Mr Latte - Question?

  • Thread starter RW65
lol Yeah good to see you mate. I'm bit of a stranger around here, I have a look in now and then.

Must get a catch up with you and discuss the small ones. I'd like to combine them with some heavy duty rubber gym flooring.

You can have them for a free coffee, might get some of those clamps you still had while I am there. :)
Just give me a PM when a good time is to meet.
You can have them for a free coffee, might get some of those clamps you still had while I am there. :)
Just give me a PM when a good time is to meet.

Awesome. I'll talk to you tomorrow about it then mate.

I'm just finishing painting the "shed"


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Yes it is good and in no way am I saying it isnt a good guide, not at all. It still leaves many questions unanswered.
I understand a good majority of people perhaps cannot answer some of the points put forward.
#113 is easy to answer though is it not?

Can you do a list of all the CM effects and highlight what if any are not available in EM mode?
Even screen captures would be appreciated. PM them whatever.

This is important to help understand if RW65 triple LFE config would be limited and it may highlight some things.
Sorry, can't help you with that. I'm just a tiny guy here with respect to SimVibe: I'm only using extensions mode and have shakers in use which, if you add them all together, cost as much as 1 BK LFE :lol:. But they do the job, I'm happy.
Where are you RW65?

Simvibe GEEKED!
Been doing the last bit of researching this past week regards a major goal I wanted to achieve for my own crazy build. I have discovered a big step beyond the capabilities of the inuke-DSP features.

Bit of a break-through to share, in finding what I think is the answer not only in getting to discover/understand what Simvibe output is doing with every effect, every texture but also a new level of control beyond normal amps. Amazing fine tuning abilities to maximise the tactile is available, if desired. Simple handy features like being able to control the output of all Simvibe channels including the volume to all connected amps powering the tactile from a single touch-screen.

Simvibe pass-though making no alterations just having pre-amp volume gain controls to all power amps
All Simvibe channels can if desired be fully adjustable in every way audio can be altered, far exceeding inuke DSP.
Any channels/effects could be combined to user preference to any other channel if desired
Real time, graphical visual analysis of the Hz of each channel output as your playing
Possible to monitor a single channel, any selected set, or all channels at once
Software fully controlled via PC/MAC
Software fully controlled via iphone/ipad
Software fully controlled via Android devices
Even multiple devices at once if desired

What is this software/hardware and how much? :)
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Wow… my head is spinning! You guys are several years ahead of me & I’m still learning the language… please go easy on me!

My apologies for being AWOL… caught up in so many “dramas over here” that I’m a little bogged down.

This is just a quick post to let you men know that I really appreciate all the latest commentary & I hope that this doesn’t reflect otherwise with my recent disappearance?

Interestingly, I have been considering a slight product swap-out over the last several days… changing two of the LFE’s for Clark’s. Also, a slight revision in the chassis floor in regards to slotting & reducing the widgets from two to one… will hopefully have an update (plus clearer rendered images) to all my previous sketches (if I can get my scanner to work) & include my latest sketch for the seat fabricated “leg rigs” not yet forwarded.

I am also working on an condensed “dialogue” for my intention to setting up the Simvibe software (recently acquired) with my particular chassis configuration… hopefully clear up any misunderstandings or confusion.

ML, blown away with your last post, SIMVIBE GEEKED… please spill the beans or do I have to send the boys around?

In regards to post #78 - I have spent the past 10 days going over some really old posts but haven’t yet discovered what I think we require?… I will continue with some more “searches” to see what comes up… but so far, the best “tutorial” that I have seen, to date, blew me away… I think this was by sebj, who you mentioned in post #115.

Cheers for now
ML, blown away with your last post, SIMVIBE GEEKED… please spill the beans or do I have to send the boys around?

In regards to post #78 - I have spent the past 10 days going over some really old posts but haven’t yet discovered what I think we require?… I will continue with some more “searches” to see what comes up… but so far, the best “tutorial” that I have seen, to date, blew me away… I think this was by sebj, who you mentioned in post #115.

