Microsoft drops all DRM.

My lack of trust towards Sony is more disturbing in my eyes. I find it less bad "if" Microsoft use my play data to create ads for me than the fact that my data is absolutely not secure in Sony's hands. Many forgot about the Sony hack - I didnt.

No network is completely secure from hacking. Just because Xbox Live wasn't hacked, doesn't mean it couldn't be hacked. Paying for online also doesn't make a network any more hack proof.

Basically what Toronado and sumbrownkid just said. Damn I'm slow.
I know it's just your guess, but I don't think that'd be a sound strategy if it is what they're going for. It's just annoying, it's annoying to me in the same way toolbars try to sneak their way through when you're installing programs.

Yeah, it's interesting tech, and they wanna get people to start getting used to it more by not allowing them to opt-out, I get it. A better approach would be to just make the damn thing more compelling than it is.
I completely agree. It would be much better to make it something people actually want than to make it something people have to have.

The issue is that a lot of people would never even give it a fair try if it wasn't required. I know a lot of people who have the attitude "Motion & Voice controls are stupid." and would never try Kinect unless it got crammed down their throats. Unfortunately, I think that's actually the prevailing attitude too, which is really sad, because it's basically saying you never want to try new things. How is there supposed to be innovation with no new devices...? But I digress.

The point I'm trying to make is that if you want a majority of people to give it a fair shake, you kind of have to make it mandatory, because a lot of people would just never try it if it wasn't.

I just think it's too early to make this sort of tech necessary for enriching our gaming experience. Yeah, there's voice controls, but everyone I've talked to about it on the 360 said they never used it but once or twice as a novelty. The gaming application is a joke, not just in the sense that it was so glitchy on the 360, but that they think we wanna get up, gesture, and run around to do things instead of just plunking down with a controller.

I think they know this, and the fact that Kinect 2 doesn't deviate substantially from the Kinect 1 tells me they want to use it for other reasons. That reason is probably marketing.
This I agree with less. I think this is pretty close to the perfect time to make it integral if there's ever going to be one. MS learned a lot from K1.0, and supposedly K2.0 is much, much better. It's supposed to be much more precise, much less buggy, and much more polished. Combine that with the fact that every developer will be, if not encouraged, at least able to use it in their games, and I think that it'll start to make more sense fairly quickly.

That, coupled with the generational switch, makes this as good a time as you're likely to get. By the time the PS4/Xbone generation is over, it'll be old tech, so adding it to the following generation is too late. If voice & motion controls are ever going to catch on, this is the time for them to do it. They're old enough to be pretty refined, but new enough that it's not like putting a BluRay player in is now (i.e. a no-brainer) so they still have the "cool new tech" going for them.

Also, apparently this is my 500th post. w00t.
My lack of trust towards Sony is more disturbing in my eyes. I find it less bad "if" Microsoft use my play data to create ads for me than the fact that my data is absolutely not secure in Sony's hands. Many forgot about the Sony hack - I didnt.

I completely agree with you. I will never forget the Sony hack. That hack was the most Shame in the VideoGame Industry.
I completely agree with you. I will never forget the Sony hack. That hack was the most Shame in the VideoGame Industry.

Even more than the period of time where the 360 was estimated to have a 33% failure rate; to the extent that Microsoft had to write off a billion dollars to cover repairs of two types of hardware fault to prevent a lawsuit?
Even more than the period of time where the 360 was estimated to have a 33% failure rate; to the extent that Microsoft had to write off a billion dollars to cover repairs of two types of hardware fault to prevent a lawsuit?

To be fair, that only affected 33% of 360 customers. The PSN hack affected 100% of PSN users.

Also, I'd rather have a few weeks with no console and get my free replacement than have my identity stolen, wouldn't you?
Neither did mine, but it could have. The fact that we were exposed to that risk by Sony's negligence in how they stored that data is, for me, worse than any hardware failure ever could be. Especially a hardware failure that was handled as well as MS handled the RROD.

Honestly, they did right by customers given the situation. Free replacements, free shipping, etc. They even extended the console warranty so if yours went later than most you could still get it replaced for free.
It affected 100% of PSN users, but 100% of PSN users didn't have their identity stolen; and it still holds Sony up as some sort of ultimate sinner because their network was hacked into and puts Microsoft on a pedestal for it not having happened. It happened to Valve not too long after it happened to Sony; and it's insane to think that it simply couldn't happen to Microsoft.

