This post will contain Simvibe relevant info and can be updated and corrected.
I do not expect do be fully accurate on these points so they do need confirmed or challenged, any help or input is welcomed.
Listing some things, they can be delved into more detail at a later stage.
Limiting Factors
For many part of the limitation will come from the ability of their chosen tactile unit(s). In how well they can perform, the number of effects including their similar frequencies they can sufficiently manage. As I alluded to previously with the number of possible effects including those that are constant is evident to how much work/load is being expected.
What effects do most users of the most common $50 / $100 range of tactile end up not using or limiting? Seeking instead detail of fewer than more of less detail?
The question also is how much better do the best hardware models raise the bar, not just in performance quality but in the detail they can sustain with multiple effects accordingly.
Placement = FRONT / REAR / ALL 4
Effect Type = CONSTANT (TBC)
- Speed based white noise
- Engine
- Road Bumps
- Vertical Surges
- Wheel Slip * (few games only)
My understanding, these are all TONE BASED and use actual Hz displayed. They I assume are what we refer to as "Constant" operating.
Layers can also be applied to these effects and have multiple instances with several possible within an effect. Individual layers can have their own individual tones, values and even location.
I see great potential for location changeable effects within layers and filters to utilise them best. In some regards going beyond the normal thinking of "effect A" for "unit 1" or "effect E" for "unit 3". Effects do not have to be single layered or tied to a single placement.
Small & Big Bumps with different set values in how they utilise a tactile unit accordingly. Does a user want
less response from Big Bumps and more from Small Bumps but more power to Big Bumps only? Okay do you want to use a single unit for this, rear, front or all 4?
Example 2:
Engine Rev could start on a seat based LFE for extra power in depth for the low revs. Then at a user controlled "
Hz range" in association with RPM value continue its upper Revs and associated frequencies by transitioning over to a different (TST 429) tactile unit. This transition process could even be applied to ALL 4 CHASSIS TST if desired.
Really its about deploying
more of the
presence as the depth
sensation of the engine tactile effect
reduces. This way TST 429 Chassis
low range frequencies can also be reserved for suspension/bumps/vertical surges etc.
While not limited to engine alone. I see some thought needed to discern how and what is the best way to utilise effects across the configuration used. Also for the user to determine which effects to them take more preference. Doing this, and making it work well within the constraints of both CM & EM tactile units.
Location can
also be RATIO based so an engine may have a 30/70 power split for front - rear.
Wind Noise could also be contributed in the same manner, or to transition from front to back at increased speed, or indeed both, or just be used at a static front or rear single position.
More to follow on (TONES FILTERS LAYERS TEXTURES) but it seems rather deep with the possibilities.
Are TONE BASED but do not seem to be Location Selectable.
They are it seems OUTPUT MIXER based.
So when applied to CHASSIS are directional to
ALL 4 but via SEAT/PEDALS/SHIFTER would not be.
Both have different effects so scrapes against a wall feel different to contact with a car in front/behind.
These do not utilise ALL 4 but only it seems as front and back.
Need to confirm if they operate in STEREO or by combining L/R as a MONO single vibration?
While referred to as "OFF TRACK" they apparently do operate "ON TRACK" for some instances such as rumble strips. Also for "OFF TRACK" events these are not the sole specific application as they operate with tone based, suspension, vertical surges and road bumps.
- Impacts
- Gear Change
- Gear Grind (few games only)
- Front Suspension Bumps (TBC)
- Rear Suspension Bumps (TBC)
- Road Texture
- Suspension Texture
- Vertical Texture
- Front Suspension Texture L/R
- Rear Suspension Texture L/R
These seem to be more for "Rapid Detail" and possibly utilise higher frequencies.
TST models in my view have more potential with these than BK due to their speaker based type application and faster response compared to moving piston.
They are
not however TONE BASED and seem to be more of an element for additional detail or presence being a good description.
False Clue Elimination
This is used to eliminate game data
Seems to suggest increasing efficiency of discarding non relevant data
Dynamic Tone Sensitivity
Used for changing the scale values of BIG/SML bumps and their occurrences
Signal Conditioning
Filter for reducing noise on texture based effects
Dynamic Volume Sensitivity
Changes volume increase/decrease for BIG/SML bumps, the max will be in accordance to setting of the intensity slider value. Main adjustment for suspension bumps
Output Mixer
Used to show effects created
Select the Simvibe channel you want to edit/adjust
Reacts like a master volume
Effects can have individual strengths including for various layers
This increases volume of all together
More answers/research on all of these required.
Will update but seek proper clarification.
To Investigate:
- Confirm ALL Constant Effects & Event Effects are accurate?
- Front & Rear Bumps L/R are they Stereo or combined Mono?
- Detailed understanding in differences with various Suspension/Bumps/Vertical Surges
- Texture Effects, understanding the regular frequencies used with popular settings?