More bumpy tracks, please!

  • Thread starter Biggles
We all know & love the GT4 Ring, & one of the reasons is the way it renders the bumps & cambers of the track which makes for a white-knuckle, immersive drive & helps you feel the road surface.

Most of the other race tracks are very smooth - I imagine this is probably pretty true to life, but even the street tracks are, for the most part, very smooth. Having more bumps & little irregularities in the road surfaces would really enhance the driving experience in GT5 - more bbbumps. please! 👍
Yeah I totally agree, it'd look awesome in first person too, to see the car infront rattling and bouncing. And with damage you'd even have you slow down or else you mess up your suspension and the bumper will just fly off:tup:

PD better add the corresponding sound effects.
I agree, it would be a good way to stay ahead of Forza too.

When I first started playing Forza after playing PGR2 a lot, I was surprised how little feedback there was from the road in Forza. In PGR2, even tho' the handling was quite arcadey, you did get a good sense of the road from the way the cars bounced around or rattled on some of the streets.

It would have been nice to have had a little more road "texture" in GT4, especially in some of the street tracks like Citta D'Aria & Amalfi. I hope this is a feature of GT5.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet!!! But Sebring is the 1st thing that comes to my mind!

But yeah, I agree that we need a bumpy track named Sebring because I'm so tired of driving in Tsukuba!! Anyways, the street sections of La Sarthe is not exactly smooth, and neither is the Seattle street circuit.
And if you're lucky enough to have a DFP and your own cockpit, the bumps are even more enjoyable...

Heck truth be told, the game is alot more enjoyable... :D
the seattle street circuit has railroad tracks on it, lol. one of the reasons i hate it because its just a pointless deal and it messes you up on that corner.
You know that the rail road tracks are programmed to be curbing? It would destroy an F1 if it was programmed as rail road tracks.