I just got something weird, I got legendary gunsmith before I did the supposed mission

I cleared out a base, one of them happens to be the legendary gunsmith, the base in question is where
So, I can do weapon customization earlier than I should have.
I then did the legendary gunsmith mission, and did extract the man, but no notification whatsoever.
I'm at 24% now, 50000 heroism, MB has been upgraded to level 3 on most decks with command deck at max, mission 13 in story.
Above level 30 on all decks ( combat at 35, R&D 34 )
Got Int Scope at max analyzer, Cargo fulton, DD bond at max. Started doing side ops with staff member, the finger, the eye and the female soldiers. Makes things interesting kidnapping the heavy infantry unit with full heavy body armor ( no tranq or stun weapon used ).
My new emblem is now Snatcher Service

Over 70 hours, maybe 80
I almost never kill any soldier, unless they dropped a cooked grenade or a mortar strike fratricide
My only loadout : the FAL stun rifle ( UN ARC NL ? ), Wu Pistol + mags and occasionally C4, decoy and NVG. These are more than enough to kidnap a whole base with body armor, helmets, shotgun troops, etc. Just need to be careful not to raise an alarm.
The most useful item in MGS V : mags, used wisely it can help you avoid detection even when the soldier is about to find out

or with DD around to make diversion ( bark )