I haven't encountered a single glitch or error at all, 79% complete, mission 50, Quiet still with me. PS3 slim with Asian Day 1 Edition ( JP printed ), closer to 200 hours. What's the score on C2W ?
Are you sure that's not the door on the first floor? Hers is on the second floor? Just in case :)
I've been there numerous times before. I know what door it is. It just won't open.

Glitches might be caused by HDD or disc read error ?

I haven't encountered a single glitch or error at all, 79% complete, mission 50, Quiet still with me. PS3 slim with Asian Day 1 Edition ( JP printed ), closer to 200 hours. What's the score on C2W ?

No, no disc read errors or HDD problems whatsoever.

My game is just severely glitched. It is no wonder why I had so many problems. Quiet is glitching on me, too. She won't provide cover fire a lot of the time even after ordering her to "fire at will."
I've been there numerous times before. I know what door it is. It just won't open.

I know you've been there many times before, it was just a suggestion, because objectively, it is far more likely that on this one occasion you've run up the wrong number of stairs, as opposed to your specific copy out of millions happens to be 'glitched' in such a way that a door doesn't open that is supposed to in this instance whereas it worked as expected every time before. And is also 'glitched' in such a way that not only does it not open, it also displays the 'locked' light and makes the 'locked' noise upon approach. Or maybe you're just not supposed to be able to get in there at this point in the game.

No, no disc read errors or HDD problems whatsoever.

My game is just severely glitched. It is no wonder why I had so many problems. Quiet is glitching on me, too. She won't provide cover fire a lot of the time even after ordering her to "fire at will."

I agree with you that there are unlikely to be rear errors or HDD problems, if that was the case the game would be crashing in a serious way, it would not just behave slightly unusually, because the likelihood of there being a read error or corruption that somehow still works out as correct code that behaves almost 100% as expected is incredibly unlikely.

I'd also argue that the likelihood that your specific 'Quiet' code is somehow different to everyone else's is quite small. If we assume that your game code is the same as the other 3,000,000+ copies sold, then it'd be safe to assume that if it was severely glitched and just plain didn't work, then everyone would have also experienced these problems, and the internet would be awash with people complaining that Quiet doesn't work properly (like with the save game corruption).
I've been there numerous times before. I know what door it is. It just won't open.
It may well be that you're locked out because of the point in the story that you're up to. But, if you want to know what happens:
Paz is an hallucination. She died in the explosion at the end of Ground Zeroes. However, because of the trauma of his reawakening, his mind struggled to make sense of everything and he remembered everything differently as a coping mechanism. But the longer the delusion went on, the harder it became to maintain. With each photograph, Snake begins to reconcile his memory until he accepts reality and the hallucination of Paz pulls a bomb out of her abdomen.

Miller and Ocelot can see the hallucination because the trauma of Snake's awakening makes him vulnerable to The Third Child's influence. Their previous encounters meant The Third Child was able to create the memory of Paz as an avatar for Snake's guilt at failing to save her.
OK, I got it figured out. Well, sort of.

I was blocked out due to story issues to return to MB. It was the
Quiet torture scene by Miller.
I now can do more episodes and see you-know-whom again, to show her new photos. Why this game didn't say to go visit MB, seems like a bad design flaw to me, but oh well.

I still have problems with this game. A few that really annoy me. Here we go, since I hope you can provide a solution.

My game gets rid of (dismiss) high ranking soldiers, (A++, A+, A) while keeping E, D, C and B rated combat soldiers in both my Combat and Security Team staff. Why? I use the automatic sort function, but doesn't help. I use my own sort method and fights break out, though I got rid of all troublemakers. Uh? Explain this one, please.

I also do CD's to get rid of helmets, NVG's, flashlights, etc. But, the enemy still haves them. Uh? Why? I got rid of mines, and once done, I ran a mission loaded with them. That makes no sense or his unfair. Roaming around, soldiers still had helmets, though I just got rid of them in a DC mission.

