BOF Report (back of field

) :
1. Loved the single file rolling...was glad to quali near back of case of early carnage if it didn't work...but it DID work..beautifully (at least from my vantage point!).
2. Was up to 8th near behind Sick, then we passed someone who spinned (maybe?) Into 7th...felt good for awhile, then...
3. My usual stupid spinout (1st stupid thing

) about 7 or 8 minutes in left me back in 10th with pretty bad damage...drove around and missed the pits (2nd stupid thing

)... so limped around a 2nd lap before pitting..then..
4. After pit repairs completed and upon release from the pit stall, my car under AI control swung out and hit the outer pit wall

! Do not know if that caused damage or not...then..
5. At end of pit lane as soon as car was released to manual control, I was busy watching for cars coming around bend and failed to grab my wheel, so car veered right severely and clipped the edge of the pit wall enough to cause me new damage (3rd stupid thing

6. Had a real merry~go~round spinfest the next couple of laps until I figured I should pit again before I crashed you front runners...and again after pit stall release, the car hit the inner pit wall! Arghhhh

7. Managed to spin less and limp home. Whew

Really had fun though. Looked like a very clean race from where I was, anyway.
Thanks for reading!
PS: Sick, can we change the races to 7 or 8 minutes long?