Cheers for now

The solution would enable a stereo front or rear channel CM mix to be applied to central EM LFE units like you considered, even if Simvibe itself does not support it. You could create a mix of having 4 left wheels if you wanted, lol! Non of this effects Simvibe configs you just configure Simvibe as normal.

I will show a screenshot of the software soon.
Yes, blown away by the response from other post contributors, thank you! :cheers:

Yes, I think I understand what you are saying ML… using the one soundcard, with each output from the soundcard being split into two… two TU’s for each channel… four channels in CM delivering a feed for eight TU’s all in CM?
So even with my OTT layout I have a solution.

Digital Mixer
So a hardware and good software combination was needed and not any ole mixer with approx 200 knobs or sliders. The solution is a professional based product widely used for live gigs, the mixer and all connected cables can be placed anywhere as it fully supports its own wifi. Simplicity, easy learning curve was important and is catered with in this product too.

Of course the control that professional mixers enable are far beyond what we need especially with dealing with 20-100Hz as a potential max working range for ALL the channels.

The beauty is I found a solution that has extra bells n whistles and fully compatible with IOS/ANDROID apps. This enables the benefits of wireless touch-screen control direct from the race seat and enables all channels to be monitored in various ways to.

Here is a demo configured on my Xperia Z4 tablet
The main screen has been set to have 16 sliders for (possible test config) for all channels, notice the same colours and 3 channels for LFE /TST/SUB for each CM channel. The "White" is as before, for the EM channels.

Their are many screens within the app, this is just the main-screen.
Features and customisation are very good, the MAC/PC software obviously goes into even more expansive layouts.


Not suggesting this is for everyone but has BIG potential to also analysing/monitoring Simvibe​
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Sweet ML, this looks like it has promising possibilities… I am interested in knowing more when you have time
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Sweet ML, this looks like it has promising possibilities… I am interested in knowing more when you have time

Will go into more detail in future, keeping it under wraps for a bit my friend. Needless to say I think I would be using it in my build, the ability to monitor and have PRE-AMP control at my fingertips for all channels is a nice feature to have even if all the editing/audio processing features may not be needed.

Might be better to just input the channels as norm (8) rather than me duplicating and inputting as 16 inputs like shown above. Then do any EQ or processing within the mixer (if desired) and duplicate on output. The duplicate channels can then be used on the inuke amps for their own independent LOWCUT/HI-PASS filtering for LFE/TST/SUB units.

Hoping to hear you getting some tactile ordered and maybe get something happening with Simvibe...

* Simvibe USB Soundcard ?
I'm using a laptop so restricted. I know USB cards are not officially supported but did anyone ever get a particular model to work for Chassis Mode? Appreciate if anyone can help.


Some progress done...
So got the rails moved into the small room the cockpit is going.
Its only a 100" square room. All still very much (WIP) nothing is final.
Will begin testing these TST on the seat and trying a new LFE mounting position soon.

Kind thanks to @asteroulis for some motivation and help.

Seat Uprights approx 40cm apart,

I opted back to the bars canted out at the top to the outer bars.

Getting the seat on took a while as the placement of the uprights had to be within 2 mm

End caps and finishing details will come later

New front end section has been decided which connect to the front corner of seat region.

Changes made to the tactile supports.
Decided to connect both together and use as dual left/right for REAR channels.
The contact is focused more on the higher front region.

I have a solution to use within the metal ends so that it wont be the metal bracket itself pushing into the seat. I have noticed that it is stressing the leather.

As the "Dual Rear TST" focus more of their output to the front section of the seat. I have switched the position to install the R/L LFE. I want to feel the power from the LFE come more from the back to help better represent the direction of the suspension/wheel.

The vibrations it produces will use the seat uprights for transferring the tactile directly into the main seat rails.

The seat still has the attached tubing connecting to the recline backrest section.
This will be now used specifically for a TST329 Gold suppling the "Engine/Gear" via EM
Direct contact with the rear of the seat should still maintain good clarity for the engine, even with the very high amounts of power for the rear chassis going into the base/sides of the seat.
This will be shown next time.



