Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I had a pretty intense battle last night, the long version is really long so the short version is that I infiltrated a base to extract a target through the smallest possible bottleneck (a door in a fence), held up a load of people between where I entered and where I was spotted, got spotted and had a prolonged firefight while I was using my cheapest possible loadout. I managed to win, but damn, it was hard. On the plus side I finally learned to stop caring about enemy ranks while in a shootout, I didn't even try to scan any while all the bullets were flying. I do know I indirectly caused an A++ R&D guy to explode, though, by tranqing him twice just before he pulled a grenade... So sad.
^ :lol: that happened to me too. Stopped a truck with one of them A++. Dispatched the useless one with a Hs, wanted to go around the truck to tranq the other, which was a succes. Only to be followed by an exploding grenade.

Hillarious !
Your not just supposed to kill every soldier you come in contact with and knock out the ones you sneak up on and fulton them out, but pick and choose the soldiers to extract? 🤬 I am brand new to the series and so far I am pretty lost. Got 30+ hours so far and 7% complete. Mostly I just been riding around killing soldiers raiding their bases destroying or stealing what I can and auto assigning the guys who are lucky enough to get a parachute ride. I only develop what I want, or should I be doing everything that's available? Building up my base as well. I ve done a lot more side ops than missions. Em I messing up future mission but just randomly raiding bases and outpost and killing people? Thanks for any help, I love the game so far just really lost. I also SUCK at sneaking around, I am beginning to think I should just start crawling around in a box. :lol:
@fatkrakr that's the beauty of this game, you play it however you want! I'd recommend developing a non-lethal automatic weapon for later in the game, though (I can't remember which op exactly but it's in the early 20s), and a rocket or missile launcher with homing ability.

Apart from that you're free to do the jobs you're given however you want as long as the job gets done, but it's worth pointing out that pretty much anyone you're sent to kill can be extracted instead, quite often doing so will give you a little more intel on who they are, why they were targeted for assassination and so on. In other words, extracting them will flesh out the finer details of the story a little better than if you do as you're told and kill them.
Very good because I am enjoying myself. :D If a soldier proves to be difficult after I shoot him I like to ride my horse over to him and give my horse a certain command. :lol: One more question if you don't mind, is there anything besides target practice and slapping the men around I should be doing at the base? Or is it just nothing this early on to do there? Thanks again for any tips. :cheers:
I just started the game over because I thought I screwed up big time.
Isn't the man on fire some sort of apparition of Volgin from MGS3?
I'm currently at 15% completion with 22 hours played.

Been prioritizing Side Ops, doing them one by one as they pop up - this obviously slows down story progression considerably. Still, I'm very much enjoying myself going at a snail's pace. Extracting soldiers left, right and centre, too. Too short on GMP to just develop everything, gotta admit that much, so I've been developing the weapons I plan on using (eventually). Still, I seriously need to develop something non-lethal that's a bit more useful for target practice and stuff than the tranquillizer gun.

Oh, and I think I've been shooting myself in the foot by mostly deploying at night. Makes things easier, admittedly. However, Afghanistan looks so much more beautiful in broad daylight. I've generally been a little oblivious regarding the great atmosphere the game offers.

I just wish there were a few more options to get some more visual improvements. Some more anti aliasing options, first and foremost. Glad the game runs as well as it does, though - it's a considerably better console port than most.
@fatkrakr Yeah, but later on when you have more struts. There are things to find and see, try listening in on conversations and interrogating your staff and see what they say, there might be some hints...

@Grandea GTR Yeah. I don't think that's a spoiler though.

Still at least three hours until I get home and finish off another mission or two, some side ops and more research. I've had an agonisingly slow day at work today.

Also Konami issued a notice saying there's a bug where using Quiet in op 29 and/or 42 you'll more than likely find you can't progress any further in the game, so be aware.
Also Konami issued a notice saying there's a bug where using Quiet in op... Oh. I can't find the announcement now, but basically if you have Quiet as a buddy in op 2x and/or 4x (I forget the exact ones) you'll more than likely find you can't progress any further in the game. Hopefully someone more competent than I will post the info before I finally get home.
, I seriously need to develop something non-lethal that's a bit more useful for target practice and stuff than the tranquillizer gun.

I like the rubber bullet Uzi, you can knock out 2 people that are standing side by side with it. :D
I like the rubber bullet Uzi, you can knock out 2 people that are standing side by side with it. :D
I did that. They were in a truck at the time. Love the fact that this thing will break window glass. Too bad the silencer sucks, as does the accuracy. But, I noticed the accuracy improves a bit when you use the dot 1 sight. Love that gun, so far.

Thanks for the tips on the Transportation Specialist. I was told he/she can be found in mission 13 and 15, 15 being the easiest since they pity you for not finding them in 11 or 13.

OK, yesterday morning I had 160k in GMP. Couldn't afford to upgrade MB. So, I finally unlocked Combat Deployment function yesterday, and as of right now, I have just over 3.2 million GMP. But, the enemy soldiers are getting a lot tougher to fight. Is there a way to increase the 10 soldier limit or change the soldiers to all combat soldiers?

