I think Polyphony simply doesn't have the resources to pour into creating bikes for the game. Yes, Tourist Trophy reused several assets from GT4, but I'm pretty sure the physics engine needed a bit of recalibrating to take into account the bike lean, braking and other handling characteristics exclusive to bikes. And even then, it wasn't perfect (I've never ridden a bike myself, but I've read reviews of the game from actual bikers that attest to the fact). Then there's the issue of actually modeling the bikes.
You could argue that you can reuse models from Tourist Trophy itself, but I doubt Polyphony would like to rehash PS2 content after the backlash regarding the Standard cars in GT5.
Hence, I don't think it makes sense for Polyphony to go out of its own way, what with the need to tend to GT5 with updates and DLC as well as the development of GT6, just to add what, 5, maybe 10 bikes to the game? And it's hard to make a business case for a DLC that would essentially only be bought by bike guys who already have the game (those who don't have the game would probably find it taking too much effort, especially as the majority of content in the game is about things they might not have an interest in).
Thus, for me, it makes more sense to create Tourist Trophy 2, published by Polyphony but developed by another company, preferably one that has had experience creating motorbike sims. They could have access to GT5 assets, including the physics engine and tracks. It's a win-win: Polyphony can continue to focus on cars, and as long as they continuously vet the development of the game to make sure that it measures up to their high expectations, it would be a cracking game.
Firstly Polyphony Digital are not a publishing house; they are developers. Having them publish a game when they've never done it before is probably not a good idea. Secondly, if a Tourist Trophy sequel were to be made by anyone but PD, it won't be called TT. There's no way they'd relinquish control of their reputation like that. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad rep, it's still theirs.
And when I say "bike DLC", I mean TT2 as an expansion, or better, expandalone, so you don't need GT5 to play it, but if you do, it works with it. Pricing is an issue, though. Do you get GT5 with the TT2 expandalone, or must you "unlock" that separately? Do you get TT2 with every new purchase of GT5? Hard to say - I think the "unlock" method is the best of those, but still far from ideal.
Basically, I, too, think TT2 as an entirely separate game is the most sensible, just to make sure Sony doesn't come up with some silly pricing ideas, and to avoid complication in general. Nobody wants just 10-20 bikes.
No I don't think it's drastic, and I'll tell you why. There are two reasons why I don't wanna see bikes in neither GT5 or any future GT-game. The minor reason is that I don't like bikes, and if PD did add them that would mean there was a part of the game that I had to play (I like to complete games when I play them), even though I didn't want to. Probably to get various trophies, rewards etc. But like I said, that is a minor objection.
The real reason why I don't want bikes anywhere near GT is because, as it is now, PD have "spread" themselves to thin already. Wanting to incorporated more and more new things/features (great features aswell as useless) they tend to slack (they themselves probably wouldn't say it like that, but thats my oppinion) on the corefeatures that made GT great (once). I'm not gonna go into detail about all the things that is wrong/missing/poorly done in Gran Turismo 5, since that is not the theme of this thread. But to be honest, the more I play the game, and I have played it extensively since launch, the more flaws I find. This is a game that had the potentiel to be the best racing game ever, but it is riddles with flaws and bad decessions. How this game ever got review scores it did, I will never understand.
But to sum up, I don't want bikes because that will be yet another feature that will take focus away from creating the best car game.
Saying you don't want bikes in GT because you
like to (i.e. you don't
have to) complete games isn't "minor", it's frankly idiotic (sorry). Why not redefine "complete" for your own purposes and ignore the bikes? It doesn't make any difference, unless you really want platinum. In that sense, maybe there could be a separate "achievements" list for bikes with its own platinum trophy (unless that contravenes Sony's protocols), and you really wouldn't have to "worry". If it's DLC for GT5, then there won't be any trophies added, so it's moot. Actually, it's moot anyway, there are so many games out there; if you don't want to do the work on one particular aspect of a game, why should you get the "reward"?
As for this somewhat general idea that PD are not capable of working on two games at once, I think you're all probably forgetting that that's what they've been doing since at least 2003-ish, so "focus" hasn't been there since before GT4 released. They're quite a bit bigger now than they were then, too, so that's good.
Overall, I'm impressed with the selfishness in here. Allow me to spite you all by saying I hope PD never make a GT (or TT) game again and focus on something
entirely different (you know, because TT is really just the same thing as GT)