Two hour DC missions are truly pointless. You'll fail most of the time, despite having a high success rate. I was at 93% rate, twice, and failed both times. Lame. I've lost most of my A++ soldiers due to this crap and now wont or can't bother for a long while. Well, until I farm some new A++ combat soldiers. Combat level is 41, Security Team at 32, while other levels are all high 40's or low 50's. Lame.

On a plus side, I do have a S+ rank soldier. Don't think I found him that way, but he leveled up after doing some CD missions. I guess, IDK. Who knows how this game works. I sure as hell don't.

One odd thing I noticed, I needed a Anesthisa Specialist to upgrade a sniper rifle, but had one. I tried to figure out why the game said I needed one, when I had one. I noticed he wasn't in R&D and I put him there. Sure enough, I had the required AS and was able to make the rifle. Lame, but I got around it.

Having more issues with Quiet. She just wont provide cover fire like she once did. I guess it's the game's way to make her lazy and stupid because I use her too much. I don't know. But, when she fails me, I just use the checkpoint and try again. No big deal.

Who here knows the mission or way to get the Noise Suppressor Specialist? The Bullhorn AG blueprint? I have yet to do an internet search, mind you. So, I hope you remember where and how easy to get them.
An easy way to test if Quiet is doing her job, order her to attack a guard post, and point your int scope to a soldier, now don't use the cover me order. Just make her point her sniper rifle to the soldier's head, and now order her to fire or another way is order her to take aim, then cover me. She should start to engage the enemy ( an alert should showed up saying Quiet : Engaging Enemy )

Always check her sniping position relative to your position and terrain condition, she can't provide cover fire if there's blind spot to your location or enemy positions.
They're in one of the original missions after Episode 31. Can't remember which one, though.

I found it in an internet search. I have to wait a while and do more episodes. Not a problem. It's Episode 38. I have a while to get there.

An easy way to test if Quiet is doing her job, order her to attack a guard post, and point your int scope to a soldier, now don't use the cover me order. Just make her point her sniper rifle to the soldier's head, and now order her to fire or another way is order her to take aim, then cover me. She should start to engage the enemy ( an alert should showed up saying Quiet : Engaging Enemy )

Always check her sniping position relative to your position and terrain condition, she can't provide cover fire if there's blind spot to your location or enemy positions.

I do all that, because I have to. She won't provide cover unless I do this. I used to be able to send her, tell her to attack and get there with most people sleeping. Not any more. I think it's odd and annoying she's been dumbed down.
I have been using Quiet in free roam, taking guard post one after another. I usually ordered her to attack nearest guard post upon landing from the chopper, then click on the cover me order. Afterwards, she would clear guard posts every time I send her to another sniping point with attack command. I think this is how it should works, when I ordered her to cease fire, she would stop engaging enemy, unless I was under heat as well ( enemy on combat alert and hunting me down, in which case she will provide covering fire and often move to different position to get clear shot )

If I move away too far from her, she will move ( follow me ) on her own accord.
I've just copied, pasted and bolded your bits, because I didn't want to quote your post and end up reading the spoiler, because I think you're further ahead than I am :)

I was blocked out due to story issues to return to MB. It was the (spoiler)

I now can do more episodes and see you-know-whom again, to show her new photos. Why this game didn't say to go visit MB, seems like a bad design flaw to me, but oh well.

Now obviously I don't know the spoiler, but you did just say you were blocked from going to MB, so I don't understand what you mean about the game should have said to go visit MB? As you were blocked out due to whatever the spoiler is? I'm probably just confused because I don't know what the spoiler is to be honest!

I still have problems with this game. A few that really annoy me. Here we go, since I hope you can provide a solution.

My game gets rid of (dismiss) high ranking soldiers, (A++, A+, A) while keeping E, D, C and B rated combat soldiers in both my Combat and Security Team staff. Why? I use the automatic sort function, but doesn't help.

This seems very odd, given how much you've farmed soldiers etc. I'm amazed you've got any Es left, my combat unit was all A and above before something unpleasant happened, in fact all of the units were B and above. Presumably it's dismissing them because you've reached capacity? I guess the reason makes no difference as you can just check in the tab for dismissed/KIA staff so you know for a fact that A++ people have been dismissed? I don't know if the game includes some sort of disciplinary dismissal or anything? Honestly no idea.

