Mogshots [Updated 2/07 - Last ever shot]

  • Thread starter Moglet
you werent lying when you said 'big'! i dont know how or what made you do that really, but it's so worth it!!!! i would go nuts if i had to do that with a 12 inch lcd screen. sad to hear about the story of your cousin. very sad story. so did the family keep the car ? i hope they did, it would be a great piece of memory of him for years to come. :( but i'm sure he's having a peaceful and happy life in heaven, smiling and looking down on you and your family. great work on the tribute photo though, it's very serene (the background), just represents the freedom of heaven and the car looks very very sporty. fabulous work! my friend had one of those before too, i could barely fit in it, but it was fast, and is a huge oversteer monster!
Sorry to hear that about your cousin Mog, my condolences 👍

I'm yet to experience a loss in my family, though it won't take long as of now seeing my grandmother is doing not so good lately...

Aaaaaaaaanywho, the BMW is looking very good, unique idea for the size 👍 A shame the reflections turned out different though, they don't look that weird, only the ones on the window are looking a bit weird...But it's very nice all in all! 👍

I love that MR2, beautiful little car, these little monsters weigh ever so little, it doesn't take much horsepower to make them rediculously fast...Not to mention the cornering abilities of this car...So what happened to the car after his death? You got it? :dopey: Anyway, that's a very nice shot 👍

Holy @#$% Mog :eek: . That BMW pic is impressive!! The detail is impressive. I hovered around the door mirror for some time- the shine and smoothness is unbelievible!
Your tribute photo is fantastic, Moglet, and all the more so for its purpose, however.....
....I've never understood why anyone who isn't extremely close to oneself would say sorry for your loss. It seems very mechanical and insincere. I'm betting no-one here actually knows you or your cousin. Instead I will say that my condolences sincerely go out to you and your family for your loss. Not a pleasent experience for anyone to go through :(
So what happened to the car after his death? You got it? :dopey: Anyway, that's a very nice shot 👍

I wish! He said I could borrow it when he had the car but he sold it on a few years before he was taken ill, once he had restored it he sold it for a profit! Thanks for dropping by Bram!

Holy @#$% Mog :eek: . That BMW pic is impressive!! The detail is impressive. I hovered around the door mirror for some time- the shine and smoothness is unbelievible!
Your tribute photo is fantastic, Moglet, and all the more so for its purpose, however.....
....I've never understood why anyone who isn't extremely close to oneself would say sorry for your loss. It seems very mechanical and insincere. I'm betting no-one here actually knows you or your cousin. Instead I will say that my condolences sincerely go out to you and your family for your loss. Not a pleasent experience for anyone to go through :(

Thanks! No-one here would know my cousin but if people want to say they're sorry for the loss then I'm fine with it. I don't let it upset me really, I like to take everything with a pinch of salt because if I sat being miserable about it I'd never get anything done! Like I said at the time;

"The cheeky sod, dying halfway through our holiday!"

Because he was always a very sarcastic and light hearted person he wouldn't have wanted anyone being upset by his death. He told his fiancee that he was going to come back and haunt her as a giant spider because she hates them. :lol:
well Mog...U have made a true BIG update. I like both of them...they are truly awesome. But this last "special" one is really beautiful, and its good to know the cause that have made U to do this update. I´m sorry for your lost, and my girlfriend also sends a word of support to U and your family.
I think your cousin would love to see this beautiful work U have made!! And btw the car is really cool, really nice rims Mog:tup:

Once again, congrats for this BIG update Mog, keep it up buddy:)
I am really sorry to hear about your cousin Mog:(, im sure he would have loved this shot just as much as i do:)


Bram Turismo
I'm yet to experience a loss in my family, though it won't take long as of now seeing my grandmother is doing not so good lately...

I hope your grandmother gets better Bram:tup:
I love the M5 I think you did a great job, I love the angle close up shots are always difficult.

My condolences for your cousin 👍
I'm very sorry to hear that. The idea somebody can wake up and not feel his body... makes me :scared:

About the pic, it has a very nice colors and it's really soft. It's like your cousins car is in heaven with a sky like that. :dopey:

The BMW pic is nice, its big, but your other updates have been more special, like this tribute.
I'm sorry about your cousin, Mog. May he rest in peace. I hope you and the rest of your family recover from his loss soon.

BTW, awesome shots. :) They look sweet.
Thankyou to everyone who posted a comment on the last update, it was very much appreciated. Unfortunately I hadn't had time to thank you earlier due to work!

Anyway, on with what really matters;

Pushing it to the limit - and beyond
Since I've been on a little creative spree recently (the reflections on the S2000 being the main idea!) I decided to edit my photo in a way I've never done before. I wanted to produce a gritty, realistic image of a race car that looks as if it has been pushed to the very limits and beyond. So I took my BMW out for a spin and came up with this. Please full view it to see what I'm talking about. Oh, and enjoy!

Click the preview image to enlarge it

I love your new style of photography, I love this image as well! The damage is really good, might I ask how you did it? Only thing is that the overall image is a bit dark and the rims aren't really interesting, I guess that's just the stock rims?

