Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle

Although that did get me thinking - how does Kojima come up with some of the names for NPCs? I've seen some pretty silly ones, like "Death Goat". Still waiting on the likes of "Useless Hamster" and "Delicious Eel".

Personally, I'd be "Dragon Shark" because it sounds completely terrifying.

Probably some RNG engine that named the characters aside from key ones like Malik.
Gerbils are the rat looking things that seem to make up about 90% of what I capture from deploying animal capture cages. ;)
Do the trapping at night, and bats will equally join your army of gerbils.

I'm now researching weapons I don't ever care for because I'm making too much GMP and don't have enough specialist or blue prints to develop what I'd like. I'm overflowing in resources, too. Plants and materials. Except fuel, of course. Can never seem to get enough of that stuff. 135 tanks, 51 AA guns, 67 cargo trucks and over 178k in some metal, I can't remember. I have so many black carrots I had to sell a few hundred to make room for more I was getting from CD's.

I have only medical staff to upgrade from3/4 and then I'm done. All are 4/4 already. Well, what I have. I've yet to get the security team. What happens to the resources after you've upgraded everything? Do you still need it? I understand that there are weapons and vehicles that require it, but is it really that much?

Didn't do Red Brass. I understand the game has a lot more difficult enemy to combat if you load the next few missions. Still waiting to upgrade the staff to mid-high 40's first. I'm in low 40's. The have helmets, body armor, gas masks, flashlights and shotguns. No NVG's, yet.

Do you have to be on PSN or Konami servers to do FOB, either attack or defend?
Probably a noob question, but can my PC handle MGSV? Specs below:

Intel core i5-4460 3.2ghz
8gb ram
64bit operating system
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

Appreciate any help.
What happens to the resources after you've upgraded everything? Do you still need it?
Not unless you plan on upgrading your FOBs, which chee through resources. Mostly fuel.

I understand that there are weapons and vehicles that require it, but is it really that much?
I just started the final upgrade of the CGM-25, which cost me about 400 Minor Metal.

You will need resources to deploy in the field, and while the costs are relatively low, you do need to keep an eye on it. I was replaying "Where Do The Bees Sleep?" with a stage five non-lethal M2000D and requested a supply drop, but I couldn't get ammo for it (or my stage five WU Silent Pistol, but I hadn't used it at that point) because I ran out of plant resources.

Didn't do Red Brass.
It's a good mission. If you want a real challenge:
Do a subsistence run without a buddy. After you hear the conversation in Wialo Village, let the three commanders return to their posts - one stays in Wialo, while one goes to Shago Village and the third returns to Wakh Sind Barracks. Extract them all, make sure you take out their communications network (because once you take one out, the other two become aware of your presence), and get the two prisoners at Ghwandai Village. The whole thing becomes a four-stage infiltration/exfiltration mission. Executing it with perfect stealth (and getting all of the additional objectives) is one of the most difficult challenges in the game.

I understand the game has a lot more difficult enemy to combat if you load the next few missions. Still waiting to upgrade the staff to mid-high 40's first. I'm in low 40's. The have helmets, body armor, gas masks, flashlights and shotguns. No NVG's, yet.
The difficulty of the enemies is usually more of a reaction to your style of play rather than the point of the game that you're in:
- Helmets are a response to headshots.
- Body armour is a reaction to torso shots.
- Riot shields are used once you start targeting limbs.
- Heavy infantry come in when riot shields are ineffective.
- Gas masks are used to counter non-lethal grenades.
- Flashlights are the first response to night operations.
- NVGs are introduced when flashlights are ineffective (so keep doing more night operations).
- Mines are placed when you follow unconventional routes into outposts (like the cracks in the cliff at Wakh Sind).
- Security cameras are placed when you tend to stick to areas that are unpatrolled.
- Shotguns are used when you work in areas with tight confines.
- Grenades are used when you stick to cover.
- Snipers are positioned when you attack from long range.
- Gunships are placed on stand-by when you clean out checkpoints and outposts through confrontation and/or take out base-to-base communications.
Probably a noob question, but can my PC handle MGSV? Specs below:

Intel core i5-4460 3.2ghz
8gb ram
64bit operating system
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

Appreciate any help.

