I like the rubber bullet Uzi, you can knock out 2 people that are standing side by side with it.
I did that. They were in a truck at the time. Love the fact that this thing will break window glass. Too bad the silencer sucks, as does the accuracy. But, I noticed the accuracy improves a bit when you use the dot 1 sight. Love that gun, so far.
Thanks for the tips on the Transportation Specialist. I was told he/she can be found in mission 13 and 15, 15 being the easiest since they pity you for not finding them in 11 or 13.
OK, yesterday morning I had 160k in GMP. Couldn't afford to upgrade MB. So, I finally unlocked Combat Deployment function yesterday, and as of right now, I have just over 3.2 million GMP. But, the enemy soldiers are getting a lot tougher to fight. Is there a way to increase the 10 soldier limit or change the soldiers to all combat soldiers?
I tried to stun another bear with my "Bionic 6 Million Dollar Man Bitch Slap" move, and he killed me. I'm done messing with the bears. If I see one near me, I'll either get out of there, or kill it.
EDIT: 3.57 million. I like that number.
OK, I'm losing a lot more battles and soldiers in CD. Also, I am now facing enemies with tanks, and such. I guess I'm done for a while, until I get vehicles and better troops. But, I don't think it's fair that they can have 30 troops and we're stuck to 10. I did find a way to make all 10 soldiers to combat soldiers, but it doesn't help much.