Standard lighting.

PS4 Dash

Xbox One

Select to follow colours or have as static mood.

Ambilight Gaming!
DriveClub in particular is very impressive, the feature differs depending on the view used in game. Some examples from night races are really cool in how the lighting within the in-car cockpit from effects like, street lamps illuminating as driving under them, cars ahead brake-lights, glowing, the lightning from storms. The Hue acts for added ambiance to blend with the on-screen action from the Ambi-light and really like this added bonus of fun immersion.

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how do you get ambilight to work like that???? wow great thread again here at all involved! thx @mrlatte and @Carson79
great read! so much to learn!

Thanks rocafella,
The TV has several different modes for different content/moods in how it responds, will add a photo here later to show. While Phillips have been doing Ambilight for over a decade it has improved over the years. The new "GAME" mode is based to operate to the colours of individual pixels. It operates remarkably fast in this mode.

The TV connects via the Hue/Hub, supports upto 50 lights and transmits the data to the Hue Bulbs/Lights in tandem with the TV's Amb-ilight. Hue on its own is used all over the world for "mood lighting" and controlled via wifi/internet. Ambi-light is what is used on the TV's

You will find many videos on YT but many of them are not using proper Ambi-light but other clones on the market. "LightBerry" being one.

Here is some-ones Phillips playing Drive Club but not using any additional Hue lights.It is also only 2-Sided model so does not have the effect at the top. Of course from video you don't get the ambiance within the room it creates you just see coloured effects. I've yet to game in the dark with it off.

This looks more like a relaxed mode...

Sound & Light - Latte Experiments!
Nobody questioned, why is that ejit for using 4 subs with Simvibe?
One of the purposes I have for my sub-woofers with Simvibe is to use the bass from the sub to emphasise the effects for the suspension/kerbs (thud thud thud thud) as it is doing that with the Ambilight/Hue I will also have the red/white of the kerbs appearing to tie in with the felt Simvibe tactile.

  • Tactile responds to front right wheel on kerb
  • Sub emphasis this and creates a relevant bass noise from the front right of the cockpit
  • Ambilight represents the colours displaying them in the front right of the cockpit


While many people may use headphones for racing on their cockpits.
I have seen nobody here, on the Simx forums or other places talk of using Simvibe with subs yet subs for AV/Home Cinema even THX often use a LOWCUT of 80Hz-100Hz. Anyone with 5.1 or 7.1 audio system will use a sub-woofer on the .1 output. Guess what, it is pretty much the same principle, just dealing with low frequency audio and using it for bass extension.

If you have a sub, try it as an "Engine/Impact" EM and tell me it ain't half cool working with a tactile unit.
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The ambilight is a nice little surprise I had never thought of. I am a bit sceptical for now since I dont feel the technology is there yet. What I saw on the video is not what I think of as ideal color enhancement, even though I do believe you when you say you like the effect. The main problem is that you're stuck with the settings Philips has and you get what you get.
Also on the sub in accordance to the rumble I don't feel it makes any sense. You have the sound effect seperately and tactile feedback from simvibe. It makes sense to have full range speakers or headphones for the sound signal, or even send the low frequencies to extra tactile units positioned in a surround sound placement creating a 3rd tactile mode (CM, EM, SSM- as for lets say Surround Sound Mode). This would work though only in stationary screen setups. Wearing an Oculus rift or using Track IR would disposition the sound direction to the speakers/tactile position in SSM where the simvibe effects maintain correct placement and direction always as they concern the rig(car) , not the position of the ears.
So, trying to explain a bit now why there is no point in using a sub with simvibe.
Shakers were imported into racing simulation when we tried to enhance the subwoofer effects. Sending the same signal to a sub and and a tactile is a bit of overkill , as the same frequencies are felt.The feeling for the same effect is much more intense through the shakers , and for the sub to contribute it would need quite high volumes which could cause a lot more trouble that real enhancement of the feeling.
So , in a stationary rig with completely non movable point of view adding a tactile surround mode could add to the immersion. And through that channel you would have exact placement of the colision effects as well. Since the colision has always a positional sound output you will be always getting the feedback from the side you hit something.

