Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
I just killed her in a straight up sniper duel, three headshots with the entry level Brennan should do it. If you pop your head up quickly she'll take a shot while you duck down, then you have a brief window to take your turn. I died a lot, of course, but it worked out in the end.
Nope. Dead before I even have the shot lined up.
Nope. Dead before I even have the shot lined up.

Move sideways in-and-out of cover with the scope already on zoom and mark her that way. I can't ever hit her unless I've marked her first. Once she's marked then line up the shot (or whatever) from behind something then move sideways again to take the shot.
I searched Teh Webz but couldn't find anything to answer the following question;

Aside from the Recorded In The Toilet tape (which keeps guards away from the toilet if you're hiding in there), are there any known uses for the others? For example, is there a particular tape that the helicopter can play to damage morale during strikes? Are there any NPC reactions to other tapes?

All I keep finding are the usual OMG Ten Things You Never Knew About Digital Girls In Bodysuits...

EDIT: Here's the "toilet trick" (for want of a better phrase) being employed;

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Off the top of my head, the various animal recordings will negate enemy suspicion, Paz's humming will make "Unlucky Dogs" come to you, Quiet's theme will steady your aim, the lullabies probably make enemies fall asleep (I've never tried it) and the soldier tapes probably make them call off an alert after you break their line of sight.

Nope. Dead before I even have the shot lined up.

I would have to try it again but I'm sure there's a way to line the shot up first. Maybe I wasn't in cover mode and was manually toggling between standing and crouching, but maybe the fact that I used a mouse made all the difference. Also I'm not 100% but I think if you're in cover mode and you use the INT scope, she won't shoot you.
Just keep in mind that those tapes can break. ;) :scared:

I just searched to check that out... and finally found a guide to what some of them do! Go figure :)

Supposedly each one can be used once and then has to be replaced?

Off the top of my head, the various animal recordings will negate enemy suspicion, Paz's humming will make "Unlucky Dogs" come to you, Quiet's theme will steady your aim, the lullabies probably make enemies fall asleep (I've never tried it) and the soldier tapes probably make them call off an alert after you break their line of sight.

Thank you, checks out with the above guide :D
Yes, I finally did it!

I was getting caught out by a sandstorm that blew in; I'd work my way across the valley, only to lose track of her in the midst of the sandstorm, and then she'd get me when the storm blew over before I had a chance to stay put. But I lucked into it when she landed right in front of me during the storm.

Now I have just nineteen animals and six objectives - hitting Quiet with non-firearm attacks in the extreme re-run of "Cloaked in Silence" and hitting the child during "Voices" will be the hardest - to get 100%.
The lullaby puts soldiers to sleep, and "target eliminated" tricks a guard into thinking you're dead.

I've tried the lullaby and it only works on one soldier at a time, even if there a two or more present. But, you can get lucky and have two soldiers fall asleep. I think the lullaby is pretty much useless, however can come in handy on certain stealth only missions/episodes when a guard is very near you. The range of the lullaby is horrible and shouldn't be relied upon at all.

Haven't played in a long while, again. Just to busy with other things. Hopefully, I'll be able to play later today and get my FOB upgraded again. Still have no clue how to use that thing, but oh well.
Still have no clue how to use that thing, but oh well.
It's really just an extension of the Mother Base management. You don't do anything with it, but you can use it to increase your staff capacity, making it easier to get high-level units and in turn improve their performance in the field. You just need to invest in security devices and security settings to protect your base, resources and troops.
Konami are reportedly gearing up for Metal Gear Solid 6. Kojima's involvement, if any, remains to be seen; he's keeping quiet and Konami have said that he is on holiday.
I've been playing a little lately, kind of uncomfortably because my current setup is an iPad LCD propped up on a cardboard box, my seat is the floor with the end of my bed as a backrest and I'm using a DualShock 4 instead of the usual keyboard and mouse.

The night before last I realised that upgrading my FOB also upgrades my MB teams so I used (free) MB coins to boost my R&D platform up to 3/4 which put my team from level 55 to 62 almost immediately, so now I'm developing the D114 carbine and some other toys, but I'm primarily curious to see how the carbine is as an underbarrel weapon. I mean as far as I know it can only go under an assault or sniper rifle so it seems like it'd be a bit redundant, if it could go under a shotgun or grenade launcher then it'd probably be more useful. Has anyone else used it yet?

