- 8,016
- GTP_Royalton
Just because it's going to be boring for you doesn't mean it's going to be boring for the rest of us. I, for one, can't wait to give it a shot.
I dont think its boring just saying stock cars dont handle well on a road course.
Heres a video of me driving the #18 Hardees Days of Thunder car in an online NR2003 race. (NR2003's physic engine is an older version of iRacing's physics engine) Notice all the brakes locking up, wheel spin, crashes, its very tough. Its a nice break from all the ovals but not something Id want to do the most of in a stock car.
P3nT4gR4mI did watch it one night. Whole race, start to finish, just to see what all the fuss was about. It didn't do it for me I'm afraid but I am prepared to concede that it might be fun to actually play if it's done right. Kinda like how I find golf boring as crap to watch on teevee but it's okay to actually play.
Unfortunately the only experience I have racing on ovals is GT5p in non-Nas-cars and it sucked the sweat off a dead man's butt from where I was sitting.
Im not sure if one race would always be enough, especially if it wasn't a very good one. If someone who hated F1 tuned in for the Spanish Grand Prix from flag to flag I dont think their minds will change. I'm not saying if you watched a whole season you'd like it, but you'd almost certainly respect it more because you'd understand everything that goes into it and that its far more then just going in circles. Not everybody is alike and not everybody will like every motorsport, but if you asked me I couldn't find one motorsport that I'd call stupid or boring. Heck even lawn mower racing looks fun.
I dont expect everyone to like NASCAR and oval racing but its not as bad as alot of people make it out to be. The common idea that if there were right hand turns the difficulty would suddenly ramp up. If NASCAR built a figure 8 track with a bridge in the middle would the challenge suddenly ramp up because of left and right hand turns? Thats rediculous.
Its like how all the soccer haters in the United States absolutely dog the sport to death and trash it all the time when if they understood it more they'd know its not that bad. You dont become as popular as NASCAR or soccer if it was as boring or terrible as alot of people say it is. As I've said before NASCAR is a book with a very plain looking cover (oval tracks, conservative cars) but there is alot more to it if you take the time to seriously watch it. Some time its just as simple as needing a diver to back. If Michael Schumacher or Alonso was in the front of that pack at Last weeks daytona 500 heading to the line I'd bet you even F1 fans would be going crazing. But you show them the finish now and they'd probably yawn. Crazy how that works.