The last I would think is quite important and solving VR problems could only happen if the impact effect is indeed positional via Simvibe itself.
Thanks for the reply @asteroulis you raise good points and it is nice to see someone question things being considered for the build.

The beauty with Ambilight is that you can totally have it static to any colour or turn it off when not wanted.
I don't think it is for everyone tbh and yes I was sceptical of it for years as some see it as a gimmick. You don't actually stare at the lights which is what you do of course watching a video of it, you still focus on the screen but the effects highlights the action/movement to the appropriate places it extends them beyond the screen.

"Also on the sub in accordance to the rumble I don't feel it makes any sense. You have the sound effect seperately and tactile feedback from simvibe. It makes sense to have full range speakers or headphones for the sound signal, or even send the low frequencies to extra tactile units positioned in a surround sound placement creating a 3rd tactile mode (CM, EM, SSM- as for lets say Surround Sound Mode)."

Yes game audio may very well generate a "sound" for a rumble strip but not always with much bass extension. You could suggest using 4 subs for wheels on Front/Surround audio channels but then you cannot separate any specific effects from the games audio, everything will come through the subs = no. Ok, what else, well I could use the audio .1 for the low effects. Yes, however it is non directional and again all low frequency effects would be mono, all would be identical through all 4 subs = no.

The point of using subs with the "Simvibe" output is the same advantage for using it for tactile over game audio tactile. With the way I am utilising the Simvibe configuration and my (DM) only suspension/directional impacts will be going to the subs. They are also not being utilised for their felt tactile. The LFE/TST combo units for each corner will do that. The point being missed is that adding low frequency audio with low frequency tactile is more realistic and engrossing.


Want an example? Ok find a movie sequence with a huge explosion, connect a tactile unit to a chair/sofa, crank that sucker up and watch the clip but with only tv speaker audio and feel the tactile rumble. Then repeat the clip with a powerful sub and the tactile. The difference, now both senses are being fully utilised, the audible bass registered with your ears and the tactile bone-conduction you feel, they go hand in hand together.

Of course in the way I am building the configuration. I will have a great deal of control of the Simvibe output and be able to tailor this to a personal preference in tone/volume and intensity. The subs are needed to increase the immersion possibilities of this build. I am seeking to find the best most engrossing sensation possible and it will not work to the same level without the subs. I do not want to be limited to headphones all the time and still they will not represent what is being done/trialled here.

Yes their is a challenge in getting it to balance with the game audio solution being used but this is 90% engine noise most of the time with directional sounds of other cars or close proximity walls etc.

My configuration/layout is compatible for this with consoles using front/rear.
It works best not to use the .1 or Centre channel and run in "Quad Surround". This way the subs can act as large tower speakers for directional low sounds if wanted. The tactile is still directional too using all 4 but with the ability of DM to control the slam/detail better.

VR yes it needs headphones to maintain audio positioning. I would hope VR games were encoded/mixed with DTS Headphone X or Dolby Atmos yet it is unlikely to happen.

Thank you for querying but hope this helps explain my reasons, will it all work?
Only time will tell. :)
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Well RW65 you got some catchin up to do now ole boy....
I'm taking over your thread yet again so this is my last post showing my own for a while...

Some of today's progress, posting these to motivate you. I got a good part of my TV/Wheel front section built. Still however concentrating mainly on one side with the shortage of clamps.

The front end and surround tubing for the sub-woofers was inspired from the KTM X-Bow.
I really wanted to get away from the boxy rectangle design that many go for with 80/20.

Yes still lots more to do and the LED runway landing lights (lol) are only temporary on the floor, improvements will be made. The base section is still to be made too and the whole cockpit is currently just sitting on TI 300 isolators placed on the rubber tiles for now.

