National Finals preparation meets/spec racing (NA) All welcome!

  • Thread starter Wardez
Well there's been severe weather here in SJ and its looking like power is gonna be out all week. Not a very happy camper. Must find power and internet.
If anyone is still wanting the GT Academy GT-R or 370Z add me as a friend and say which you want. Sunday trade is open. First come, first served.

Someone was supposed to send FR last night but I fell asleep around 10p woke up around 1a, checked FRs, none there so I assumed he already picked it up from someone and went to bed.

FR sent... I need the Z

Be about 5 min. gotta run the backup, etc.

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If anyone is still wanting the GT Academy GT-R or 370Z add me as a friend and say which you want. Sunday trade is open. First come, first served.

Someone was supposed to send FR last night but I fell asleep around 10p woke up around 1a, checked FRs, none there so I assumed he already picked it up from someone and went to bed.

FR sent... I need the Z

Be about 5 min. gotta run the backup, etc.



I painted it pink and punted it down the line to Gumball 👍
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It's so pretty lol. And nasty I'll send the Z I just got your way in a little bit. I'm still in need of the GTR though if anyone has one.

If you don't already have it by tomorrow evening send me an FR and I'll get it to you.
Ugh still waiting on second email! Has everyone all ready got there next email?

Are you referring to the travel email or just a reply from Rich? After I sent my affidavit and all that I got a reply from Rich saying he would be in touch soon with travel arrangements. Other than that I haven't gotten anything else.

Oh and Nasty your Z has been sent :sly:
Room started! I plan on being on all day and getting in some good racing.

Room #: 1472-6399-9009-5384-6211

ill join you in a little while.

As far as email i sent him a email asking about if they had got my fax. He said basically that because they might have got it to late friday or even saturday that the people that reveive it might not have got to paperwork yet and sent it to him to contact me. So i guess i might be waiting to monday. And dragon the reason you still getting emails is because you got your stuff faxed early and know you only have to deal with that guy Rich.
Wish I could join you guys. This no electric stuff is for the birds. And I got an email from rich today basically asking what airport and time would be best for me.

At least I got my phone and 4g while the electric is out. Hate to see my data usage this month when the bill comes in.
Wish I could join you guys. This no electric stuff is for the birds. And I got an email from rich today basically asking what airport and time would be best for me.

At least I got my phone and 4g while the electric is out. Hate to see my data usage this month when the bill comes in.

Bummer about the storm Jersey, at least your safe. When we had all those hurricanes back in 2004 I was out of power for a week straight three separate times in a 2 month period. It was horrible, especially because we didn't have cool cell phones back then. The best sound you'll hear is that power coming back on. Electricity has a silent hum to it that you don't notice until its not on.

The good news for me is my wife is sick, so I won't have any resistance logging in as soon as my son goes to bed. :)
Looking forward to doing some more racing with you guys this evening. I should be on around 8pm EST.

I'm looking forward to another clinic. Great driving the other night! My rust keeps falling off, but I need to find some more speed to keep up with your pace.
I'm looking forward to another clinic. Great driving the other night! My rust keeps falling off, but I need to find some more speed to keep up with your pace.

Haha, I didn't see any rust on your game bud! You were super fast and always have great lines! I look forward to some close wheel to wheel racing with you later. Hope your wife feels better.
Haha, I didn't see any rust on your game bud! You were super fast and always have great lines! I look forward to some close wheel to wheel racing with you later. Hope your wife feels better.

Yeah, me too. The only benefit to her being sick is more sim time at night, which in the scheme of things isn't that big of a deal. See you soon!
Well i have a opinon about are race rooms, i think we should only allow finalists and previous finalists or people we know that are clean. Way to many randoms keep coming in the rooms driving like idiots today.
Well i have a opinon about are race rooms, i think we should only allow finalists and previous finalists or people we know that are clean. Way to many randoms keep coming in the rooms driving like idiots today.

that's why we used lounges last year.
Well i have a opinon about are race rooms, i think we should only allow finalists and previous finalists or people we know that are clean. Way to many randoms keep coming in the rooms driving like idiots today.
Yeah the first couple days it was really good clean racing. Now some Poeple are blocking, dive bombing, and turning into corners as if no one is under them.
that's why we used lounges last year.

I think lounges are good idea and if someone who wants to race with us who is in top 32 but hasnt been on they just need say something and they can get on friend list. I have a majority of the finalists on my friend list all ready.

