NASCAR at Motegi Speedway: Setup Discussion

  • Thread starter Adrenaline
I see a lot of jibber jabber going on, but not a lot of tunes posted for the Motegi setup. In fact, no full tunes posted for more than two weeks. Just my opinion but I think if you're going to participate on this thread and are working on the car, you should be posting your tune because that's the purpose of the thread isn't it?:sly: After all the title of the thread isn't,

"I'm Going to Tell Everyone About How Fast I am and How Long my Tires Will Last but Not Post my Tune"...:)
well guys I can't help it I don't have high speed internet, and I'm setting my car up offline so I will have a base point when I do get to get online wednesday. I'll happily post my tune later, but I don't see any need in posting it when everyone else is running 28's and 29's and I'm running lower 30's. If I post it can someone test it online for me and tell me how it does?
alright man
top speed-211

Thanks for testing it for me man!
Honestly this is the loosest setup I've tried..... I can make it thought turns 3&4 but not 1&2... The most laps I could get was 3 lol! I don't know how anybody could handle that car
Sorry the result wasn't what you were looking for.... I tested the tune and that's what happened.... Honestly I couldn't even complete a lap... Was it that loose offline? Sorry i wasn't any help just told you what happened
no it wasn't that loose offline. I'm just trying to get decent lap times, because with everyone else running 28's and 29's and me running 30's I stand no chance.
Welcome to my world.I jump in a online lobby and im Lucky if I can keep up with these guys its crazy just keep trying and testing the car.if it was easy everyone would do it
yeah alot of these setups i have already tested and trashed the tranny setups r not fast u pretty much have to tune your own car for driving style thats what i did and had the most success
I know its not easy, it just drives me insane that everyone else is running 28-29's and im running 30's, so i'm obviously doing something wrong:scared:
alright man
top speed-211

Thanks for testing it for me man!

Sorry X, you kinda came in on the wrong note, but it appears as if it was a genuine mistake, not knowing the differences between online and offline. Unfortunately for you, they are drastic, so your best bet would have been to drop it, rather than try to defend yourself, digging into a deeper hole. Regardless, let's move on from this aspect for the benefit of the thread.

I didn't drive your tune, but what worries me, is that he told you it was loose, and you don't know how to fix that. I can tell you the largest flaw, is probably the ride height. You have too much negative rake, meaning the rear is too low, relative to the front. The other tunes appear to be using 15/0 or 15/5. 15/-5 is just too much. When you go to start tweaking online, I'd say just add 5 if not 10 to the rear ride height, and use that as a new baseline. Offline you can get away with far more extreme values due to the increased grip. Online this is not the case. Personally, I don't even drive cars offline anymore, as it truly is a waste of time.

Looking forward to some more incoming tunes.
Sorry for the confusion Adrenaline and everybody else, as I don't have the convenience of going online and tuning:indiff:, but I hope to change that wednesday, when we finally get high speed, sooo...I'll post another setup by the end of the week, and then you guys can tell me what you think:sly:
I haven't raced Motegi since the beginning of this thread really, so I'm the wrong person to ask. At the time, I just used Jake's setup, could only run a best of 29.3, and I think I could make it last 8-10 laps. But that was slightly off pace weeks ago, I can only assume by now, it's no longer even competitive. I might log on today, or tomorrow and maybe try to get some laps in, but Tuesday is my League race, and all of my GT5 playtime usually goes into that.
There's almost a trick to gettin through 3 and 4 fast enough to run low 29s our 28s, just having s good setup isn't enough
Here my setup so far down force...50/70 Jake's transmission setup...LSD 20/25/50...suspension RH 15/5...SR 19.0/16.3...Ext 2/4...Comp...3/4...Roll 6/5...Camber 1.0/0.9...Toe -0.90/-0.90... if i turn my wheel alittle too much the front tires still glow.I get 7-8 laps on a set of SR tires fastest lap I've ran was a 29.6.
Well i haven't completely mastered it that's the problem but when it goes right for me I've entered 3 high then let off and roll down to the bottom and pick up the gas and have the back end just loose enough to bring it around and not wash up the track, but time it wrong its a mess.I've had the same setup run 2 secs slower depending on how good 3 and 4 goes