As a first build you find things to change and well I'm not quite happy with TV section. It is a bit too close and a bit too high, still to find the ideal positioning.

Added a few more images to highlight the lighting as well, understand it will not be to everyone's preference. For me it sure beats sitting in the dark. The bottom lights in these photo are set to operate at 7 & 5 o'clock. You will notice in below examples that these change colour in accordance to the cars bonnet.

Any-ways I'm new to this making cockpit nonsense, trying to get the hang of it. Normally I just talk about such things and do nothing! :)

* TV has been temporarily set on a cross section with paper over its base and taped in place.


Buttkicker LFE / New Placement Options?
I had annother quick build idea for a possible solution. It kinda mimics the idea of the Buttkicker Gamer, clamp attachment. This would need a metal plate and drilled to bolt down and then bolt the LFE onto. It connects to the back upright of the seat. As a tip to anyone, consider testing tactile in 2-3 different positions or methods. I certainly will be doing this and you can sometimes find improvements just by comparing a few options.

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Out with the tape measure and drill today, drilling the base of a MISSON speaker stand to make a "VESA 200" mount out of it. Gonna place the TV on central uprights for a much cleaner install, dislike the boxy rectangular shelf shown above.

@Carson79 whats happening with the shed?
Out with the tape measure and drill today, drilling the base of a MISSON speaker stand to make a "VESA 200" mount out of it. Gonna place the TV on central uprights for a much cleaner install, dislike the boxy rectangular shelf shown above.

@Carson79 whats happening with the shed?

The shed is more or less finished. Just finishing touches, but I've lots of other things going on in the main building lol.

Had some PCs/windows issues, not sure if it's sorted now or not just keeping an eye on it.


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Over 6 hours work to do this 3rd and I hope final revision of the wheel deck section.
Tidier, stronger and ready for a shelf to be bolted onto a set of seat sliders for easy adjust-ability.

Next up is to consider options for the pedal platforms but completely out of clamps now.
Shame as been really enjoying this...

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While we await an update from RW65

Video examples, with dodgy pad driving:

Stormy Night Race Drive Club / F40
Highlighting some of the many cool effects within the game.

Project Cars PS4 Cockpit
Highlighting Interior Lighting/Shading
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Tactile Trials Begin
Ran my first tactile tests with the seat yesterday and today. Also got the four subs connected.
Only doing of course audio game tests at this time but with understanding if these are anyway good then Simvibe can only be better, much better...

The LFE units will have to be tried later when I get more clamps to be able to make suitable mounts. It has been almost 2 months since I have used the tactile and this is the first proper test to determine how effective the metal arms are going into the side of the seat.

* TST429 are rather audible, they could be a match to the volume of the TV but for me I like the added sound they produce. Proper speakers have not yet been added, this test was.
TV Audio / Dual TST 429 / Quad Subwoofers (All As Stereo)

Seat Testing

Surprisingly the increase or benefit is not as much as I thought it might be, yes it is still an improvement but I think because it is having to go through the leather and padding this is absorbing some of the tactile. Gain is about 10-15% over the standard tested connection but this may increase when the rear set are added.

The standard connection just goes through the seat mount point and into the mainframe of the seat without any of the additional arms. It is an example for the future, I do not plan on considering just one installation position/method with the thinking this will be good. Instead and I recommend this to anyone, always try at least 1 other option for comparison to determine what is better.

Rear TST
Having the tactile on the rear arm sections certainly gives more presence into the lower rear of the seat but if choosing a position it would for me be the front as it is felt more in the sides of the legs with my seat having high side bolsters. Of course I still intend to run dual sets so the complete configuration will have an increased effect to this test of only two. It does highlight for me however a possibility of changing the rear set to TST239 and utilise the T429 for the pedals and also front set on the seat.

Game Time
What strikes you right away is how tactile adds to the immersion. Not that I am any stranger to it but after being a while it was a nice addition to playing without it. I tried Drive Club/Forza 6 and Project Cars.

