Mission 34 - Mercedes Mclaren SLR at Nurburgring

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Good luck man...and as dirty as it is...in the end...if you can't do it cleanly no matter how hard you try or how many months of prctice you put in...cut a few corners lol

Just don't go mad otherwise cutting corners does more harm then good.
Go to youtube dot com and type Gran Turismo Mission 34 and you will see that someone has posted what it looks like to do the race.
i did it.
9' 15'' 841. i know it's not a great time but it was enough. i can decrease three or four seconds....but, at the moment, i am so tired and i will not try...
anyway this mission is the university of gran turismo.
I spent all day yesterday at work reading the thread (slow work day), got past M33 with not too much trouble last night before getting bogged down in the British GT Cup in the Jensen, but am giving M34 a go tonight.

Despite being on the PAL version, I doubt I'll pass it tonight, comparing my typical Ring runs with some of the videos that have been posted, I'll be quite a way off the pace to start with, but I have plenty of time to practice as am only 25% of the way through, and not golded all of S licence yet, due to only dusting off GT4 when wife and kid are not interfering (they are currently in Majorca).

I'm glad that PD has put such a big challenge in GT4, though a bit annoyed they slackened it for PAL version. I make GT4 as big a challenge as I can by not blitzing all the races in as powerful car as possible, and having completed all the other GTs I want the game to be something that gives me satisfaction for completing each challenge, rather than something to complete and get on to the next game as quickly as possible. Thats why I'll be aiming to do no wall riding, short cutting or other ways of "beating the system" or dumbing it down. (I'm not criticising those that do, but its not my style and not how I approach this game or life).

Bit of a coincidence that I'll be approaching it after the Jensen which also requires the slow in fast out method of driving to be succesful, but I think I'm going to need lots of goes/practice to get this one. I fully expect it to be one of the few missions/licence golds that requires more than 1 day of trying. S15 in GT3 (Viper at Laguna Seca) and IB12 I think it was in GT2 (licence number might be wrong but it was the Skyline round the twisty bit at Trial Mountain) are the 2 that I remember causing me lots of trouble in the past, there are probable a couple of others, but M34 will almost certainly join the list.

Just a sidenote, I remember that GT2 Skyline test being much harder in PAL and missing out by .003 or something, so all you NTSC players, I can sympathise.
Apologies to NTSC drivers and people struggling on PAL, but I passed M34 last night. After all that build up (I spent longer reading this thread than trying to pass it) I got it in 2 sittings with a pizza break in between, after about 10 or 12 goes, with a 9:13.xxx winning by over 4 seconds.

Not an error free run by any means, but no penalties, no wall riding or corner cutting. Will I go back and try to get an NTSC winning laptime. i'll give it a go for a while, but I won't kill myself over it. I've done the challenge PD has set me and passed, why exceed requirements when you can pass without trying too hard.:sly: :)

My observations:
Speed, for me wasn't the issue, staying on the track was. My winning lap was the first one without penalties or losing it in a big way on a corner. For PAL & NTSC users, get round the lap without crashing, then work on adding speed. I feel that the PAL time bring it into the same difficulty as the majority of the other missions because there is a lot of room for error, unlike the NTSC version and the Skylines at Test course. On M34, I got to +0.4xx with a penalty, which says it all about the difficulty IMO

During the 2 minute wait at the start, I read the AutoSport/BMW 'ring guide that I'd printed out. Its not a literal guide for GT4 'ring raiders but it has a techniques on throttle, gear changes, load changes, line, braking points etc that do apply in some areas, and it certainly helped in places where I was regularly crashing.

Before starting the mission, I knew the track a bit, (I drive it for a lap with every car I use in the game), but it was the more in depth knowledge gained from running the endurance races, or in my case from the guide, that gave me that bit extra to place the car better.

Anyone still to do M34? Best of luck
I've been trying to beat this mission for about a week, 1-2 hours a day. It's killing me!!! Sometimes I feel like throwing the whole darn thing out the window. I've tried just about everything that I've read in here with no good results: I've bought the SLR and practiced, I've cut corners, I did some walp-riding, I've breaked early, and I can't get better than +12 seconds and in third place.

I'm at 90% percent complete and really just need this car to be competive in other races. I'll never be 100% complete because I will never do the 24hour endurance races. I know I can win them, I just don't want to put the time in to do it.

I wish there was one of those magic formulas like up, up, down, left, right, X, triangle between the 125 and 123 seconds before the race starts that would give you some sort of an edge, like better tires.

If someone wants to come over to my house to complete this mission for me, it would be greatly appreciated.
I wish there was one of those magic formulas like up, up, down, left, right, X, triangle between the 125 and 123 seconds before the race starts that would give you some sort of an edge, like better tires..

In other words...you want to cheat...lol

Attempt 1: Passed the first Merc on exit of corner before Karussell. Got a penalty from hitting the next Merc - just miss out on taking the honours on my first attempt! I think the nerves of this honourable task are getting to me.

Attempt 2: Straight off onto the grass just before Flugplatz. Try again...

Attempt 3: Perfect start, pass the first Merc in the same place again. Pass the second Merc just after the right-hander uphill with a gravel trap on the left (Brunnchen?). Pass the 190E on the very exit of Galgenkopf onto the long straight, blast past the next Merc just after the gentle bend under the bridge, hard on the brakes, neatly up the inside of the last corner to pass the 300SL for a 9min15.607 lap.:crazy: :sly: :sly:

Total effort spent on Mission 34: 3 Attempts, plus 2 laps practise before hand in my own black SLR.