Last night I got the Serval, I'm not surprised it took 100 hours to unlock that thing...
Argh, how do you hit the Third Child with an attack? I can tag the Man on Fire, stun him with the water tower and call in a supply drop, but the Third Child revives him before it arrives. My support team is at the highest rank, and the helicopter has full afterburners, do what am I supposed to do?

This has some bad language.
But it appears to be a method.
The only other way I've seen is by being totally and utterly completely lucky with a supply drop.
I'm not even close to trying either method yet.

Good luck monkeys

I saw your avatar running around on the big screen this week.
Mmmmm that jag-warrrrr

I saw a video on YouTube that shows that you can shoot him. You just need an assault rifle with low recoil. He'll dodge the first few shots, but you can get him with a bit of perseverance.

Just need to figure out how to get seven tanks and seven APCs in Episode 45. Tried last night and I got seven in total, but that was about it.
I'm not even close to trying either method yet.
It works; I did it earlier today. You definitely need an assault rifle, since the LMGs have too much recoil. I recommend the PG-67 as it has a barrel magazine, so you don't have to worry about running dry. You only get a few moments to hit him, and reloading makes it impossible. You need to hit him eleven times; he will teleport after the first ten, and you will get him on the eleventh. He moves in a fixed circular pattern and will teleport to the opposite side of the circle when hit. If you time it right, you can shoot him when he's right in front of you, then hit him a second (and even a third or fourth) without having to readjust your aim. If he revives the Man on Fire, the counter resets. You will only get two opportunities to do it before you have to reload from the last checkpoint, since there are only two water towers. I don't know if the tanks and faucets in the building will stun him, or merely slow him down.

Up next, what is probably the hardest objective in the game: recovering all tanks and APCs in Episode 45. My earlier attempt showed that this is made harder by the time limit - if you (or Quiet) eliminate enough soldiers, the mission will automatically end. I think I will have to break out the parasite suit with the armour booster to stand any chance of success.
So now the dust has settled how does everyone rate this MGS, i've heard some mixed opinions, some say best MGS to date some say its an empty world and that gets rid of great boss battles and cut scenes that make MGS what it is.

Only played a few missions at a friends and apart from Fallout 4 I'm planning to get one more game before the year is out, its either this or PES 2016 (2 completely different games i know) but if it isn't amazing i think ill wait till its really cheap and get it then.
So now the dust has settled how does everyone rate this MGS, i've heard some mixed opinions, some say best MGS to date some say its an empty world and that gets rid of great boss battles and cut scenes that make MGS what it is.

Only played a few missions at a friends and apart from Fallout 4 I'm planning to get one more game before the year is out, its either this or PES 2016 (2 completely different games i know) but if it isn't amazing i think ill wait till its really cheap and get it then.

Gameplay and graphics are great. The audio design is pretty good too, although hampered by compression.
The story and characters are both incoherrent trash that a two year old could've written better.

Also, getting the Platinum trophy is pure busy work...
I think it's worth investing your time into. It's probably the benchmark standard in terms of open-world games. If you look at something like Grand Theft Auto V, the structure amounts to "go to this point of the map and play this level". And that's really what it is - a series of levels that are connected together by the game world.

On the other hand, The Phantom Pain amounts to "here's your objective" and it rralky gives you the freedom to carry it out however you want. There's an early mission where you're tasked with rescuing a Soviet engineer. You have a general idea of where he is, but it's up to you to find him and figure out how to extract him. There's three different ways into the compound, and multiple routes throughout it. You get about four different ways of extracting him, and then there's additional objectives to complete. The game doesn't tell you any of this; it just lets you find out through experimentation. The AI are very intelligent; they're well-armed and armoured, employ tactics to flank you and flush you out, and adapt to your tactics over time. And if you consider each compound to be a "level", then almost all of them are very well-designed.

