Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
A lot of people viewing this thread right now, say, should we all go on Minecraft? You know, reunite?
I certainly would, but I'm at work right now. Don't blame me for it, as long as the machines run I can surf in the internet as long as I want. :P
Perhaps a staff could update the OP? The old dqcraft server is no more and the new adress of the new vanilla mc server is play.torinet.eu

EDIT: Staff, not stuff - I blame the automatic spelling check. :rolleyes:
what kind of texture packs you all using?
On the dead tekkit server I used the full mod version of the Soartex 64bit texpack.

Faithful texpack is default in 32 bit, nice for retro feeling just without looking too ugly.

In the old vanilla mc days I loved the misa realistic texpack (64bit) and it's still a great choice.

There's another texpack, it's called steves "" texturepack. Can't remember the exact name.

Ovo rustic for nostalgic.

But if you really want to improve the looks of minecraft, use sonic ether's shaders mod.
Some pics from the old dqcraft tekkit server (I love the first pic):



And cell shading effect (optional):


The lighthouse looked much better in motion, it had a working light (turning).
Thanks but I'm getting lag when at the day/night changes. Is it because I've got 32 bit java?
Unlikely, I doubt that it's a memory issue. Unless you're using tons of mods and extremely high res texpacks.

If you have a slow computer try to turn off smooth lighting and see if it helps. Also install optifine for better performance.

If dq's server is the only one where this lag occurs, then the problem is on the server side or simply your internet connection.
Thanks will test it out in single player mode. My computers now than capable of running it too.

Edit: Im gonna install optifine too
I'm currently constructing a small fort. It's far from the spawn, so could I put some signs up to give people directions?
Nope I haven't. It's ok for a hosted server but it would probably cause lag on my home one.
I understand and don't mind the removing of all the statues next spawn. Same for the pyramid.
But cmon! Is it really necessary to grief my little war zone and the canyon town?
Any chance we can all have limited creative for about a week? So we can establish a town of a good and hopefully discreet nature?
I understand and don't mind the removing of all the statues next spawn. Same for the pyramid.
But cmon! Is it really necessary to grief my little war zone and the canyon town?

Where were these?
Where were these?

War zone is next to spawn and the town about 300 metres straight ahead. But I already fixed it. Mainproblem is that I can't claim enough blocks with the golden shovel/grief protection at the moment. I know the number increases and will probably be big enough soon, but yeah...

It's alright, it's fixed now anyway.
There are currently only Dev builds of 1.5.2. Does anyone know if any of them are stable?
If it's in dev build, it's probablky stable where users can login and do things, but expect bugs and such (such as sticky pistons not working sometimes) or something.
1.5.2 is only a small update to fix a few bugs:
[Bug MC-22] – Jukebox audio volume doesn’t decrease
[Bug MC-1123] – SMP: Anvils charge level for nothing when using languages other than English
[Bug MC-1407] – Tamed wolves and cats despawn
[Bug MC-4253] – Endermen are rendered hostile if they take environmental damage
[Bug MC-8112] – Pick-Block and Furnaces
[Bug MC-8260] – Achievement "Hot Topic" Uses Faceless Furnace Icon
[Bug MC-11229] – Using the anvil for free
[Bug MC-12133] – Arrows visually float when shot into a block.
Improvements to FPS when using high-resolution texture packs
Many Realms fixes.

But 1.6 is going to be big! :)
If it's in dev build, it's probablky stable where users can login and do things, but expect bugs and such (such as sticky pistons not working sometimes) or something.

Yeah but there are loads of dev builds so I don't know which one to choose.

My experience in the past is that they have been REALLY buggy.
If you just use the new launcher you can still play 1.5.1 and you can go on and see what is all new in 1.5.2 or any other snapshots.
If you just use the new launcher you can still play 1.5.1 and you can go on and see what is all new in 1.5.2 or any other snapshots.
The client side is not the problem, the craftbukkit version is.
The client side is not the problem, the craftbukkit version is.

Im just saying you can still use 1.5.1 with the server and if you want to do 1.5.2 with mods while waiting for 1.5.1 server to be updated you can do that with the new launcher.