I use my own sort method and fights break out, though I got rid of all troublemakers. Uh? Explain this one, please.

All I can assume is of the hundreds of staff you've somehow missed one who happens to be a troublemaker? To the best of my knowledge they're the only ones who can cause trouble, or do they perhaps just make it more likely, and that there's a small chance at any point that a fight could break out even without trouble makers? I don't know how the mechanics work with regards to fights on MB.

I also do CD's to get rid of helmets, NVG's, flashlights, etc. But, the enemy still haves them. Uh? Why? I got rid of mines, and once done, I ran a mission loaded with them. That makes no sense or his unfair. Roaming around, soldiers still had helmets, though I just got rid of them in a DC mission.

I would imagine that the CDs to get rid of supplies have an impact on the game world, but it wouldn't make sense for it to be total I don't think. By which I mean doing the CDs disrupts their supply of helmets, but arguably they've already got some helmets, it's just the supply in the future that has been disrupted, so less guards will have them whilst the effects of the disruption are felt.

If you consider it the other way, say you're out on a mission/free roam etc. naturally the guards have helmets, body armour etc. etc. and then your CD finishes to disrupt their supplies. It would be a bit crap in my opinion if suddenly all their helmets disappeared, because you've only disrupted the supply of new helmets, you've not taken away the helmets they've already got? I think the game strikes a balance where it makes a reasonable impact over time as opposed to the two extremes of either doing nothing or instantly removing all of their helmets.

Two hour DC missions are truly pointless. You'll fail most of the time, despite having a high success rate. I was at 93% rate, twice, and failed both times. Lame. I've lost most of my A++ soldiers due to this crap and now wont or can't bother for a long while. Well, until I farm some new A++ combat soldiers. Combat level is 41, Security Team at 32, while other levels are all high 40's or low 50's. Lame.

To be fair, it does make sense that your combat/security teams will be lower levels than R&D etc, simply because those teams are constantly being put at risk, so more will be lost, whereas R&D etc. once you're in there, you're safe and the level won't really drop. The success rates do seem a little unlucky at times, I'll give you that, although I suspect they probably just stick out more in my memory when they fail, I've not paid enough attention to it to draw any conclusions to be honest.

On a plus side, I do have a S+ rank soldier. Don't think I found him that way, but he leveled up after doing some CD missions. I guess, IDK. Who knows how this game works. I sure as hell don't.

I believe as part of CDs and such, they can earn medals (you're notified when it happens) and this boosts their stats.

One odd thing I noticed, I needed a Anesthisa Specialist to upgrade a sniper rifle, but had one. I tried to figure out why the game said I needed one, when I had one. I noticed he wasn't in R&D and I put him there. Sure enough, I had the required AS and was able to make the rifle. Lame, but I got around it.

That isn't 'lame', that is the whole point of assigning them to the relevant units. The game even tells you with these various specialists to 'assign them to R&D to relax shotgun development' or what have you. That is how the game is designed to work, see:


It makes sense surely? What's the point in having a shotgun specialist if you've got him assigned to the medical unit? You're not going to get the benefit of a surgeon if you've got him assigned to the security team.

Having more issues with Quiet. She just wont provide cover fire like she once did. I guess it's the game's way to make her lazy and stupid because I use her too much. I don't know. But, when she fails me, I just use the checkpoint and try again. No big deal.

All I can assume is she's at a poor sniping point to provide cover to your position, or is perhaps under fire and taking cover? There are quite a few times when the buddy options are 'greyed out', but in my experience with her, they seem to be when she is moving between locations or under fire.
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I've never had an issue with soldiers, and I just let the game auto-assign them. With a waiting room of 500+, I've noticed that it automatically distributes according to team suitability and rank. The end result is that if I bring in a high level, it goes into the correct team and one of the lower levels is kicked back into the waiting room.

