Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Nearing the end of all the story missions, while I do feel that there needed to be more cutscenes (actually one of my favo
Is there any way to not do the rehashed missions and still progress through the story?

Yeah just keep doing side ops. I just did the 'no alerts' rehashes as a bit of variety since they're pretty easy since that's the way I did them the first time around.

Currently have the last story mission to go before I'm finished with the main story of the game. I think I've logged well over 80 hours into the game, worth every penny even if I wish there were more cutscenes.
Thanks for the tips about the "Bee" episode. I'm sure it will come in handy.
As frustrating as the level design is, I did find about eight diamonds in the fort itself.

Oh, who knows about the "Delivery System" in this game? Something new I just found out while on a mission.
Yeah, I just found it, too. It's not very well explained in the gane.

...uh.....why am I getting credits on episode 30?

You're at the end of Chapter 1. You're about to start Chapter 2.
I just got something weird, I got legendary gunsmith before I did the supposed mission :confused: I cleared out a base, one of them happens to be the legendary gunsmith, the base in question is where
you saved Miller
So, I can do weapon customization earlier than I should have.

I then did the legendary gunsmith mission, and did extract the man, but no notification whatsoever.

I'm at 24% now, 50000 heroism, MB has been upgraded to level 3 on most decks with command deck at max, mission 13 in story.

Above level 30 on all decks ( combat at 35, R&D 34 )

Got Int Scope at max analyzer, Cargo fulton, DD bond at max. Started doing side ops with staff member, the finger, the eye and the female soldiers. Makes things interesting kidnapping the heavy infantry unit with full heavy body armor ( no tranq or stun weapon used ).

My new emblem is now Snatcher Service :lol: Over 70 hours, maybe 80 :lol:

I almost never kill any soldier, unless they dropped a cooked grenade or a mortar strike fratricide :lol:

My only loadout : the FAL stun rifle ( UN ARC NL ? ), Wu Pistol + mags and occasionally C4, decoy and NVG. These are more than enough to kidnap a whole base with body armor, helmets, shotgun troops, etc. Just need to be careful not to raise an alarm.

The most useful item in MGS V : mags, used wisely it can help you avoid detection even when the soldier is about to find out :lol: or with DD around to make diversion ( bark )
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The UN ARC NL rifle ( stun ) can be used for long distance neutralization. The only drawback is the bullet drop, it's massive, you need to aim up to more than half of body height above at long range ( 100+m and above ) When there are solid objects around target, you can see where the bullets hit and compensate/make correction. Don't worry, the solider would be confused where bullets come from :lol: Taking too many shots will cause a radio call to command and initiate alert status.

For soldiers with shield in front, aim at the viewfinder ( the little holes to look out ), the bullets will go through and stun the man :P The stun rifle is best used in medium range ( 20-50 m ) preferably on soldiers in tight formation, a full spread fire will incapacitate 3-5 soldiers with one magazine ( 20 rounds )

Indoor encounter also works well, just aim at center mass, and save the bullets, fire once or twice ( the soldiers will fall or drop on his knees in pain ), and finish it with CQC strike or strangle the guy.
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I wonder if fulton systems are still in use as of today...
I believe the Marines or some spec ops group still has it as an emergency thing. Course being picked up by a C-130 on the move at it's lowest speed (still pretty dang fast) and reeled into the back doesn't :P
I wonder if fulton systems are still in use as of today...
Nope. I heard they snapped necks and backs and it wasn't very useful or cost effective. Plus, too many limitations.

So, have diamonds been reduced in this game, or have they always been 10,000 GMP? I thought they were 100,000 GMP.

Am I the only one who hates the "first aid" function in this game with the passionate heat of a million Suns? Man, every time I get the slow motion and prompt to apply first aid, I know I'm dead. Most useless, stupid feature of this game.

Bear got me, in one swipe, I had to "repair" myself, only to get killed with a second bear swipe before I could do anything about it. Didn't know the furry bastard was there. Didn't have a chance to equip my bionic arm. Really lame.

Level 23, 21 and 20 right now, and still have Bee episode to do. Still love to just roam the desert, a la Red Dead Redemption, and have fun extracting soldiers, while collecting resources.

Heroism is at 18k plus. Not bad for a day and half's work. But, GMP is suffering. Less than 73k. I need to do more Episodes, and less farting around the dessert. Missions cost me 1.2k and more for extractions, chopper support for pick ups.

I love doing Episode Over the Fence. So easy, and though I don't earn much GMP, since repeating it so much, I still earn over 50k in GMP. Not bad for 6 minutes of work, plus a few good soldiers.

A Hero's Way is also very easy. About 4 minutes of work, and just as much GMP.
The diamonds are in 2 types, 10000 and 100000 GMP, they make different sounds when picked up.

The resources and diamonds spawn every few days. Be sure to roam around bases.

You can be in slow motion quite long when the first aid prompt shown. I managed to stun all 3 soldiers with shotguns and LMG when I got wounded badly by using my stun rifle, then hit the triangle button after it's safe.