Only Project Cars from these lacks any kind of great stereo tactile effects, even though it has superb dynamics in its tactile output, to me on PS4 at least it is wonky, with what feels like dual mono effects for both sets of L/R wheels

The detail from Forza 6 in regard to outputting clear stereo effects is particularly good, while road detail is rather bland the kerbs feel really excellent with very clear distinction of L/R sides of the car. One point noticed in this early testing was when the Ford GT exhaust pops, their is a superb burble/pop you can feel which was unexpected but also great hearing it coming from the rear subs.

She Says "Thats A Wild Racket"
Excuse the term used to express the loudness by my wife's terminology...

You don't need subs for a good cockpit but oh gees, having the energy and life they bring into effects is just such an awesome addition. I felt again what I had been missing for so long with tests done almost 3 years ago when I bought these subs.

Quatre Subwoofer
Kerbs now have that real meaty thud to them, making them much more satisfying and for me yes having the audible bass resounding from the appropriate position is a sought after goal.

As this is game audio testing, engines of course also have so much more realism with the added bass and depth. Some very enjoyable, idle engine tick over as well as more excitement in acceleration, even a greater sense of adrenalin from high speed tarmac cams.

Drive Club has some superb car sounds and the Ferrari FXX was just INSANE with massive flamed exhaust burbles/pops and a screaming whaling engine. It just brings this spatial substance of octane pleasure to the normally bland atmosphere you get with tactile on its own and using with headphones.

I noticed something within Drive Club with the Aventador. Perhaps other cars exhibit it too but within cockpit view(s) (more bass) coming from high speed and into hard braking it produces this audible low frequency road noise of increased energy as you are decelerating and as if the chassis was being depressed more into the road.

Did not witness this when having the subs off. Yet it seems the bass rumble coming from I assume what is the sound pressure produced by the four sub-woofers in the room. It is this that produces the additional sense of drama not evident to me before and not something I get from good quality headphones neither. It perhaps comes across as silly from my expression/description but you get a sense of compressive energy enveloping you.

I found myself running a volume, higher and higher. To a point I got curious and measured on average @94db with a peak of 107.4 db. Now if only I had Dirt Rally! Much louder would be possible too but this already was approaching the limits of sustained levels causing damage to hearing.

So far it seems regards the tactile/sub implementation things are on target. I did have some rattles which highlighted some bolts needing tightened and with some tones, likely in the 60Hz range of mid bass. Their seemed a tad of metal reverb pinging at such volumes too at the connection arm the tactile was attached. This may need to be addressed in future by adding some "playsand" into the metal tubing, maybe "blended coffee" instead for additional aroma. :)

At the moment certainly for consoles game audio/tactile, it feels like all that is missing is the smell of exhaust fumes and burning rubber! Joking aside, future tests will of course be trialling the awesomeness of the LFE and things will then really get to feel good. Also a pedal section needs sorted for additional tactile testing. Still for me lots to be done for the build.

Glad however the subs have proved their worth for their intended purpose. Audio performance is also a crucial factor for my own build and the completed room will have to set a high standard for quality in this regard too. Another challenge as it is rather compact.

It may always be a static cockpit but the experience and sensation I want it to produce will be exceedingly engrossing.
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G’day ML, thanks for your patience & my apologies for taking time in getting this organised… with this post I am including some new sketches as attachments.

These new sketch attachments supersede all others… I also wish to include a brief dialogue in regards to my current Chassis build setup that will hopefully “clear the air” in regards to my previous confusing attempts to put into words my “mind’s eye” rendered hologram conceptions… pictures that have been with me for quite some time now.

