• Thread starter Masi_23
Wow Dave, you are really passionate about this. With Ed Martin in charge of eutechnykx making the game, I honestly feel you won't be getting a carbon physics copy of Ferrari Challenge and Supercar Challenge. I strongly doubt he'll even allow them to be lazy like that given how Stock cars are much different beasts from any other race car. As far as I can tell, I think its funny that potentially two developing companies from overseas will do a far better job then the crap EA spewed out. Not to say so much that America can't, but EA was the only Hope America had and they blew it.

I have faith that PD and Eutechnykx will put enough care and polish that'll actually have the fans love it.
Boy if they cut out Iracing they'll be alot of pissed off drivers. My buddy told me that IW was done with COD. But I've never read any hard evidence that stated they were done. Just rumors. Can you confirm this?

Yea Eutechnyx seems to make some crap games. NASCAR is taking a big risk giving it to the same guys that made Big Motha Trucker. My hope is that Ed Martin can base the game engine off the EA Thunder games. Who know he may still have a base copy of Thunder's engine.

But I like many think that the online NASCAR GT5 is gonna be a mess. I like what Ed Martin says about online play, and you can't just set us lose around Daytona. Cause if someone starts rubbing me I'll ease into there quarter panel and put them in the wall. But if I'm racing a full season against people I play with every night then I'll probably ignore it and try to do my best for points. Thats the difference. If you can make a league then its way better.

5 tracks = no season no points. Whats to stop people from making it a wreak fest? And we all know how many un seasoned oval drivers are gonna log on and try to race ovals, thinking this is gonna be easy. I'll just turn left.
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I just want it to be as realistic as possible...unlike the EA games where at a plate track, you could get out in the lead alone and stretch your lead by 5-6 seconds...doing 220 MPH at a plate track...fold a left front quarter panel and still be as fast as you were with a perfect car...the AI on offline races all other 42 cars pitted together...have actual tire wear that sheds speed...stuff like that....
The blow up with IW was, what, 6 months ago? Loads of info on he web.

I suppose Eutecnyx will be better than GRiD skinned as NASCAR. One feature I hope they can add is some sort of custom skinning. RACECAR and WallRunner (amongst a lot of others) made so killer skins for NASCAR 09. Too bad EA had a goofy locker system and not simple file sharing to a PS3 hard drive.
The blow up with IW was, what, 6 months ago? Loads of info on he web.

I suppose Eutecnyx will be better than GRiD skinned as NASCAR. One feature I hope they can add is some sort of custom skinning. RACECAR and WallRunner (amongst a lot of others) made so killer skins for NASCAR 09. Too bad EA had a goofy locker system and not simple file sharing to a PS3 hard drive.

But it isn't clear if IW will continue to produce COD or not. The game just made to much money and people got greedy. Lawsuits happen between companies and business continues. No one knows. Everyone is just assuming cause of a lawsuit.

Sounds like to me the two dudes that got fired were using company money for what ever they wanted.
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What, if anything, concerns you all the most regarding NASCAR in GT5? I would probably worry about how races would run. I remember playing EA Sports' NASCAR games (starting with NASCAR 07 that I would barely tap somebody or be unaware that something flies off of my car, and I'd cause the Pace/Safety Car to be on the track. Then too, those games have horribly unrealistic damage.

But... what concerns you all the most about NASCAR in GT5, if anything?
What, if anything, concerns you all the most regarding NASCAR in GT5? I would probably worry about how races would run. I remember playing EA Sports' NASCAR games (starting with NASCAR 07 that I would barely tap somebody or be unaware that something flies off of my car, and I'd cause the Pace/Safety Car to be on the track. Then too, those games have horribly unrealistic damage.

But... what concerns you all the most about NASCAR in GT5, if anything?

Oh man you started in 07 you poor poor fan. To bad the last good NASCAR games were in 03 and some say 04.

What concerns me most is.....bad handling. GT fanboys racing online ovals and making a joke out of it. And no DLC for NASCAR.
Yes, i loved NASCAR Thunder 03' also. The close racing was great, although not the same could be said with the Restrictor Plate tracks. I loved NASCAR since then... although i have not come out of the closet from my real life friends.
The only great EA NASCAR game I had was NASCAR Thunder 2002. In steep contrast to NASCAR 09 have terrible AI that even at its hardest levels couldn't keep up (all the while on default settings), 02 had some good AI. At the restrictor plate tracks, I very often found myself trying to block the lanes from getting a run on me and the bump drafting worked just like it would in real life. I'm hoping but at the same time hopeful about PD getting the drafting to work well for Daytona, the bumps will certainly add to the drama as well.
Oh man you started in 07 you poor poor fan. To bad the last good NASCAR games were in 03 and some say 04.

What concerns me most is.....bad handling. GT fanboys racing online ovals and making a joke out of it. And no DLC for NASCAR.

I agree with you 100%
I really hope NASCAR allows PD to use the repaved Daytona, or at least make it DLC come time for the 500.

I'm wondering how PD will handle pack racing. In GT5p with some online races, the cars could be tuned (de-tuned) to promote full throttle pack racing. Lots of fun. Gar529 figured it out.
I think even with 16 cars to a track, NASCAR should still be pretty intense to race in GT5. Slipstream battle is nothing new if you've played GT3 and (especially) GT4. I have to imagine drafting successfully in GT5 using these cars.