I tried to stun another bear with my "Bionic 6 Million Dollar Man Bitch Slap" move, and he killed me. I'm done messing with the bears. If I see one near me, I'll either get out of there, or kill it.

EDIT: 3.57 million. I like that number. :D

OK, I'm losing a lot more battles and soldiers in CD. Also, I am now facing enemies with tanks, and such. I guess I'm done for a while, until I get vehicles and better troops. But, I don't think it's fair that they can have 30 troops and we're stuck to 10. I did find a way to make all 10 soldiers to combat soldiers, but it doesn't help much.
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What would work better, "ZZZ" or "STN" type weapons?

They vary, ZZZ type are tranq darts which (I think) vary in potency (time between a hit and them falling asleep as well as how long they sleep for), STN type are impact force knock out rounds which lose effectiveness depending on distance. If you want to guarantee that you can incapacitate a target with one shot then ZZZ is better, if you want to go loud then STN might be better - they're pretty good for poaching enemies in combat since they stagger them, unlike darts which force you to play peekaboo.
OK, I'm losing a lot more battles and soldiers in CD. Also, I am now facing enemies with tanks, and such. I guess I'm done for a while, until I get vehicles and better troops. But, I don't think it's fair that they can have 30 troops and we're stuck to 10. I did find a way to make all 10 soldiers to combat soldiers, but it doesn't help much.

In the R&D section the weapons, uniforms that are green can be equipped by your troops.

I don't know if you can select their loadout, but I think they take what is best. So stealing tanks, developping good weapons they can use too will help greatly in their success.
In the R&D section the weapons, uniforms that are green can be equipped by your troops.

I don't know if you can select their loadout, but I think they take what is best. So stealing tanks, developping good weapons they can use too will help greatly in their success.
I thought the green meant my security team staff, for protecting MB. Didn't know it was for the combat unit.

So, what weapons are best for them? I only use a tranq pistol, riot SMG and the gun you start with. I have a rocket launcher, C4, smoke grenades and that's about it.

Just this second ago, I earned the Prosperity Trophy which is earning 10 million GMP. I have just under 4 million, so I've spent 6 million, so far? That doesn't seem right.

Damn, just lost a guy who was all A+. RIP, Wild Moose.
I don't know if this is an exploit or not, but I have been emptying bases by punching soldiers and extract them ( the barracks, relay base and eastern comm ).
Big Boss can dash/run around CQC the Soviet soldiers, while being shot at, grenade flying, mortar strikes and even throwing stunned soldier on a soldier with shield :lol: One of my move is to dash then press square to dive onto the soldier :lol:

When I got injured bad, just duck behind cover for a few seconds, then dash punch, dash throw, dash disarm :lol:

Still stuck on episode 3, doing side ops instead, 4% progress after over 20 hours :eek: Have over 120 staff on waiting room, Lvl 13 R&D and Support ( 30 each )

(Im still waiting for like a month, damnit)
Physical copy is best :D I really like the map :D

My Emblem is Naked Snake :) A tip : while in ACC ( helicopter ), you can press R2 to go first person view, and press R3 to zoom in. Alternatively you can zoom in the camera by pressing R3 on external cam view ( default ACC view )

Check out the pictures on the wall in 1st person view ( zoom in ), funny fulton pic, group shot at the base, D dog, D horse, Miller with the Big Boss etc.

For calibrated plasma, best brightness setting is from 2 to 4, default 5 can be used but it's too bright and losing contrast a lot. 3 is my favorite now, good contrast, dark enough at night and minimal loss in dark shadow details. Loving it :D Looks much better than my mate PS4 on latest LED TV, especially the contrast and color ( Big Boss face, the sand, the grass and vehicles :P )

At the end of Phantom Limbs cut scene ( saving Miller ), what's the time of day when the copper lands at the Mother Base ? Mine is always at noon ? I saw the picture on the wall is near sunset ?
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You don't want to have that debate, trust me :lol:

Nah. Real reason is that I have a PSN community to take care of. My Steam friends are just play F2P mostly.

Sadly not even trying it on the game store. I was busy trying Forza 6 instead :( Possibly because i thought ill get this game soon but a Forza cant since i dont have or will have an XBone.
Just a little heads up:

The annoying FPS drop when applying words to your emblems on PC has been fixed 👍 Proudly sporting the words "Venom Snake" on my new custom emblem now.

Yeah, I took my inspiration from Quiet and changed my emblem to "Naked Girl". In pink. With an octopus.

What a great game. :)
I love this game but I can understand the claims of it 'not being MGS enough!'.

I too, have noticed that the game allows you to just get on with the world-class gameplay if you so desire ignoring the story if you choose to do so. I don't see this as a negative, its like the best mercenary game that never existed.
I also SUCK at sneaking around, I am beginning to think I should just start crawling around in a box. :lol:
There's a real thrill to be had in perfectly executing an infiltration/exfiltration undetected - especially in some of the multi-stage missions like Episode 10.

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