Another question from me: I've noticed some people saying the game lies about rank when bringing in soldiers? I've never had that happen. Are you sure those are not just the volunteers that join randomly after each mission instead of the guys you just brought in?
I've never had an issue with soldiers, and I just let the game auto-assign them. With a waiting room of 500+, I've noticed that it automatically distributes according to team suitability and rank. The end result is that if I bring in a high level, it goes into the correct team and one of the lower levels is kicked back into the waiting room.

Another question from me: I've noticed some people saying the game lies about rank when bringing in soldiers? I've never had that happen. Are you sure those are not just the volunteers that join randomly after each mission instead of the guys you just brought in?

Completely agree, auto sort has worked as I'd expect it to, the only time I've changed things is if I'm trying to boost a specific unit (normally R&D) to unlock something.

The 'rank lies' are probably a mixture of random volunteer recruits and soldiers with the 'boast' skill, as whatever they say on the analyser could be all utter lies that you don't find out until you get them back on MB.
I am mostly got A++ and S ranked volunteers now, heroism at 290+k and have been seeing a lot of S ranked soldiers. Almost all section on level 60+, I think the progression is dependent on how the players play to accumulate GMP, soldiers, heroism, missions unlocked or are they not related at all to how far the players have progressed in the story/missions ?
I am mostly got A++ and S ranked volunteers now, heroism at 290+k and have been seeing a lot of S ranked soldiers. Almost all section on level 60+, I think the progression is dependent on how the players play to accumulate GMP, soldiers, heroism, missions unlocked or are they not related at all to how far the players have progressed in the story/missions ?

I think it's linked to progression, Solid Lifters was on about 500k heroism quite early on in the game and still wasn't seeing any S ranked soldiers I don't think? I've just started seeing a few of them as volunteers and I'm only around 100k heroism and around episode 29.

Soldiers out in the field have generally only been A+ up until recently, so I think progression through episodes does tie in to it.
I've just copied, pasted and bolded your bits, because I didn't want to quote your post and end up reading the spoiler, because I think you're further ahead than I am :)

Now obviously I don't know the spoiler, but you did just say you were blocked from going to MB, so I don't understand what you mean about the game should have said to go visit MB? As you were blocked out due to whatever the spoiler is? I'm probably just confused because I don't know what the spoiler is to be honest!

I never said I was blocked from going to MB. I was blocked from seeing somebody at Medical and couldn't get any more episodes to do until I went back to MB to see some story line with this other person. Oddly, two versions of this other person existed for the time being.

This seems very odd, given how much you've farmed soldiers etc. I'm amazed you've got any Es left, my combat unit was all A and above before something unpleasant happened, in fact all of the units were B and above. Presumably it's dismissing them because you've reached capacity? I guess the reason makes no difference as you can just check in the tab for dismissed/KIA staff so you know for a fact that A++ people have been dismissed? I don't know if the game includes some sort of disciplinary dismissal or anything? Honestly no idea.

Odd, very much so. You're amazed? I shouldn't have A++, or A+ soldiers being dismissed at all, since I still have E, D,C and B soldiers in my combat and security staff. I farmed a lot, but lost a lot. I'm currently trying to get more soldiers that are higher rank, but can't because the game is dismissing them for some reason and I don't know why. I'm at capacity, but why does that matter? The game is letting go higher ranking combat soldiers and it shouldn't be doing that at all. And no, those low level combat soldiers are not locked with a "contract." The game should replace those lower level combat soldiers for the ones it is dismissing.

All I can assume is of the hundreds of staff you've somehow missed one who happens to be a troublemaker? To the best of my knowledge they're the only ones who can cause trouble, or do they perhaps just make it more likely, and that there's a small chance at any point that a fight could break out even without trouble makers? I don't know how the mechanics work with regards to fights on MB.

Nope. Didn't miss any. Just go to the staff, hit R2 to sort them by skill. Take out all who are troublemakers.

I would imagine that the CDs to get rid of supplies have an impact on the game world, but it wouldn't make sense for it to be total I don't think. By which I mean doing the CDs disrupts their supply of helmets, but arguably they've already got some helmets, it's just the supply in the future that has been disrupted, so less guards will have them whilst the effects of the disruption are felt.