Anyway, nice work! :cheers:

(Looks like I have to push my limits and beyond as well judging from your latest comp entries...👍)
Marks & Spencers
"This isn't just any photo it's a Moglet photo...."

As Marks & Spencers said it's jaw droppingly good! The only gripe I do have is that the "O" on the door handle looks a bit strange but other than it's perfect! I especially love the dirt over the side skirts and wheel arches.
Great Work!

Check out my gallery if you have time!

EDIT: You've already done that....:dunce:
I love your new style of photography, I love this image as well! The damage is really good, might I ask how you did it? Only thing is that the overall image is a bit dark and the rims aren't really interesting, I guess that's just the stock rims?

Anyway, nice work! :cheers:

(Looks like I have to push my limits and beyond as well judging from your latest comp entries...👍)

The damage was all drawn on by using various brushes in Photoshop, all layered on top of one another like real dirt. The wheels aren't that interesting to look at as they've been heavily darkened to make them look dirty from brake dust and grime, but they are the stock rims. I wanted to keep it as realistic as possible, so I had to keep the stock wheels. 👍

As for my latest comp entries, let's hope I can do better in the tournament this time and we can have a good battle!
Just Cruising

2 updates so close to one another?! Well, I really am spoiling you all aren't I? This started off as a simple experiment to see if I could blur well at this location, and turned into a proper shot which I almost gave up on halfway through. I'm glad I didn't.

Click to enlarge

*Drops Dead*

That is really amazing....really, really amazing... that picture has made my day. But one thing, is the number plate usually VVX220?
Okay, wild stab in the dark here. I think Mog went to the DVLA website and typed out the number plate in their font... then decolourised it, and inverted it to get the white on black.


It looks spectahonkinglyfunkular, whatever you did.
*Drops Dead*

That is really amazing....really, really amazing... that picture has made my day. But one thing, is the number plate usually VVX220?

Thanks! The number plate is normally just the car's name but it looked terrible so I made my own up!

Okay, wild stab in the dark here. I think Mog went to the DVLA website and typed out the number plate in their font... then decolourised it, and inverted it to get the white on black.


It looks spectahonkinglyfunkular, whatever you did.

Nope, I have the UK numberplate typeface on my computer! :)
Just Cruising

2 updates so close to one another?! Well, I really am spoiling you all aren't I? This started off as a simple experiment to see if I could blur well at this location, and turned into a proper shot which I almost gave up on halfway through. I'm glad I didn't.

Click to enlarge

I have to say... it's a brutal one again!!

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Bimmer looks nice but not something I call spectacular. The dirt is nice but the blur is too clean and sharp. They don't go well together in my opinion, maybe you should add some controlled chaos. The picture is really desatuated and high contrast. It's not a bad conbination, but kinda losing the excitement of hard driving. What about adding light lumination? may work.

VX220 is far better shot. Colourful yet the lighting really shows its edgy bodywork design. The plate looks very natural and convincing, good job! Too bad the location is Shibuya not London. Maybe we have to wait for GT5P or GT5 to get it right :D
Amazing stuff Mog, In my opinion this is the best work you done, but I've always liked pictures that look as real as possible looking forward to seeing more
Creative spree, huh?... :)

The BMW is very good as an experiment, the dirt looks very good, especially just behind the front wheel. The dirt behind the rear wheel is a bit too strong, but the placement and shapes are very interesting. Are you using stock CS2 brushes or did you get different ones?
Like The overall look of the shot (maybe a bit too much desaturation), looks like he's on the 23rd of a 24 hour race. 👍
Only the background seems a bit empty and lifeless, but I guess that's what you were aiming for with the dark n' dirty look. Suits it well.

The Vauxhall looks great as well, I love the colorful metallic look of the car.
The fading soft blur looks great on the overall visual of the shot.
The dodge work you did is almost flawless except for the top exhaust thing, it's not that circular. Actually reminds me of basically anything I do, never as it should be. :lol:
Is it me or did you forget to clean the rear right panel below the rear light?

Anyway, beautiful shot, very simple but with a lot to see. :cheers:
Are you using stock CS2 brushes or did you get different ones?

I'm using brushes from DeviantArt, none are stock. I'm using CS too, not CS2. :)

The dodge work you did is almost flawless except for the top exhaust thing, it's not that circular.
Is it me or did you forget to clean the rear right panel below the rear light?

I'm not sure what you mean about the top exhaust you mean the shine on it? Because both of the exhausts are the same, the top one is no different to the bottom. :lol:

All of the rear panels were cleaned up (the rear right one had loads of lights all over it) but the rest of the car has not been cleaned as I wanted to focus on the background blur and the lighting effects.

Thanks for your feedback! 👍

And a huge thankyou to everyone else who has commented on these updates.
Sorry for being so late, but I want to say that the Vauxhall rocks, but like someone else said, it has too much contrast to be really really realistic. Great job tho. 👍👍