This shot came out really well indeed Moglet 👍
The car is clean, the blur is close to perfect and the colors are lovely 👍 However, the car does not seem to be so clean everywere: The panel at the left of the car, near the end seems to be nearly untouched, the reflections on the front window could use some dodge and burn to accentuate the difference in both reflections 👍 I see you're also starting to use the lights using the dodge tool or the brush tool or whatever method you use. It looks very nice but try to dodge the lights a little out on the car in a way that you accentuate lines and reflections so the effect is even bigger 👍
As I said, the blur is close to perfect but on the top of the picture, the blur seems to disappear...Did you use a bigger canvas? When applying these blurs, I usually apply a real big canvas like 2000X1800 but I don't know if you used a canvas on this blur...
But all in all, this picture looks really sweet Moglet 👍