Probably the best thing about the game is the way it balances risk against reward. You can never ger completely comfortable with staying in one position, but you can never be absolutely sure about moving forward, and so you need to plan ahead and be ready to adapt. It gets to the point where single missions become complex multi-stage infiltrations and exfiltrations, and can be more fun than entire games. Even if there are issues with the story, the game works best when you're inventing your own stories and your own adventures.
Gameplay and graphics are great. The audio design is pretty good too, although hampered by compression.
The story and characters are both incoherrent trash that a two year old could've written better.

Also, getting the Platinum trophy is pure busy work...

I think it's worth investing your time into. It's probably the benchmark standard in terms of open-world games. If you look at something like Grand Theft Auto V, the structure amounts to "go to this point of the map and play this level". And that's really what it is - a series of levels that are connected together by the game world.

On the other hand, The Phantom Pain amounts to "here's your objective" and it rralky gives you the freedom to carry it out however you want. There's an early mission where you're tasked with rescuing a Soviet engineer. You have a general idea of where he is, but it's up to you to find him and figure out how to extract him. There's three different ways into the compound, and multiple routes throughout it. You get about four different ways of extracting him, and then there's additional objectives to complete. The game doesn't tell you any of this; it just lets you find out through experimentation. The AI are very intelligent; they're well-armed and armoured, employ tactics to flank you and flush you out, and adapt to your tactics over time. And if you consider each compound to be a "level", then almost all of them are very well-designed.

Probably the best thing about the game is the way it balances risk against reward. You can never ger completely comfortable with staying in one position, but you can never be absolutely sure about moving forward, and so you need to plan ahead and be ready to adapt. It gets to the point where single missions become complex multi-stage infiltrations and exfiltrations, and can be more fun than entire games. Even if there are issues with the story, the game works best when you're inventing your own stories and your own adventures.

Thank you very much :)

Always prefer an in depth opinion from a forum member than a review written up during the hype on release .

Guess i will make my own judgement, hoping it doesn't ruin the great memories i have of the series.
I'm on 99% and I have just three animals - the rock hyrax, chameleon and (weirdly) the fat-tailed gecko - and one objective to go to get 100% and platinum.

Fortunately, I know where all of the animals are.
I'm on 99% and I have just three animals - the rock hyrax, chameleon and (weirdly) the fat-tailed gecko - and one objective to go to get 100% and platinum.

Fortunately, I know where all of the animals are.

How many hours has it taken you?
I think I'll get the Platinum for Bloodborne before I get it for MGS V. And that's assuming I'll ever get it, as I struggle to see myself getting an S rank on all missions.
And that's assuming I'll ever get it, as I struggle to see myself get an S rank on all missions.
Any in particular that you're hung up on? Some of them are pretty intimidating, but once you figure out the quickest way through, they're pretty straightforward.
As it's an open world, the story is almost impossible to fill with the pacing and tension of previous Metal Gears. It's very hard to maintain a sense of urgency to a story when a player can go off and rescue sheep for 6 hours at any point ;)

The story and the way it's told is thus different. The feel of the game, the atmosphere, that is very good. The gameplay is exemplary, the controls are a delight to use (aside from the odd run around in a circle that's as much a part of Metal Gear as the cardboard box) and I don't think anyone could play the game and have it lessen their love of the whole series. I've also possibly sunk more time in to this game than any other (apart from Gran Turismo), I'm comfortably over 150 hours (and I'm only on 62% complete).
Guess i will make my own judgement, hoping it doesn't ruin the great memories i have of the series.
There are more great memories to be had in The Phantom Pain than in the rest of the series combined. And the best part is that they're all organic rather than scripted. There's nothing better than having a carefully-planned mission go off without a hitch - except having it all go horrendously wrong and improvising on the fly. Like when you use up the suppressor on the tranquiliser pistol right when you've got an injured prisoner over your shoulder and you have to get to the landing zone while the guards go on alert.
Any in particular that you're hung up on? Some of them are pretty intimidating, but once you figure out the quickest way through, they're pretty straightforward.

I barely have any S rank completions. Spending most of my time trying to lvl up my Motherbase platforms, as well as completing Side Ops (100/150). I really want that Semi Automatic 50. caliber sniper rifle, but with the game still refusing to spawn S rank soldiers, getting my lvl up high enough is a challenge.

Aside from time, I guess one of the biggest factors in achieving S-ranks is not getting into alert mode?