Motorstorm PS3 - Mega Thread

Wow, imagine the sense of fear while riding a bike that a truck could topple over you if you are not paying attention. the multi path ramps and jumps looks fun and strategic.
No. I have never liked the control set up and the feel of the Metal gear games. I played all the way thru MGS2 and that game was ok but I just couldnt get into the other ones. I dont really like the sneaking type games. I like hack and slash all out battles and MGS does not have that. I never played resistence.
The control setup might change. I doubt it, though. In one of the Hideoblogs, link in my sig, they were talking about why the square button was the action button in MGS games. The X in Japan means "No" or "Not Permitted" and therefore the "action" button can't be the X button.
Well to be honest I wasnt impressed with how the game looked this E3, until I watched this Video, this game look stunning from the Bonnet View.

LINK << 12.5mb
Well to be honest I wasnt impressed with how the game looked this E3, until I watched this Video, this game look stunning from the Bonnet View.

LINK << 12.5mb
WOW that inside view looks extremely realistic!! :dopey: I will add this video to the first post.
This going to be so fun, the guy falling off the ATV and getting run over is nutz. The car damage is the best I've seen in a game like this, oh wait there really isnt any game like this.

Shame there are no direct feeds. Graphics are really good.
Solid Lifters
The control setup might change. I doubt it, though. In one of the Hideoblogs, link in my sig, they were talking about why the square button was the action button in MGS games. The X in Japan means "No" or "Not Permitted" and therefore the "action" button can't be the X button.

Yes it tends to be the O button (I played the orginal MGS import on PS1) also Everybodys golf is the O button too (i think :dunce: ).

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Motorstorm Looks a bit like a croos between Smugglers Run & Burnout both not too bad games, yes Im impressed with the In-car view the mud especially looks great.
There is, tha con, but it's bad news::ouch:
I only bought one game for the PS2 on launch day. Actually, I was forced to purchase one (Circuit City) and then the one I wanted. But, still, it looks like the PS3 launch will be the same as the PS2 launch; One game, and two dozen movies. Meh.

Oh, if you're forced to purchase a game with your PS3 in one of those "Packaged Deals" then do not open the game. The day after Christmas, take it back to any store that sells the game. They'll take it back and give you full price for it, too. I did that with that fireworks game they forced me to purchase with the PS2 on launch day.
As far as I'm concerend, if Evolution Studios doesn't announce a release date, everyones word, yes even those from Sony, is just speculation and nothing more.
Yes that is bad news. Motorstorm is the only game that made me even consider buying a PS3. Now I KNOW I wont even consider getting one until next year. If I even get one.

Why wouldn't you want to get one? I'm not shooting down yoru taste in games, but pretty much everything on the 360 will be on PS3, with the exception of a few titles.

Honestly I don't think any of us are in such a position to judge the launch until we know everything about it.

Just like with PS2, no one saw SSX coming, but it was an amazing game.
Why wouldn't you want to get one? I'm not shooting down yoru taste in games, but pretty much everything on the 360 will be on PS3, with the exception of a few titles.

Honestly I don't think any of us are in such a position to judge the launch until we know everything about it.

Just like with PS2, no one saw SSX coming, but it was an amazing game.
Right now I have on interrest in the PS3. I have looked at every game trailer and watched everything about it. No matter what I will be buying a 360 for Forza 2 and Halo 3. I also like Kameo and several other games that will not be on the PS3. Keep in mind I am extremely open minded. I currently own (2) PS2 systems (2) xbox systems and (2)PC systems so I play anything thats fun. ANd right now I dont see anything all that exciting about the PS3 yet. Now if it comes out and starts producing games I want then I might possibly get one. As of right now. Not interrested in any of the PS3 games besides Motorstorm.
Tha_con, official sony sales man ;)

I've pretty much made up my mind now anyway, I'll be getting a 360 first, I don't care if its less powerful, more games, and they are pretty much just as good it seems, and it's a crap load cheaper.

While it's not so apparent in stills, the 2006 motorstorm footage looks pretty sad compared to the 2005 tech demo. Oh well, still has some dev time.

*puts flak jacket on*
Tha_con, official sony sales man ;)

I've pretty much made up my mind now anyway, I'll be getting a 360 first, I don't care if its less powerful, more games, and they are pretty much just as good it seems, and it's a crap load cheaper.

While it's not so apparent in stills, the 2006 motorstorm footage looks pretty sad compared to the 2005 tech demo. Oh well, still has some dev time.

*puts flak jacket on*

You better put your flak jacket on, comparing low quality cam videos to a cinematic trailer. I mean, it's not like camera angles and quick cuts can't generate action :dunce:

I told you yesterday, if you change the camera angles to cater and create dynamic action (as any game can do with camera angles and creative cuts) then the end result will not be that different, you're just making excuses because you want to be right, and you fear my brain power.
Right now I have on interrest in the PS3. I have looked at every game trailer and watched everything about it. No matter what I will be buying a 360 for Forza 2 and Halo 3. I also like Kameo and several other games that will not be on the PS3. Keep in mind I am extremely open minded. I currently own (2) PS2 systems (2) xbox systems and (2)PC systems so I play anything thats fun. ANd right now I dont see anything all that exciting about the PS3 yet. Now if it comes out and starts producing games I want then I might possibly get one. As of right now. Not interrested in any of the PS3 games besides Motorstorm.