If you consider it the other way, say you're out on a mission/free roam etc. naturally the guards have helmets, body armour etc. etc. and then your CD finishes to disrupt their supplies. It would be a bit crap in my opinion if suddenly all their helmets disappeared, because you've only disrupted the supply of new helmets, you've not taken away the helmets they've already got? I think the game strikes a balance where it makes a reasonable impact over time as opposed to the two extremes of either doing nothing or instantly removing all of their helmets.

That seems to make sense, but don't like it one bit. :lol:

To be fair, it does make sense that your combat/security teams will be lower levels than R&D etc, simply because those teams are constantly being put at risk, so more will be lost, whereas R&D etc. once you're in there, you're safe and the level won't really drop. The success rates do seem a little unlucky at times, I'll give you that, although I suspect they probably just stick out more in my memory when they fail, I've not paid enough attention to it to draw any conclusions to be honest.

I think I've lost the majority of my 2+ hour CD missions. But, failing twice, when twice I was at 93% is a spit in the face. Especially since I lost an awesome A++ who had earned both awards and was about to turn S.

I believe as part of CDs and such, they can earn medals (you're notified when it happens) and this boosts their stats.

I was being a little facetious here. :D With Peace Walker, which this game is mostly based on, soldiers could increase their level when you played missions as them. However, this game doesn't do that. CD missions are the only way.

That isn't 'lame', that is the whole point of assigning them to the relevant units. The game even tells you with these various specialists to 'assign them to R&D to relax shotgun development' or what have you. That is how the game is designed to work, see:


It makes sense surely? What's the point in having a shotgun specialist if you've got him assigned to the medical unit? You're not going to get the benefit of a surgeon if you've got him assigned to the security team.

I thought it was lame I had to move him on my own, when the game should have. The auto-sort failed me. It should have recognized I needed him in the R&D section but didn't put him there.

All I can assume is she's at a poor sniping point to provide cover to your position, or is perhaps under fire and taking cover? There are quite a few times when the buddy options are 'greyed out', but in my experience with her, they seem to be when she is moving between locations or under fire.

No. None of these. She just didn't feel like shooting and providing me with cover. Case in point, last guy standing, he spots me, I didn't have time to shoot him, reflex ends and he's nailing me. I see Quiet's green laser on his head, so I think she's about to drop him. She never did, I aim for him, shoot and miss. I die. That happened a few times. My fault for relying on her too much.

I've never had an issue with soldiers, and I just let the game auto-assign them. With a waiting room of 500+, I've noticed that it automatically distributes according to team suitability and rank. The end result is that if I bring in a high level, it goes into the correct team and one of the lower levels is kicked back into the waiting room.

Waiting room of 500? I have zero. 700 is max. All the staff, plus those in brink and hospital, you know why my Security staff is just 75/100.

Another question from me: I've noticed some people saying the game lies about rank when bringing in soldiers? I've never had that happen. Are you sure those are not just the volunteers that join randomly after each mission instead of the guys you just brought in?

Oh, I'm sure. You scan a soldier, he's S rank as a medical staff member and skill is a surgeon. You go back to the ACC, check out your staff and he's just A++ rank. He dropped a level after bringing him back. It might be the game dropping him a level in rank for his trouble of being "kidnapped" or something.
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I'm pretty sure I leveled up a female character by using her to redo story missions a couple of weex ago.....

I could be imagining it.


Anyone got any tips for mission 40 all objectives at once, other than making a ZZZ Fakel a la youtoob?
Anyone got any tips for mission 40 all objectives at once, other than making a ZZZ Fakel a la youtoob?
Supply crate? You can't use firearms if you want to do all tasks at once. Sleeping gas also counts as firearms (I tried).
Supply crates are dodged.

There's a vid on yootoob showing a Fakel with ZZZ rounds achieving all objectives, but I don't like the method and after five hours of trying I still can't quite get it done using my tactics......

I'm pretty sure I leveled up a female character by using her to redo story missions a couple of weex ago.....