Plus, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if JSilvaGT's response is to claim that the 360 hardware failures were Sony's fault somehow.
I completely agree with you. I will never forget the Sony hack. That hack was the most Shame in the VideoGame Industry.

Alright. We get it. Enough of the Sony hate. Your beloved XBOX can be hacked just as easily. If hackers in china can steal secrets from the US government, a good hacker could take down XBOX Live for an indefinite amount of time if they wanted to.
It affected 100% of PSN users, but 100% of PSN users didn't have their identity stolen; and it still holds Sony up as some sort of ultimate sinner because their network was hacked into and puts Microsoft on a pedestal for it not having happened. It happened to Valve not too long after it happened to Sony; and it's insane to think that it simply couldn't happen to Microsoft.
True enough. But 100% of PSN users were exposed to that risk. There's no way to spin it where it's not Sony's fault either, they were the ones keeping personal data and credit card numbers unencrypted on their servers.
Saying "It could happen to anyone" is true, but it's also absolutely no excuse. The fact is, it did happen to Sony, and Sony did allow personal information to be compromised through their lax security protocols. Just because that "could happen to anyone" doesn't make it ok.

Plus, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if JSilvaGT's response is to claim that the 360 hardware failures were Sony's fault somehow.
:lol: Those corporate spies sabotaged the first production run!
True enough. But 100% of PSN users were exposed to that risk. There's no way to spin it where it's not Sony's fault either, they were the ones keeping personal data and credit card numbers unencrypted on their servers.
Saying "It could happen to anyone" is true, but it's also absolutely no excuse. The fact is, it did happen to Sony, and Sony did allow personal information to be compromised through their lax security protocols. Just because that "could happen to anyone" doesn't make it ok.

Except they blatantly didn't.
Except they blatantly didn't.

From here.

If new information is available, please let me know. To the best I can find, all they've said is they don't know, and that no one so far has experienced fraud from it.
I completely agree with you. I will never forget the Sony hack. That hack was the most Shame in the VideoGame Industry.
Yes i agree, I was pissed when i realised sony were behind the hack! You guys need to come back down to earth, Yes the hack was bad but it wasnt sony which did it but you're all acting like they did it, I guess microsoft has no problems with hackers ey
I wonder if all this back peddling done by Microsoft for the Xbox One will be permanent? Hopefully it is for the people that want it, but I can easily imagine them reimplementing the orginal intended features bit by bit through the life span / updated versions of the console.
I wonder if all this back peddling done by Microsoft for the Xbox One will be permanent? Hopefully it is for the people that want it, but I can easily imagine them reimplementing the orginal intended features bit by bit through the life span / updated versions of the console.

Why would MS go back? Not only will that give Sony more console sales, it will just tarnish the MS image.
Why would MS go back? Not only will that give Sony more console sales, it will just tarnish the MS image.

Well they obviously wanted them to begin with otherwise they wouldn't have intended to have them, but chose to remove them in hopes to gain more sales / a better reputation online after the mass online outrage. And it would have no effect on initial launch sales if the features are reimplemented later in the consoles life.
Both consoles (Xbox 1/PS4) will most likely change through their life span.
The PS3 did, the orginal 60gb version could play PS2 (and PS1?) games and run linux then later versions it lost those features.
I could easily imagine during it's life span on updated versions of the Xbox 1 including the orginally intended features. (I can also equally easily imagine the PS4 doing the same thing later in it's lifespan)
Well they obviously wanted them to begin with otherwise they wouldn't have intended to have them, but chose to remove them in hopes to gain more sales / a better reputation online after the mass online outrage. And it would have no effect on initial launch sales if the features are reimplemented later in the consoles life.

Regardless of whether or not Microsoft wanted it and/or still wants it, how would they hope to implement any of it at this point without even worse backlash than they got now? Five hundred ninety-nine US dollars is still the punchline to jokes to this day, so why would people simply look the other way just because Microsoft backed off?

If anything, they will be under more scrutiny than before any of this happened for a good while.
I wonder if all this back peddling done by Microsoft for the Xbox One will be permanent? Hopefully it is for the people that want it, but I can easily imagine them reimplementing the orginal intended features bit by bit through the life span / updated versions of the console.

