Oh, Terry is an idiot. Anyone who does what James did on the court is also an idiot. I used to play a lot of ball(never organized), when some idiot posterize a defender so much smaller than he is, even his teammates congratulated them with sarcasm, and we aren't even talking about catching the defender out of position. Finally, the stare down, that one is a borderline retarded move. I don't care if you were my favorite player, I would be embarrassed for any player staring down after that play. It's blatantly clear that his I.Q. is not where his basketball I.Q. is.
P.S. I got close to getting posterized once. This guy was running at the rim, full speed & straight on. He had just posterized my friend who is about same size as me(just over 6-ft w/basketball shoes on), so he came at me, too.
I held my position, drawing a charge. Problem is, he was up so high by the time he reached me, I ended up sort of undercutting him(I was still), he flips over in mid-air, ending up rolling & moaning on the floor, in fetal position. Dude is 6'5", probably weighed 240, or more. I was scared that he broke his back or something at the time(might've, he's got back problems

), but I'm not gonna lie, I smile every time I think about getting almost posterized.
Wow Miami almost blew their win streak against the Cavs and they didn't even have Irving or Waiters, they were down by like 27 at one point but then LeBron took over the game.
Down by 27!? Pathetic, Cavs! Pathetic. Cavs snapping the streak would've been something to see.