I recommend a 750 Ti or better. Although the Fox engine is pretty good, I don't think it'll fare well with integrated graphics.
I recommend a 750 Ti or better. Although the Fox engine is pretty good, I don't think it'll fare well with integrated graphics.
This, absolutely. The CPU and RAM are okay, but you won't get the game to run without a dedicated graphics card.
Do the trapping at night, and bats will equally join your army of gerbils.

Why didn't I think of that? Bats carrying Gerbils into battle. It's simply brilliant! The nations of the world will never see it coming! World domination shall surely be mine :mischievous:

Picture this. President Obama walking up to the White House, when suddenly and completely unexpectedly, a Gerbil drops from the sky and instantly starts attacking him. The Secret Service wouldn't stand a chance when faced with the ferocity of a Gerbil that has just been dropped from 2 kilometers up in the air! It's brilliant I tell you! Brilliant!

Am I taking this too far? :lol:
Do you have to be on PSN or Konami servers to do FOB, either attack or defend?


Also, my Combat Staff are doing Merc Ops on their own to earn me 50k in GMP. I never knew I could send them out for that. Did I miss something?
Do you have to be on PSN or Konami servers to do FOB, either attack or defend?


Also, my Combat Staff are doing Merc Ops on their own to earn me 50k in GMP. I never knew I could send them out for that. Did I miss something?

As far as I'm aware, you have to be connected to the Konami servers to do anything related to the FOB's, although you retain the staff capacity bonus regardless of whether you're online, if you've previously purchased an FOB. Combat staff will automatically go on "missions" that earn you a little GMP. They can't die on those missions, and you have no say in it. Again, as far as I am aware.
Also, my Combat Staff are doing Merc Ops on their own to earn me 50k in GMP. I never knew I could send them out for that. Did I miss something?
It's just a way of automatically generating income - like the automatic mining function that gives you resources - and the amount increases over time. I'm currently raking in about 60,000 GMP.
As far as I'm aware, you have to be connected to the Konami servers to do anything related to the FOB's, although you retain the staff capacity bonus regardless of whether you're online, if you've previously purchased an FOB. Combat staff will automatically go on "missions" that earn you a little GMP. They can't die on those missions, and you have no say in it. Again, as far as I am aware.
OK. This is troubling and a blessing. I can't stay connected to the K servers for much longer than getting by bonus, then I must disconnect or my game will run super-slow or crash. I hate crashes, it's what bricked my PS3 before this new one. So, I wish there was a way it wouldn't try to log in, in at all. That means I might have trouble getting a FOB. At least I wont get attacked, now that I wont be logged in to the K servers at all during game play.
Got over 120 hours now, up to mission 32 ( story wise ), and did subsistence and total stealth mission ( fun but did them in one go ). Heroism at 115+k, got special suit made, a bandana, CMG25 launcher made, :) and my emblem is now simply FoxHound logo :) Beginning of chapter 2.

For the Armor Parasite bosses, an easy way to beat them is to use the strongest sniper rifle + stun shotgun/rifle, easy S rank for the Metallic Archaea mission and can extract them all.

S ranked sahelantropus fight easily, keep moving and use explosives or strongest sniper rifle
( aim at certain weak spot on it's back )

So far, I have obtained many emblem part ( words ), but ended up not using any of them.

Now, most of the enemy soldiers has heavy infantry units, helmets with shields, NVGs at night, gunship patrols on subsistence mission, snipers, shotgun teams etc.

Going to do the caravan on extreme.

I'm mostly online - connected to Konami servers ( had 1 FOB built ) Security team in 40+ lvl on PS3 - forced 1080p, never had any slowdown or issue at all ( audio DTS 5.1 ) Recently changed my language to japanese for some fun :P
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What's the best way to boost heroism?