I honestly have a feel MS may just do that.
An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.

Strange, I wonder why you have to go online before you can start playing for the first time? Somebody better let all those people who play on Submarines know this!
Strange, I wonder why you have to go online before you can start playing for the first time? Somebody better let all those people who play on Submarines know this!

From what I understood ,to download an update to enable offline gaming I think.

I'm interested to hear how Xbone in mind games have changed their game to accomodate this change,I'm confused on if say Forza 5 will have regular A.I if you can't connect online and use drivatar or will you have to be online to play Forza 5.
Honestly, I'm not even trying to defend it. I know I won't change the mind of anyone who has a deep enough corporate paranoia to think that "Off" actually means "Still on but we don't tell you it's on".

I think I'm justified in my paranoia. They've told us that you can switch it off, therefore, it's an optional peripheral... But you still have to plug it in. No chance. Enable the kinect to be disconnected and my gripes with the xbone are pretty much gone. The other gripes? The price is a bit steep. Kinect doesn't justify the extra hundred for those who don't want to use it. Release a cheaper SKU without it and I'd be happy. Lastly, region locking. Sure, they announced that the Xbone would be "Region free like the 360 was"... Calling the 360 region free is a bit of a joke. Perhaps the console was region free but a large chunk of the software wasn't. There's also the fact that some XBL features were unnecessarily region locked.

All I've wanted, from the start, was for people to stop saying Kinect is "Always On" when literally every hard fact available says that isn't true. I have a standing challenge for anyone to prove, with facts, that Kinect is always on, but nobody has yet.

The day Microsoft announce that the kinect can be unplugged and put in a box somewhere is the day I'll stop referring to it as always on. It's the same thing with the 24 hour check in. Yes, it wasn't always on, but it wasn't much better than that either.

I understand the difference, but like I said, I don't really see the big issue. In order for Kinect to be recording me without my knowledge, one of two things would have to happen: MS would have to be lying about being able to turn it off, or 2: It gets hacked.

Both of which are possible.

Regarding the first scenario, I've already covered that, and I think we can all agree that MS isn't stupid enough to try something like that, for the reasons I've already mentioned.

We'll see.

The process to do so would be extremely difficult (hack into XBL, then through my IP to my console, then through my console to Kinect)

Again, possible. Hence why I don't want to put that box in my house. There is absolutely no reason it has to be plugged in to the console.

It won't be recording anything without us knowing its recording, therefore it's basically a non-issue.

We'll see. Personally, I'm not about to trust Microsoft (or anyone else) to put a high definition camera in my home. Especially one that has to be plugged in even when it's off.

It's better to force people to keep it somehow, and the easy way to do that is to make sure it's always plugged in even if it's not being used.

And if it turns out the kinect can be hacked? It isn't better to force surveillance on people.

Neither did mine, but it could have. The fact that we were exposed to that risk by Sony's negligence in how they stored that data is, for me, worse than any hardware failure ever could be. Especially a hardware failure that was handled as well as MS handled the RROD.

Well? Perhaps they were decent in fixing systems for free, but even after all this time, there isn't a single SKU on the market that doesn't suffer from the RROD.
True enough. But 100% of PSN users were exposed to that risk. There's no way to spin it where it's not Sony's fault either, they were the ones keeping personal data and credit card numbers unencrypted on their servers.
Saying "It could happen to anyone" is true, but it's also absolutely no excuse. The fact is, it did happen to Sony, and Sony did allow personal information to be compromised through their lax security protocols. Just because that "could happen to anyone" doesn't make it ok.

You know those hackers who compromises or cripples entire networks just to prove a point?

I wish I had those mad hacking skillz. :P
My partial solution to the always on kinect alleged surveillance is duct tape over the recepticle lens. And a ham sandwicher.
You know those hackers who compromises or cripples entire networks just to prove a point?

I wish I had those mad hacking skillz. :P

And the companies who should fear it most are not necessarily the companies with weaker security. They are the compamies that people really want to hack. If they want you, they will never let go. No prizes for guessing who the next prime target is.
I've heard Famine might actually be willing to sell Kinect light/soundproofing boxes, though it shouldn't be too hard to rig one up yourself.

Still, such a workaround should be unnecessary, because we should be able to unplug the thing completely if we don't want it. If we can already turn it off, what's it matter to them anyway? Suspicious, no?