I could be imagining it.


Anyone got any tips for mission 40 all objectives at once, other than making a ZZZ Fakel a la youtoob?
Poke your head up very quickly just before the crate lands. She'll stay fixated on you to pop a shot off.

I tried a few different soldiers to see if they level up, at all. Not one did, despite running numerous S ranked, high-heroism episodes. Not one leveled up a slight bit.

I figured, three strikes, you're out. But, I wonder if you can level up. I never seen or heard of it before.
Poke your head up very quickly just before the crate lands. She'll stay fixated on you to pop a shot off.

Thanx I tried that before.
It may have worked on the first encounter, but on extreme; no dice.

Not to worry, I'll just nail it with a tank and come back to try another day when I've got more skill/patience......

Still find it weird that you're encountering dozens of glitches that nobody else has experienced.
Tell me about it.

Still have the most annoying glitches, the non-rank C2W, and the staff glitch. Still getting rid of A++ combat soldiers, while keeping E, D, C and B rated combat soldiers.

At least I got to log in to the server, recently. Just long enough to build a FOB and the security items for it. But, can't place any yet, for some reason. Too bad, I logged out after a "failed to extract info" and can't upgrade my staff higher than 2/4.

Thanks to the FOB, I now have a lot more staff, therefor a lot higher staff rating. Which means, more weapons development which has now wiped out my rewards page. No more GMP going to waste as I do episodes.

505 hours of play, 675k heroism, most weapons developed, tons of resources and GMP, and on episode 40.
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Well glitches or not at least you got your money's worth!

I'm on a trivial 111 hours, although I've only had the game since September 29th :)
Never bought the game. :D

Though, I've rented it enough to have bought it, by now.

Scratch that, just bought it for $28.07 though I've had this copy since launch day. Love GameFly rewards. :D

Episode 40 Tactic: Sneak up, Sleep Gas Grenade Attack. I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm trying to capture all of the animals, but I don't know where to begin. I've got most of the ones that you'll encounter in the field, but I'm wondering when and where you have to place the capture cages.

Episode 40 Tactic: Sneak up, Sleep Gas Grenade Attack. I'll let you know how it goes.
Good luck - if you get spotted, you'll be dead before you know it.
So, there's a shipping container at my work that we use to store extra desks and chairs.

Is it bad that my first thought was to Fulton it?

So, let's what we can do with this.
Invite trouble. And you'll grow a horn and be permanently covered in blood until you do enough good deeds to redeem yourself.
So, there's a shipping container at my work that we use to store extra desks and chairs.

Is it bad that my first thought was to Fulton it?
I have the same with plants: "Medicinal plant spotted". :lol:

Invite trouble. And you'll grow a horn and be permanently covered in blood until you do enough good deeds to redeem yourself.

I knew the latter (50k demon points in one go), and I'll suppose I'll be a target for people wanting to steal it. Should be good fun. :D
Just pulled off two shots that I was convinced would be impossible until I actually landed them.

The first was in "The White Mamba". Eli seems to be in a constant state of alert - any noise triggers a response - and it was frustrating me because I was missing the objective of taking him down without giving him a chance to fight back. The design of Masa Village has his throne room shielded by a corrugated iron screen, but if you get into just the right position, you can get a headshot with a tranquiliser rifle in. It was difficult to line up, even with pentrazamin and a scope with adjustable zoom, but in the end, I got him from 95 metres.

The second was in the total stealth replay of "The War Economy". I knew where the CFA official would be, so I was experimenting with the Brennan rifle to get an S-rank. Unfortunately, the game saw this coming and put a wooden screen on the second level of Nova Braga Airport to block your view, making a shot from the cliff to the east impossible - you have to go into the airport itself. Just getting into position was hard enough; as it was night (and raining), I had to park myself in a shadowy patch directly under a spotlight on the eastern edge of the tarmac. Having done the mission before and listening to all of the conversations, I had a rough idea of where he would be, so once the meeting with the arns dealer took place, I took my best shot. I got him from 145 metres through the glass and the plywood screen, completely unsighted.