Away from this, here is all of my NASCAR experience in gaming:
* NASCAR Racing (1994, PC)
* NASCAR Racing 2 and 1999 Edition (PC)
* NASCAR Arcade (Sega/EA Sports, Arcade)
* NASCAR Thunder '04 (Demo) (2004, PS2)
* NASCAR 07 (PS2)
* NASCAR 08 (PS2)
* NASCAR 09 (PS2)

I wish I could say that I've played NASCAR Racing 3, NASCAR Racing 4, the NASCAR Heat games, and the highly-regarded NASCAR Racing 2003, but I haven't played those. And I know my man RACECAR certainly likes NR2003. I definitely have NASCAR gaming experience, so this will help with GT5.
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I am really really looking forward to it. The original NASCAR racing was one of my first ever games when my dad first bought a Pentium 90. It rocked SO hard. Even had a livery editor :dopey:

I'm gonna rip the soundtrack and listen to it on loop as I play GT5.
One thing I hope is that PD have made a bunch of alternative liveries. If we can't edit them ourselves, we need quite a few to choose from. Sigh... Maybe in time...
Okay, people... I played GT5 again, mostly with the NASCAR stock cars. This time, racing with the Professional driving model. I'm going to edit my blog entry about my first impressions on GT5 with edited thoughts. First thing I must say... the Professional model makes you appreciate that racing a stock car is NOT easy. I did both Indianapolis and both street courses (Neo-Rome (which I'm using to discuss GT5's version of Rome Circuit) and Tokyo R246. It makes you more fearful of the low-speed properties of stock cars. Also, it's tough trying to ride the inside curbing while also trying to keep a consistent line. Too much throttle riding into the curbs almost assures you will spin out and wreck that pretty little stock car of yours.

Again, I will edit my blog entry with more first impressions on racing stock cars. I did NOT race the Nürburgring Nordschleife.
JohnBM01. Thats good news. Now if PD can get some DLC out before Eutechnyx game comes out. There may be no need to purchase NASCAR The Game 2011. But I'm not betting on it. Its taken them a 53 years to put out GT5. :-)

Just to keep yall up to date Eutechnyx site became official today. They upgraded there forum and page sometime around noon i guess.
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I recently updated my blog entry regarding my first impressions with the GT5 demo. I noted the low-speed handling and physics of stock cars under the Professional model. It is MUCH tougher keeping a stock car on the road with the Professional model. If you regard this as a quality simulation of stock cars, then you'll earn greater appreciation that stock cars aren't that easy to drive. Again, more information in my updated blog entry.
Activision is not making the NASCAR game, Ferrari Challeng and Supercar Challenge are (Eutecnix sp?). With how crappy those games handle, this game will be a bust! Unless they use a new physics engine. I can't stand how those games feel!

Hi Dave et all. I hardly ever post in this forum because I know discussions often go overboard ... but ... with all politeness I must state that Ferrari Challenge and the latest, better, Supercar Challenge, both from Eutechnyx, are very, VERY good games. And I'm amazed that you can't stand how those games feel, because the FEEL you got from them was what made them noted.

Hard to drive? Of course. Crappy? Nope.

If in doubt, refer to this thread, perhaps the longest standing, most enlightened and balanced discussion about FC and GT5P strengths and weaknesses.

But this post is just to say this: Having Eutechnyx as the next NASCAR game developer is good news for any sim-racing fan, and especially for any NASCAR fan.
Hun200kmh thats good to hear. Anyone else ever played any Eutechnyx racing games?

There screenshots look nice. The game seems to be pretty far along. They said in one of the threads that gameplay footage isn't to far away from being released.
If it's up-to-date, it won't have bumps.

Thing is, the old Daytona is in GT5 so it will have bumps. Now there is the possibility that it could be updated to not have bumps like the real track, but then again no car has even been on the newly repaved Daytona so it might not necessarily be smooth as you imply.
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Hun200kmh thats good to hear. Anyone else ever played any Eutechnyx racing games?

There screenshots look nice. The game seems to be pretty far along. They said in one of the threads that gameplay footage isn't to far away from being released.

Not replying directly to not take this thread away from "NASCAR in GT5", I think you'll get more info if you go here:

There's a thread about NTG (Nascar The Game) in there.
As long as it still gets tight coming off of turn 2 at Daytona then we are good...LOL...What about Darlington? Will the groove actually be up by the wall in turn 3 and 4 or will it be like EA and you can run on the apron and be as fast as the guys running up in what should be the "proper groove"...Darlington is one of my most fav tracks to run in a NASCAR games..that and Martinsville....
Hun200kmh thanks i'll stop trolling in here.

Reflex Moto is Darlington even gonna be in the game. So far the only tracks I know that are confirmed are Daytona and Indy. Right?
Hun200kmh thanks i'll stop trolling in here.

Reflex Moto is Darlington even gonna be in the game. So far the only tracks I know that are confirmed are Daytona and Indy. Right?

Sorry, I was talking about the NASCAR THE GAME far as I know you are spot on with GT5 and Daytona and Indy...

I should really post my opinions of NTG 2011 in the thread linked above from now apologies
I must be spoiled...After seeing the screenshots of Nascar 2011 I'm not even interested...GR5 has set the bar so high in the looks department that it makes everything else look like rubbish...