I hope that this post, along with the sketches, will plug any holes in clarification & illuminate any dark areas, so please let me know if you think I may have missed anything or if you would like to discuss my build further… just for the record, my current Chassis build has your “crazy” ideas & inspiration written all over it… just thought you’d may like to know :bowdown:


Simvibe software feeding 8 x TU (Transducer Units)

4 x TU - CM (Chassis Mode)

4 x TU - EM (Extensions Mode)



2 x TU - CM – Pedal Rigs

Full Isolation from Chassis Floor

Left & Right Pedal Rig Separation



2 x TU - CM – Seat Rigs

Full Isolation from Chassis Floor

Left & Right Seat Rig Separation



1 x TU - EM – Roll Bar Rig

Full Isolation from Chassis Floor

Tactile Feed direct to Seat Shoulders Area



1 x TU - EM – FRONT TU – Located & mounted to the underside of the Chassis Floor between the Seat & the Heel Plate

Tactile Feed to;

*Cockpit Structure where the Steering Wheel is located

*Heel Plate

*The Seat – via Chassis Floor mounted “Widget” in direct contact with the Seats underside


1 x TU - EM – REAR TU – Located & mounted to the underside of the Chassis Floor behind the Seat

Tactile Feed to;

*Cockpit Structure where the Steering Wheel is located

*Heel Plate

*The Seat – via Chassis Floor mounted “Widget” in direct contact with the Seats underside


1 x TU - EM – CENTRE TU – Located & mounted to the underside of the Chassis Floor directly below the Seat

Tactile Feed to;

*Cockpit Structure where the Steering Wheel is located

*Heel Plate

*The Seat – via Chassis Floor mounted “Widget” in direct contact with the Seats underside


I hope that this, along with the new sketches clarify my Chassis build setup?

ML, if you or others are generously wishing to input some Simvibe effect ideas to my specific TU locations, my door is open to all recommendations.

Thanks also ML, for sharing your pictures on this thread, your build is coming along nicely & I hope to see more!

Cheers for now :cheers:


  • Chassis Floor - Dec 2015.pdf
    470.3 KB · Views: 36
  • Pedal Rig - Dec 2015.pdf
    446.3 KB · Views: 31
  • Seat Rig - Dec 2015.pdf
    485.6 KB · Views: 30
Looked over your plans, layout seems much the same? Still not certain in an all wooden cockpit with this amount of tactile neither tbh but you still seem convinced you can make it work.

We have covered a lot and I've spent many,many hours trying to highlight to you what are the factors, looking to see how the best Simvibe configuration is achievable. I spent about 2 hours writing this post, redoing it several times, finding myself saying a load of the same repeated stuff again, going into even more boring long paragraphs, again. I'm stressed enough as it is and just in a bad place at the moment with other things....

So instead I came up with this.

We clearly are on the same journey but going by very different paths.
What you have planned is much different to my own "assumed optimal configuration" including the materials to be used.

I have done crappy drawn layouts, showed and discussed various alternatives to highlight possible advantages/drawbacks. Given you a way to do points/scores to compare possible planned configurations. These it seems you have quickly discarded, well we never really discussed much of that input given. So I can only assume you want to stick with an all wood build, go with your own configuration/ideas and possibly see it as a better alternative in achieving what really are the same goals we both have.

Sick suggesting this but to me ANY configuration regards CM if seeking MAX possible performance.
It is already at a disadvantage if it does not incorporate both the recommended tactile types across ALL 4 and implement them successfully within the build. I see this as the NO.1 PRIORITY and also an importance in ensuring seat/pedals regards CM are identical for optimal effects distribution across front/back sections of the cockpit.

Whats interesting is your method of 3 LFE and only TST on the CM? In my view this offers much less potential. I would understand more if the costs was a factor but your build by your own admission seems to be setting a high target and costs are not so much the issue. How you fail to see the benefits of dual units puzzles me but welcome you to discuss and explain why you want to go with something different. I cannot come up with a better solution for a layout, to me it is simple, the harder part is cleverly implementing it into a build and utilising Simvibe etc to make the most of it.
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G’day ML, thanks for your support & feedback again.

Yes, I agree that my planned layout hasn’t changed much from my original design many months ago, the only exception is that I have removed the 4 x TU in CM from the Chassis Floor itself & now have them directly linked to the pedals & seat, with full isolation from the Chassis Floor, allowing for the 3 x TU in EM that are mounted to the Chassis Floor to dominate over a totally quiet or “clean slate” & do their thing.

