Motorstorm PS3 - Mega Thread

I was just comapring that portion of the game as the single player in forza was not that great. They are not the same kinda of game but the mutiplayer is the one thing that can be compared for hypothetic sake. just the gameplay part. Not the tune your car from a cell phone one.

Edit: Hey Forza2 will make me buy a PS3 too ;)
The point was that you can bring all of your customized cars online to show other people. Thats how most people online recognize your personality. Instead of seeing 12 cars that are the same, each one is completely different. It will make for an awesome photomode in Forza 2 and I guarantee there will be photo competitions and other fun events for a ton of replay value.
I agree the single player wasnt that great in Forza. But most xbox games are made for online. The single player is just there. The xbox community is based on the online play. :)
Mabey your just not as creative as some of us are. Just like Far Cry Instincts. Some people dont want to be creative and make maps. Just like some people dont want to be creative and make cars. I personally like to utilize any and every custom option thats available. I am just an extremely creative person I guess. I love to design and create. Some people don't. :)
Mabey your just not as creative as some of us are. Just like Far Cry Instincts. Some people dont want to be creative and make maps. Just like some people dont want to be creative and make cars. I personally like to utilize any and every custom option thats available. I am just an extremely creative person I guess. I love to design and create. Some people don't. :)

No, I'm a graphic artist, I spend many hours a day creating, painting, going through character creation. I even write, and am currently working on a few story ideas for a novel (personal hobby, not professional publication).

I'm an extremely creative person, however, I'd rather the focus of my racing game be the racing itself, rather than throwing in other bells and whistles to mask short comings and faulty single player / online racing.

Personally, I really don't enjoy Sim racing online with other people at all, I much prefer hot laps, leader boards, etc. Arcade racing is another story.

But again, I won't spend my money on a racing game that puts such a *heavy* focus on "showing off your ride". If I want that, I'll just go to a car show for free.
Personally, being able to paint your own stuff on the cars is quite fun imo, though I can't say I take it very seriously, I just end up writing offensive messages etc.
Personally, being able to paint your own stuff on the cars is quite fun imo, though I can't say I take it very seriously, I just end up writing offensive messages etc.

I'm not disagreeing that it's not a neat feature, however, the focus should not be on the "depth" of your ability to place vinyls on your car, it *should* be the ability to properly tune your car, from top to bottom.

That's just my personal opinion though.
Personally, being able to paint your own stuff on the cars is quite fun imo, though I can't say I take it very seriously, I just end up writing offensive messages etc.
I'm the same way. :)
All I can say is im glad PD didnt put it in GT and I hope they never or i may be forced to play another franchise. But back on topic, What features do you think MS will have as far as modifications go? because ive seen no weapons or power-ups so do you guys reckon that they will be your standard fair of suspention and handeling stuff or what? because its not too serious as to warent in depth tuning, but for fun factor some tuning would be ok, maybe along the ines of Ridge Racer with a few engine types per class or car. who know thoughts anyone?
I'm not disagreeing that it's not a neat feature, however, the focus should not be on the "depth" of your ability to place vinyls on your car, it *should* be the ability to properly tune your car, from top to bottom.

It's more then vinyls though, you can make cool pictures or what ever you want, paint it exactly how you want, add bits etc etc. I'm sorry, but that's bloody cool. IMO more games should allow you to paint your cars how you want, because especially on online races, it adds a sense of it being your car.
All I can say is im glad PD didnt put it in GT and I hope they never or i may be forced to play another franchise
Why? Giving people the option of painting cars how they want isn't forcing you to use that feature, it is however letting people like me, Code Kev and many, many, many others express themselves by means of creative paint jobs. Just yesterday I panted a Mazda RX7 with a paint scheme like the one on the 787b, I enjoyed making it.
Why? Giving people the option of painting cars how they want isn't forcing you to use that feature, it is however letting people like me, Code Kev and many, many, many others express themselves by means of creative paint jobs. Just yesterday I panted a Mazda RX7 with a paint scheme like the one on the 787b, I enjoyed making it.

I guess stuff like that is ok, its when Ricers get in and start to want huge wheels and what not, painting a car in a racing scheme is a cool thing, but when people stick Kenwood stickers all over the car and lower it to the max thats whats wrong with it, I just hope they dont go down that rout, but each to his own i guess.

BTW Nice car. 👍
Thanks, I do agree than cars with stupid paint jobs arn't appealing, but at the same time I acceptt hat smoeone else painting a car like that isn't having a negative effect on me, except making me go eww when I see it. It doesn't prevent me from enjoying the game any more than I was before.
I'm not disagreeing that it's not a neat feature, however, the focus should not be on the "depth" of your ability to place vinyls on your car, it *should* be the ability to properly tune your car, from top to bottom.

That's just my personal opinion though.
You must not have put much time into Forza. The physics and the ability to adjust your car was a LOT better than GT4. Especially the physics. Im not trying to start a flame war but you really seemed to miss out on how impressive Forza was. There was a LOT more to Forza than just vinyls. A lot more. You could also put different size wheels and tires on the car. 15"16"17" and they all effected the car differently.
Wow we got way off topic on this thread. I guess im done. No sense in beating a dead horse. Point is that Motorstorm will have fun off road abilites but no where near the customization of Forza 2.
I have to dissagree about the physics. if anything they were different not better. BUt this isnt MSN so i wont go into detail :)

"Point is that Motorstorm will have fun off road abilites but no where near the customization of Forza 2."

Your point right? Mine was simply the chaotic fun 16 player motorstrom could be compared to 8-12 player Forza2. Sim VS arcade multiplayer. I could not put so many hours into it as its just not rewarding for me to play offline, started to feel like PGR2 on expert, the more i play the less rewarding it felt.
A new motorstor vid is now in the open get it while its hot, yeeehaaaww.

LINK The intro looks awsome, but so dose the game, this is going to be loads of fun.
A new motorstor vid is now in the open get it while its hot, yeeehaaaww.

LINK The intro looks awsome, but so dose the game, this is going to be loads of fun.
That is just incredible! Those graphics look sooo real in the beginning. :dopey: :dopey:
I hope Grand Raid Off Road looks that good for the xbox.
i think the intro was cgi with ingame models. Hmm I need a better vid. I cant tell FMV from cgi....

Yes I agree, I think its CGI at the begining and then obviously moves to In-game stuff, but looks cool none the less.
CAMAROBOY69 - Forza having better physics than GT4, or even considering either of them to have better physics than eachother, is a crapshoot and a joke in my book. Both are terribly off in many aspects, so please, don't preach to the choir.

And the "tuning" in Forza is dumbed down, more options, but severely dumbed down for "casual" gamers. Mass appeal > Forza.
I already posted them, and some are from the CG trailer shown at TGS 2005, but nice bit of info in the reading.
Solid Lifters
This one can't be a in-game picture....
This one can't be a in-game picture....

some are and some arn't, Pics 1 to 5 are and the rest are from the TGS trailer. they are pretty low in resolutuion too, here are the same shots but much higher in res LINK
here are some new images at last, and all i can say this is definatly taking shape. Although the lack of AA is very much evident here, but maybe down the line they will impliment it.

Looks nice, I like the draw distance and mud textures, so sweet.

I'm still convinced this game will be pretty fun, esp. with 32 player online.
New video and its looking ace now.


People who said the target renders were beyond the PS3 were wrong, with a little more tweaking this game will be spot on target. Cant wait to play the game now.

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