I don't think these Chinese signs in BC are street signs are they? More like store signs, which isn't anything unusual here. Lots of them in every big or small city here. There are Arabic only signs in Windsor where I live for example. There are huge areas of Toronto where there are Chinese only signs and it's been that way for as long as I can remember. Not streets signs of course, but business signs.
Wait if they're non-Government signs then this is a non-issue..
Sure it's not the most integrative thing to do but I wouldn't advocate forcing businesses to comply with dual language signs.
I think that has more to do with the NHS, and how it pays medical professionals, than any kind of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism allows doctors to make the move, but that isn't anything new in the last 20 years.
But if your doctors are fleeing, direct them to the US. We have a health workforce shortage crisis eminent because far more doctors are ready to retire than are coming out of medical school.
No it's not the fault of multiculturalism. And you'd be wrong in thinking it's a pay issue..
Our GPs (your Primary Care Physicians) are actually among the highest paid in the world. A decade ago the Labour Government, in all its infinite wisdom gave GPs the chance to opt out of 'Out of hours' work for only a 6% pay cut. The doctor's answer? Well let's just say the BMA's thought process (our Doctors union) summed it up pretty nicely:
GPs were so stunned by the terms offered to them when negotiating their new contract that they thought it was a "bit of a laugh", a doctor has said.
With bonus incentives a GP can add considerably to their basic pay, meaning their average salary is over the 100k mark. All for doing less work.
Yes people -
the NHS is safe in Labour's hands!
So with this in mind, why are graduates not jumping into the easy life of being a GP. Aha! Now THIS is where multiculturalism plays a role, or rather our impossibly stupid immigration policy. To be fair immigration is like the infections as the socialist mentality of the NHS is to having HIV. That is to say doctors don't want to work for a socialist system, and the unmitigated disaster of open season immigration has tipped the scales to "screw this, I'm out before I even begin". Then of course there's the perception that being a GP is a failed career, so work has to be done to "sex up" the specialty. Australia, being a smart western country is wise to this, and openly advertises to our graduates with the promise of 'sun, less work, more money - and oh, we actually have a pretty nice community over here'. It's why we bleed Junior doctors to the land down under. As for America, you have to get board certified to practice there - and board exams are no joke.
Multiculturalism in Medicine? A disaster - and this is through from student level (teaching and peers), through employment (bullying, 'us and them' mentality) to consultancy (discrimination, unfair expectations).
It doesn't have to be like this. America is an example of how to do multiculturalism in Medicine. As it is over here, let's go through one example from my placement today:
A FMG (Foreign Medical Graduate) SHO (Senior House Officer, which is a grade just after being a junior doctor) walked out in the middle of a consultant ward round, had to ask the consultant to repeat her orders, lied about finding a JVP (Jugular Venous Pulse) and condensed information given to the team from this message from the Cardio Registrar:
"So Mr. X's pacemaker is fine to stay in. He is sinus tachy and the sinus pauses aren't something to be alarmed about due to his chest infection. The atrial arrythmias should be monitored and if you have to treat you can try Beta Blockers if his chest will tolerate it and if not then Amiodarone."
"We can give Metoprolol (a beta blocker) or Amiodarone if we need to"