Early on, Episode 8: Occupation Forces. Best for GMP, high ranking soldiers and Heroism. 3:30 minutes of play, 250,000 GMP and 1,600 heroism with two or three high level soldiers. Sometimes, only one, but the others aren't bad.

Got over 120 hours now, up to mission 32 ( story wise ), and did subsistence and total stealth mission ( fun but did them in one go ). Heroism at 115+k, got special suit made, a bandana, CMG25 launcher made, :) and my emblem is now simply FoxHound logo :) Beginning of chapter 2.

For the Armor Parasite bosses, an easy way to beat them is to use the strongest sniper rifle + stun shotgun/rifle, easy S rank for the Metallic Archaea mission and can extract them all.

S ranked sahelantropus fight easily, keep moving and use explosives or strongest sniper rifle
( aim at certain weak spot on it's back )

So far, I have obtained many emblem part ( words ), but ended up not using any of them.

Now, most of the enemy soldiers has heavy infantry units, helmets with shields, NVGs at night, gunship patrols on subsistence mission, snipers, shotgun teams etc.

Going to do the caravan on extreme.

I'm mostly online - connected to Konami servers ( had 1 FOB built ) Security team in 40+ lvl on PS3 - forced 1080p, never had any slowdown or issue at all ( audio DTS 5.1 ) Recently changed my language to japanese for some fun :P

My internet connections sucks balls. 2.8 kbs. and cannot get it any faster. Verizon sucks around here and lost their "contract" to do business around here. So, I may have to get Time Warner which isn't great on reliability, but much faster speeds. FIOS never happened because local city management are greedy, corrupt assholes. We were supposed to, years ago, but our city wanted three times more money, 10m, than what was originally agreed upon before Verizon FIOS was being installed. So houses below us got them, but that was it.

OK, still haven't done Red Brass, but that is next, I promise. I need that Radar Specialist and perhaps that Botanist later on in the game. :D

I've been getting every other specialist I needed and did a lot of developing. But, still have...

So far...
  • 4 million GMP
  • 331,000 Heroism
  • All MB Struts are 4/4 (No Security Team, yet)
  • All Staff are level 40 to 42
  • A lot of Developed Items
  • Metals: Common at Max 200,000
  • Metals (Other): Very High Levels or near max
  • Plants: Some at Max 3,000 while others are at high levels
  • TT77 Tanks = 165
  • AA Gun = 65
  • Cargo Trucks = 74
  • Jeeps and other vehicles are just a few
  • Mortars = 90+
  • Machine gun Turrets = 30+
Not bad for a guy who's still has Red Brass to do before finding Quiet. :D

EDIT: Did Red Brass, but didn't get any more missions. I guess I need to go do that "Meet Huey" Side Op first before progressing.

After doing Red Brass, I can't imagine how armed the soldiers are going to be from now on. Body armor, NVG, cameras, shields, mines, etc.
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What's the best way to boost heroism?
Don't get caught, extract hostages and POWs, silently take down soldiers through "hands up", knockdown, or other means.

Don't be a hero bro
Um, alright then...

I wonder how it is to play through the game with an absolute lack of heroism (Demon). I keep on with my heroism namely because I don't want to have a permablood BB running about.
Yes, that's how I skipped episodes :D Got 11 before I did 10 and 9 if I remember correctly. Be prepare to get shot at :)
Oh, I know what to expect. :D

BTW, how long do the effects of sabotaging the supply of certain items takes in MGS5? I did one for flashlights, and succeeded, then dove into Red Brass, but everybody had flashlights Well, I shot a few who never knew I was there, but but those who were alerted to my Fultons, started searching with flashlights.
I wonder how it is to play through the game with an absolute lack of heroism (Demon). I keep on with my heroism namely because I don't want to have a permablood BB running about.
Turning demon is not a lack of heroism, it's a different stat. You can have high heroism and be Demon Snake.
Turning demon is not a lack of heroism, it's a different stat. You can have high heroism and be Demon Snake.
Huh. Thought it was the opposite. Nevermind then.