For being "open minded" it's hard for me to believe you cannot be excited for a new controller, and the slew of no titles releasing.

Heavy Rain (from creators of Farenhiet)
Heavenly Sword
WarHawk (which looks great, contrary to code Kev's opinion)
FF Games (thought not my cup of tea)
Devil May Cry 4
Resistence: Fall of Man
8 Days
Assassains Creed
Fatal Intertia
Virtua Fighter 5

Not to mention if you have an HDTV you'll be playing Blu-Ray movies out of the box (and until you've seen a movie in HD, you haven't "seen" a movie).

Or the fact that you won't have to pay for your online gaming.

OR...the huge library of PS1, PS2 games available, for BC and Download (without the need for patchets and buggy gameplay).

Call me crazy, but "passing" on the PS3 just because you don't look at all the titles coming out for it, and juding it based on it's launch...well that's a bit rediculous.

As for Forza 2...all we know about that game is that they released a rendered trailer and no one is yelling at Microsoft the way they yell at Sony. Go fans!
2005 :

but damnit, they showed stuff like this, what do you expect? OFC I'm dissapointed.

BTW isn't blu-ray horribly restrictive towards to consumer?

As for Forza 2...all we know about that game is that they released a rendered trailer and no one is yelling at Microsoft the way they yell at Sony. Go fans!

That's because it was obviously a rendered trailer, and they weren't unvailing a new system. It is abit different, but I agree, crap.

WarHawk (which looks great, contrary to code Kev's opinion)

HEY! I said it looked good.
2005 :

but damnit, they showed stuff like this, what do you expect? OFC I'm dissapointed.

BTW isn't blu-ray horribly restrictive towards to consumer?

That's because it was obviously a rendered trailer, and they weren't unvailing a new system. It is abit different, but I agree, crap.

HEY! I said it looked good.

Blu-Ray isn't "horribly restrictive". We can discuss that on MSN :P

As for Forza 2, when the game releases, maybe I'll talk about it the way you talk about Motorstorm...and then we'll see what's up :P
Theres a small number of PS3 bound games that interest me that should be out shortly after launch, that 8 days being one of them, MGS4 is the MUST GET A PS3 title for me, GT5 is a wait and see, I have hopes for it, it has potential but wait and see. I am probably getting an XB360 next month though, Forza 2, PGR3 and TD:U are games that interest me. It's funny because with the PS2 and XB the racing games on the PS2 hooked me most, with the PS3 and XB360 the racing gmaes on the XB360 are hooking me and the other games are getting me interested in the PS3, it's a role reversal as of right now :lol:.
Do people have something against Resident Evil 5, or something? It never gets mentioned as a hot title for the Sony PS3. The very brief 2005 E3 trailer was awesome, and the silence of the this game since then has me excited. Like, they'll spring a surprise on us once the PS3 is launched.
Well, it's not exclusive to PS3, which is the only reason I didn't mention it, I didn't want to mention any games not exclusive.

But not being excited for the PS3 is rediculous, since it, for the most part, covers all bases as far as genre of games.
Here are some new-ish shots of Motorstorm, and I think this is looking quite good.

Click For Bigger Images
I'm willing to wager a 16 player game of motorstorm would be more fun and intense than a 8-12 player(presumably) game of Forza2. i've payed sim racers online and the "funfactor" is out weighted by the focus of a perfect lap. Burnout is a good example. Its way more fun than Forza was online. It choatic and full of laughs and trash talkin, try ramming cars that with forza and you'll get booted from the game and possibly reported. Sim racers can have their moments but its just a bore fest most of the time or frustrating being unable to stay on track or keep up.

We will see in the next few monthss when more info and screens are released. There's nothing like Motorstorm for 360.
I'm willing to wager a 16 player game of motorstorm would be more fun and intense than a 8-12 player(presumably) game of Forza2. i've payed sim racers online and the "funfactor" is out weighted by the focus of a perfect lap. Burnout is a good example. Its way more fun than Forza was online. It choatic and full of laughs and trash talkin, try ramming cars that with forza and you'll get booted from the game and possibly reported. Sim racers can have their moments but its just a bore fest most of the time or frustrating being unable to stay on track or keep up.

We will see in the next few monthss when more info and screens are released. There's nothing like Motorstorm for 360.
What you have to keep in mind is Forza allows you to customize your car like no other game out there. THats not even debatable. You can literally make almost any car you want in the world using the 600 total vinyls in Forza. Just imagine how much better the vinyls and car options will be in Forza 2. Engine swaps, parts upgrades, and incredible physics. 👍
Like you said, we will see. :sly:
However Motorstorm is still the only game that has me excited for the PS3. But this game wont make me buy a PS3. But Forza 2 will make me buy a 360.
What you have to keep in mind is Forza allows you to customize your car like no other game out there. THats not even debatable. You can literally make almost any car you want in the world using the 600 total vinyls in Forza. Just imagine how much better the vinyls and car options will be in Forza 2. Engine swaps, parts upgrades, and incredible physics. 👍
Like you said, we will see. :sly:
However Motorstorm is still the only game that has me excited for the PS3. But this game wont make me buy a PS3. But Forza 2 will.

I was just comapring that portion of the game as the single player in forza was not that great. They are not the same kinda of game but the mutiplayer is the one thing that can be compared for hypothetic sake. just the gameplay part. Not the tune your car from a cell phone one.

Edit: Hey Forza2 will make me buy a PS3 too ;)