Motorstorm PS3 - Mega Thread


United States
Yes, the old E3 stuff from last year looks like that pic, cause it was rendered as a projection of what the game MIGHT look like (final hardware and dev kits for PS3 just didn't exist then).

The newer stuff from the Game Developers Conference recently showed the game running a few simple demos, apparently looked good but nowhere near the E3 vid. As its a Game Dev Conference only industry people were allowed to see the new demo and Sony expressly forbid people to take videos.

However, I have seen it and it looks nice but not like the E3 vid. Pretty much what IGN said about it in their new preview. But note none of IGN's posted vids/images are new - its all old E3 stuff.

I'm pretty sure you can find the vid of the GDC stuff somewhere if you search around enough, I saw it at a few random non-mainstream gaming sites, but sadly I forget where - I surf around a lot!

Edit: Actually after just going to that gametraitors vid linked above may have the new footage- its labelled GDC '06 after all.
The morphing terrain is a first in racing games and it effects how the next car or bike drives over or through it. The final game should yeild better visuals.
The morphing terrain is a first in racing games and it effects how the next car or bike drives over or through it. The final game should yeild better visuals.
Did not Richard Burns Rally offer this to some extent or am I mistaken? I think it might've been a feature they were hyping before that game's release...

I have no doubt Motorstorm will look very very nice when released - there's still hella lot of effects to be implemented and everything to be optimised/tightened up, better art/textures etc etc...
I think in that the terrain altered depending on what position your car was sent out, not on the fly.
well here you go guys, seeing as you like the game so much, a lovely video from GDC showing motorstorm in the flesh :)


Quality is low and no sound but its totally viewable.

also two new vids, the same motorstorm one but higher res, and one of all other games shown. dont know how long they will stay up for tho.

if they dont work try these, these are the super high quality ones. :D


omg that looks amazing and the vehicles truly get effected by your ruts!! Absolutely amazing!!! :dopey: :dopey: :drool: Thank you for the vids!!
That sure looks like some rutty ground. ;)

That's truly amazing if you think of it, since it looks like each clod that gets kicked up has its own physics. Even with basic physics, still, that's tens of thousands of clods that have to be defined either at loading, or by the impact of those tires with the ground. An entire layer of deformable material, that's quite a feat for a first gen console game, or of any game!
very promissing stuff:drool:

cool game, but i was more impressed by the car shooting demo. that´s just :crazy: :eek: :ill: :bowdown:
must be from the getaway, and it looks awesome...

i really think that i´m one of the most impressed people when it comes to the next generation of games... i mean, "me" i really want to say those that are playing since the old days of the atari 2600... we were amazed by enduro:)
then super monaco gp... need for speed on 3DO, finally gran turismo:dopey:

we really apreciate the growth of videogames, and we are always marveled that we are closer and closer to the game of our dreams... i take my little cousin as an example. he is 7 years old, an inherited my old PS. to him, polygonal graphics is just what to expect... he didn´t born in the jurassic maga drive-Snes era... he likes my PS2 better, but to him, that´s the normal. tha´s what he first saw. but when you take a guy that spent countless hours of his life playing enduro, then he will definately say "wow"

can´t wait to get my hands on GT5:drool:
very promissing stuff:drool:

cool game, but i was more impressed by the car shooting demo. that´s just :crazy: :eek: :ill: :bowdown:
must be from the getaway, and it looks awesome...

Its not from getaway, its from a untitled game (was said by the big Phil himself), if you can remember back to E3 last year, they showed a demo of a gas station being blown up, well this is from the same game, and is being developed in the UK.
Its not from getaway, its from a untitled game (was said by the big Phil himself), if you can remember back to E3 last year, they showed a demo of a gas station being blown up, well this is from the same game, and is being developed in the UK.

ok, my bad... btw, thanks for the link, it´s good for a few rep points:tup:
if you see something from vision GT, that´s its not just a patch with old cars in the GT4 engine, let us know:tup:

as for motorstorm, looks like its going to be the ATV road fury of the PS3... (that SCEA game that comes with almost every PS...) what an evolution ah?
This was one of the games that impressed me the most at E3 '05, and I hope to see some playable demos of MotorStorm next May.
Keep in mind guys that this is just in the early stages ;)

I remember when i saw the first images of GT3 at PS2, the final result of the game looked 3 times better :D so motorstorm and all the other PS3 games will probably look better and better...
Not sure what to say, but it looks like the GFX are much worse but yet retain some of its original colors well. So, I guess it still looks good.. heh.
What do you all think? old vs new shots..
I still think it looks amazing and keep in mind all the roots you make in the road effect other drivers. This is one of the few games that has me excited about the PS3. Shows way more potential for physics and graphics than GT5 IMO.
EDIT: Correction.....Gears of War is for the 360 only. That is really good news since I will be getting a 360 for sure.
The only other PS3 game I am really excited about is Gears of war. Other than those 2 games the PS3 doesnt interrest me at all.

That game is exclusive to X-Box 360.
Even the rogue wheels of this truck sank into some of the ruts of the dirt where previous cars had driven before firmly coming to rest in the mud.
Very very impressive physics according to that article. :dopey: :dopey:
lol, you mean MGS doesn't sell you on the system? Or Resistence (of which there are gameplay vids of people playing over the network, looks fun).
lol, you mean MGS doesn't sell you on the system? Or Resistence (of which there are gameplay vids of people playing over the network, looks fun).
No. I have never liked the control set up and the feel of the Metal gear games. I played all the way thru MGS2 and that game was ok but I just couldnt get into the other ones. I dont really like the sneaking type games. I like hack and slash all out battles and MGS does not have that. I never played resistence.