Mogshots [Updated 2/07 - Last ever shot]

  • Thread starter Moglet
still a bit jaggy, though nothing to worry about. the colors and the tone are great. gives the car that realistic, movie-like look. well done
Awesome work again. The great blur and so clean areas are unbelievable. That little details, definition and tone are part of the good looking.

Very nice, did you use lens blur on the reflections? The car still looks a bit jagged, you might go over the jagged lines with the smudge tool 👍

But other then that it looks really well 👍
I must be blind. I don't see jagged edges in the shot (?). Some roughness around the lights but that's being picky.

Blur is top notch. Tone is excellent.
That's what I ment with jagged ;)

When applying a lens blur on different reflections, the line which seperates these reflections get jagged, but smoothing them out is very easy, just take the smudge tool, set it to 5%, and simple go once over the lines, I'm just being picky now but I thought it might be a usefull tip for the future :)
As many have said before me a tiny winy bit jagged but a very intresting idea at that. Love the blur. Great work cant wait for the next bunch
Thanks for the feedback on this one, I realised there were jaggies when saving it as i'd applied a lens blur on the rear of the car. However, i was too lazy to remove them!

I'll probably post a reworked version of this one at some point 👍
Crazy good looking shot, that Corvette is going so fast!!!!! The quality is fantastic, and the car has great details, including the reflections. Keep going mate, U are one of the best around here:)
I liked the RX7 shot, something different. 👍 The Mini was insanely clean, good job.

Love those TT shots, great colours. Makes me want to get that game even more.

The Corvette looks great, love the reflections and colours. The whole shot works very well imo.

Awesome job as always Mog, look forward to your next update. :)
Peugeot 106 & Mazda MX5 looking good in blue
I Decided to fit one of my Peugeots with some racing tyres to get a lower profile, then slammed it over some VW alloys. No Photoshopping has been done on the wheels, they really look that cool in the game. It's my little pocket rocket!

I haven't done much of a cleanup on this one really, I sort of just prefer the way the photo looks rather than focusing upon cleaning the car up. If the car were clean then I'd be happy but it would be a difficult task on such strange reflections.

Anyway enough talk, here it is:

Click to enlarge

And here is an MX5 shot i'm quite proud of. It was taken for a particular set i'm doing for someone. This came out the best of the bunch:

Click to enlarge

I hope you enjoy this small update. More is still to come, I have a shot of a Subaru i've been working on for a while, the only problem is that i've smoothed it out so much that it now looks a bit like a piece of vector art....

Ogggh. Brutal!

I've no more to say. Your work is becoming stunning update by update so, I preffer enjoy rather write the evident :D

Wow. Excellent work yet again Moglet. It's shots like your's that keep me motivated to get better each time I open photoshop:)
Suberb work once again Mog, both those shots are awesome.
The 106 looks very realistic imo, the rims look great on the car. Changes the whole image of the car.
Love the angle on the MX5, very interesting with the road cutting off the buttom of the car.
The overall blue tone on both images looks fantastic too.
Look forward to your next update as always.👍
The Miata is sweet and the 106 is a bit crazy with the tone
both are very nice 👍
can't wait to see your next vectorish work
I like your avatar franz, very creative!

Cleaned Legacy
Here is that piece that was, at one point, looking a bit like a piece of vector art in places. I think I've managed to sort that out now so that it looks a bit better. A lot of editing has gone into this one.

Click to enlarge

I think the next update will probably be a Tourist Trophy shot since I discovered the widescreen trick! :D

Awesome cleanup with awesome reflection :drool:
The windshield's reflection could be cleaner
I mean if you get rid of that 3 purple areas on the windshield, it will be excellent....
the headlights are okay but clean them up is real pain in the butt, so don't bother :)
Cleaning time!!! Well done, this shot is absolutely awesome. Look at those reflections!! And the blur, simpy great!! The only thing that could be more cleaned was the windshield, but still looks good.
Well done Mog:)
I agree mostly with franz. The purple patches on the windshield is really distracting...but the image overall is very clean. Nice work! 👍

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