Roam around MB decks, they all have diamonds to collect.
How exactly do you manage Quiet as a buddy? I understand the scout and attack functions, but to me she seems pretty complex compared to DD and D-Horse.
I use the 'scout' option when I'm approaching a base/outpost with her, this will give you a good idea of the amount of enemies around without being detected. Then I order her to the most favorable attack position (usually the one on the opposite end of where I am so I can create a diversion). Then I order her to attack (kill/tranq) when needed, or 'cover' (fire at will) when all hell breaks loose. :D

I used Quiet here to eliminate the Skulls (both the sniper Skulls in 29 and the armored Skulls in 29) using the Brennan-based rifle, never fired a shot myself. Worked perfectly. In 29 I used the invisibility camo to distance myself from them, just leave Code Talker in the chopper, they won't go for him. Then I put Quiet up in the central sniping point and let her rip.
The diamonds are in 2 types, 10000 and 100000 GMP, they make different sounds when picked up.

The resources and diamonds spawn every few days. Be sure to roam around bases.

You can be in slow motion quite long when the first aid prompt shown. I managed to stun all 3 soldiers with shotguns and LMG when I got wounded badly by using my stun rifle, then hit the triangle button after it's safe.

Roam around MB decks, they all have diamonds to collect.

Didn't know there were two types of diamonds. I knew they respawned, though. But, they were 10,000 GMP only. Didn't notice the other diamonds were 100k, still. Oh, I know about MB, trust me. :D
Didn't know there were two types of diamonds. I knew they respawned, though. But, they were 10,000 GMP only. Didn't notice the other diamonds were 100k, still. Oh, I know about MB, trust me. :D

L diamonds make a different chime when picked up versus the chime made by S diamonds.
Wow, rocket arm is the best invention in bionic arm tech :) Eat this !!!! or Fire !! or Rocket Puuunch !!! Kiefer Sutherland must have been laughing doing it :D I feel like in 70's Japanese anime super robot Mazinger Z :lol: Watching the rocket arm cam hitting the face :lol:

The arm has cool marking too :D
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Argh, I hate Episode 37 - as soon as you get spotted, the vehicles know exactly where you are and you're dead. Think I'm going to need the stealth xamo.
I wonder if fulton systems are still in use as of today...
It sounds like the answer is no, at least going by what Wikipedia says:

"The increased availability of long-range helicopters such as the MH-53 Pave Low, HH-60 Pave Hawk and MH-47 Chinook, and the MV-22 Osprey and CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, all with aerial refueling capability, caused this system to be used less often. In September 1996, the Air Force Special Operations Command ceased maintaining the capability to deploy this system."

Also, this bit interested me:

"Despite the apparent high-risk nature of the system, only one fatal accident occurred in 17 years of use (in 1982)."

Only one actual death by fulton? Not bad. How many poor saps have you guys killed by fulton so far? I know i've had a few less-than-sucessful fulton attempts... usually occuring when I accidentally fulton somebody in the middle of a sandstorm out of reflex or something similar.

Oh, and if you wanted to know, the man who died during fulton recovery was one SFC Clifford Wilson Strickland. "Faulty equipment" resulted in Strickland falling to his death.
Do not read unless you have compelted the main story - Major spoilers
While I was devastated about quiet at the end and I thought it was a great ending, I wish I could still use her in side ops missions. Also I feel ther is another chapter missing from the story. There is a gap that left me scratching my head
Okay, stealth camo is useless for Episode 37. Any ideas?

I can't get close to the truck; as soon as I move on it, the Skulls attack it and the mission fails. And I can't Fulton it out because it gets shot down straight away. Somehow the Skulls know exactly where I am, even when there's no line of sight to them.
Okay, stealth camo is useless for Episode 37. Any ideas?

I can't get close to the truck; as soon as I move on it, the Skulls attack it and the mission fails. And I can't Fulton it out because it gets shot down straight away. Somehow the Skulls know exactly where I am, even when there's no line of sight to them.
Might sound daft and I haven't tried it, but could you lure them away
Okay, stealth camo is useless for Episode 37. Any ideas?

I can't get close to the truck; as soon as I move on it, the Skulls attack it and the mission fails. And I can't Fulton it out because it gets shot down straight away. Somehow the Skulls know exactly where I am, even when there's no line of sight to them.

Traitor's caravan Extreme?

Start the mission in the evening. Choose Spandau Ballet or Thomas Dolby as your helicopter music (depending on mood).

IIRC go to the place where the convoy has it stop. Sneak to the front vehicle (it is much easier to operate/fight in front vehicle than the one in the back) from the left side if you are approaching the stopping point from default landing zone. Checkpoint should trigger as soon as you are close to LAV. Get into the vehicle and drive away from the truck to avoid destroying it. Eliminate Skulls with LAV (don't get stationary for too long while fighting). Voila. Shouldn't be too hard , if you destroy truch just reload checkpoint. You should have enough points for S rank anyway.

EDIT: After defeating Skulls you should get out of LAV fast to extract as many Skulls as possible. You'll need those parasites after all.
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@mr_geez or anyone that knows, what is a good tip for extracting the above? I have never done it before. Is it just a case of killing, while down, extract or is it another method?
@mr_geez or anyone that knows, what is a good tip for extracting the above? I have never done it before. Is it just a case of killing, while down, extract or is it another method?

Yeah, you have to "kill" them after that there are 2 ways of doing it.

You can extract them while fighting other Skull Crew members (not recommended) or defeat the whole gang. After defeating every Skull the mist will go away, you have around 45 seconds to extract by Fulton (I don't remember if you need a tuned version for that task, probably yes) as many of them as possible. Soon after the ones you didn't extract will vanish in same manner as they showed up.

By doing so you'll get parasites (3 different types to charge up a special suit) from them and if you really want to you can meet every Skull member you extracted on your quarantine platform.