That Jeep scene involving BB and SF... Am I the only one who thought it was pretty damn awkward just watching them look into each others' eyes while epic (and possibly romantic) music plays?
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So, after 135 hours of play, I've decided on my favourite locations:

Da Shago Kallai
I hated this to start with, but it really started to grow of me. It's got four high points and lots of open space, so you really have to think about it going in. The centre compound it all blind corners and tight confines, and a well thought-out plan can go to pieces in an instant.

Afghanistan Central Base Camp
I know that I have complained about it before, but it has also grown on me. There's a lot of variety, and it's very easy to get turned around. It's also one where you have to be acutely aware of your surroundings, because you're always exposed on one side.

Munoko ya Nikoia
This one is deceptively simple, but the geography forces you into a funnel. The central wall makes it very easy for the tide to turn - either in your favour or against you - although the forced approach from the east makes it frustrating at times.

Yakho Oboo Supply Depot
A simple layout, but half a dozen ways to approach it. It's especially challenging to try and get all of the prisoners out.

And some of my least favourites:

Da Ghwandai Khan
It's far too easy. It might be the first location (you revisit Da Wialo several times), but it's wasted because it's so easy to get to the objective.

Kungenga Mine
It really feels like the game is forcing you to confront the guards. You just can't slip through unseen.
Huh. Thought it was the opposite. Nevermind then.
Well, in some cases it sort of is, because certain actions award you x amount of heroism while also deducting the same amount from your demon points. But it's not always balanced and certain actions have only heroism or only demon points. Here's a guide to demon points. And here's another that explains demon points vs heroism points. Judging from the look of it, it's actually pretty hard to rack up enough demon points unless you play like a mass murdering psychopath (or develop a nuke).
Stupid question:
I'm building a nuclear weapon so that can get the achievement for it. If I then dismantle it, will I get the other achievement, or do I need to capture one from another FOB first?
Finished the story 3 days ago, the more I think about it the more I hate it
I made a huge post about it around 10 days ago.

Just replace John with Jack (although in true essence of MGS writing both happen to be the names for naked snake), and Ishmael (which is the proper big boss) with Ahab, the whole idea is kind of like the same, there is just two brainfarts I had before looking more into it
I think it's safe to say I'm savoring my experience with taking it nice and slow. 265 hours in, and still on Episode 12. :D

Funny thing, after I got Quiet, I noticed a new staff of the Security Team opened up. I saw the security badge icon, and that there were zero soldiers in it. Then, it disappeared on me. So, what happened? When do I get to make a FOB?

I have yet to meet with Huey. Still enjoying the game and completing CD's whilst playing OF. 191 TT77's. :D

Still no S rank soldiers. With 380k heroism and all staff at 41 or higher, I'm surprised I don't see that many A++ soldiers, as well. I need high ranking soldiers, but having trouble finding a good place to extract them. Any clues?

Making tons of GMP with CD's, plants, metals and tanks. I'm buying everything I can get my hands on. I'm a bit surprised to see that many blue (non-lethal) firearms in this game. Sucks I'm stopped by either blueprints or specialists.
Still no S rank soldiers. With 380k heroism and all staff at 41 or higher, I'm surprised I don't see that many A++ soldiers, as well. I need high ranking soldiers, but having trouble finding a good place to extract them. Any clues?

Redoing some of the main story missions may or may not help

Stupid question:
I'm building a nuclear weapon so that can get the achievement for it. If I then dismantle it, will I get the other achievement, or do I need to capture one from another FOB first?

I don't think you need to steal one from someone else FOB to get the achievement as long as you've dismantled one. Be prepared, though to lose 50k Heroic points and gain 50k Demon points.