Good luck all! :)
I'm terribly sorry - But I simply cannot believe that...

Oh I totally agree - I was expecting an insurmountable task as this thread had lead me to believe.

I did a race meeting - so my first practise lap was untimed; and my second, rather untidy lap came out at 7min16. Now adding on 2minutes, that equalled the time required for NTSC, which I knew was quicker than PAL, which I have. So I thought I'd give the Mission itself ago, and there we have it - 3rd attempt.

I'll admit to having got gold on my second attempt at IA-16 also :scared: I like the Nordschleife a lot, and have spent far too long driving around it. Knowing the track well is really the key.

Here's a pic from the run:
I was trying my hand at this mission again today. My closest ever was crossing the line with a sub 3 second gap. I can't even touch that now.

Grrrr, so infuriating. Also I am trying to do clean runs now, no wall riding, or corner cutting. My only motivation for doing this is that I've seen vids and I know it's possible.
i took mission 34 and now i lost any interest in gran turismo 4. i am only at 10% but....what else ? now i practice only on nordschliefe, i am nurburgring addicted and all the others granturismo's parts are not more interesting...
yeah im about 10% through on the pal version red most of the posts about misson 34 and was wondering what sort of speeds you can get out of the slr on the back straight i can pull sub 6:20's in a fully modified skyline gtr v-spec II nur
only tride misson 34 once so far having passed all the others and would of passed that had i not gaind the 4-5 peniltys along the way still managed to get to 3rd place in the misson tho
yeah im about 10% through on the pal version red most of the posts about misson 34 and was wondering what sort of speeds you can get out of the slr on the back straight i can pull sub 6:20's in a fully modified skyline gtr v-spec II nur

Don't see how that's going to help - your speed on the back straight won't win you the mission; nor will driving a fully-modded Skyline, except for learning the track. I honestly don't have a clue what speed I got to - I never looked at the speedometer, since there were 2 cars in front.
nah was just wondering as i only manage to hit about 196mph and thought the car went faster, i know it wont help me beat the misson only practice and more practice will help me achive that in the SLR closest iv got so far is 5seconds off the gullwing

anyway off to go waste a few more hours of my life trying to crack this final misson
1st attemp-truly pathetic-+51 seconds

2Nd attept: much better: +29 seconds
I think I usually hit about 200-205 mph on the back straight, in fourth gear. The car is a little squirmy though :scared:
thanks kylehnat was just wondering what the cars able to reach

finaly beat it took some doing though won with .303 to spare
Firstly I'd like to say that I am addicted to the Nurburgring Nordschleife.
Most of my time spent with GT4 is driving various cars/settings at this track.
I recently decided to try and 'perfect' Mission 34... meaning a clean lap (no corner cutting or wall riding).
Result: Best Total Time : 9.04.577
I overtook the 300 SL Coupe near the start of Döttinger Höhe (Long Final Straight Section). With enough perseverance Mission 34 becomes quite easy.
if you need help just get your SLR & do the ring 4H endro with Hard tyres do it all in A spec & you'll be aceing the mission
I'f did this in 3 times .. but I'f finished this only but 0.500 sec . before the sl 300. Try it first on you(re own speed & if you have a penalty , just try it again cause then you won't win it. And you will win 50.000 cr. & the nissan r89c. I'f won it & and it's a very good car...I'f bought also the mercedes SLR for endurence on nurburgring 4 hours + also I did premium sport cars in extreme hall.
I liked the mercedes but after 4 houres racing with it ...Not anymore:-)
here's an NTSC replay of a completely clean 9'07.721
(sub 9 on PAL)

might make a video of it soon even though its kinda sloppy.


  • Mission-34_Dr_Watson.max
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I beat mission34 with 8 seconds to spare! This was a while ago since i have not been playing for a while. What i remmeber was passing the sl500 in the middle of the track on the straight leading up to the first carasell!I must have spent hours trying to pass it because i would always crash on the end of the track because the car would be out of control.
Well, I 've done it a year ago) Still remember that great fillings) It wasn't very hard for me, so I've beat SL 300 on 5.4 sec) In love with Nordschleife)
Ok here we go. My first game save ended at 99.8% because I just could not do the M34. Then I started over with DFP. I'm at 94% now and I think I'm ready for this mission.
I learned the track by running 24hour endurance A-Spec but the SLR handles quite different from GT300 class RX-7.
First few attempts were disasters. I usualy finished last losing by 30 seconds.
Now I can pretty much always finish within 5 seconds of the leader.
My best finish so far is 9:14.654 (which was +1.136)

I hope I can get it done tonight, all I need is one clean lap.
Finally had a winning run. NTSC/NA with time around 9:12.9xx. Won by only .250 s. I plan to run more, as I want to try to get a run where I never touch grass. I didn't cut corners or wall ride, but it wasn't a run that would satisfy me.

If PD does a 2 minute wait-time like this again, I may not buy that product. I could get past the wait. I, however, would be concerned that PD would have had to have completely ignored their player-base, as it is clear that the vast majority of the player-base dislikes this "feature".

Best way I've found to beat Mission 34 is to just run Mission 34 over and over and over. Knowing the course is a pre-requisite, but not enough. The car's handling is just too unique, IMO.