I dont even know where to begin so I will just randomly babble on.
The Hydratech hydraboost worked perfect!!! Even after each 20 minute session I never had a single problem. I had to add PS fluid because it would come out of the PS pump cap but thats not a big deal and its no ones fault. The rear QA1 shocks were very very nice. I set them to 5-6 on the track and they did real well. 5 on the highway is perfect too. They ride soo nice. I need to get some for the front for sure.
When we got there the track was wet from rain. Then it dried just in time to rain again a few hours later. It rained off and on a couple times.
My car did fantastic. I was allowed 1 passenger at a time so I brought practically everyone out with me. I took it easier than I did last year because I had passengers. Heather went for the first ride on the wet track and my mom was the 2nd person that went with me. Then her brother went a few times then heather again. It was really cool having passengers out there. Even though I was taking it a lot easier on the car it still was way more fun with passengers.
At lunch time we were allowed to load the cars up with as many people as we wanted but could only go 20-30mph. Still really cool because I brought my 2 year old nephew and all the other nephews and nieces with me. At one point I had over 7 kids in my car. And it was great to seee the back 3 point seat belts put to use. They all loved it.
There was a 65 Mustang there that really shocked me. It was the original red faded paint job like heathers used to be. Now listen to this part about that mustang. I get out onto the track and see him behind me quite a ways. I look again and hes right on me. I thought wow! So when he got close enough I let him pass. It was very quite. Not too much longer he blew his radiator and was off the track . So after the race I try to find him in the pits. I look the car over and it looks like a normal mustang with a few dents and original faded paint. Then I look inside. 5 speed manual tranny!! Then.........the engine. DANG! Brand new Mustang engine. Not sure of the year engine but it was from a newer mustang. THen to top that off it is supercharged!!!! Heather said "Holy crap thats a sleeper from hell" lol I only saw him on the track a couple times because he was having a lot of bad luck. I got video of him passing me which I will post eventually. I also have some pics to post.
My friend had his SRT Neon out there and we had a fun battle for a few laps. I caught up to him then eventually passed. After I got stuck behind a car or 2 he caught up again and I let him pass. It was great fun and all on video too. I have a new respect for those SRT Neons. They handle better than I would have imagined.
Here is the best news of the entire event. Heather had sooo much fun and she really really wants to bring her 67 Mustang to the next event. We are going to try to bring it to the upcoming event on June 30th at Grattan. It is not fast at all and only has a 6 cylinder but she will still have fun since you dont need a fast car to have a great time out there.
I will post some pics and videos eventually of the vipers, open wheeled cars and all the other cars out there.
Just wanted to thank Dennis Lex(DLEX) for setting this up and I look forward to future events.
Couple teaser pics from the friday event at Gingerman. I will post more pics when I get them all hosted.