And gonzago completely agree first couple days were pretty good, now it seems to get worse every day.
Wow. That last race was really unstable. Cars ghosting and glitching around everywhere. Think everyone might want to consider clearing their system cache once a day if you aren't already doing it. Haven't cleared mine in a week or more.

I'm not in the finals but I hope I haven't been in the way of anyone yet. At least during a race. I know I've clogged up the pre-race qual/practice sessions a few times. It's been a lot of fun running with you gentleman and hopefully osmosis will work and I'll get better by association. You all are the best in the world at this and it's a privilege to be on the same track with any of you.
Well i have a opinon about are race rooms, i think we should only allow finalists and previous finalists or people we know that are clean. Way to many randoms keep coming in the rooms driving like idiots today.

I would totally understand you guys doing that. As a random person who joined a room last night my only goals were to be clean and stay out of the way. Was really fun to watch you guys pull away:( For alot of us we just want a chance to watch just how good you are. I can not wait to see how you guys get on at the finals.
Wow. That last race was really unstable. Cars ghosting and glitching around everywhere. Think everyone might want to consider clearing their system cache once a day if you aren't already doing it. Haven't cleared mine in a week or more.

I'm not in the finals but I hope I haven't been in the way of anyone yet. At least during a race. I know I've clogged up the pre-race qual/practice sessions a few times. It's been a lot of fun running with you gentleman and hopefully osmosis will work and I'll get better by association. You all are the best in the world at this and it's a privilege to be on the same track with any of you.

Perhaps those of us who did not make the cut (I only missed it by 335 lol) should start some rooms and allow the finalists some space. I loved the racing but do not want to get in there way!
tonight didnt go too well for me, my connection was effed up, my ps3 froze twice, i was consistently 2 seconds a lap slower than the pack, and when i wasnt being put into a wall by some random, i would make a mistake and put myself into a wall instead. also anytime leguna seca gets picked from now on im just going to leave, that track brings my piss to a boil. :ouch:
Ok, here's what we'll do: I'll make a master dummy GT Academy PSN account. This way every one only has to add one "friend" to get access to a central private lounge for us to use to practice... privately.

I'll explain the basics of private lounges for those finalists new to GT5 here so we don't have to do it again later:
For those who aren't familiar with the differences between a public lobby and a private lounge/lobbie, it's a room you can open yourself by going into the community tab in the game menu. The difference is that in private lounges only friends and friends of your friends may enter the room to race, it's not listed on the lobby selection list.

*It opens on your profile by default. You'll notice a few things toward the center, a row of all your friends listed by their GT portraits, a messaging icon for sending in-game mail, and a coffee cup. That coffe cup is the private lounge icon, select it to open one up. In order to join someone else's lounge you have to go to their community section by looking for their name through the center portrait list, then selecting them. If they are currently in any room, both private or public, you'll notice an orange bubble icon right on the top of the coffee icon. This "bubble" is actually a button which is pretty much a "follow this driver" button that will show you the room they're in and with what people, then allow you to join it by selecting so. Do not select the coffee cup if there's no bubble icon because that will only open their lounge. You can open your friends lounges as well as your own*

For this to work, we would usually have to try and add as many of each other as we*can and designate a few volunteer main*hosts.

But what we can do instead is make a dummy GT Academy PSN account. This way every one only has to add once "friend," any friend of this account can then open the dummy account's personal lounge. As soon as that lounge is activated, any other friend can join it.

But we'll have to be good about announcing when a lounge is open more.

Another alternative to this, temporary solution, is to just make all the finalists and people from GTP that want to join change their room join auto-message.

Something like, "GTA GTP."

Then just kick anyone else who joins.

For now, go on as usual. I'll set up the account tonight once I'm home from work.
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Perhaps those of us who did not make the cut (I only missed it by 335 lol) should start some rooms and allow the finalists some space. I loved the racing but do not want to get in there way!

I would not mind joining a room like that, it would be like the GTA support series, :sly:. After spending a week with these guys, I now know what I need to work on. I can barely keep up, and I am too far behind to get in the way. I just take the starts slow, give the finalist the room they need, and hope I can pick off a few of them throughout the race.
I'm definitely in favor of a private lobby. Looks like I'll probably be able to get on for an hour or so tonight (finally), and my next week is pretty free so I'll be on quite a lot.
But what we can do instead is make a dummy GT Academy PSN account. This way every one only has to add once "friend," any friend of this account can then open the dummy account's personal lounge. As soon as that lounge is activated, any other friend can join it.

This generally works great. As long as we're good about accepting friend requests on the shell account. 👍