So, whilst being mounted to the Chassis Floor, what is their thing?


Centre TU - LFE (mounted to underside of wooden Chassis Floor, directly below the seat, tactile feed to the Cockpit / the Heel Plate / the underside of the Seat’s bottom via widget)

ONE continuous effect only, a thunderous Engine RPM, from idle to 35% of the maximum RPM redline, then to cut-off completely… job done.

Occasional effects – none


Front TU - either LFE or TST429 - (mounted to underside of wooden Chassis Floor, between the Seat & the Pedals, tactile feed to the Cockpit / the Heel Plate / the underside of the Seat’s bottom via widget)

Continuous effects – none

Occasional effects – (either two or three from this list)

Wheel Lockup

Gear Change


Road Bumps (medium to large)

Vertical Surges

Vertical Texture


Rear TU - either LFE or TST429 - (mounted to underside of wooden Chassis Floor, behind the Seat, tactile feed to the Cockpit / the Heel Plate / the underside of the Seat’s bottom via widget)

Continuous effects – none

Occasional effects – (either two or three from this list)

Wheel Lockup

Gear Change


Road Bumps (medium to large)

Vertical Surges

Vertical Texture


Fabricated Metal Roll Bar TU - TST429 (direct contact with the seat at shoulders area, fully isolated from the wooden Chassis Floor)

ONE continuous effect only, light Engine RPM, throughout the entire RPM range, nothing to heavy or serious, more of an unconscious or slight buzz so as not to interfere with the Seat Rig TU’s in CM… job done.

Occasional effects – none


Fabricated Metal Pedal Rigs - TST429 (toes only, not the heels) – 2 x TU in CM

Continuous (&/or) Occasional effects – (either two or three from this list)

Front Suspension Bump Surges

Front Suspension Bumps

Front Suspension Texture


Fabricated Metal Seat Rigs - TST429 (tactile delivered through the Seat from the Seat’s own side mounting rails – 2 x TU in CM

Continuous (&/or) Occasional effects – (either two or three from this list)

Front Suspension Bump Surges

Front Suspension Bumps

Front Suspension Texture


ML, obviously, I know nothing on how the Simvibe software actually delivers the effects I have listed above, so this is just my first “heads up” on the type of effects I am interested in & have listed above for your perusal… with real-time testing (when I finally get myself into the financial position to do this), these effects will possibly change once again after analysing both the individual & more importantly, the combined effects total result.

I would like to stress here that I am still uncertain on how the IMPACT effects are distributed… ideally, if my virtual car was hit from the front left hand corner, then (if I had IMPACTS allocated to CM instead of EM on the Chassis Floor) I would experience & “feel” exclusively, the IMPACT collision ONLY in the throttle/brake/foot-rest area in my LEFT foot TOES… can anyone offer their own experience with just the FRONT LHS TU in CM firing exclusively on its own, or do ALL four TU’s in CM fire at the same time if the above example were to occur?

I am hoping it is the former as I would definitely prefer to have a “small” bump to the LHS toes combined with a “larger” EM Chassis Floor IMPACT, delivered by either the Front TU, Rear TU or perhaps both?

In summary, unless I have a definitive answer to the example above, I will most probably retain the IMPACT effects in EM to the Chassis Floor (Front TU / Rear TU or Both), which will feed the tactile to both the Cockpit, the Heel Plate & also the Seat, via the Chassis Floor mounted widget, which is in direct contact with the underside of the Seat.

Can anyone offer me this answer with the IMPACT effect in CM above?

To save myself a potentially (but fun) time consuming enterprise once I am finally up & running with the hardware, I was hoping that other Simvibe users who are reading this thread, can generously provide some already successful Simvibe “set-ups” & post them here… again, this will be greatly appreciated.

OK, I think I’m all out of fancy & descriptive words for the minute, ML… if there is anything else that you think I am possibly missing… perhaps the BIG picture or an elephant in the refrigerator… hoping you can slap me straight 💡

Cheers for now