Discuss about Minecraft and its new content.
Improved performance
-> FPS increase, bringing levels back to what they were in 1.4
Minecraft Realms
--> Improvements and changes
Blocks and Items
Enchanted Book
--> Can now be combined to raise their enchantment level or combine multiple enchantments on a single book
--> When combining two enchantments for a higher level variation, the player requires two of the same level enchanted book
--> They are still subject to the normal enchantment level limits.
--> Now take empty buckets out of Furnace fuel slots
Bug Fixes
Fixed 14 Bugs:
--> MC-250 – Ender Dragon can still grief stuff like cobblestone and chests even if the gamerule mobGriefing is set on false.
--> MC-4577 – Unable to combine enchanted books for a higher level enchant.
--> MC-6391 – Fire on hopper not visible
--> MC-6705 – If you use an external editing tool (MCEdit) to give an enchanted book with multiple enchantments, and you try to combine it with an item, it will only enchant it with the first enchantment on the list.
--> MC-8193 – Hopper doesn't try to place items from other slots if unable from first.
--> MC-8824 – FPS Drop due to Smooth Lighting
--> MC-8943 – Fire doesn't show on 8 layered snow and hopper
--> MC-11089 – Long scoreboard objective titles can be offset screen
--> MC-11109 – Breaking a Container with Items that is connected via a solid block with a Comparator does not update the Comparator
--> MC-11217 – Falling Block entities start visually falling from 1 block higher than they were placed
--> MC-11236 – Paintings popping out / cannot place new ones
--> MC-11654 – The text of things fall out of the picture
--> MC-11839 – Invalid potion effects crash the game.
--> MC-11894 – Crash with invalid wool values
Top 10 Most Popular Bugs:
--> MC-78 – Villagers crowd into a single building
--> MC-92 – Slab & stairs lighting incorrect
--> MC-108 – Droppers, Dispensers and Pistons activate when blocks are providing power diagonally or two blocks above
--> MC-129 – Chunks don't display properly
--> MC-119 – Mobs sinking through solid blocks
--> MC-911 – Sunlight in big caves and under overhangs
--> MC-1018 – Black Lighting
--> MC-1794 – White stitching on polygon edges / Lines or dots on block edges
--> MC-2025 – Animals going out of fenced areas/suffocate in blocks when loading chunks
Bug Fixes
--> Crash Bugs: multiplayer chests and Sign input
--> Newly put on armor items would overwrite old if it wasn't removed first
--> Half slabs get stuck in "upper" position
--> Xperia Play controls (Android)
--> Nether Quartz and Stone Brick stairs having random texture
--> Nether Quartz stairs not having a language file name
--> Sand and Gravel no longer disappear when falling
Bug fixes
--> Fix for Silver LIVE profiles getting an error message on loading a save.
--> Fix for lighting bug causing unlit areas even when light sources were placed in the these areas.
--> Fixed slowdown caused by explosions (TNT and Creepers).
--> Fixed frame rate slowdown in The End being experienced by some players until the Endercrystals were destroyed.
--> Fixed crash when placing lots of Item Frames with Maps inside.
--> Fixed collision box issue at the top of Ladders.
--> Fixed issues with animals taking damage randomly, or falling through the wooden planks floors.
--> Made Dispenser suck water/lava back into an empty bucket.
--> Fix for Potion Bottles being launched from a Dispenser.
--> Enabled placing Pressure Plates on Nether Fence.
--> Fixed an issue with Fire Charges sticking at the edge of the world.
--> Change to not be able to place more than the maximum amount of Paintings/Item Frames, rather than removing previously placed ones.
--> Stop players from interacting with Item Frames and Paintings when ‘Can Build and Mine’ is disabled.
--> Fixed the Custom Skin Animation setting not working.
--> Play the correct sound on hitting the Enderdragon.
Notable bugs
--> Your pointer on the map will spin
Taken from the Minecraft Wiki